Paragon City is evil?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Well, didn't Ms Liberty and crew invade Praetoria and kidnap Dominatrix in the comic books? Let me rephrase that in human terms. Extra dimensional invaders crossed into his world and stole his grand daughter.

If they can do that, what else might they do? Who might get hurt because of their meddling? He can't let it go unanswered. It's too risky. The last time he took that chance, people died. This time it could be someone close to him. He HAS to act.
And conquer the entire world? The psycho boyfriend alarm should really be starting to sound in Dominatrix's head now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And conquer the entire world? The psycho boyfriend alarm should really be starting to sound in Dominatrix's head now
I didnt say I agreed with him, I said he didn't WANT to do it, but rather felt like he HAD to. Whether that is sane or not is not something I'm discussing.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
I didnt say I agreed with him, I said he didn't WANT to do it, but rather felt like he HAD to. Whether that is sane or not is not something I'm discussing.
Sure - a guy loses his girlfriend, he tries to enslave the world - it's a common problem

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If I understand correctly, Tyrant did not actually conquer the world; he became leader by general proclamation.

Of course, that may be propaganda, and in the best case scenario, I'm sure he's had to put down some dissidents somewhere. But that in itself is not inherently evil.

On another note, whether or not someone is evil is completely orthogonal to whether or not they are a villain.

A person whose goals are good, but uses unconscionable methods can be rightly be called a villain (see Watchmen, Kingdom Come, etc). The road to hell, as it were.

The questions that come to my mind are: at what point does government become tyranny (in the moral sense) and is tyranny ever justifiable? Should Emperor Cole be ousted even if the cost is the lives of all of the innocent civilians he governs over? Is slavery a fate worse than death in this case, even if the 'slaves' are currently happy?

A slippery slope indeed.

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Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Let me rephrase that in human terms. Extra dimensional invaders crossed into his world and stole his grand daughter.
Extradimensional invaders kidnapped his grand daughter, took her to a nightclub and watched her pole dance.

I must admit I'm not sure what an appropriate response to that would be.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

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Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Well, didn't Ms Liberty and crew invade Praetoria and kidnap Dominatrix in the comic books? Let me rephrase that in human terms. Extra dimensional invaders crossed into his world and stole his grand daughter.
Actually it was only the Freedom Phalanx; and Dominatrix´ kidnapping was just a little side-mission for Statesman. The main reason they went there in the first place was a praetorian attack on Portal Corps and the theft of a device to navigate while dimension hopping...which Tyrant wanted for some kind of conquering plan.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Actually it was only the Freedom Phalanx; and Dominatrix´ kidnapping was just a little side-mission for Statesman. The main reason they went there in the first place was a praetorian attack on Portal Corps and the theft of a device to navigate while dimension hopping...which Tyrant wanted for some kind of conquering plan.
Okay. Sooo...Praetoria attacks first. Then Freedom Phalanx goes in. Why did they kidnap Dominatrix?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Why? To watch her pole dance. We've already gone over this, Brand.



Also: Taking into account only the current in-game storyline, there is no clear distinction whether Primal Earth or Preatorian Earth attacked first. There's a non-arc mission (Tina MacIntyre, I believe) that has Anti-Matter attacking our dimension with his clockwork, and you may or may not get that mission before going to υ β 9-6. If you get the one-off mission first, then the Praetorians started it. If you get the story arc first, then we started it.



Originally Posted by VileTerror View Post
Why? To watch her pole dance. We've already gone over this, Brand.
Okay. Why'd they kidnap her to just watch her poledance?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
If I understand correctly, Tyrant did not actually conquer the world; he became leader by general proclamation.
Tyrant 2.0 was chosen as Emperor, but Tyrant 1.0 conquered the world, according to his current bio.

The questions that come to my mind are: at what point does government become tyranny (in the moral sense) and is tyranny ever justifiable? Should Emperor Cole be ousted even if the cost is the lives of all of the innocent civilians he governs over? Is slavery a fate worse than death in this case, even if the 'slaves' are currently happy?

A slippery slope indeed.
Can anyone really be happy if they can't be free to even think?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Extradimensional invaders kidnapped his grand daughter, took her to a nightclub and watched her pole dance.

I must admit I'm not sure what an appropriate response to that would be.
A limited round of trade sanctions, probably - a full scale inter-dimensional invasion is over-reacting a little bit

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Okay. Sooo...Praetoria attacks first. Then Freedom Phalanx goes in. Why did they kidnap Dominatrix?
To try and turn her from her evil ways - Statesman didn't like the idea of an evil Ms. Liberty, even if she wasn't his grandchild

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Because Ms Liberty wouldn't.
Wait - bringing her to Primal Earth was Statesman's idea - so do you mean he did it because he wanted to see Ms. Liberty pole-dance?
I guess he and Tyrant are maybe more similar than we thought.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Extradimensional invaders kidnapped his grand daughter, took her to a nightclub and watched her pole dance.

I must admit I'm not sure what an appropriate response to that would be.
Kitsune, I am not saying you are wrong, but are you serious? They kidnapped her to watch her pole dance? :baffle:



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
Kitsune, I am not saying you are wrong, but are you serious? They kidnapped her to watch her pole dance? :baffle:
That was a side effect brought on by the writers probably not getting out quite as often as they should
The real reason was that Statesman wanted to get her to change her evil ways, and to help get her to be more normal, several of the female heroes took her out clubbing - with mixed results

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That was a side effect brought on by the writers probably not getting out quite as often as they should
The real reason was that Statesman wanted to get her to change her evil ways, and to help get her to be more normal, several of the female heroes took her out clubbing - with mixed results
Since I didnt keep up with the comics when they stopped sending me them free in the mail. I have to know! did it work?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Since I didnt keep up with the comics when they stopped sending me them free in the mail. I have to know! did it work?
Yes and no - Ms. Liberty and Dominatrix both found out that they were more similar than they thought, but Ms. Liberty decided to send Dominatrix home - although she was unsure if that was totally the right thing to do or not.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



There's always a dichotomy between freedom and safety. To have the latter, you wind up giving up some of the former. There is a line there where you cross over from something our culture considers socially acceptable to something that it consider tyranny.

Just where that line is different for everyone, to a greater or a lesser degree.

In fiction, especially super heroic fiction, the general line as to why someone like Superman doesn't take over the world is because of the loss of freedom of choice. That is to say, it would be wrong for Superman to substitute his own moral values for those of the rest of the planet and enforce his will on the general public.

The thing about that line of reasoning, though, is that it presupposes your existence is fairly decent and has an element of choice and freewill to it already.

If you're a mother watching her children starve to death in a country that has no government to speak of, where the strong take from the weak and you never know if you're going to be alive from one morning to the next, I'd wager that the amount of restrictions you'd be willing to tolerate would be quite different from a millionaire in America or Europe.

Granted, there's a lot we don't know about Praetoria yet-- and MMOs don't really go much for subtlety-- but from the outside, which society do you think a normal person would rather live in? Praetoria or the Rogue Islands?

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Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Also: Taking into account only the current in-game storyline, there is no clear distinction whether Primal Earth or Preatorian Earth attacked first. There's a non-arc mission (Tina MacIntyre, I believe) that has Anti-Matter attacking our dimension with his clockwork, and you may or may not get that mission before going to υ β 9-6. If you get the one-off mission first, then the Praetorians started it. If you get the story arc first, then we started it.
Even if Primal Earth didn't make the first move, can you, honestly, with a straight face, tell me you believe that Nemesis wouldn't attack them if he thought he could get away with it? He's done it before.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Since I didnt keep up with the comics when they stopped sending me them free in the mail. I have to know! did it work?

But there was a huge cage brawl in Pocket D with like 5 NPC hotties and Luminary. Luminary nuked and won.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Heh, interesting. Generally I would agree with the tag that someone just added to this thread, but posts 165 and 167 are hard for me to refute.

Also: For anyone who read that particular comic, remember that Luminary actually has a neural network patterned off of a male hero, and a body patterned after his wife. First time I read it, I didn't know . . . but now it suddenly makes so much more sense.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That was a side effect brought on by the writers probably not getting out quite as often as they should
The real reason was that Statesman wanted to get her to change her evil ways, and to help get her to be more normal, several of the female heroes took her out clubbing - with mixed results
Well that at least makes sense



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Sure - a guy loses his girlfriend, he tries to enslave the world - it's a common problem
Well it is Known for Villain to Seak Vengeance on people after a love one has died or seek A way to bring back the dead by Studying Witchcraft, Black Magic and Necromancer. Villains kind of lose there good Nature in Grief, willing to do whatever it takes to bring back the dead, even killing others. I Mean look at Darth Vader after Fearing that his wife will die, drove Vader into madness and after Hearing his wife has died and think his kids where dead turn him into an all Emo Puppet.

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