new posi TF review/merit whine
A couple hours for 11 merits seems like a bad bargain.
Then there is part 2 also. I have yet to run either of them yet.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
First, I agree that 11 merits is too low. However, the Devs appear to set the merits based upon the amount of time that a really good team can do the TF. That's why things like the Eden Trial and the Katie Hannon TF have so few merits -- people figured out ways to run these really, really fast.
In the second half, you go up against an AV. That one is 15 merits.
The old Positron was 66 merits. You can still do the old one via Ouroborus, but it now gives only 40 merits. On the other hand, you can now solo it.
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There is something I've been saying regarding the self-reinforcing effect of the way merit rewards are assigned to tasks: "When only speed runners find running a TF worthwhile, only speed runners will run a TF." I don't have a problem with speed runners per se, but the value of merits is clearly outweighing the value of the rewards that can be obtained by clean-sweeping a TF. The reason why the popular TFs reward so many merits is because they're seen as worth the time even if you're slow, which makes slow teams want to run that TF, which keeps the average completion time high, which keeps the rewards high. Conversely, unpopular TFs have low rewards compared to the time investment for a slow team, so slow teams avoid them, so the completion times are set by speed runners, so the rewards stay low. I'd guess that "enough merits for a recipe roll" is a critical threshold with regards to dividing TFs into the worth-doing-slow or speed-run-only categories. If TFs were rejiggered to reward at least one recipe roll's worth of merits if clean-swept (via optional clear-all objectives or the like), this effect would be ameliorated, without removing the option for skipping objectives, speeding up the run, and still ending up with a superior reward/time.
I think I've said this before, but if I had my druthers, I'd do the following things with respect to merits (ordered from least to most likely to draw ire):
1. Allow players to set the level that they'd like to roll recipes at.
2. Earned merits go into an account-wide pool.
3. Eliminate the option to purchase specific recipes with merits.
4. Force random rolls whenever the random roll merit threshold is reached through an immediate reward selection popup.
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The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I'd just like to add that, rewards concerns aside, the new Posi I and II are both excellent TFs and lots of fun in their own right. I have played them once already and will happily play them again.
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If TFs were rejiggered to reward at least one recipe roll's worth of merits if clean-swept (via optional clear-all objectives or the like), this effect would be ameliorated, without removing the option for skipping objectives, speeding up the run, and still ending up with a superior reward/time.
Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan
I'd just like to add that, rewards concerns aside, the new Posi I and II are both excellent TFs and lots of fun in their own right.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I agree with the merit count. Running both halves of the new Posi is faster than running the old one was and much simpler and easier since your not running to just about every zone in the lower game but dropping from 90+ merits to 26(for completing both halves) seems very low. I've done a number of the Posi sets now and the average time I've seen is about 90 minute or so for each half. I've also done the OLD Posi and with NON speed runs was able to complete that in less than 4 hours. The huge drop in merits foir essentially 1 hour less time invested does seem extreme especially since I can do a Synapse in under 2 hours and make 58. Granted now both halves essentially keep you in one zone, part 2 does run one mission in Steel before moving to Faultline, but the two halves combines run you through 14 missions (including talk tos) and the old Posi was 17 (including talk to mission and 2 patrols). A drop of close to 70 merit for doing 3 less mission in around one hour less time is pretty extreme
Now unless they changed it there is a way, even with them all in black, to determine who is who when facing your clones. They actually have titles above their heads and those pretty much mirror your title as well.. right dow to the SG you belong to. Okay so if your on an all SG team or NO one on the team belongs to any SG it may be tougher but I was able to locate my clone each time using that method. LOL
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I think I've said this before, but if I had my druthers, I'd do the following things with respect to merits (ordered from least to most likely to draw ire):
1. Allow players to set the level that they'd like to roll recipes at. 2. Earned merits go into an account-wide pool. 3. Eliminate the option to purchase specific recipes with merits. 4. Force random rolls whenever the random roll merit threshold is reached through an immediate reward selection popup. |
I'm with you on all but #4, but even that would be fine assuming #1 was in place as well. In fact these are some of the best, if not the best suggestions I've ever seen regarding merits.
Also, unrelatd to the OP, but the link in your sig? I need to put that in my sig. Anyone who cares about the state of the markets post-GR needs to put that in their sig. And the devs really need to read that article.
okay enough of this lovefest
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Also, unrelatd to the OP, but the link in your sig? I need to put that in my sig. Anyone who cares about the state of the markets post-GR needs to put that in their sig. And the devs really need to read that article.
I'll join the bandwagon too!
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Hey goat,
if you know in advance of an available time that you would want to run Posi II, I'd be happy to get a team going on Triumph and invite you along for the ride.
This week however would be impossible for me. Computers will be packed up tomorrow for a house move

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Hey goat,
if you know in advance of an available time that you would want to run Posi II, I'd be happy to get a team going on Triumph and invite you along for the ride. |
Thanks Cat. =D
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I agree with the merit count. Running both halves of the new Posi is faster than running the old one was
Run both with my Fire/Rad group.
We kicked an old Posi out in about 2 hours.
We kicked both halves of the new Posi out in about 1:45 (with a couple long pauses, and due to the fact that we've been having longer map load times). So figure an hour and a half.
Now if a buffed-to-a-fare-thee-well group of Fire/Rads does it that fast, it's still going to take a random PUG a bit longer. The group we took through beta, though a bunch of top-end, IO-like-mad exemps, took about 90 minutes for Posi1, and (if I remember correctly) about that for Posi2.
Old Posi: 66 Merits
New Posi (Both Halves): 26 Merits
The new Posi is NOT being completed in both halves twice as fast. Sorry, just ain't happening.
And, again, if they're planning merit rewards against IO'ed to-the-gills groups doing speed runs, it's a fail.
I agree with the merit count. Running both halves of the new Posi is faster than running the old one was and much simpler and easier since your not running to just about every zone in the lower game but dropping from 90+ merits to 26(for completing both halves) seems very low. I've done a number of the Posi sets now and the average time I've seen is about 90 minute or so for each half.
And the new total of 26 does seem extremely low to me. The 15 number seems a little low but that 11 seems way out of whack since it consistently has taken me just as long to do Part 1 as Part 2 (generally about 1 hour).
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I agree with the merit count. Running both halves of the new Posi is faster than running the old one was and much simpler and easier since your not running to just about every zone in the lower game but dropping from 90+ merits to 26(for completing both halves) seems very low. I've done a number of the Posi sets now and the average time I've seen is about 90 minute or so for each half. I've also done the OLD Posi and with NON speed runs was able to complete that in less than 4 hours. The huge drop in merits foir essentially 1 hour less time invested does seem extreme especially since I can do a Synapse in under 2 hours and make 58. Granted now both halves essentially keep you in one zone, part 2 does run one mission in Steel before moving to Faultline, but the two halves combines run you through 14 missions (including talk tos) and the old Posi was 17 (including talk to mission and 2 patrols). A drop of close to 70 merit for doing 3 less mission in around one hour less time is pretty extreme
The version thru ouro is slower, because it seems to insist on sending you to the far end of Boomtown every other mission which the original TF didn't.
Where do you get 90 merits for old posi, it was 66.
I haven't tried properly speed running the new one, but in the beta where we were checking stuff so not speeding, we took 45 mins for the first half and an hour or just under for the second. I'd guess about 35/45 mins would be fairly normal for people speed running the 2.
So the new posi is IMO the same length or longer than the old one for less than half the merits. I don't touch it with a barge pole unless I want the badges. What with removing the XP from the hunts in Numina (about 1/3 of the TF), I'm seriously unimpressed with the state of rewards atm.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
As a speed runner who used to take purpled out fire blasters and sometimes my DM/SD for a posi run most times would be around 1:00 - 1:20, and at the end I'd be left with 2 sets of 66 merits unless I gave the other spot to someone who wanted the badge. It wasn't something I ran all the time because really, it was a pain even at that speed. Low levels, lots of running around, etc etc.
I was hoping for an improvement with the new Version. So far its been a massive disappointment, for run times? After doing it about 4 times (1 to check it out, a few to finish off TF commander) I've found my times to be around 27-37 minutes for the first part and 30-35 for the second. So I can just about match the old times, with encounters that are to me much more difficult, for much less rewards. I think I missed the part where it was balanced.
Part one with the ambushes outside of City Hall, it was fine solo (Set for 2 obviously) not easy, but inspirations always help. Set for 5 people? What a nightmare, wiped... then the ambushes all spawned leaving around 8 Ruin mages with a pile of spec demon lords and who knows what else. So after more than a few inspiration loads we got past all of them (Its awesome to see that many stacked debuffs at level 15)
The Boss spawn, again.... I'm not complaining about it being difficult. But it is *much* more difficult than anything the previous posi offered. (not a problem... wait for it) For Significantly Less reward. (There it is)
Running through the second part, not too bad again travel times are nice until you get to the last mission. Inside the Dam I was getting multi boss spawns with only 2 people on the TF. Again 2 ruin mages + a handful of minions + a handful of LT's (Spec demon lords with the tohit debuff aura, wooo) Even if it was set for the full three people I started it with, the encounter is much more difficult for much lower rewards. Then of course... the AV.
Throwing the AV in, no big deal. Throwing an AV that runs like crazy and either spawns or calls nearby ambushes at again... level 15? For a reduced reward. Is kinda dumb.
I'm not saying I mind a challenging encounter... I just expected to be rewarded for completing it. The old posi was easier, took less time, and offered a much better reward for the time you needed to invest.
I've only run the first part of the new Posi, but as far as TFs go it was fun. I'm thinking (hoping, really) when GR launches we'll see a new wave of merit reward adjustments, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll get bumped up.
Also on Steam
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
The old posi was easier, took less time, and offered a much better reward for the time you needed to invest.
The fact that you were getting way better reward for your time was then at least partially because you were completing the TF in way less time than most people. As a result, your baseline for what makes a "good" reward/time is in a quite different place from where the devs are at.
The new TF, perhaps intentionally, perhaps not, has some features that are likely to compress the range between the best and average or median completion times. Reducing cross-zone travel is a big one, but there are a few features that throttle you as well, such as the CoT ambushes that make you wait at the door, enforcing mission tasks in serial (barring a team from splitting up to complete them faster) and so on.
I'm not saying I think the new TFs merit rewards are what I like to receive either, but I also suspect that I might be spoiled by my (and my in-game friends') ability to cut corners in content and reap merit rewards at unusual rates. If I'm spoiled, you might be too.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Basing rewards on datamining without having the data to mine is tricky. Presumably, the current Posi merit awards are based on run times on test, with a fudge factor to take account of the fact that times usually drop as players find ways to speed up. I expect, as happened across the TFs and arcs before, that the merits will get a tweak once there's a more solid set of data to draw on.
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I've decided the best part of the new Posi TFs is the old one is in Ouros so I can solo it.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
New posi rewards seem to be about in line with where they should be. There is almost no travel time involved the new one, there doesn't seem to be the chance for getting several truly horrible maps on the new one that the old one had.
If you do the new one with a team that can properly handle its bottlenecks you should be able to do both parts in much less than an hour and a half.
Seems inline, then again I said that when i first saw the tf.
Sticking it in here because the merit part makes it semi-relevant. =P
As I've said over and over again, my game time is very restricted and even when it wasn't I rarely had the stretch of time necessary to invest in a TF, especially the old tedious ones.
Last night I popped in with my ar/dev to tend his bids before bed and got an invite to run the newfangled Posi. I decided to make a late night of it and signed up.
The TF itself was great fun- cool maps, not too much travel time, some neat game mechanics. We had a weird team consisting of a human form Kheld, two tanks, two scrappers and two blasters. We basically steamrolled everything until the Save Atlas Park mission where our lack of support finally caught up with us. Fighting dopplegangers was fun, although I'd suggest they make them gray instead of pure black- we couldn't tell who was who, aside from my blaster because he wears a giant hat. Also someone ventured too close to the 'boss room' and triggered Azuria's cutscene in the middle of a heated fight in the rotunda, which resulted in a team wipe (well, except for the kook who wandered off, of course they lived).
So, it took us a couple of hours and I enjoyed the gameplay quite a bit. I don't team much and it was amusing to be reintroduced to the vagaries of PUGs.
I really, really dislike the fact that you can plug a few hours into a TF and not get a recipe roll out of it. I got 11 merits, which will get me a cup of coffee if I pitch in three bucks of my own. And this is where someone chimes in with "well, you should have run the Imperious Task Force"...but I thought the idea behind merits was to make *all* the TFs 'worth' running instead of everyone just hammering the same one over and over because it was efficient.
anyway, I didn't run it for the merits and I had a lot of fun, but I'd have preferred a recipe roll at the end.
Also, why can't we mail merits to ourselves? I have probably a dozen characters with these piddly little piles of merits, useless by themselves but worth a couple of rolls if I could pool them in one spot.
Anyway, thanks for listening to my whine.
And go run the new Posi, it's fun even without a recipe roll.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone