No alternate Recluses?




We have seen plenty of alternate Statesman: Imperious, Reichsman, Tyrant ect. But as far as I know we have no knowledge of any alternate Recluses. It seems a little weird that Stefan Richter would die in all dimensions except primal earth. We have been told that Recluse is dead in Praetoria, but I still hold out hope that he is lurking around somewhere.
Anyway, any thoughts or theories about any alternate Recluses that may be out there?



It could be argued that Romulus is an alternate LR. Just food for thought.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
It could be argued that Romulus is an alternate LR. Just food for thought.

Romulus is a past version, not an alternative dimension version

*lock and load! You just got busted!*

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I wouldn't even say that. Unlike Statesman and Imperious (and the other Cim doubles), who share obvious physical similarities, Recluse and Romulus don't really have anything in common.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
I wouldn't even say that. Unlike Statesman and Imperious (and the other Cim doubles), who share obvious physical similarities, Recluse and Romulus don't really have anything in common.

Well there... you know both .... rely tall... and evil and ummm...

They both wear purple. THEY MUST BE THE SAME!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



My guess is there's a homeless guy walking the streets of Praetoria named "Stefan".



ai. Romi is the not-recluse of Cimerora.

Of the other dimensions that we know about:

Praetoria: murdered by Tyrant :: Emporer Cole had to end the suffering of his best friend

Rikti Earth: no record of Marcus Cole or Stefan Richter is recorded: presumed dead

War Earth: no record of Marcus Cole or Stefan Richter is recorded: Valkerie's weapon and her Praetorian counterpart, Battle Maiden, hail from this conquered dimension, suggesting that Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter are dead.

Zeta Tao 7-63: No record of Marcus Cole or Stefan Richter is recored: Swan's Praetorian Counterpart, Black Swan, hails from this conquerored dimension. One of 17 known shadow world.s

Omicron Zeta 12-20: No record of Marcus Cole or Stefan Richter is recovered: The Freakshow have conquered this dimension. Here Dreck is not so nervous.

Epsilon Tau 27-2: No record of Marcus Cole or Stefan Ricther is recovered: The Clockwork King has taken this dimension. Supposedly there is a human resistance lead by Penny, the only psychic power equal to the Clockwork King.

Hydra dimension: Found by the Rikti instead of the Praetorians. Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter are not here either.

And I could go on and on down the list.

I think I'm actually going to call this the: "Durakken Assumption"

It's the: "Idea that at some point all of the known and unknown dimensions shared a single timeline, and that all dimensional events were exactly the same up to a certain point; and that all sentient entities within those dimensions were exactly the same with identical personalities, thoughts, and feelings as identical biologically or mechanically sentient beings throughout the dimensions."

*oof* That's quite a mouthful now that I type it down.


Okay, I'll grant you that there is a fair bit of handwaving on the part of the earlier writers part to gloss over how, or why, each non-Primal-Earth dimension explored by the Heroes is conquered and ruled over by a single entity. Praetoria is the first to detail exactly how, and why, the dimension came under the rule of just one collective.

Granted, in most of those other dimensions, they do feature enemies who possibly COULD take over a world if just one of their plans went right.

I think another aspect of the known dimensions is that Lord Recluse, or Stephan Richter, largely seems to have been created for / fleshed out for City of Villains. Looking through the original developer interviews and available documentation on City of Heroes, the presence of a personal Arch-Nemesis for Statesman really isn't addressed.

Since the Praetorians were introduced in Issue 1, long before City of Villains and Stefan Richter's Lord Recluse were revealed, there was little to no reason for the writers at the time to explain away the lack of Marcus Cole becoming Statesman and the lack of Stefan Ricther becoming Lord Recluse.

It's actually hinted at, that in all of the known dimensions, only Primal Earth, the Reichsman World, and Praetoria are the only explored dimensions where Marcus Cole became a Super Power.

Ergo, it stands to reason that these were the only three dimensions in which Stefan Ricther could also become Super Power, and Primal Earth is the only dimension where he actually succeeded.

However, in saying that, I make the assumption that there is not a dimension where Stefan Richter found the Well of Furies without Statesman, and became a Good Lord Recluse.



Well, there are more parallel worlds with no Statesman than there are versions with Statesman:
Paragon Protector world, Werewolf World, Hydra World, Psychic Clockwork world, Nemesis victorious (then commits suicide) world, etc.

so the lack of Recluses overall doesn't really surprise me as much as it would otherwise.

It has also made me wonder if part of the reason he's having so much trouble with finding his desired ending for project destiny is that he is a universally doomed figure. Destined to fail and die in every possible world.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Well, there's the Lord Recluse from Universe COV-117 who ALMOST took over all of Paragon City, though his plan backfired and he only succeeded in getting all of Arachnos destroyed before...

Oh, wait. MA arcs don't count?

Never mind.

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Romulus is a past version, not an alternative dimension version
I'm still hoping that Cimerora is actually part of an alternate dimension. The major characters there just look too similar for me to take it seriously as our past.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I'm still hoping that Cimerora is actually part of an alternate dimension. The major characters there just look too similar for me to take it seriously as our past.
They could all be Incarnates, who are endlessly reborn through time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Despite appearances, the world accessed in Recluse's Victory is an parallel universe (not Primal Earth's future). So there's one parallel Recluse, and one who wins to boot. The "temporal anchors" are supposed to perform some "reverse butterfly effect" technobabble and cause events in our universe to mirror the ones in that universe. No one ever explains why we don't just nuke the frakking things.

Under the usual rules for parallel universes, either there are an infinite number of universes in which event X has taken place, or there are zero. It's not explicitly stated whether that is the case in City but based on what little has been written about portal technology it seems likely. Some fictional universes incorporate some kind of "difference threshold" which eliminates parallels that aren't different "enough", which (it says here) means there aren't (e.g.) an infinite number of universes with a Lord Recluse in them. This gets into a lot of ontological silliness, not the least of which is attaching an insane level of importance to events on our insignificantly-small part of the cosmos. A universe that was exactly like our world but in which the entire Andromeda Galaxy didn't exist certainly seems like it would be "different enough", but that never happens in these stories. The whole idea is a can of worms that isn't nearly worth the cost of what you get from it (which is nothing), and is best forgotten.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I wouldn't say there are no alternate Recluses.

I'd say that of the dimensions/timelines we've been able to explore in game, they just didn't have an alternate Recluse.

There are countless possibilities, and we're limited to what the writers come up with is all.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I wouldn't say there are no alternate Recluses.

I'd say that of the dimensions/timelines we've been able to explore in game, they just didn't have an alternate Recluse.

There are countless possibilities, and we're limited to what the writers come up with is all.
mewit. I knew there was a shorter way to say what I was trying to say. Thank mew.



It all comes down to the can of worms that Alternate Stefan Richters would open:

We know that all the Alternate Marcus Coles fight each other on sight. Chances are that all the Alternate Richters would join together as a team immediately! Down deep, Statesman hates himself and Recluse seems quite satisfied with how he turned out

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They could all be Incarnates, who are endlessly reborn through time
This is an interesting concept, still begs the question in my mind why the Well of Furies and Pandora's box seem to favor purely Western cultures...

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is an interesting concept, still begs the question in my mind why the Well of Furies and Pandora's box seem to favor purely Western cultures...
Author bias?

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Nearly all of the alternate Statesmen that we've seen thus far have been evil, and if comic book logic serves me right, that would mean that the alternate Recluse's would be good-aligned, and given that in our world, Statesman routinely beats Recluse, it's not too far-fetched to believe that the Recluse's from the other dimensions were all killed by their evil opponent.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is an interesting concept, still begs the question in my mind why the Well of Furies and Pandora's box seem to favor purely Western cultures...
That we've seen. In the two time periods in question, the height of civilization was in the west. I'd imagine that there are alternate past versions in other regions when they held prominence (Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Japan, etc.).



Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
That we've seen. In the two time periods in question, the height of civilization was in the west. I'd imagine that there are alternate past versions in other regions when they held prominence (Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Japan, etc.).
That is true, and the opening of the Box is something that affects the entire planet, if I recall. So it could be opened in the Antarctic and we'd still get Inuit Superman

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is an interesting concept, still begs the question in my mind why the Well of Furies and Pandora's box seem to favor purely Western cultures...
Well, the Well of the Furies seems to be located in or close to Greece, so it's more likely that Westerners would come accross it than people from other areas of the world, especially in older times when people didn't travel so much.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Recluse suffers the same fate Blue Steel does. He was penciled in later, long after the Story Bible was written, so he doesn't have alternate dimension versions of himself in it. And they haven't bothered to write in characters created later into the old stuff...maybe Robocop will be retconned into Praetoria as an experimental independent-minded Clockwork police officer. You know, an inquisitor put in place to police the Clockwork King's mental network just to make sure the King is staying honest in his subservience instead of plotting against the Tyrant. If Clockwork servants are used and trusted throughout Praetoria he would have a loooooot of well-placed minions if he rebelled.

What if there was a dimension where Recluse killed Statesman at the Well of the Furies? I mean, besides for the fact nobody would want to play in The Rogue Isles v2.0, how would that dimension play out? Lord Nemesis in the Americas, Lord Recluse with a power bloc taking up the middle of the world map, and Asia is run by a metahuman Emperor (maybe whatshisname, Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit)?



I don't think the Praetorian Clocwork are connected with the Clockwork King in any way - even in the current Praetorian lore, they're built by Neuron and Anti-matter.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Daddy Longleg, the hippie spider, protests Tyrant's un-friendly to the environment methods on the streets of Praetoria with his fellow hippie spiders.

Tie-dyed arachnos fliers with enviro-friendly fuel or something.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is an interesting concept, still begs the question in my mind why the Well of Furies and Pandora's box seem to favor purely Western cultures...
Maybe it's because the Well of Furies and Pandora's Box are from a Western culture?