Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




Watched this movie last night (free showing), I have to say that I was surprised that I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. Very entertaining.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Just got back from an advanced screening myself and my god was it full of stars.


The Seinfeld scene was particularly out of nowhere (in a movie FULL of out of nowhere parts) and hilarious. Culkin's little brother stole the entire show.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



for those seeing it for the first time theres some in jokes for video game fans.

Spoilers ahoy!

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Damn, couldn't get further than the second post before a spoiler hit?

Looks like I'll need to avoid this thread until tonight. I'm seeing a 6:30 after work.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Damn, couldn't get further than the second post before a spoiler hit?

It's not Inception, I think we all pretty much know how it's going to end, without spoilers.



The end will be different than the series ending.

And how we get there will be different. Just from the one proper name I saw in the spoiler post, I know that wasn't included in the book.

Plus, I'm hoping even people who haven't read the book see the movie.

I'm so excited for it. I'm wearing a Scott Pilgrim shirt that is ridiculously too small for me. But I had to wear it - It's Scott Pilgrim Day!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



If you've got a 360, Chris, theres some new Scott Pilgrim themed Avatar Gear, including a Ramona Flowers costume and Scott Pilgrim costume.



Just got back from seeing and loved it!

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Saw it this afternoon, before The Expendables. I liked it but did not love it, which applies to a lot of movies actually, but this one did do better than most.

I actually found some of the surrounding characters much more interesting than Scott or Ramona. Like the girl with the glasses (Jennifer or Julie, I forget now), the one who "has issues" and apparently has every job, that gag was clever. Also liked Kim the drummer, and Scott's roommate stole practically every scene he was in.

Oh, and "hasbian" made be laugh. Plus the way of defeating her made me laugh again, mainly because it made me think of an ex of MINE who could be "defeated" by touching the back of her neck.



The movie was hilarious from start to finish. Except for the end outcome, it always kept me guessing, and each new surprise came with tons of new laughs.



I saw it this morning and it was the bee's knees. I knew Edgar Wright wouldn't let me down and boy, he did not. I actually kind of loathe Michael Cera outside of Arrested Development and yet he was surprisingly likable in the film.

Good stuff, hilarious from start to finish.



There seemed to be a good 20 minutes at the start of the movie at the screening I was in before the audience understood and accepted cocky idiot Cera over nervous and neurotic Cera. I think the email scene was what did it.

The Culkin roommate seemed to be the first character everyone I was with latched onto. I was seeing the film at a free showing for people who read the Hartford Advocate alternative weekly, so it was a mixed bag. There was only a handful of people in its age group (including myself, my friend, and my brother). There was also a LOT of senior citizens who, as the guy warning us not to film the movie with our cellphones, pointed out come to just about any newspaper screening. There was also a group of deaf people who loved the film.

It was a weird mix and definitely not the usual crowd I see these comic movies with. There were certain points where I cheered and applauded (the Vegan Police) where everyone else just kind of chuckled. And I'm almost certain all the superhero cameos went over their heads.

One thing that united us before the movie won the hearts of the room? The only preview was for the new movie, Devil. As it was a screening by Universal, there were no previews or commercials beforehand, so we were essentially sitting in a quiet theater for a half hour with the lights on. So the preview starts and the crowd settles in. Then the text "From the mind of M Night Shyamalan" flashes across the screen and every single person in that theater, even the employee from Universal there to set up the screening, let out a loud groan.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast




It was a weird mix and definitely not the usual crowd I see these comic movies with. There were certain points where I cheered and applauded (the Vegan Police) where everyone else just kind of chuckled. And I'm almost certain all the superhero cameos went over their heads.
Could you pm me pointing out the cameos? Looking back, I totally see the allusion in the vegan police, but I totally missed those details when I actually saw it.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
One thing that united us before the movie won the hearts of the room? The only preview was for the new movie, Devil. As it was a screening by Universal, there were no previews or commercials beforehand, so we were essentially sitting in a quiet theater for a half hour with the lights on. So the preview starts and the crowd settles in. Then the text "From the mind of M Night Shyamalan" flashes across the screen and every single person in that theater, even the employee from Universal there to set up the screening, let out a loud groan.
I think that is all the audiences that see that preview. Still it has to better then pollen killing us off. Though 'Easy A' seems like a fun one. I may take my floozy of a sister to see that one. Though to be fair I am a bigger floozy then she was.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



The first time I saw the trailer for Devil in a theater, the audience groaned and/or snickered too. However, the last few times I've seen it there's been no reaction. I'm not as fed up with Shyamalan as most, so I'm interested in Devil myself.

Before this movie we got The Switch (bleh whatever) and Devil trailers, and I forget what else. Nothing new.



Awesome, awesome film. Saw it this afternoon with my wife.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




Got back a bit ago. Thinking over it now... I liked it, but it certainly had its flaws. The books were better, and Wright has Michael Comeau say as much during one of the final scenes (when Pilgrim returns after using his extra life).

The film was slight disappointment compared to the books because a) it didn't capture the heart of the books (but did have a heart of its own) and b) much of the story was cut to make room for the fighting. While the fights are and were always going to be the best part of the film, they started to happen more and more quickly with little story in between. By the end, I can imagine people unfamiliar with the book were wondering why Ramona and Scott are together; they never seemed to really share anything in common or had any happiness between them. In the books, you get a sense of their chemistry and love. In the movie? Not so much.

Also, I think Wright's adaptation was a little too faithful. Some of the winding dialogue that worked in the book fell flat in the movie because the scenes ran a little long.

Again, I loved the movie. So much so that I may go see it again before the weekend is out (possibly by myself - The wife wasn't a fan). But it wasn't without some flaws.

I'd even go to say that I fear an audience who isn't familiar with the book just would not have many reasons to like the movie's plot at all. The style of the movie, yes, but the plot and dialogue, perhaps not.

Also... A mediocre turnout at our 6:30 showing. 25% full theater at best. Big bummer.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Sometimes NOT reading the book or series beforehand is the best thing. My BF liked the Percy Jackson Movie and I did not. After he read the series he did not like the movie at all.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Loved it from start to finish. I left that theater with an overwhelming urge to rock out and fight some Psi-Vegans. The "confrontation" with Nega Scott killed me. I am getting the DVD.



LOVED the movie and plan on picking up the comics as soon as I get the chance. We'll see if that affects my future enjoyment of the film version, but I honestly don't think it will negatively impact it much if at all.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Online game servers everywhere must be quiet tonight- that was definitely the geekiest audience I've seen! Everyone loved the film though and cheered at the end.

The movie was a lot of fun, full of funny bits and great little details (one of my favourites was a sound effect from the 1980 Flash Gordon movie). I'm curious to see how it holds up to a second viewing.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post

Got back a bit ago. Thinking over it now... I liked it, but it certainly had its flaws. The books were better, and Wright has Michael Comeau say as much during one of the final scenes (when Pilgrim returns after using his extra life).

The film was slight disappointment compared to the books because a) it didn't capture the heart of the books (but did have a heart of its own) and b) much of the story was cut to make room for the fighting. While the fights are and were always going to be the best part of the film, they started to happen more and more quickly with little story in between. By the end, I can imagine people unfamiliar with the book were wondering why Ramona and Scott are together; they never seemed to really share anything in common or had any happiness between them. In the books, you get a sense of their chemistry and love. In the movie? Not so much.

Also, I think Wright's adaptation was a little too faithful. Some of the winding dialogue that worked in the book fell flat in the movie because the scenes ran a little long.

Again, I loved the movie. So much so that I may go see it again before the weekend is out (possibly by myself - The wife wasn't a fan). But it wasn't without some flaws.

I'd even go to say that I fear an audience who isn't familiar with the book just would not have many reasons to like the movie's plot at all. The style of the movie, yes, but the plot and dialogue, perhaps not.

Also... A mediocre turnout at our 6:30 showing. 25% full theater at best. Big bummer.
You know, I loved the film but wasn't all that crazy about the books. Well, book really, as I've only read the first one. I'm not saying it wasn't good, but it didn't catch my interest enough that I've made a point to buy the other books over some other books I'd like to read. When I have more money to spend or if a friend lends them to me, I'll finish the series off.

Oddly enough, I enjoyed the movie more partially because of Michael Cera. It's good to see him not just utterly being George Michael for a change.



I too loved the movie. I feel like it is an American version of Kung Fu Hustle (in spirit) with the over-the-top action sequences mixed well with the "realer" parts. In fact, I loved how as soon as things seemed to settling into a normal scene or joke, there would be a slight twist (a sound effect or graphic) and it would seem all the more sillier.

The one complaint I had was not directly with the movie: the sound was slightly wobbly, I think in the backing track. So most of the dialogue was fine but some of the sound effects and backgroumd music sounded garbled. For any other movie it probably wouldn't be so bad, but there was a lot of cool backing stuff.

How could I not love a movie that opened with the Universal logo and theme song done in an 8-bit style? AND WITH THE ZELDA MUSIC FROM A LINK TO THE PAST!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
How could I not love a movie that opened with the Universal logo and theme song done in an 8-bit style? AND WITH THE ZELDA MUSIC FROM A LINK TO THE PAST!
THAT IS WHAT IT WAS!! I was trying my best all night to remember which game that came from.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by JeNeSaisQuoi View Post
You know, I loved the film but wasn't all that crazy about the books. Well, book really, as I've only read the first one. I'm not saying it wasn't good, but it didn't catch my interest enough that I've made a point to buy the other books over some other books I'd like to read. When I have more money to spend or if a friend lends them to me, I'll finish the series off.

Oddly enough, I enjoyed the movie more partially because of Michael Cera. It's good to see him not just utterly being George Michael for a change.
I've never minded Cera, but I understand why the majority does. I thought he was mostly good in Scott Pilgrim... Kind of. Scott is a hyperactive, ADD-addled 23-year old. For some reason the movie made him 22, and Cera just can't deliver the "Mymindisrunningsofastbecauseninjasarechasingmeaaa aaahohlookicecream" like the book Scott did. The "defeated" moments that Scott has in the books are pulled off to a tee by Cera, but again, those are his forte.

If you're serious about reading the books, I'd recommend reading through Book 2. Book 1 is determining the setting, and you know how that can go in books. Book 3 is probably my favorite, but I don't think you would need to read that far just to determine if you wanted to continue.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.