What is the general consensus on server emptyness?




Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
Maybe I'm missing something, why did my original post deserve hate messages?

Are you new to the internet?




I only read the first few posts in this very long thread, so pardon me if this has already been asked and answered, but what population per server is the minimum sustainable amount?

In other words, how many people does it take to pay to play on a server to make it at least break even with the costs to maintain that server?

With so many players having so many alternates on different servers, this may be a hard number to quantify. But I assume that somewhere in corporate headquarters there is a guy or gal whose job it is to figure out these break-even points and suggest to management that it may be time to consolidate.

So does anyone with experience in the online gaming industry have any idea?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Are you new to the internet?
I was hoping to have an appropriate discussion with a great community, but with people like you on the forums devolving every thread into ignorant nonconstructive statements it makes it difficult.

In time, I'll come to forgive you.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
I was hoping to have an appropriate discussion with a great community, but with people like you on the forums devolving every thread into ignorant nonconstructive statements it makes it difficult.

no u!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
no u!
i am rubber u r glue whatever u say bounces off of me and sticks to U!

In time, I'll come to forgive you.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
I was hoping to have an appropriate discussion with a great community, but with people like you on the forums devolving every thread into ignorant nonconstructive statements it makes it difficult.
server merge threads tend to take the stance of "OMG THE GAME IS DOOMED", so even the ones that aren't get tarred with that same brush

For a game this far along in it's life cycle, server merges aren't as ominous as people seem to think, so I wouldn't be too concerned if it happened so long as they figured out the name thing.

I think a lot of people feel like server merges are the first step toward shutting the game down though, so they will react with venom to the slightest suggestion.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
Every single one of you missed the point.... Maybe I'm missing something, why did my original post deserve hate messages?
For me personally, I wrote off your initial post when I read this paragraph:

Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
Some people make statements like "But we like our servers less populated" which is usually followed by paraphrasing a 15 year old spamming in a popular zone. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time. I can understand these people that make these statements are defending the game and reassuring themselves, so I do not hold anything against them.
I'm one of the folks that honestly does enjoy playing solo and playing on a less populated server. And in that one paragraph, you basically called me a liar, that you couldn't believe anyone could enjoy empty servers, and you dismissed us all as apologists. And THEN you condescendingly state that despite us all being apologist liars, you're still awesome enough to not hold it against us.

I don't think I posted a reply in this thread or sent neg rep (but I could be wrong, as that paragraph rankled me a bit). But honestly, you came off as a troll who thought himself quite witty for making a thinly-veiled attack on his fellow players, not as someone interested in actual dialogue.

Does that answer your question?




Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
The point I was trying to make was simply "It does not SEEM as populated as it used to be and it is kind of disheartening." I used to be able to log into Guardian and see costume contests in atlas 24/7, people flying around and just chilling on rooftops. Now(or i may just be unlucky) I hardly see any people in atlas. NOT saying this game is dead, or that this game is dying, but the population is so spread out between servers, zones, factions, and with GR coming out the population is going to be spread out even more is might be disheartening to NEW PLAYERS.
You're missing the point that a number of us don't see any problems with the servers. Maybe people got tired of CC's? Or are chilling in PD rather now? AP isn't the game since most of the level restrictions have been lifted for zones and there is SSK. Add on that we can set our own diff to team-like levels, the need to team on various things is reduced some.

There are tools available. Like Grey Pilgrim pointed out earlier, there is a sticky for Victory. We tell people about the globals (like when I am on a PUG and see new players). I would agree with people that a better communication of the globals should be made, like in the tutorial or a new contact in starter zones that you can meet and read about Globals.

Stuff is going on all the time.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Assuming that we have come close to the mark with a population estimate of 60,000 - 70,000 subscribers(not saying that this is dead on accurate), is that a really healthy population for COX?

Assuming that all the people who subscribe even bought GR.

That's $30 X 65,000(approx.) = $1,950,000

Does that even come close to GR production costs? Just something I'm wondering. I haven't factored in people who never played COX who might buy the game because of GR.
There are also the people that not only bought the digital GR Pre-Purchase, but have also ordered the physical copy.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
I was hoping to have an appropriate discussion with a great community, but with people like you on the forums devolving every thread into ignorant nonconstructive statements it makes it difficult.
No you weren't. You made it crystal clear to everyone that you were only looking for people to agree with you. You categorically dismissed and insulted everyone who disagrees with your conclusions by saying this.

Some people make statements like "But we like our servers less populated" which is usually followed by paraphrasing a 15 year old spamming in a popular zone. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time.

Furthermore trying to claim that you wanted to have "an appropriate discussion with a great community" is a load of crap. To have a discussion with the community you have to participate in it. You made one initial post on 7/9/2010 and then abandoned the thread for 12 days.

When you do finally decide to grace the thread with your presence it's not to "discuss" your initial post but to again insult everyone by claiming

Every single one of you missed the point.
Which tells us you haven't even bothered to read the thread because if you had you would have seen that there are a few respondents that agreed with you.

This was nothing more than a troll thread looking to start a flame war and since it hasn't devolved into what you were hoping for you are now trying to stir up negative feelings again by claiming people sent you mean PM's in hopes that it will start something.

If you received nasty PM's or Rep comments petition them. We don't care what was said to you in private. That's an issue to be settled by the Mods and doesn't belong in the forums.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post

I only read the first few posts in this very long thread, so pardon me if this has already been asked and answered, but what population per server is the minimum sustainable amount?

In other words, how many people does it take to pay to play on a server to make it at least break even with the costs to maintain that server?

With so many players having so many alternates on different servers, this may be a hard number to quantify. But I assume that somewhere in corporate headquarters there is a guy or gal whose job it is to figure out these break-even points and suggest to management that it may be time to consolidate.

So does anyone with experience in the online gaming industry have any idea?
Hey Flea.

I did some quick googling and found something related to Tabula Rasa:

"ROI = Vf-Vi/Vi
where Vf equals money saved/earned and Vi equals your initial investment.

So let's consider this, please change the numbers and recalculate if you know more accurate numbers. Using Tabula Rasa's rumored $100 million price tag (may only be $20 million, lol, who knows). In 2007-8 it was estimated there was 88k paying customers (see article below). We'll estimate that 200k bought the game initially. Obviously, these are gross assumptions, but it is a starter, as players come and go, some paid a month or two, and more may have purchased it originally, etc etc.

Money going out:
Initial Investment: $100,000,000
Monthly cost to maintain, server upkeep & hosting, pay support, devs, etc $2,000,000

Money Coming In:
Initial Sales: $50 box, say $25 directly back to developer: 200k*$25 = $5,000,000
Monthly revenue from subscriptions: 88,000 * $14 = $1,232,000

Therefore the game would be bleeding money of over $700,000 a month with the possibility of never paying for itself, that is why it was shut down. Even if the monthly maintenance was closer to 1 million (based on Frotus' estimate), it would take over 400 months to repay the $100 million dollar initial investment. So essentially, what we need to know is what it costs to maintain a game monthly including the cost for hosting, server maintenance, customer service, development team, keep the water in the crapper flowing, etc."

From MMORPG.com...where it was claimed WoW cost 50 million a year to upkeep (?).

If we're at 50K-70K paying subs...we need more subs and recurring subs to keep the game afloat.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

If we're at 50K-70K paying subs...we need more subs and recurring subs to keep the game afloat.
I think the game is probably floating quite well. I'd put the expenditure rate around $6M/year, which would put the break-even point at about 33,000 subs.

Obviously, getting more subs would be good, but I don't think the situation is dire. We should get a nice lift out of GR - hopefully that doesn't crash immediately, but goes back into the slow decline we've been having over the last years.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
NOT saying this game is dead, or that this game is dying, but the population is so spread out between servers, zones, factions, and with GR coming out the population is going to be spread out even more is might be disheartening to NEW PLAYERS.
Actually, I think the situation will be exactly the opposite for quite a while. I think we will see unprecedented crowds in Praetoria, even more so than when CoV was released.

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I appreciate the numbers, Neuronia and Brillig. But those are figures for the total game.

I'm wondering when the population of a single server gets so low that it is no longer worth the cost it takes to maintain it. When you get to that point, I assume you then consider a server merger.

Maybe they don't consider it at a server level at all. Maybe they just look at the profitability of the game as a whole.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I appreciate the numbers, Neuronia and Brillig. But those are figures for the total game.

I'm wondering when the population of a single server gets so low that it is no longer worth the cost it takes to maintain it. When you get to that point, I assume you then consider a server merger.

Maybe they don't consider it at a server level at all. Maybe they just look at the profitability of the game as a whole.
if the servers were based on a pay for server setup, then yes this would be a concern. as of right now, it doesn't seem to be. your very last sentence seems to imply that you grasp that.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Actually, I think the situation will be exactly the opposite for quite a while. I think we will see unprecedented crowds in Praetoria, even more so than when CoV was released.
Hopefully those new players all choose to start in praetoria.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Hopefully those new players all choose to start in praetoria.
considering it will be the only box on the shelves, i don't see this being a problem. even if they don't, there will be plenty of us still running around in the original zones to help out.



I have never wanted server merging, but I would sure love some sort of cross server teaming functionality ... even if it was only just free server transfers forever ...

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Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I appreciate the numbers, Neuronia and Brillig. But those are figures for the total game.

I'm wondering when the population of a single server gets so low that it is no longer worth the cost it takes to maintain it. When you get to that point, I assume you then consider a server merger.

Maybe they don't consider it at a server level at all. Maybe they just look at the profitability of the game as a whole.
The thing you need to realize is a server (e.g. Victory) is not a single box. It's a stack of servers that together provide the appearance of a single server. Because of this, it's possible to scale the stack up or down to deal with a given load. So the Virtue server stack has more machines than the Victory server stack. If the Victory population goes down, they can shrink the stack, and use the box in a different server stack. Even for a different NC Soft property.

This means that there's not so much to gain be merging low population servers in terms of reducing costs. The main reason to consider merging servers is to improve the customer experience, but there doesn't seem to be a consensus that the low-population experience is undesirable.

Also, given the highly instanced nature of the game, I'm not sure it's easy to make the case that the high-population experience is that different from the low-populations experience.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
considering it will be the only box on the shelves, i don't see this being a problem. even if they don't, there will be plenty of us still running around in the original zones to help out.
You plan on leveling many new toons from 1-20 in the rogue isle/paragon city when GR first hits?

The box they are picking up is called Going Rogue, not "Praetoria".

I see two possible ways a new character will choose their starting world.

You either select the world you want to start in: Rogue Isle, Paragon City, or Praetoria. And then it takes you to character creation where the available ones are open to pick from.
You build your new character and when you hit create after naming it is prompts you as to which world you'd like to start in. Based on whether you have selected a scrapper for instance or a brute it will prompt you to start in Paragon/Praetoria, or Rogue Isles/Praetoria.

I'm interested in whether they plan to keep the initial hero/villain selector. If you pick a brute and start it in Praetoria is it actually a villain, or is it just in limbo like the scrapper that has started in Praetoria too?



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
You plan on leveling many new toons from 1-20 in the rogue isle/paragon city when GR first hits?
The characters I intend to have switch sides have already been leveled to level 20 and are now patiently waiting for GR to be released.

The box they are picking up is called Going Rogue, not "Praetoria".

I see two possible ways a new character will choose their starting world.

You either select the world you want to start in: Rogue Isle, Paragon City, or Praetoria. And then it takes you to character creation where the available ones are open to pick from.
You build your new character and when you hit create after naming it is prompts you as to which world you'd like to start in. Based on whether you have selected a scrapper for instance or a brute it will prompt you to start in Paragon/Praetoria, or Rogue Isles/Praetoria.
I agree that the name could cause confusion to people new to the game. We'll have to wait and see how they decided to handle character creation and faction selection. If I had to guess I'd think it would be similar to what we currently have where the first thing we choose is a faction. However as far as I know they may intend to change things.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
You plan on leveling many new toons from 1-20 in the rogue isle/paragon city when GR first hits?

The box they are picking up is called Going Rogue, not "Praetoria".

I see two possible ways a new character will choose their starting world.

You either select the world you want to start in: Rogue Isle, Paragon City, or Praetoria. And then it takes you to character creation where the available ones are open to pick from.
You build your new character and when you hit create after naming it is prompts you as to which world you'd like to start in. Based on whether you have selected a scrapper for instance or a brute it will prompt you to start in Paragon/Praetoria, or Rogue Isles/Praetoria.
well, seeing as how praetoria most likely will be pasted all over the box, and even the desciptions for online purchases, most new players will probably start there. and you seem to forget that with altitis, many people probably have a few toons that don't have that many levels yet. i think it is time for you to lose these feelings you have and just sit back and wait to see what happens.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The characters I intend to have switch sides have already been leveled to level 20 and are now patiently waiting for GR to be released.
ya same. Any and all new characters I create during the blitz will start in Praetoria.

I agree that the name could cause confusion to people new to the game. We'll have to wait and see how they decided to handle character creation and faction selection. If I had to guess I'd think it would be similar to what we currently have where the first thing we choose is a faction. However as far as I know they may intend to change things.
Ya I only brought up the creation and faction selection because I doubt a brute will have a different starting experience than a scrapper in Praetoria. So in that sense already assigning them to a faction seems a bit off. I got the feeling that in Praetoria we just "are" and you shape your own path.

Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
well, seeing as how praetoria most likely will be pasted all over the box, and even the desciptions for online purchases, most new players will probably start there. and you seem to forget that with altitis, many people probably have a few toons that don't have that many levels yet. i think it is time for you to lose these feelings you have and just sit back and wait to see what happens.
I'm not the type to stick my head in the sand and hope the world is ok when I emerge. I'm identifying what I see as a legitimate potential issue.

I do indeed have a lvl 6 blaster that I eventually plan to level, but lets be honest; when GR hits that toon will either be deleted and rerolled in Praetoria to enjoy the new experiences or will remain on the back burner until I have satisfied myself with the new content. I don't think it is wise to think many existing players would behave differently.

"Most new players will probably start there". You are probably right.
Those aren't decisive words of power that inspire confidence.

I'm absolutely sure that the 1-20 experience is going to be extremely lonely regardless of server choice if you aren't doing it in Praetoria during the first few weeks or even months.

I guess that's ok. It will probably be fine and the game will probably give most new players a great first impression.



Those aren't decisive words of power that inspire confidence.
well, i'm not a dev, nor can i read the minds of new players. therefore, i do not like dealing in absolutes, as only sith deal in absolutes, with content that we really have no idea about yet.

like i said, we will have to wait and see.

edit: oh yeah, it seems like closed beta is starting soon. just letting you know so you can be prepared to see less people on the game.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
edit: oh yeah, it seems like closed beta is starting soon. just letting you know so you can be prepared to see less people on the game.
I haven't logged in for a few weeks. It isn't possible to see less than that

edit: I speak in absolutes when absolutely certain. I can say with absolution that the sun will rise tomorrow, just as I can say that there will be very few existing players that purchase GR rolling new toons outside of Praetoria. That means any new player that decides to take that path will be very lonely.