Game freezes after 20-45 minutes




Originally Posted by VuDu_DawL View Post
Thank you, kind sir. Yeah, on mine, it did dramatically slow it, but after an hour or so, and three or four zonings, I was back up to 1.2 million KB in memory, so I think it is only a short-term fix at best.
It's not unusual for CoH to try to allocate up to about 1.2-1.3 GB of memory when I play for a long time. This happens because of loading up all the textures for the various maps, villain groups, etc., that I see in a single session of game-play. It wouldn't surprise me if you were also getting that. However, if the game is steadily getting bigger and bigger without you doing anything, or going way beyond the 1.2-1.3 GB I'd expect, that's probably a sign of another leak.

Can you verify what you're seeing for the second, slower leak?



Originally Posted by VuDu_DawL View Post
Another confirmation. I had the same issue, and it was near constant. I could only play for a short while before the dreaded "sound loop/CTD". I went through the forums, read the posts, updated video drivers to the latest, defragged, rebooted, no joy. Disabled monitor two, and now it is stable.

Of course, this rearranges my desktop icons ever time I do that.

EDIT: Update ... I played a little, zoned a couple times, and slowly it eventually started to climb again. I guess it didn't plug it completely but it did really slow it down.
Also, what video card are you using? I want to make sure we know all the video cards this effects.



TV, I was playing single monitor all weekend and though I got a few hesitations, it never froze/crashed.

Tatterdamalion 50 AR/Dev Liberty /Defiance 1.0 for Life...uh Death!!!!
Genghis Connie 50 MA/SR Liberty /What do you mean Hami ignores Defense?



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
It's not unusual for CoH to try to allocate up to about 1.2-1.3 GB of memory when I play for a long time. This happens because of loading up all the textures for the various maps, villain groups, etc., that I see in a single session of game-play. It wouldn't surprise me if you were also getting that. However, if the game is steadily getting bigger and bigger without you doing anything, or going way beyond the 1.2-1.3 GB I'd expect, that's probably a sign of another leak.

Can you verify what you're seeing for the second, slower leak?
What I'd really like to know is why the client doesn't automatically dump those files and clear up that used memory after you're finished and have exited the map. Files that aren't currently being used shouldn't be loaded in the first place.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
What I'd really like to know is why the client doesn't automatically dump those files and clear up that used memory after you're finished and have exited the map. Files that aren't currently being used shouldn't be loaded in the first place.
I've wondered the same thing myself. I have noticed that old data is clearing (at least somewhat) more than it was for me prior to changing up my system and the patch on the 19th, but its still not perfect. I'll take what I can get, but old data not being cleared properly does add up after a while, even if the game isn't leaking as badly as it used to.



Well the question is defining "old".

First there is a lot of game assets that are reused over and over again in outdoor zones as well as inside missions. From street segments to lamp posts to skyscraper #2. It'll be a shame to discard them simply because you zoned. At the very least the game should be trying to get as many game assets from your current local as well as your previous one since there's a chance that you will be popping back and forth between the two (hospital runs, store runs, leveling runs). Keeping these things in memory means they aren't loaded every single time you enter and exit the same mission or run between the same two zones (DA and Talos for instance). Some it speeds load times.

Same is true with other players and NPC data. Back when I visited my folks and their machine still had 512MB I could tell when a new player would come into range by the sudden lag as the game needed to create that player from scratch.

Also assuming they are using simple memory allocation routines, like what you find in C/C++, allocating, freeing and allocating again can end up fragmenting the memory pool something awful and programs usually compensate by simply adding more allocation space with a call to the OS. You can, depending on the order of allocation and freeing, still have a lot of free memory, but none big enough for what you are trying to allocate so the pool is extended. You would have to use a memory allocator that's more sophisticated but usually slower or have multiple memory pools for commonly allocated blocks for certain size ranges to manage memory more efficiently.

Changes is sizes of data, even minor ones, could introduce inefficiencies where none existed before. If two of data B can fit in the same space as one of data A, then as you free up data A, Bs can easily fit into the "holes" A left behind. Now lets add a couple more bits of info the data B and two can no longer fit into a hole left by A. The second B as to be allocated somewhere else and a smaller then B hole left available. Sometimes this is mistaken for a memory leak by a user since now the app appears to use more memory for the same operation when simply the memory pool grew to accommodate what to the programmer was a minor size change in a data element.

The problem comes when an app starts to get close to the 2GB limit for 32-bit programs in Windows (I don't want to hear about PAE and other hand waving techniques to get more than 2GB for an app). From what I see, apart from the two monitor memory leak and a possible base editor leak, we aren't close to that yet.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Well whatever the cause, my system is making more of an effort to clear at least some old data compared to even a week ago. Then, the game wasn't clearing anything when zoning or changing toons. It was all just being piled on top of everything else that came before. Now, I understand that it makes sense for some data to be carried over and that isn't a problem. The problem is when none of it is cleared.

A quick example of what I was dealing with. Say I start out by loading my main into Cap Au Diable then head to Cimerora via the Midnighter Club. The game would start out using around 880-900MBs of RAM and by the time I've loaded into Cimerora I'd be using 1.1-1.2GBs. Zone back to Cap and by the time I'm there I'd be using 1.4-1.5GBs. And so one and so forth. Watching the Task Manager the used RAM amount didn't dip down at all and just piled the data for the Club and Cimerora on top of the data for Cap and not clear a thing. Now though, I can watch the Task Manager as I zone following the same route and actually see the game clearing at least some data, to the point where I'm only using perhaps 50MB more than I was after loading into Cap as opposed to 200-300MBs more. So whatever the cause, it is doing something right now.



An update on my end. At a friend's suggestion, I disabled my audio card and booted up the game. This slowed the leak noticeably. I've tried a few other things in addition to this, like moving CoX out of my program files folder and into a new directory created for games. I think this helped slow the leak a little on my end as well.



I think it's worth mentioning exactly what constitutes a leak compared to normal memory usage.

As you play the game it's normal for memory usage to go up. Every time you zone it can eat up a bit more memory. If you're in a populated area memory usage is also going to climb. This is all normal.

The abnormal part, when it becomes a leak, is when memory that is no longer needed is not properly released. This causes the game to continue allocating more and more memory until it reaches the maximum amount allowed by Windows (2 GBs). When you attempt to pass that magic number the game will crash.

So just because memory usage is increasing as you play doesn't necessarily mean you're experiencing a memory leak. Anything up to roughly 1.4-1.5 GBs is normal. But if you're seeing memory usage of 1.6, 1.7, or even 1.8 GBs and crash when you try to zone, then you've got a persistent leak and should make a note of exactly what you've been doing over the last hour or so.



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
Also, what video card are you using? I want to make sure we know all the video cards this effects.
My vid card (happy-very-early-birthday to me!) is a brand new Radeon HD 5670 with 1GB memory. I have dual Dell 1907FP monitors. The computer is a home-built with an Asus (possibly M2N-E?) motherboard with AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2.4GHz.

Would you like the output from my City of Heroes Helper, as well?

Thank you very much for your response.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
I think it's worth mentioning exactly what constitutes a leak compared to normal memory usage.

As you play the game it's normal for memory usage to go up. Every time you zone it can eat up a bit more memory. If you're in a populated area memory usage is also going to climb. This is all normal.

The abnormal part, when it becomes a leak, is when memory that is no longer needed is not properly released. This causes the game to continue allocating more and more memory until it reaches the maximum amount allowed by Windows (2 GBs). When you attempt to pass that magic number the game will crash.

So just because memory usage is increasing as you play doesn't necessarily mean you're experiencing a memory leak. Anything up to roughly 1.4-1.5 GBs is normal. But if you're seeing memory usage of 1.6, 1.7, or even 1.8 GBs and crash when you try to zone, then you've got a persistent leak and should make a note of exactly what you've been doing over the last hour or so.
That is exactly what is happening, only I don't have to necessarily zone for the crash. It often happens in protracted battles with lots of FXs (I have supress FX when close enabled).

It appears to be climbing at a steady rate of about 100KB per second on one monitor, slightly faster on the other (no clue why). It continues to climb and seems to crap out at about 1,8xx,xxx KB-ish. I used to be able to reduce the usage by reloading the graphics but that just seems to either make no change or add to the problem.

Inside the base is even worse. I avoid the base as much as possible unless I absolutely need to drop something in storage now.

The "admin" (aka husband) is trying to lure me into the 64bit world but that would mean a complete reinstall of many many things, and I am not sure I want to go there, but if it gives me the ability to have more RAM, and allow the game to have more RAM... it's tempting. Very tempting.



Originally Posted by VuDu_DawL View Post
The "admin" (aka husband) is trying to lure me into the 64bit world but that would mean a complete reinstall of many many things, and I am not sure I want to go there, but if it gives me the ability to have more RAM, and allow the game to have more RAM... it's tempting. Very tempting.
It does but it won't. Even in a 64-bit OS the game is still a 32-bit app and is bound by the 2 GB limit. Tho apparently the game is large address space aware and can, in theory, use up to 3 GBs provided the OS (32 or 64 bit) is started using the appropriate switch.

Having 3 GBs instead of 2 won't prevent you from crashing due to a memory leak, but it'll take longer to get there.



Originally Posted by VuDu_DawL View Post
My vid card (happy-very-early-birthday to me!) is a brand new Radeon HD 5670 with 1GB memory. I have dual Dell 1907FP monitors. The computer is a home-built with an Asus (possibly M2N-E?) motherboard with AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2.4GHz.

Would you like the output from my City of Heroes Helper, as well?

Thank you very much for your response.

Thanks for the info--I think this is what we needed. It sounds like you're experiencing the same leak as the majority of other players reporting in this post.



Okay, I updated my drivers, and now it's not freezing nearly as often on opening the Contacts tab(though their faces aren't rendered correctly, if at all). I suppose the real problem is that I may need to add more memory to the computer and/or update the video card.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
Thanks for the info--I think this is what we needed. It sounds like you're experiencing the same leak as the majority of other players reporting in this post.
Thank you for looking into it. I played a little this week, and had several CTDs, with the typical 'sound loop' - a couple while I was not paying attention to the memory usage, the last two occured at around 1,400,000-1,500,000KB. One of them gave me that strange "Please report this to Cryptic Studios beta forums..." pop up again. There were several buttons, so I decided to click the debugger one. When I hit it, I got the following: Debug Assertion Failed! Program: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe File: AtIDebugAPI.cpp (or perhaps it is AtLDebugAPI.cpp) Line: 530 Expression: pProcess For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts. (Press Retry to debug the application) (Retry made everything just disappear.)

Disabling and enabling the monitor is a pain, but I can't run long - a mish or two - unless I do that or run in a small window with the settings on 'extremely ugly'. Drivers are the latest from ATI website, settings on for CCC are according to Bill Z Bubba's instructions. I had originally let the game put me in 'Ultra Mode' after it detected the new vid card (after the new driver install) but since reverted to non-ultra way-low settings in order to play. *sob* I want my shiny water back.



Why is your paging file so high with only 3 gigs of ram initially?

Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
It's not unusual for CoH to try to allocate up to about 1.2-1.3 GB of memory when I play for a long time. This happens because of loading up all the textures for the various maps, villain groups, etc., that I see in a single session of game-play. It wouldn't surprise me if you were also getting that. However, if the game is steadily getting bigger and bigger without you doing anything, or going way beyond the 1.2-1.3 GB I'd expect, that's probably a sign of another leak.

I have nailed down a nasty memory leak for me in my small hidden base. I actually gain memory back when I enter my base, and everything is fine, no leak. I open up my salvage storage racks, my memory usage goes up a hair and then steadies. Same for my vault storage. Everything seems fine until I open up an enhancement storage rack (I have 2.) Both are near capacity of 100 enhancements each, with very few duplicates, so lots of 1's or a couple of 2-fers. Once I start scrolling through the list, the leak hits me hard, and lots of times my graphics will either lock up or stutter hard. If I do this with both racks, I am now eating almost 1M of memory a second. Even if I just leave it open and not scroll though it anymore, leaks like a sieve. As soon as I close the enhancement racks, leak stops. And I don't get that memory back until I max out at 1.8G and CTD.

My system: Win XP PRO 32bit w/SP3, 4 GB RAM, ATI 4850 with 1G RAM, CAT 10.4, 1 monitor, Realtek onboard sound.



Originally Posted by Partsman View Post
I have nailed down a nasty memory leak for me in my small hidden base. I actually gain memory back when I enter my base, and everything is fine, no leak. I open up my salvage storage racks, my memory usage goes up a hair and then steadies. Same for my vault storage. Everything seems fine until I open up an enhancement storage rack (I have 2.) Both are near capacity of 100 enhancements each, with very few duplicates, so lots of 1's or a couple of 2-fers. Once I start scrolling through the list, the leak hits me hard, and lots of times my graphics will either lock up or stutter hard. If I do this with both racks, I am now eating almost 1M of memory a second. Even if I just leave it open and not scroll though it anymore, leaks like a sieve. As soon as I close the enhancement racks, leak stops. And I don't get that memory back until I max out at 1.8G and CTD.

My system: Win XP PRO 32bit w/SP3, 4 GB RAM, ATI 4850 with 1G RAM, CAT 10.4, 1 monitor, Realtek onboard sound.
A-HA! I knew I was having leak problems while crafting, not just while base editing! I'll have to check this out, see if I can see this too.



Okay, new problem. This time it is the laptop. No extra display, same amount of RAM, O/S is Win7 Pro 64bit. Asus N81Vp w/Intel Core 2 Duo CPU - 2.8Ghz. Dx 11, vid card is ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 with 2809MB RAM

It is doing the same thing. I tried initially running the game at the default 'Ultra Mode' settings as the game detected my vid card to be capable of running. This resulted in a rather nasty system hard lock up a short time later, that I sincerely believe to be the video card overheating. The "Admin" aka hubby, took a look at it and there were strange graphic artifacts even in the text display in the bios, which went away shortly after the crash. I since turned the settings down, and slowly creeped them back up to see what she would handle. The game is running fine now except it leaks memory like crazy. Tonight I ran a couple of quick paper missions and then during the mayhem, it did the 'sound loop of death' and it checked the RAM usage and it had gobbled up 3,090,840K.

The only things these two machines have in common is they both have 4GB RAM, both have a shared install of CoH, and both have ATI Radeon HD video. Other than that, they are different machines. One has been on DSL (business account), and Verizon Wireless data service. This laptop is sitting on the DSL right now.

I can't think of anything else that might have an effect on the problem at the moment. CoH Helper file available on request.



I am managing to get the keep semi playable running on minimum gfx settings so i only get the occasional sound loop that freezes the game momentarily.
the sound seems to happen a few seconds after the visual effect.

Still get random slowdown /freezes in game.

Support have got me to rerun cohadvisor.



Add the Radeon HD5570 to the list of leaky cards. I just had a memory leak crash after just one mission. I was AFK in the mission for quite a while; I crashed upon Mission Complete. Memory usage for COH was 1.6XX GB and several other programs were open. Catalyst 10.4. My desktop is extended across 2 monitors, I just played one as you'd expect.

Assertion failed

Program: ...lications\City\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe
Time: Wed Jun 02 06:14:57 PM
Process ID: 2620
File: c:\src\utilitieslib\utils\superassert.c
Line: 1857
Expression: 0

Error Message: CRT abort() called

ERROR: swDumpStackToBuffer - timeout (258) waiting for dumpHeap is NOT corrupted
Last windows SYSTEM error: Not enough storage is available to process this command.


---System information gathered by CoH Helper version

DxDiag gathered at June 2, 2010 18:45 (-04:00)
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.100216-1514)
System Model: MS-7549
BIOS: Default System BIOS
Central Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 3328MB
.Net Memory Report: 2807MB out of 3327MB available
Page File: 4664MB (546MB currently in use)
C Drive: (WDC WD1001FALS-00E3A0) 467776MB out of 928868MB (50%) free
D Drive: (WDC WD1001FALS-00E3A0) 19497MB out of 24999MB (77%) free
Windows directory location: D:\WINDOWS
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DirectX Diag version: 5.03.2600.5512 (32-bit version)

Display Notes: No problems found.

No problems found.
Sound Notes: No problems found.
Input Notes: No problems found.

Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor's Max Resolution: 1600,1200
Video Device Name: ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series
Manufacturer / Chip: ATI Technologies Inc. / ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x68D9)
Video Memory: 1024.0 MB
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.7070
Driver Date: 4/6/2010 9:45:46 PM
Driver Language: English

Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor's Max Resolution: 1600,1200
Video Device Name: ATI Radeon HD 5500 Series
Manufacturer / Chip: ATI Technologies Inc. / ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x68D9)
Video Memory: 1024.0 MB
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.7070
Driver Date: 4/6/2010 9:45:46 PM
Driver Language: English

Sound Device Description: Realtek HD Audio output
Driver File: RtkHDAud.sys
Driver Version: 5.10.0000.5898
Driver Date: 7/20/2009 7:08:26 AM

WMI Information
Motherboard Manufacturer: MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD
Motherboard Model: (empty)
Motherboard Product: 785GTM-E45 (MS-7549)
Motherboard Version: 1.0
BIOS Manufacturer: American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS Name: Default System BIOS
BIOS Version: 7549MS - 20091023
BIOS Release: 20091023000000.000000+000

Registry Information for Current User
Resolution: 1280x934
3D Resolution: 1280x934 (Not using renderscale)
Full Screen: No
Maximized: Yes
Screen Position: 1035, 12
Refresh Rate: 0Hz
Vertical Sync Enabled: Yes

Physics Quality: Medium
Maximum Particles: 3872
Max Particle Fill? 10.000
Physics Card Enabled: No

Anti-aliasing: Off
Anisotropic Filtering: 2x
Texture LOD Bias: Smooth
Water Effects: High quality
Bloom: 1.000 (turned off)
Depth of Field Enabled: No
Desaturation Effects (Sepia) Enabled: Yes
Shader Detail: Medium?

World Texture Level: Very High
Character Texture Level: Very High
World Detail Level (Vis_Scale): 1.000
Entity Detail Level: 1.000
Shadows Enabled: No
Shadow Mode: Stencil shadows
Shadow Map Shader: Unknown (0)
Environmental Reflections: Ultra quality
Advanced Occlusion Settings: No
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Occlusion Strength: Off
Blur: Bilateral
Ambient Resolution: Performance

Gamma Correction: 1.000
Geometry Buffers (VBOs) Enabled: Yes
Suppression of FX When Camera Close Enabled: No
Close Suppression Range: 3.000
Show Advertisements: Yes

Audio Mode: Performance
3D Audio: No
FX Sound Volume: 0.453
Music Sound Volume: 0.227

Show Advanced Graphics Options: Yes
Overall Graphics Quality: 0.500
Reverse Mouse Buttons: No
Save Login Username: Yes
Transfer Rate: Unknown bytes/second
Current Game Version: 1800.201003300904.25T5r
Installation Directory: C:\Applications\City\City of Heroes

Mod files in the Data directory
. has 23 files
.\fonts has 2 files
.\texts\English\Menus has 4 files
.\texture_library\GUI\Icons\Powers has 96 files
.\texture_library\ITEMS\Weapons has 1 file
.\texture_library\MAPS\city has 1 file
.\texture_library\MAPS\Midnight_Squad has 1 file
.\texture_library\MAPS\Safeguard has 9 files
.\texture_library\MAPS\sewers has 44 files
.\texture_library\MAPS\static has 34 files
.\texture_library\PLAYERS\AVATAR\Super_Shared\Embl em has 1 file
.\texture_library\V_MAPS\Outdoor_Missions has 9 files
.\texture_library\V_MAPS\Static has 16 files
.\texture_library\WORLD\Common_Decor\Kirk_Batch01 has 4 files
.\texture_library\WORLD\Common_Decor\Kirk_Batch02 has 1 file
.\texture_library\WORLD\Common_Decor\Kirk_Batch04 has 1 file
.\texture_library\WORLD\Common_Decor\kirk_painting s has 4 files
.\texture_library\WORLD\Villain_lairs\abandoned_of fices\paintings has 17 files
.\texture_library\WORLD\Villain_lairs\offices\pain tings has 27 files



I did some further testing, leaving both monitors enabled, and just loading the game to the log in screen. I am watching the game gobble up the RAM at a rate of about 1MB per second. It shouldn't even be loading up so much before I even log in, correct? I am not even playing. I haven't even logged in yet. This is a fresh start of the updater, to the log in screen, from a cold (2 hour shutdown) boot. It has climbed at that rate to 1,839,692 stopped and appears to have crashed.

Same error Pengy got, only I am doing nothing but sitting here looking at the log in screen. Odd. I don't understand why it should be loading anything but the basics into RAM since the game isn't even really doing anything.

Error msg:

Assertion failed

Program: C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe
Time: Thu Jun 03 12:22:04 AM
Process ID: 1272
File: c:\src\utilitieslib\utils\superassert.c
Line: 1857
Expression: 0

Error Message: CRT abort() called

ERROR: swDumpStackToBuffer - timeout (258) waiting for dumpHeap is NOT corrupted
Last windows SYSTEM error: Not enough storage is available to process this command.



Woohoo!! I got a reply for my PM from Arbiter Oates about my base leak:

Originally Posted by Partsman
I have nailed down a nasty memory leak for me in my small hidden base. I actually gain memory back when I enter my base, and everything is fine, no leak. I open up my salvage storage racks, my memory usage goes up a hair and then steadies. Same for my vault storage. Everything seems fine until I open up an enhancement storage rack (I have 2.) Both are near capacity of 100 enhancements each, with very few duplicates, so lots of 1's or a couple of 2-fers. Once I start scrolling through the list, the leak hits me hard, and lots of times my graphics will either lock up or stutter hard. If I do this with both racks, I am now eating almost 1M of memory a second. Even if I just leave it open and not scroll though it anymore, leaks like a sieve. As soon as I close the enhancement racks, leak stops. And I don't get that memory back until I max out at 1.8G and CTD.

My system: Win XP PRO 32bit w/SP3, 4 GB RAM, ATI 4850 with 1G RAM, CAT 10.4, 1 monitor, Realtek onboard sound.

Thanks, we've been able to reproduce this memory leak internally. I will be passing this info on to The Television.



Same issue with the crashing here are some of my system specs hope it helps resolve the issue

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100226-1909)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Alienware
System Model: M15x
BIOS: Ver A05 1.00
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~1.6GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 4084MB RAM
Page File: 1638MB used, 6528MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 120 DPI (125 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7600.16385 64bit Unicode

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce GTX 260M
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0618&SUBSYS_02A21028&REV_A2
Display Memory: 2794 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1007 MB
Shared Memory: 1786 MB
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (59Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: unknown
Monitor Id: LGD0215
Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (59.934Hz)
Output Type: Internal
Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,n vwgf2um,nvwgf2um
Driver File Version: 8.15.0011.8647 (English)
Driver Version:
DDI Version: 10
Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 8/5/2009 00:38:34, 9490944 bytes
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
WHQL Date Stamp:
Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4558-11CF-5F52-A92202C2C535}
Vendor ID: 0x10DE
Device ID: 0x0618
SubSys ID: 0x02A21028
Revision ID: 0x00A2
Driver Strong Name: oem99.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section0 12:\ven_10de&dev_0618&subsys_02a21 028
Rank Of Driver: 00E60001
Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C



I called NC Soft support. After being asked to make several very severe changes that didn't fix anything but *really* screwed up my computer (Photoshop wouldn't even start, I was running without antivirus and firewall for two have to 're-train' the firewall.. *sob*), they finally suggested I try some new drivers. They weren't official yet, so I contacted AMD. They were kind enough to send me a link, and reassurance, so this weekend, I installed them.

The memory leak is GONE. GONE-GONE - even when leaving a character in the base for hours. But.... now if I run the game on the second monitor, it fails to redraw about 80 percent of the window, only redrawing a small strip in the center. Gah.

It does not matter if I have one or two instances of the game running - the result is the same. I feel like I am on the 'if it's not one thing'... and to ICE the cake, I had problems with DAZ Studio crashing after the 'changes'. Fortunately, the driver uninstall and reinstall seems to have fixed that.


But the GOOD news is - if you are using an ATI Radeon HD card - the 10.6 drivers FIX the huge memory leak. The game is now in Ultra Mode, in my base, using 526,452K RAM - and stable. I open the base editor, it jumped to 531,392K and stable. So as long as you don't want to use two monitors, I guess this is good news.