Who interacts with the Mission Architect with consideration to its stories?




Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
On this one, at least, I've found that it helps to limit your search to only arcs in the completed category (I can't remember exactly what it's called, and I can't access the game at the moment, but it's the ones explicitly flagged as being ready for play.) That category isn't the default when you publish an arc, so I find that there's a relatively high percentage of actual arcs in there as opposed to farms and test junk.
Good advice, thanks. That does help me as a player, though not much as a creator unless more people learn to do this.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
New Question: Why does everyone keep referring to the "Comedy" arcs? Are there a surplus? Are they actually funny?
The problem is that humor is extremely subjective. I've personally found a lot of the acclaimedly funny arcs to be utter garbage in my eyes. It doesn't help either that some of them were so overhyped that I couldn't help but be disappointed when I went to play them.

I like my humor to be more subtle, many "comedy" arcs try to shove their humor in your face instead.

Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Good advice, thanks. That does help me as a player, though not much as a creator unless more people learn to do this.
And yes, the AE search interface very much blows. So many of the useful options are hidden away behind one or two layers of menus, triggered by poorly named buttons and checkboxes. It lacks simple features like being able to use date ranges to search for arcs inside a certain time frame, or being able to sort by number of ratings instead of their invisible averages. (Honestly I think that an arc with a 4.5 star average and 300 plays deserves to be higher on a list than one with 10 plays and a 4.6 average.)



It may also help to remove "Very Short" arcs from your search. Even single-mission arcs are generally at least "Short" unless they are farms. Searching only "Medium" and longer arcs does cut out pretty much all the farms, although it doesn't do anything about outdated missions.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



As I'm already 50, I only play the AE for the stories

I try and do one arc each time I'm on - I just open the search screen, set the filter to "not voted on", and play the first non-Villain arc on the list.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've taken a break from CoH lately, but because of RL stuff not because of the MA, which I think is still awesome. Rewards? pfff. Story is King.

And i don't find it too difficult to find good story arcs either. Ask in the MA Arc Finder Channel, look on the Sotries and Lore forum, chekc people's sigs...it's easy.

Just don't bother trying to use the in-game MA search engine, cos that blows.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I pretty much agree with Liquid's assessment, except I'll repeat part of his comment as my main issue with AE in general:

"As someone who likes the AE for the story aspect, the setting breaks my immersion. I want my characters to be fighting or perpetrating crime, not playing video games. I actually want to travel to another area of the zone to get to the next mission; it makes me feel like the story is actually taking place in the world."

If I wanted my character(s) to play some sort of game, I'd rather have the pinball machines in the game actually work, even if simply (or would like an emote to sort of look like it is, '/e type' is close) *. Or he would shoot baskets at any one of the numerous basketball courts (hm, never thought about punting, read: knockback, street criminals into a basket.. hmmm.. ).

(note: When I'm more involved in chatting than playing and a pinball machine is nearby I'll have the character stand at it and do the '/e type' emote. Yeah, I'm a role-player, why do you ask? )

* I guess I could play CoX in window mode (first I'll have to figure out how to do that), shrink it down to half the screen size, and bring up any pinball game into the other half and pretend my character is playing the game.. but that just doesn't seem right, either.

Not that I really want the devs spending effort and resources to make pinball machines work in the game. Although, I'd like to have a couple to put in my SG/VG bases, along with a billiard table or dartboard, but that's another topic for other discussions.



New Question: Why does everyone keep referring to the "Comedy" arcs? Are there a surplus? Are they actually funny?
"Why We Fight", #253990", is my comedic entry. Others that come to mind: "Aeon's Nemesis", #161865, "Mercytown", #6017, "Teen Phalanx Forever!", #67355, "A Day in the Life of...Dr. Aeon", #1296...there are probably others I gave good ratings to, just can't think of them right now.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



You guys Should try my AE Arc Storys, Look up @Super Ratz

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



I play with the AE occasionally for stories. I mostly play Dev Choice and Guest Author arcs, with the occasional one I spot in a forum-goer's signature, and have created a few (They're in my sig).

I wish the search engine did a better job, too. It's so hard for the good arcs that aren't Dev Choice to get noticed, and that is just as frustrating for their creators as it is to players. My first arc, From the Abyss, has gotten only 12 ratings in the whole time it's been up, which was shortly after AE was launched. And my other one had 7 ratings before I took it down to revise it for I17, and since then the only rating the new version has is a 5-star from the SG-mate I duo-ed it with for him to proofread.

When I've created arcs, I advertise them in my signature, in the "announce your latest creation here" threads in the Architect sections of the forums, and on the Virtue server forum's Arc list, and via LiveJournal's MA community. Are there any other was to get my arcs noticed?

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Originally Posted by Spectreblade View Post
When I've created arcs, I advertise them in my signature, in the "announce your latest creation here" threads in the Architect sections of the forums, and on the Virtue server forum's Arc list, and via LiveJournal's MA community. Are there any other was to get my arcs noticed?
Spamming /broadcast seems to work for some people.



I create arcs for my characters using the Mission Architect. The stories are just as important to me as the rewards.... but by the same token, the rewards are just as important to me as the stories. I need plot to keep me going, and I need rewards to be equivalent to what I get in the standard missions to give me the feeling that my characters are progressing at a decent pace.

Unfortunately, the recent MA changes nerfed the rewards for my most interesting stories big time. I'm having a hard time coming up with arcs that don't include captives and allies. So despite having some nifty new maps available, I haven't been using the MA lately. Hopefully the devs will make some adjustments in the near future that will inspire me to get back in the AE buildings.



Despite the bits that do not quite work right, MA system is a wonderful tool for those who like to express themselves in a creative manner. The MA, though not perfect and flexible enough of a basic tool to endulge everyone's needs, it does allow a nice set of options to impart a narrative. That is also a double edge sword and potential "arms race" between dev and those who choose to exploit the system in regards to reward vs risk and time.

The abililty to create new custom mobs is one of the most intrigueing bits of the MA system. It might not be the dream tool that the creative type would like to have at their disposal, complete with all the bells and whistles, but I have found it does the job quite nicely. The current implementation of weighting powers to derive a percentage of XP as a very nice solution to the problem of exploits on a large scale; Those numbers may need a bit of a tweak though, after all it is a large number of potential combos to deal with and who knows what crazy combo might be the next FAD in custom mob design that could be defined as exploit.



I've been using the MA for some time now, both creating my own arcs and playing others. First, my experience with creating arcs. The architect tool makes it fairly straight forward to create a simple story, even a more complex one if you've got the inclination. That's a good thing. However, after pouring a fair amount of time into creating these stories I've struck the following problems; PUG teams aren't interested in the story, in fact they barely get to see most of the story because only the team leader sees the contact dialogue, which is where most room is allowed for story-telling. Which leads onto the second problem I've had with my stories, a lot of players aren't interested in the story in the slightest. I've taken a few groups into my stories (which are not optimised to maximise rewards in the slightest) only to have them bail, either one by one, or enmasse with comments like, "Need Moar XP," "XP sux", etc. Well, I'm sorry for writing a story that people might want to play, it was silly of me, it seems people are actually more interested in the Shiny!

My experience in playing MA arcs of others has been mostly good. I know how to use the search feature to find arcs I like, sometimes I have to go through 1 or 2 missions before I find out it's horribly broken and try another, but mostly I'm impressed with the quality of writing in the arcs and the way the mechanics have been used. The biggest issue is narrowing down the search field to avoid the farms! Yick, I don't like farm missions, every single enemy is the biggest toughest evilest creature that can be designed, and takes an aeon to kill, then it's onto the next one, just the same as the last. If you don't have the FoTM AT with all the IO's, this just makes these unplayable.

So, those are my 2 cents. Now, PLAY MY ARCS!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



You guys do realize that others can see the contact intro and send-off dialogue by clicking the "more" button or the red star in the nav bar right?

Oh wait...some of you probably don't because the game doesn't give you any indication that you should do that. The "more" button should be in a more obvious place, both for AE and regular content (just in case there are still people who read TF dialogue instead of looking it up on ParagonWiki after the fact.)

The only thing your team members can't see is the "still busy" and "return to contact" dialogue, which is why a lot of authors who design for teams don't put any crucial information there. A team leader can copy and paste that dialogue into the chat box for everyone to read.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
You guys do realize that others can see the contact intro and send-off dialogue by clicking the "more" button or the red star in the nav bar right?

Oh wait...some of you probably don't because the game doesn't give you any indication that you should do that. The "more" button should be in a more obvious place, both for AE and regular content (just in case there are still people who read TF dialogue instead of looking it up on ParagonWiki after the fact.)

The only thing your team members can't see is the "still busy" and "return to contact" dialogue, which is why a lot of authors who design for teams don't put any crucial information there. A team leader can copy and paste that dialogue into the chat box for everyone to read.
Yep, I realise this is there. But how many others do, or bother to use it? The in-your-face dialog box from the contact that pops-up is what I'm talking about.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Inspired by this thread, I went to tonight and visited the AE.

Wow... that was dire.

I started out looking at random pages of 4-star arcs. Page after page of abandoned farms, unfinished arcs, ones that perhaps looked interesting but then I'd see "Custom Enemies. Warning: EXTREME Archvillains!", etc.

Oh well. I'll try the no-rated arcs. I'll even sort them by date starting with the newest. Right now some fledgling author is probably waiting by his or her screen for that first "You have received 25 tickets..." message and maybe a shot of yellow text praising their story-telling efforts.

BM Farm
Time to harvest for Farmer Clem
batle maidin farm
Veggie Time!!
Plant Killahz

Eventually a fellow SG-mate gave me his arc number which was entertaining. But I could have been there all night trying to find something worth playing unless I stuck to the HoF/Dev Choice arcs or ones gleaned from the forums. Pretty depressing news for the story minded.



Marcian Tobay wants to know:

If you interact with the Mission Architect primarily because of its story capabilities, what are your current thoughts on it? Are you bored with it because you've played all the good stories? Happy with it because the stories are endless? Do you get a fair rotation of players?
Um...I like it? I dunno, I haven't had much time for it since coming back in Jan (had a broken computer for six months and am doing a lot of catch-up), but I've been through a few. I like the stories, don't give a crap about xp or tickets except for Virtual Lad, who is leveling from 1-50 there the normal way (his mom won't let him fight real criminals...he's only 12! ).

I'm also fully in favor of them doing whatever they need to do to drive away the exploiters, so if things get "nerfed", I'm fine with it.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I've stopped playing the AE for the following reasons:
  • It's too hard to find quality arcs. The rating system is totally useless, and the system is loaded with garbage and farms. Dev's Choice is nice, though the uneditable nature of the setting results in the older Dev's Choice arcs often being buggy. I could spend time in the Stories forum, but it's hard to find out if an arc is good or not without getting plot spoilers.
  • True dat.

  • Due to its quasi-TF nature, I can't start an AE arc, get a few missions in, stop and join my friends for a while when they get on, then go back to the arc, like I can with canon arcs. If I start an AE arc, I have to finish it or abandon it with that character. This is actually the same reason that I'm not getting a lot of use out of Ouroboros
  • Same here. Surely there must be a way to just add both AE and Ouro tasks to the regular mission list in our nav window.

  • As someone who likes the AE for the story aspect, the setting breaks my immersion. I want my characters to be fighting or perpetrating crime, not playing video games. I actually want to travel to another area of the zone to get to the next mission; it makes me feel like the story is actually taking place in the world. Meanwhile, I'm sure most farmers and powerlevelers don't care at all about the setting, and love that they have zero travel time between missions. If the Mission Architect is supposed to be focused on stories, then the AE was conceptually designed for the wrong group. I know that the purpose of this decision was to make it clear to players what was a dev-created arc, and what was player-created, but instead of just making it clear to players (which would be done through UI design, perhaps with a tab labeled "player content" under "contacts" and/or "missions"), it was also made clear to characters (done through lore, the buildings, and NPC dialogue)
That's a nail you've hit upon its tiny head.

I knew upon the AE's announcement there would be tons of dross. I remember saying that on the forum and even specifically saying that I'd play one of Ascendant's arcs without even knowing what it's about, because he would craft an interesting story. (Which I did, but couldn't finish because it became too difficult.)

What I did NOT anticipate was that it would be a virtual realm within a virtual realm, and this, too, hampers my enjoyment of it. What I'd LOVE to see is Hall of Fame and Dev Choice missions getting propagated out into the "real" world of Paragon City with full rewards and everything just like regular missions. That they become, in fact, regular missions.

I'd also like to see a better way for players to submit an arc to get some sort of official stamp of approval so it can be separated out from the unbelievable amount of chaff. Maybe have a Dev-chosen committee of players to rate and recommend arcs. I just feel it's pointless to expend any effort on an arc that few people are going to play. I've had some nice feedback on one of my arcs (which is broken now and I have little interest in fixing it at this time) but have also received some low ratings from farmers who complained about the low XP/min. Mine's story-based and has a couple little flourishes that I worked a long time honing but -- even if it weren't broken -- good luck finding it down in the middle of the pack of thousands.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I use AE for story sometimes. My general policy is that I won’t use AE at all unless I’m either farming, or teamed. I won’t use AE for stories while solo unless an arc is specifically recommended to me by a trusted friend.

This is for a couple of reasons, many of which have already been mentioned:

Good arcs are hard to find. The ratings system is not at all helpful. Anything that doesn’t have 5 stars isn’t immediately visible, anything that doesn’t have 5 stars tends not to get played. This wouldn’t be a problem, except that a 5-star rating isn’t necessarily a guarantee of quality. A lot of surprisingly bad arcs have 5-star ratings. Some of the stuff in the 4-star pile is pretty good, but then, a lot of it isn’t. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad. So hard, in fact, that I find it's not really worth my time to try.

I can’t play through many AE arcs on my normal settings. Player-made enemy groups tend to be overpowered. This is a sweeping generality, and there are a few shining exceptions to it, but I find that it’s true more often than not. The system makes it far too easy to crank up the difficulty well past the max you’ll find in a dev-made arc. I find it incredibly frustrating to come across groups and encounters in AE that make it impossible for me to progress without lowering my normal difficulty settings substantially. I especially hate it when I’m actually enjoying the arc and the story, and then have my fun brought to a screeching halt by an Extreme/Extreme Elite Boss who is both a required mission objective and unsoloable with my build, AT, sets, or skill level. This kills otherwise enjoyable arcs for me – instant ragequit.

The rewards system as is encourages farming and punishes playing through a mission normally. Rewards are based on map size, not risk or enemies defeated - ticket caps get larger as map size increases. Thus, the best way to maximize your reward is to farm on an extra large map until you’ve got half the required tickets, then click the glowie to get the other half. If you’re on a small map, the maximum number of tickets you can get is far smaller. This makes zero sense since they changed the difficulty options, since you can now always choose to fight the number of enemies required to hit the largest ticket cap, even on the smallest map. This means that if a story arc has maps that are smaller than extra large (i.e. most story-based arcs), rewards are going to be much smaller, even if you fight the same number of enemies.

Having Ticket Caps scale with map size is silly, because enemy count no longer has a lot to do with map size. Technically, larger maps mean a larger total number of enemies, but that's a bit academic when the largest cap would still be reachable on the smallest map type if you're fighting at x8. I would absolutely love to play through story arcs as they're meant to be played in order to get my tickets. Unfortunately, the rewards system discourages this, and the stories themselves tend not to be so excellent that I'll play them even without the reward carrot.

This last point might have been changed since I last looked – I haven’t bothered to solo with AE for a few issues, now.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



I totally thought this thread was about something completely different

I don't use the Architect. Not at all, not any more. My reasons are actually pretty simple, and come in two parts:

1. Making arcs in the Architect is pointless, thankless trudge. The only way to get your arc played in any meaningful way is to get it played is to advertise out the bung hole, and I didn't sign up for an MMO to play marketing. And if you don't advertise, and advertise CONTINUOUSLY, then your arc doesn't get played. I've had arcs that have had less than 20 playthroughs each, and one of those was published the day the Architect came out. I could spruce them up with the I17 goodies, but what's the point? They won't get played, so no-one will see them, so it makes no difference.

As an amateur writer, I know one thing for a fact - writing is fun, but having your stuff READ is monumentally more satisfying. Considering that putting together good, interesting, creative missions is basically HARD WORK (harder than actually writing stories), which in itself kills the fun of the creation process, to trudge through the toil with full knowledge nobody is ever going to know or care leaves me with no motivation to bother. Why should I?

2. I would describe myself as a cynical, curmudgeony ******* of unpleasable taste. I don't appreciate humour, I HATE insider references to stuff I don't know or care about, I dislike exuberantly tough fights and I abhor narrative that says "you think" or "you feel." God damn it, people! If I managed to make an arc about your character doing things of his or her own volition without once using those expressions, so can you!

All of this means that I just don't really like other people's arcs most of the time. That's not to say I hate arcs as a concept, as the few arcs I've been expressly asked to review have largely been decent and entertaining, but pulling an arc out of the air is just hopeless. And I'm not talking about farms at all. My tastes and opinions are just such that I hate most people's arcs just naturally and instinctively. That's not to say developer content is that much better (often it's actually much worse on the older stuff), but I give official missions a LOT more leeway than I give what is essentially fan fiction. This is only compounded by the fact that a lot of people take HUGE liberties with canon.

In fact, I guess one of the main reasons I don't enjoy other people's arcs is because of all the custom factions. Everyone's basically translocating the narrative into some other setting, using their own unique factions that I've never heard of and don't honestly care about, writing their own stories completely divorced from City of Heroes content. No objective criticism here. I just don't like that sort of stuff.

As a result, I have no reason to make content and I have no desire to play content from the Architect. I don't foresee any way to change my mind on this subject.

You know what? The Architect is a lot like the base editor. I REALLY wanted to like it and enjoy it, but the circumstances in how it's implemented and how it's used just kill it for me. With the base editor, it's the CRUSHING complexity and the sheer amount of hard, concentrated work I need to put in for very little effect. Add that to their restriction to not just groups of people, but large, active groups of people, and it just kills the use for me. I'd have liked something simpler, easier and more personal. Similarly, arcs being this hard to make and so limited in number is what kills my desire to make any. I'd make arcs for myself, but with 30 characters and three slots... And I doubt I'll ever become a fan of other people's work, by and large.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Certainly, something needs to be done about the state of the arcs available as others have stated. I've yet to go back through my two arcs for compatibility with the latest patches so I have no idea what state they are in.

I'd love a system that removes from listings (forcing the owner to Republish before listed again) any mission that....

- At any time it becomes flagged as invalid
- Any mission not marked as "Final" disappears after 30 days of a (re)publish

... plus send a Gleemail notification of such removals to the owner.

And for the love of $deity rotate the Dev Choice "stickiness". Only keep the recent Dev Choices up top, let the rest sink down to the bottom (so you can search for "Dev Choices" but they're not taking up page after page).