Repeal of Doubling Powers? (not quite a doom post)




I'm kind of curious, looking over the fact that side switched ATs in GR are going to be getting a literal rehash of their closest AT equivalent on the opposite side, this means that certain APP/PPPs combined with other sets will now result in the doubling of powers.
The biggest (and possibly most devastating) example will be a dominator's ability to get Power Boost x2.
A lot of this seems to fall over to dominators and their assault sets, but there are others, but this still leads to the question: With the Cottage Rule set in stone, and the VAT APP powers seeming to be the same so close to launch, is this a sign of the devs repealing another rule once set in stone about avoiding a single character's ability to get two of the same power?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



IIRC they changed some of the powers.

Not completely sure about Power boost, but I know for brutes and stalks, instead of conserve power in the body mastery, they get some auto power that grants 5 extra endurance.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



There have been changes made to Dominator's APP's so they aren't direct copies of Controller's APP's. Powerboost and Energy Blast are both replaced with, I believe, Energy Transfer and Explosive Blast. This information is on the closed beta boards, which I understand people may not have access to yet.

Controllers on the other hand do still have PFF available through Mace Mastery. I would guess that will be changed some time down the line and advise people to avoid taking it for the time being.

Here's the post from the beta boards that has compiled the list:

Originally Posted by Funk_X View Post
Trying to compile a list of powers for the hero patrons. If you have a hero that has moved to red side, if you could run through the patron arc to see what powers are available it would be much appreciated.

For those of you new to red side, once your hero is 41 and in grandville, the contact is outside of the main tower. Black Scorpion's arc is fairly fast and easy.

Here's a thread with the epics available for villains, but haven't seen any info on the patron powers that heroes get.

*thx to family stone for this list*


Ice Mastery

1) Sleet
2) Hibernate
3) Frozen Armor
4) Hoarfrost
5) Ice Storm

Fire mastery

1) Rain of Fire
2) Fireball
3) Fire Shield
4) Rise of the Phoenix
5) Melt Armor

Primal Forces Mastery

1) Energy Transfer
2) Conserve Power
3) Temp Invulnerability
4) Energy Torrent
5) Explosive Blast

Psionic Mastery

1) Link Minds
2) Indomitable Will
3) Mind over Body
4) World of Confusion
5) Psionic Tornado


Chill Mastery

1) Ice Blast
2) Flash Freeze
3) Hoarfrost
4) Frozen Armor
5) Hibernate

Charge Mastery

1) Static Discharge
2) Electric Shackles
3) Thunder Strike
4) Surge of Power
5) Em Pulse

Heat Mastery

1) Bonfire
2) Fireblast
3) Fireball
4) Char
5) Rise of the Phoenix

Field Mastery

1) Temp Invulnerability
2) Power Blast
3) Energy Torrent
4) Explosive Blast
5) Force of Nature


Blaze Mastery

1) Ring of Fire
2) Char
3) Fireblast
4) Melt Armor
5) Fireball

Body Mastery

1) Superior Conditioning
2) Focused Accuracy
3) Lazer Beam Eyes
4) Physical Perfection
5) Energy Torrent

Darkness Mastery

1) Torrent
2) Petrifying Gaze
3) Dark Blast
4) Night Fall
5) Tenebrous Tentacles

Weapon Mastery

1) Web Grenade
2) Physical Perfection
3) Shuriken
4) Targeting Drone
5) Exploding Shuriken


Dark Mastery

1) Oppressive Gloom
2) Dark Consumption
3) Dark Embrace
4) Soul Transfer
5) Soul Drain

Power Mastery

1) Conserve Power
2) Power Build up
3) Temp Invulnerability
4) Force of Nature
5) Total Focus

Psychic Mastery

1) Dominate
2) Mass Hypnosis
3) Mind over Body
4) World of Confusion
5) Telekinesis

Electricity Mastery

1) Electric Fence
2) Thunder Strike
3) Charged Armor
4) Shocking Bolt
5) Power Sink


Energy Mastery

1) Superior Conditioning
2) Focused Accuracy
3) Lazer Beam Eyes
4) Physical Perfection
5) Energy Torrent

Pyre Mastery

1) Ring of Fire
2) Char
3) Fireblast
4) Melt Armor
5) Fireball

Arctic Mastery

1) Chilblain
2) Block of Ice
3) Ice blast
4) Shiver
5) Ice Storm

Earth Mastery

1) Stone Prison
2) Salt Crystals
3) Fossilize
4) Quick Sand
5) Stalagmites



Dominators are getting rain of fire?! SWEEET!



Oh god, I laughed at the Mastermind APP "Chill Mastery". "I'm a Mastermind, and I know how to just chiiiiill. "



Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
Dominators are getting rain of fire?! SWEEET!
And fireball. So a */Fire/Fire Dom will have Combustion, Fire Breath, Fire Ball and Rain of Fire, along with a 30sec duration "old" Firey Embrace.



Ohmahgod. Doms with Rain of Fire and Fireball and Melt Armor? I guess a million and a half corruptors and brutes aren't the only things I'll be bringing hero side...



Originally Posted by runt9 View Post
Ohmahgod. Doms with Rain of Fire and Fireball and Melt Armor? I guess a million and a half corruptors and brutes aren't the only things I'll be bringing hero side...
Yeah the idea has me already planning to sacrifice my current softcapped Fire/Fire/Mace dom for all that extra AoE.



Originally Posted by runt9 View Post
Ohmahgod. Doms with Rain of Fire and Fireball and Melt Armor? I guess a million and a half corruptors and brutes aren't the only things I'll be bringing hero side...
You won't have to go heroside to gain access to the APPs. You are certainly welcome to though. All ATs (except the VEAT/HEATs) gain access to APPs at level 41. Enjoy.

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
Can we see what the blueside archetypes are getting from ppp?

Yes. Paragonwiki has been updated.

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



Well, I had originally planned to make new Corruptors and Brutes, and maybe a couple masterminds as Praetorians and bring them hero side because I love villain ATs, but hate the Rogue Isles, and as such, won't play red side. Now with Doms having awesome power pool choices, I just might have to make a couple doms as well. But yeah, I know that they're unlocked at 41 whether you're a hero or not, I just meant that in the grand scheme of things, I'll be bringing some Doms along as my Praetorian group as well.




Okay, correct me if I misunderstand this: Villains will be able to get access to both APP's and PPP's. But Heroes will only be able to access APP's.

(Because, in order to get access to PPP's you have to get the appropriate badge, which you can only get by becoming a villain.)

Obviously some strange, new definition of "parity" that I've been previously unaware of.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post

Okay, correct me if I misunderstand this: Villains will be able to get access to both APP's and PPP's. But Heroes will only be able to access APP's.

(Because, in order to get access to PPP's you have to get the appropriate badge, which you can only get by becoming a villain.)

Obviously some strange, new definition of "parity" that I've been previously unaware of.
Didn't you hear? The devs hate heroes.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Didn't you hear? The devs hate heroes.
Now, now, be nice. Gate, hero origin ATs get access to Patron sets too... check out that wiki page that got linked earlier.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Gate, hero origin ATs get access to Patron sets too... check out that wiki page that got linked earlier.
I did. Like I said, and the following quote from the article confirms, Heroes don't get access to PPP's.

Patron Power Pools are still unlocked by the badge that comes from completing an Arachnos Patron's first arc. Only Villains can access that arc. Therefore, any Hero, Vigilante, or Rogue that wishes to have access to the Patron Power Pools, must first become a Villain and complete that arc.

OK, OK, I'm splitting hairs on what constitutes a "Hero." But the bottom line is, if any of my blueside toons want access to PPP's, I gotta turn to the dark side, at least temporarily. At that point, that toon is no longer a hero, s/he is a villain. Even if s/he redeems hirself and goes back to blue [once you go blue, you're always true ] doesn't change the fact that s/he could only get access to PPP's as a villain only. Redside AT's don't have to go blue to get access to APP's.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Hrm. Should Blasters really get access to Night Fall and to a lesser extent Soul Tentacles? Those are just going to cause headaches when Blasters finally get Dark Blast.
And Scrapper Hibernate.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Hrm. Should Blasters really get access to Night Fall and to a lesser extent Soul Tentacles? Those are just going to cause headaches when Blasters finally get Dark Blast.

That says blasters either aren't getting Dark Blast, or they are getting a reworked version of it like Psychic Blast.

My money is actually on them not getting it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
OK, OK, I'm splitting hairs on what constitutes a "Hero." But the bottom line is, if any of my blueside toons want access to PPP's, I gotta turn to the dark side, at least temporarily. At that point, that toon is no longer a hero, s/he is a villain. Even if s/he redeems hirself and goes back to blue [once you go blue, you're always true ] doesn't change the fact that s/he could only get access to PPP's as a villain only. Redside AT's don't have to go blue to get access to APP's.
Frankly, I welcome this detail. Villains have been shafted in so many other ways in the past and stuck through it that I don't mind one bit that Heroes aren't having something handed to them on a silver platter.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Frankly, I welcome this detail. Villains have been shafted in so many other ways in the past and stuck through it that I don't mind one bit that Heroes aren't having something handed to them on a silver platter.
Sure, but calling it "parity" is pretty much a lie.

They don't get equal access to the pools.

You have to run an arc to get access to Patron pools, which a Hero has to do a LOT more work to do.

Also, does anyone know if side-switching prevents you from ever getting Hero/Villain merits?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Also, does anyone know if side-switching prevents you from ever getting Hero/Villain merits?
Side switching does not restrict who can earn Alignment Merits. Any Hero or Villain can earn them regardless of any previous Alignment status. Say you take your Peacebringer redside and become a Villain. You will be able to earn Villain Merits with that character.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Sure, but calling it "parity" is pretty much a lie.

They don't get equal access to the pools.

You have to run an arc to get access to Patron pools, which a Hero has to do a LOT more work to do.

Also, does anyone know if side-switching prevents you from ever getting Hero/Villain merits?
Im sorry for the last however many years you were spoiled by not having to earn your APPs. Since us redside players have had to work for our PPP's, its nothing new. The fact of the matter is PPPs have actual concept behind them. They arent powers that magically become available to you, you must earn the right to use them. By doing the arc, you are gaining the trust (and later betraying it, of course) of the keeper of the power.

Im amazed heroes are complaining. The PPPs available to heroes are much better put together than most the APP's for villains. Most redside APPs dont offer much/anything that would make me want to go with them. Doms the major exception, what with all the aoe madness. Masterminds have some nice stuff too, but still. They should have focused more on providing equal desirability.



Originally Posted by RabidBrian View Post
Im amazed heroes are complaining. The PPPs available to heroes are much better put together than most the APP's for villains. Most redside APPs dont offer much/anything that would make me want to go with them. Doms the major exception, what with all the aoe madness. Masterminds have some nice stuff too, but still. They should have focused more on providing equal desirability.
I don't know... I can easily see some Brutes taking a long look at Energy Mastery. And I've got at least one that I'm planning to go for Pyre Mastery for theme purposes.

Brutes will only be missing the AoE Immobilize they are used to... which I think we can get over.

Corruptors shouldn't have any problems with their APPs... At least, no more than Defenders had with them. Heck, Corruptors may even be able to use the melee attacks to greater effect than the Defenders can.

Stalkers... okay, they got stuck with the Scrapper pools, which weren't very good or useful in the first place. Sucks.

Masterminds got... weird stuff. Not all sets have an armor, the armors are in different places in the pools that do have them... too many attacks, to many soft controls, and powers that induce scattering. Not to mention the god mode powers and the self rez... both of which are exceptionally poor fits on a Mastermind.

Dominators... well, they should be loving their APPs, and all the AoE they will now have access to.

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