What's wrong with clowns?

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For as long as I've been playing, players have wanted more clown items in CO*...
Clown costume pieces...
Clown-themed powersets...
Clown minions for masterminds to control...
Clown-themed events...
... and players have been told "No".

I don't understand. Why is this so? Is it because it doesn't fit in with "the CO* milieu"? Or is something else going on?

Has there been an official reason?



Originally Posted by Magoo_NA View Post
For as long as I've been playing, players have wanted more clown items in CO*...
Clown costume pieces...
Clown-themed powersets...
Clown minions for masterminds to control...
Clown-themed events...
... and players have been told "No".

I don't understand. Why is this so? Is it because it doesn't fit in with "the CO* milieu"? Or is something else going on?

Has there been an official reason?
you obviously missed the clown themed PvP event that was held last year. was a damn good turn out and lots of innovative clown costumes. i tried to find a link for you but my search fu is on the fritz today.



'We all float down here...'



Originally Posted by HellSpite View Post
This. Clowns scare a lot of people for a variety of reasons. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone on the dev team had this phobia.



Originally Posted by Garuta View Post
This. Clowns scare a lot of people for a variety of reasons. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone on the dev team had this phobia.
That'd be Posi. I don't know how much he'd be exposed to its development, but it'd prolly put him on edge anyway.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
That'd be Posi. I don't know how much he'd be exposed to its development, but it'd prolly put him on edge anyway.
so we should send him screenies of the clown from "It" with a list of our demands then?



Remind me to make a clown costume the next time he's slated to appear in-game Kidding, kidding. That does explain the situation rather well though.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
That'd be Posi. I don't know how much he'd be exposed to its development, but it'd prolly put him on edge anyway.
Positron is not coulrophobic.

Read the trivia section.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Positron is not coulrophobic.

Read the trivia section.
In a forum post[1] about this, he corrected this assumption and revealed that he has a fear of spiders (arachnophobia)
And now we know why the devs hate villains...

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



In a forum post[1] about this, he corrected this assumption and revealed that he has a fear of spiders (arachnophobia)
ok, so my question still stands bout screenies from "It". i mean after all, Pennywise was a big spider looking thing at the end.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Positron is not coulrophobic.

Read the trivia section.
Oops, my bad. Good thing we've got someone keeping the tabs on the facts around here.



Dude clowns are scary.



But if clowns are so scary, then they'd make an excellent costume set for Stalkers, wouldn't they? Or Corruptors, or any of the villain groups.

I just... and I don't mean to go off on a rant or anything... if it's something people have been asking for, wouldn't it be good to satisfy the customer base with something relatively simple like this? I mean, I don't presume to know how easy/hard it is to make a new costume set for a Super Booster, but if we can get a new Mutant set, how hard could it be to make a clown-themed set?

...which makes me wonder if there has been work on this and they're trying to tweak it to get it "just right".

Might this make sense?



I imagine arachnophobia is way more common than coulrophobia, yet we have spiders everywhere.



So I've been hanging around on these forums for a few years now...

When did we have the massive outpouring and demand for "clowns"? I remember seeing a request for Carnie-themed costumes and such, and one or two suggestions of a clown powerset for MMs, but not much else.

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Originally Posted by Garuta View Post
Remind me to make a clown costume the next time he's slated to appear in-game Kidding, kidding. That does explain the situation rather well though.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I always thought the request of clown pets for MMs was just some inside joke among the forums or something.



Thread reminds me of a demotivational poster MNP made for a forum a few years back. The quote apparently has some significance to a game being released around the time it was made.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post

Thread reminds me of a demotivational poster MNP made for a forum a few years back. The quote apparently has some significance to a game being released around the time it was made.
LOL, and that quote comes from Fallout 3, where a narrator says that during the introduction.



Originally Posted by Magoo_NA View Post
For as long as I've been playing, players have wanted more clown items in CO*...
Clown costume pieces...
Clown-themed powersets...
Clown minions for masterminds to control...
Clown-themed events...
... and players have been told "No".

I don't understand. Why is this so? Is it because it doesn't fit in with "the CO* milieu"? Or is something else going on?

Has there been an official reason?
well, i wouldnt say no. we did get the jester set, a sventure showed in the pic, we have the carnies who heavily evoke the clown feel..with scantily clad women to boot. so its not like clowns are entirely excluded, powersets would be interesting, but with new power sets, they really try to keep the themes general, a clown set would only work for clowns. now if there were to be clown themed customizable animations for devices/traps, then we are talking, but there are clown themed things ingame, its jsut there are a LOt of different concepts in the superhero genre to work with, and we dont even have dinosaurs or a proper chinatown/little tokyo, lets get those comic staples in first before clowns get a second pass



Besides the abovelisted reasons, I suspect another might be that it might seem like a 'joke'/novelty set, and kinda not match the current sets' tone. So either it's a jokey silly set, or it's a grim bastage clown hell bent on...

You know, like "Homey the Clown."

Kind of dichotomous. Not a lot of middle ground there. I suspect that the devs chose to focus their energy on more thematically malleable choices...

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I suspect they will have to give us more clown options soon with DCUO coming.

They can't let DC win the clown war with Joker's trick gun and confetti bomb weapons.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.