Added Issue 18 Tanker ability: Bruising




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I'm curious to see what the new endgame brings for us. It may be that the challenges will call for greater survivability and need what Tankers can give more easily. I only hope this is the case, and not more instances like the end of the STF where you need to be well beyond the defense softcap and at the resist caps to take on Recluse fully buffed. Most tanks need inspirations or a little help to do that. I'm not sure what the midground is on that, but STF is not it.
To date, almost all of the dev's 'challenging content' has been like that. The STF, Reichsman's stuns and damage, etc. Now they promise content that's even harder. Forget midground, I suspect Recluse on the STF will be on the lower end of the new stuff.

Regarding softcapping Defense: I suspect any new enemies we'll be facing will heavily debuff Defense to counter that. The irony I see in that is, a lot of times that doesn't bother the softcappers and hurts people with only a medium level of Defence first; the first couple of -Def attacks hit, and then more land and stack causing Defense to cascade down to nothing. Meanwihle someone with high defense may never get hit with the -Def, or not hit often enough to start the cascade past the tipping point. Cimerorans do that. I've watched Invul Tankers without Tough or softcapped Defense get chewed up by them at the wall while a Scrapper who's softcapped but with much less HP and resistance walk away nearly untouched.

Castle may be willing to live with everyone having the same softcap, but he better have something planned to deal with situations like the above.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
To date, almost all of the dev's 'challenging content' has been like that. The STF, Reichsman's stuns and damage, etc. Now they promise content that's even harder. Forget midground, I suspect Recluse on the STF will be on the lower end of the new stuff.

Regarding softcapping Defense: I suspect any new enemies we'll be facing will heavily debuff Defense to counter that. The irony I see in that is, a lot of times that doesn't bother the softcappers and hurts people with only a medium level of Defence first; the first couple of -Def attacks hit, and then more land and stack causing Defense to cascade down to nothing. Meanwihle someone with high defense may never get hit with the -Def, or not hit often enough to start the cascade past the tipping point. Cimerorans do that. I've watched Invul Tankers without Tough or softcapped Defense get chewed up by them at the wall while a Scrapper who's softcapped but with much less HP and resistance walk away nearly untouched.

Castle may be willing to live with everyone having the same softcap, but he better have something planned to deal with situations like the above.

And, thus, JB shows he does not understand defense.

Unless an enemy is defeated quickly and is in small, manageable numbers, the softcap is much less powerful unless there is DDR to back it up.

Try softcapping a fire or dark tank, and see how well it stands up in a heavy defense debuffing situation.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Ummm...what? Controller AoEs are indeed limited to a maximum number of opponents.
Well then... Ignore me.

I was probably getting my history or MMO's mixed up again.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
The experimental change that was made (and cancelled) was a slight buff to Brute resist powers, but a reduction of their resist cap to 85%.

So, in everyday solo play (outside of Granite) brutes would be more durable, but less durable than tanks in resist-buffing situations.

Again, that change is not going live; nothing has changed for brute survivability.
Okay, good to know. Thanks. How much do the Fury changes really affect things for Brutes? I can't really tell well enough if it makes things a little tougher for them offensively, or not (the lowering of Fury degredation along with other adjustments make them sound more consistent, which is probably good for them). Sounds like it some from a thread I'm seeing on the Brute forums, since the people saying they're okay with it, etc., have pretty good judgement from other posts I've seen by them.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
With the buffs to Tanker, and the "re-balance" to Brutes, I feel they should be on more equal terms now. Before Brutes were simply numerically superior to both Scrappers and Tankers. I considered this to be a problem with the Brute AT rather than a deficiency in the Tanker AT, so I've never felt like Tankers were under-performing, just that Brutes were too powerful.
I would agree with that. Tanks needed a little something to make them better solo (and bosses were the main thing that slowed down my Tanks when soloing, Bruising helps there), but the issue was more that Brutes had so much offensive capabilities along with high resist/defense caps.

I don't think they gap was as big as some people suggested, but you couldn't ignore the numbers, either. Hopefully this will make things better for Tanks and Brutes together (and Scrappers, too, though they're quite well off).


Johnny, Castle distinctly said he wished there had been a change to the defense softcap way back in I8 or so, but it didn't happen, so he would have to live with it. The player reaction to a change in the softcap for people now would be enormous, making your disgruntlement on the issue seem as nothing. Castle recognizes this and isn't going to make the change: just make sure things like BotZ didn't make it too easy to get there.

I do hope they get more creative with some encounters, though. I can see AOEs and cones for AVs being one thing that they could do (where a control of the AV's aggro makes a difference... unlike Scirocco's dratted sandstorm twister attack)... some already have these, and having a tank (or brute) control these is a good way to make aggro control needed, without necessarily making the damage overwhelming like Recluse buffed by all his towers.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Personally, I've always thought it ridiculous that every AT can get to the softcap, just like Tanks, and that Brutes were allowed to have their resist caps be the same as Tanks. And it's nothing against other ATs... I have a lot of non-Tank alts (and I'm keen on trying Brutes without being a villain). It just seems to make more sense for balance to portion things out differently.
I always thought this was strange, as well. It's just too easy for everyone to hit softcap Def. More than anything, I think this was the biggest game changer for Tanks.



let it go, like healbots, Tanks just arent useful in this game.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
let it go, like healbots, Tanks just arent useful in this game.
God you are STILL whining about that.



this change makes me very happy indeed

not just my main but all the future tanks i have planned aswell

as for brutes ruining things? eish folks...

use them as off-tanks. problems solved



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
The Issue 18 NDA was lifted today, so here's a new inherent ability that will be possessed by all Tankers: Bruising

The Bruising effect is added to all Tanker secondary tier-1 powers. When a tier-1 power hits an enemy, a 20% resistable damage resistance debuff is applied to that enemy for 10 seconds. Only one debuff as the result of this effect can be active on a target at any given time, even if multiple Tankers are attacking them. However, the durations of separate applications are allowed to overlap. So it's possible for even a single Tanker to keep the debuff going as long as they hit the enemy with their tier-1 power at least once every 10 seconds.

As an added bonus, the Tanker maximum health multiplier has been increased from 2 to 2.2. This means that at level 50, a Tanker's maximum health when buffed increases from 3213 to 3534.
Here's my unsolicited feelings about these changes:

-Our secondary power sets are treated once more like our primary, HPs are our secondary power set, and our primaries are like power pools.

-Sounds like we are being told that we are not playing correctly with the devs toys. <paraphrase>"Why aren't you guys using your tier 1 attacks?"</paraphrase>

With GR, I will probably never make another tank. Still have over half my character slots filled by tanks, but every other month I delete one or two of them because they just aren't any fun to play anymore.

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Just give tanks a 4.1 threat modifier, haha.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



For me, this change will work out. I was a little surprised it was needed, but I can see the reasons why.

I've competed with brutes on my tanks numerous times in ITF and LGTF and never came out short. Sometimes I've waited for the brute to go in first and take the alpha before taking the aggro from them. The brute is at max fury and half hits when I come in to save the day. Mightily heroic! I may nor be able to take all the aggro, but I don't want that - just enough so the brute survives.

The brute may defense buff as well as the tank, but this is countered by the fact that tanks damage buff as well as brutes. The base damage multiple is about the same. Add Fulcrum Shift, and its only the damage cap that differentiates a brute and a tank.

Getting a buff to my tier-1 is not a problem, as I always use this one. If you study damage/activation and damage/cycle, you'll notice that with a few exceptions, higher-tier attacks are not inherently superior - they hit harder, but also slower. Not only slower recharge but also slower activation. And on a team with multiple tanks, it is generally a good idea for the tanks to spread out and not hit the same target. Heck, there is a point with a single tank spreading attacks over several targets, especially at low levels, to grab aggro. All of this increases the viability of bruising.

Finally, this helps where tanks hurt the most - soloing and at lower levels. Tanking before level 20 is a pain. You do defender damage. You cannot grab aggro, and if you do, you cannot take it. Bruising will help a bit with this.

On defense caps, defense debuff resists matter a lot. Super Reflexes can get over 90% on this, while Shield tansk only get to around 50%. Add this to the effect of softcaps - fewer hits mean fewer debuffs. I've seen SR survive better than Shield tanks in ITF. On the other hand To-Hit bonuses, like Nemeis and DE have, strike all defense equally.



Originally Posted by HeavyTank View Post
this change makes me very happy indeed

not just my main but all the future tanks i have planned aswell

as for brutes ruining things? eish folks...

use them as off-tanks. problems solved
It's just a shame I've seen and participated in discussions stating that off-tanks are useless, hopefully using Brutes as off-tanks will solve this debate, but when people start to argue in global channels that having an extra tank in STF (With the GW AI bug/flaw as well.) is completely redundant, which I do not believe, personally my tanker can and does farm, and sometimes I'll find a group with a tank and join as my tanker and contribute the damage without being requested to switch to my scrapper or my defender (although my defender is an aggressive build, and I frequently switch from my tanker to defender during Non-TF AV fights because of how insane rad/sonic stacks debuffs is far more effective than simply switching to a AT with more damage than tanker)

I'm not saying off-tanks are a bad idea, in-fact I heavily support the use of them, especially in Mo attempts, but there are still a lot of people who'll deny an off-tank/second-tank a spot in a team because they want a blaster or an extra debuffer (Most teams blueside and co-op TFs seem to have at least two debuffers, but after a certain point if the ratio to damageAT:debuffAT is too far towards debuff the debuffers become redundant, while a group can function fine with only one debuffer and depending on the consistency of high damage without any.)

At the moment I'm "Waiting to see." but in fact I'm tempted to bring my tanker over to redside, because I've personally found that Ice/Ice generates and holds far more aggro than any Brute I've teamed with, without spamming taunt. (2x aggro toggles, EA's taunt, FA's taunt, and Ice Patch with slows for "You're not leaving my taunt radius" effect.)

But I do find that the most likely case is that Stalker and Scrapper places in teams (especially Mo attempts) will dwindle in favour of one Tanker and one Brute due to the fact that brutes will be less likely to faceplant, however, counteracting my own point, it is much easier to pull aggro from Scrappers and Stalkers who go "out of depth" than it is to pull off Brutes, whether the scrappers/stalkers live long enough to warn the tank of the mistake as opposed to a brutes ability to "deal with it." longer, is anyones guess to make.

And contributing to the topic of Bruise, Bruise will actually assist the Brute in your team because when max-Fury'd that -Res is going to cause a greater constant damage upon upkeep (for example in really basic numbers, a tanker hitting 100 +20 from bruise opposed to a Brute hitting 200 +40 from bruise, the Brute will actually benefit from being teamed with a Tanker.) I'm sure Brutes that want to tank will argue that having a Tanker with them is going be of benefit to them (Even if they request that the Tanker becomes the off-tank.)



Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
Guess I need to go find a new favorite AT.

Tankers didn't lose anything dude. Why are you complaining about a free buff? It's not like they said 'you'll get this nifty new toy but you'll lose 30% of X'.

Complaining about a free buff with no counter balance is like complaining about free icecream. go cry in a corner while secretly still eating your free ice cream because honestly, nobody cares.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
And, thus, JB shows he does not understand defense.

Unless an enemy is defeated quickly and is in small, manageable numbers, the softcap is much less powerful unless there is DDR to back it up.

Try softcapping a fire or dark tank, and see how well it stands up in a heavy defense debuffing situation.
Johnny understands defense just fine. You however appear to have missed his point.

They can't debuff you if they can't hit you in the first place.

And while you are right that Defense does a lot better when it has Defense Debuff Resistance to back it up, everything Johnny said in his post is correct. I've seen it with my own eyes too.

You are correct that Defense works better when it is backed up by DDR, but Johnny is also correct. Characters with mid-range or low Defense get their Defense quickly striped away from them by Debuffers. Characters who are soft-capped don't get hit with those debuff attacks nearly as often. And when they do it happens infrequently enough that they are usually able to do something about it.

Which is, after all, the point behind being at the soft-cap in the first place.



Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
Johnny understands defense just fine. You however appear to have missed his point.

They can't debuff you if they can't hit you in the first place.

And while you are right that Defense does a lot better when it has Defense Debuff Resistance to back it up, everything Johnny said in his post is correct. I've seen it with my own eyes too.

You are correct that Defense works better when it is backed up by DDR, but Johnny is also correct. Characters with mid-range or low Defense get their Defense quickly striped away from them by Debuffers. Characters who are soft-capped don't get hit with those debuff attacks nearly as often. And when they do it happens infrequently enough that they are usually able to do something about it.

Which is, after all, the point behind being at the soft-cap in the first place.
They can always hit you.

A group of ten minions would, on average, hit once every two volleys. If they're using machine guns with a 7.5% defense debuff, you are going to cascade quickly.

Or, try asking someone like Dechs how long his softcapped defense lasts on the ITF.

The softcap is great, make no mistake, but it is nowhere near as powerful as JB is making it out to be.

For the record, I have a level 50 AR/EM blaster who is softcapped to ranged attacks.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by sturm375 View Post
Here's my unsolicited feelings about these changes:

-Our secondary power sets are treated once more like our primary, HPs are our secondary power set, and our primaries are like power pools.

-Sounds like we are being told that we are not playing correctly with the devs toys. <paraphrase>"Why aren't you guys using your tier 1 attacks?"</paraphrase>

With GR, I will probably never make another tank. Still have over half my character slots filled by tanks, but every other month I delete one or two of them because they just aren't any fun to play anymore.
I am... confuzzled to say the least by this. Our secondary sets are being treated like our primary? What do you mean? Not even sure what you mean by HPs, since that has always been an advantage that Tanks have.

With Bruising, the devs are acknowledging that we have to take that first attack, and that it is potentially a bad thing that many Tankers neglect that attack at later levels (I do not usually, but I know some do: in fact, I'm reworking my main Tanker's build to slot his first tier attack better than it is now). They're now buffing a power that we have to give, helping out our ability to solo, and also allowing us to give more to a team.

In short, Tanks received a few buffs with this issue, and that means you are deleting yours? That is the most confusing thing about all of this. You list off a lot of benefits, and then take them in a negative direction!

Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
let it go, like healbots, Tanks just arent useful in this game.
? Where are there healbots in this game? Are you talking about geniuses that spam their healing aura and think they're helping the team? Empathy/Pain Domination is the closest thing we have to a healing set, but that's hardly what it is about, and that's only one tier of powers that a character will have access to.

I won't even get into your "mention" of Tanks, either, as that's even worse.

For the whole defense debuffing thing, I honestly wonder if melee ATs, or at least Tanks and Brutes, should get some inherent defense debuff resistance. There are a lot of such debuffs in the game, and they're the mostly like to need that defense in a situation with a lot of defense debuffs. I would also guess we're going to see more of such debuffs as well.

If we can't adjust the defense softcap, that would be one way to address the equal benefits a Blaster receives from being at the same levels of defense as my Tank, Scrapper, etc.

Just throwing it out there. I know defense caps are only so great from experience. My experience with SR and Ninjitsu, as well as soloing Blasters, has shown me how hit or miss defense can be (ha, ha). I'm still annoyed at how many purples my Blaster had to keep eating when he soloed the EB version of Silver Mantis. However, I still have to acknowledge defense is very nice.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I am... confuzzled to say the least by this. Our secondary sets are being treated like our primary? What do you mean? Not even sure what you mean by HPs, since that has always been an advantage that Tanks have.

With Bruising, the devs are acknowledging that we have to take that first attack, and that it is potentially a bad thing that many Tankers neglect that attack at later levels (I do not usually, but I know some do: in fact, I'm reworking my main Tanker's build to slot his first tier attack better than it is now). They're now buffing a power that we have to give, helping out our ability to solo, and also allowing us to give more to a team.

In short, Tanks received a few buffs with this issue, and that means you are deleting yours? That is the most confusing thing about all of this. You list off a lot of benefits, and then take them in a negative direction!

? Where are there healbots in this game? Are you talking about geniuses that spam their healing aura and think they're helping the team? Empathy/Pain Domination is the closest thing we have to a healing set, but that's hardly what it is about, and that's only one tier of powers that a character will have access to.

I won't even get into your "mention" of Tanks, either, as that's even worse.

For the whole defense debuffing thing, I honestly wonder if melee ATs, or at least Tanks and Brutes, should get some inherent defense debuff resistance. There are a lot of such debuffs in the game, and they're the mostly like to need that defense in a situation with a lot of defense debuffs. I would also guess we're going to see more of such debuffs as well.

If we can't adjust the defense softcap, that would be one way to address the equal benefits a Blaster receives from being at the same levels of defense as my Tank, Scrapper, etc.

Just throwing it out there. I know defense caps are only so great from experience. My experience with SR and Ninjitsu, as well as soloing Blasters, has shown me how hit or miss defense can be (ha, ha). I'm still annoyed at how many purples my Blaster had to keep eating when he soloed the EB version of Silver Mantis. However, I still have to acknowledge defense is very nice.
Been deleting them long before I heard about these buffs. Just tired of meatshielding. Just doesn't seem very comic booky to me.

Why you ask that I think our secondary is treated like a primary? Well, we have gauntlet, based on using our secondary, no other inherent power is based on using an AT's secondary powersets. Now we get a second inherent that again is based on 1 power in our secondary.

Don't get me wrong, they are OK buffs. I'd be more excited about these buffs if we ever actually got an official statement from Castle or Posi that it was indeed a mistake to make a defensive primary AT in the beginning of development, and all these band-aids are trying to rectify the situation. Until that official statement is made I assume that having a defensive primary ought to mean something. In actual game play (well 95% or more of it) it's a crutch at best.

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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
They can always hit you.

A group of ten minions would, on average, hit once every two volleys. If they're using machine guns with a 7.5% defense debuff, you are going to cascade quickly.

Or, try asking someone like Dechs how long his softcapped defense lasts on the ITF.

The softcap is great, make no mistake, but it is nowhere near as powerful as JB is making it out to be.

For the record, I have a level 50 AR/EM blaster who is softcapped to ranged attacks.
Just a side point: I remember seeing a buff to DDR as part of some Incarnate abilities. No saying at this point what the trade off for that is, however.




Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Well then... Ignore me.

I was probably getting my history or MMO's mixed up again.
I could as a Mind Controller control perhaps maybe 66 npcs at once at a rough guess. Out of them 17 will want me dead afterwards and the entire rest would ignore me unless one of those 17 died. That's what I thought ya was kind of referring to.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by sturm375 View Post
Why you ask that I think our secondary is treated like a primary? Well, we have gauntlet, based on using our secondary, no other inherent power is based on using an AT's secondary powersets.
Defenders inherent after i18 will be based (mostly) of their secondary, just like Tanker's.



Originally Posted by Starfox_EU View Post
Defenders inherent after i18 will be based (mostly) of their secondary, just like Tanker's.
Huh? Will there be a change to the new Vigilance with I18? Because it's already based on their secondary, doing more damage solo and up to two teammates.



This means that Ace will become even more powerful? inconceivable!

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
They can always hit you.

A group of ten minions would, on average, hit once every two volleys. If they're using machine guns with a 7.5% defense debuff, you are going to cascade quickly.

Or, try asking someone like Dechs how long his softcapped defense lasts on the ITF.

The softcap is great, make no mistake, but it is nowhere near as powerful as JB is making it out to be.

For the record, I have a level 50 AR/EM blaster who is softcapped to ranged attacks.
You can pre-use a purple inspiration in situations like that; I have a dominator who's softcapped to Smashing/Lethal, and I can take out an entire spawn of wall cimerorans just using brawl and boxing if I've used an inspiration. The defense debuff usually wears off before the next one hits you.

You're right though, you can still get really unlucky; once in a while I just die suddenly without any warning.

Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)

Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)



Originally Posted by Tsuji View Post
I have a dominator who's softcapped to Smashing/Lethal, and I can take out an entire spawn of wall cimerorans just using brawl and boxing if I've used an inspiration.
I would LOVE to see that demo record! No control powers, just his defense, brawl and boxing vs the wall of cimerorans!!! That would certainly be epic!!!



Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
This means that Ace will become even more powerful? inconceivable!

I don't think that means what ... ehhh, you've heard it before.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy