Massively interviews War Witch at SDCC
I was interested in this pic, and concept:
ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-
Beatiful Praetorian Ghost Widow
Like most of what I read, but so far the cutscenes in game have been unimpressive IMO. Hopefully they will have improved them for GR.
Golden Girl jumps guns: You'll be joining the Resistance in GR? ![]() |

Dec out.
Hey, now! I think Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS is hot, but it doesn't mean I want to join the Nazi party.
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"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
I don't like the we make our decisions prior to the mission commencing. I was hoping for more in mission on the fly decisions like we saw with saving/leaving the clone and robbing/not robbing the bank in the i17 batch.
More realtime decision making rather than pre-planned and formulated. As of now I decide my actions well in advance of me making my actions. So if I decide to take out Bella, but then when I encounter her I'm overwhelmed by her allure and decide to join her. IMO a big part of being a super powered being is the ability to drastically alter lives with a split second decision.
I don't like the we make our decisions prior to the mission commencing. I was hoping for more in mission on the fly decisions like we saw with saving/leaving the clone and robbing/not robbing the bank in the i17 batch.
More realtime decision making rather than pre-planned and formulated. As of now I decide my actions well in advance of me making my actions. So if I decide to take out Bella, but then when I encounter her I'm overwhelmed by her allure and decide to join her. IMO a big part of being a super powered being is the ability to drastically alter lives with a split second decision. |
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I just love the screenshoot.
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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I wonder if they will make it so people who have to rescue Statesman don't see him where he stands around all day.
If you ignore a player will they not appear on screen for you in the future to?
I don't like the we make our decisions prior to the mission commencing. I was hoping for more in mission on the fly decisions like we saw with saving/leaving the clone and robbing/not robbing the bank in the i17 batch.
More realtime decision making rather than pre-planned and formulated. As of now I decide my actions well in advance of me making my actions. So if I decide to take out Bella, but then when I encounter her I'm overwhelmed by her allure and decide to join her. IMO a big part of being a super powered being is the ability to drastically alter lives with a split second decision. |
Originally Posted by War Witch
We also have phasing contacts -- so, for example, in this mission if Belladonna was standing on this street corner and you took her down, from then on she's gone [for that character]. But another player might see her, because that player hasn't taken her down. We're also doing things like sabotage and subterfuge. So if I'm in a mission for Praetor White, Calvin Scott might gives me a call and ask me to damage the Praetor's files -- and I can do that. Then you go back to your contact, and they recognize the choices that you've made and they react accordingly.
We've put a lot of time and effort into building the lore around the stories, and so players can really experience that it is a shade of gray between the two factions, it's not black and white. |
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Frosticus jumps his guns: I don't like the we make our decisions prior to the mission commencing. I was hoping for more in mission on the fly decisions like we saw with saving/leaving the clone and robbing/not robbing the bank in the i17 batch. More realtime decision making rather than pre-planned and formulated. As of now I decide my actions well in advance of me making my actions. So if I decide to take out Bella, but then when I encounter her I'm overwhelmed by her allure and decide to join her. IMO a big part of being a super powered being is the ability to drastically alter lives with a split second decision. |
Dec out.
It could be - but it'd be weird to have the mission objective hit you as soon as you enter the map
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We've got one screenshot to work with. I see nothing there that indicates that both can't be true/used.
I'd like to amend my statement. My hope is that the majority of our moral, or multiple outcome, decisions are made on the fly rather than as a choice prior to the mission commencing.
Because if I'm an evil villain that likes eating puppies why would the same person hire me to save OR kill someone? Of course not everything is so black and white, like someone may hire you to go in and steal some files and while you are in there you make the decision to nuke the entire building and kill everyone or let them live. So that kind of choice could be presented before entering, but then should be completely optional once in there. Thus more or less eliminating the need for it to be presented prior to entering unless the contact specifically wants to weigh in with their opinion of what you should do. ie. "I need you to steal this, but there are a lot of innocents in there so try to keep casualties to a minimum". You then have the choice blow up lab, or don't once inside regardless of whether you agreed to do as he asked. Depending on the polarity of the decisions made and how far they are from the contacts own stance you'd think 1-2 severe enough actions would lose you the contact. Unless the contacts are presenting themselves as unbiased observers...but that would be silly.
if that makes sense.
Frosticus reminds me: Fair enough. Based on what was presented in this thread you are entirely correct. I'd like to amend my statement. My hope is that the majority of our moral, or multiple outcome, decisions are made on the fly rather than as a choice prior to the mission commencing. |
Dec out.
I personally feel this phasing contact feature, though just right for the context of GR, represents the talents at Paragon beginning to push the envelop to explore how can you convey consequence in an MMO. This is something that really hasn't been achieved outside of large sandbox economies (and in such cases, the casual and even 20+ hour a week player rarely see impacting consequences of their actions--it's really only the large clans/guilds of hardcore players that seem to impact the game world).
It's brilliant, "simple," and elegant. And I'm hoping for either CoX proper or looking forward to the heretofore unannounced CoX Beyond, this represents the tip of the iceberg in terms of innovations of game world consequence. It's so lacking in MMOs when compared to single player fare like Oblivion or Fallout 3 where villages and cities actually change based upon your actions and completions of story lines.
I hope someday (prior to CoX Beyond ) they actually move to non static contacts all together. Introduce in game means for contacts to arrange meetings, some clandestine and in alleyways or on rooftops, others in diners and lunch counters with your secret identity and some overt and in official locations like the police headquarters or in city hall. But something that makes it feel like your contacts have lives when they aren't giving you missions.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Well, for the blue text I see the Resistance logo behind it. The gold text I see the Loyalist logo behind it.
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Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Massively has a succinct but savory interview with Melissa Bianco about Going Rogue from San Diego Comic-Con.
In addition to discussing the developer's general approach to the upcoming expansion - they're certainly hoping to entice former subscribers into returning - she also gets into some specifics of how they hope CoH's version of phasing and branching missions will enrich players' experiences:
We've put a lot of time and effort into building the lore around the stories, and so players can really experience that it is a shade of gray between the two factions, it's not black and white.