Repeal of Doubling Powers? (not quite a doom post)




Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
I don't know... I can easily see some Brutes taking a long look at Energy Mastery. And I've got at least one that I'm planning to go for Pyre Mastery for theme purposes.
Energy mastery has one worthwhile power, physical perfection. SC is crap, LBE is crap (looks cool though,) and energy torrent? Pyre mastery looks alright but, theme aside, why would I ever choose pyre over soul? Very similar set up, but soul mastery blows it out of the water.
Masterminds got... weird stuff. Not all sets have an armor, the armors are in different places in the pools that do have them... too many attacks, to many soft controls, and powers that induce scattering. Not to mention the god mode powers and the self rez... both of which are exceptionally poor fits on a Mastermind.
I disagree. The mm APPs are poor fits only in a balance sense, and only because they look overpowering. I agree about the weird placement of powers, but it kinda makes them more interesting. And I will certainly agree the self rez is an absolute joke. There is no way anyone is going to convince me any actual thought went into that power choice. Let me self rez mid mob, and attempt to call back all my henchmen, buff em up (dont forget all the single target shield buffs we get too) and be set to go before the mobs stun wears off. Oh and do it all with half endurance. Oh and I only have to take 3 powers prior to getting this JEWEL.



Originally Posted by RabidBrian View Post
Let me self rez mid mob, and attempt to call back all my henchmen, buff em up (dont forget all the single target shield buffs we get too) and be set to go before the mobs stun wears off. Oh and do it all with half endurance.
Or you could use that mag-4 stun and 10 seconds of Untouchable to lose aggro, set up, and go back.

Hold it... An alternate idea? One that isn't yours? Something different from what you'd prefer? It may be some form of blasphemy, but I'm gonna stick with it!



I think it also has quite a bit to do with the devs assuming that most people will still play in paragon city over the rogue isles. Forcing you to side switch to get ppps just seems like a good way to throw in a little incentive bc you need the badge to get access anyway.



Maybe the Hero Patrons need to stop being sticks in the mud and teach me their secrets.

I wanna Zeus Punch too...



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Or you could use that mag-4 stun and 10 seconds of Untouchable to lose aggro, set up, and go back.

Hold it... An alternate idea? One that isn't yours? Something different from what you'd prefer? It may be some form of blasphemy, but I'm gonna stick with it!

Gee, you know what else I could do, if I want to drop the agro?

Go to the Hospital.

The only practical purpose of a Self Rez is to get you back into combat RIGHT NOW.

Masterminds can not set up again in 10 seconds, since all their pets died with them. And there is no guarantee that Rise hits everything that I would need stunned to escape.

I can sort of see what the Devs were thinking... but I have a problem as all I can come up for having this power is to rez, and immediately try to make a fighting retreat from anything that Rise didn't hit. That is a failure of the Self Rez concept, and probably be reconsidered.

I have a similar problem with the God Modes provided. What purpose will those provide? The ability to last a little longer in melee against powerful or numerous enemies?

That fails on several levels. What purpose does a Mastermind have in deliberately getting up in somethings face? They don't get any Melee attacks of value. Even Demon Summoners don't have to get right up next to enemies. If they enemies are too numerous, then the pets will die fast, and the Mastermind being strong won't help at that point.

These kind of powers made sense on the Blasters - near-suicidal damage dealers that they are, anyway. They do NOT mesh with the Masterminds.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Actually, OneWhoBinds, RotP should make you literally invincible for 10 seconds in addition to an auto-hit mag 4 stun on everything within a chunky radius. The only exceptions I've noticed are on the very rare occasion when some lightning-fast strike re-kills me a split second after I activate RotP, when there's a slight gap/glitch and the untouchability doesn't kick in yet. While a MM would still have to go through the rather lengthy process of re-summoning and re-buffing their henchmen, they have at least 10 seconds of untouchability to make a clean get-away and set up from behind cover to return fully charged. You still have to go through the setup timesink, but in many/most cases that time delay would still be far less than running from the hospital back to that point in the mission. Probably not a power you would want, but it could serve useful purposes.

Also, God Mode powers seem pretty awesome on a lot of Masterminds. They may not fit with your standard playstyle, but two of my masterminds have and use Provoke regularly, relying on their debuffs and Bodyguard mode to survive and tank quite well while their pets are standing back out of AoE range so that they only take their 1/8th splash damage from Bodyguard mode. On such a Tankermind, having capped resistances on top of Bodyguard mode would result in frighteningly massive durability, making it incredibly easy to stand up against outrageous hordes with ease. Alternatively, they could provide a massive safety blanket if things are turning sour and your pets/teammates are fading fast. Still don't know what epic pool my MMs will decide on, but these sound intriguing.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



The only part of that which saddens me is that the Epic ATs don't get access to any new PPPs or APPs. This is fairly disheartening to my Warshade. I was hoping to go Villain and get access to some variation in powers through PPPs, even if APPs were never unlocked for them.

I do understand why. It's hard to find something to round them out when they're already fairly well rounded.