Live Patch Notes - 5/12/10




Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
Please tell us that the small fonts on recipes/enhancements in certain views is being looked at.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I would have absolutely no problem with speed runs if it weren't for one thing: Same Merit reward for a speed run as with a group that kills-all. The reward-over-time metric is being bypassed here and thus penalizing those who play through.

I've tried to lobby the powers team to move some or all of the Merits of a TF into drops to even out reward-over-time. So that a TF that is sped through in 10 minutes would give 10 Merits. And another team that killed-all over an hour would get about 50 Merits on average in drops plus the 10 Merit reward. Both teams would be earning 60 Merits/hour, but by their own play style. Synapse said he was looking into it, but nothing thus far.

One or the other needs to be fixed: The ability to bypass the intended design of a TF or the static reward for widely disparate time efforts.
Since the LGTF seems to be popular at the moment lets go with that. A "kill everything" run takes a couple of hours; for that you get a metric ton of influence/infamy, several thousand chances at a drop, a load of vanguard merits and 37 reward merits. The fastest I've ever done it was 22:46, and I don't think anyone got a single recipe drop, half of the time people were bailing from missions prior to completion so they could get to the next entrance faster, shivans were being dropped at almost every serious encounter and even a few warburg nukes got tossed into the mix. Did we run it like a 5 mission long farm? No. Did we put any less effort into it though? Hardly.

In the end the mission is to save the world; if you view actually saving the world as more urgent than beating the inf out of an endless supply of rikti, you shouldn't be penalised further for doing so.

Getting Glacia killed to save time ought to reduce the reward though... Infernia not so much, she talks for so long you can clear half the map waiting for her to shut up.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The process was more like this:
Get bug report: GreenMito is broken
Look at it and see it is broken because it's powers are going off even when held.
Look at hold protection, realize it is perma-holding itself.
Fix that to match original design doc.
Fix Cast Despite Being Held issue.
Test that it uses powers when not held
Test that it stops using powers when held
Check in changes.
Hmmm... I see.

Technically you had tested the bare mechanics, but skipped the "playability" aspect.
I do understand.
I imagine you were under a fair bit of pressure to "get the mitos fixed NAO!".
Rushing can cause oversights.

I apologize if I seemed overly snarky (channeling a little of my mom, I guess >.<).

Thank you for taking a second look and making adjustments.


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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I don't disagree.

I'll be reducing the Green Mito Protection to 15 later this idea how long it'll take to get to the servers, but there it is.
Good show man. Good show.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Is it not just possible to kill hami while the greens are healing him?
ALL of the mitos are considered part of hammidon. Killing hami's central nucleus does not end the mission. ALL the mitos also must die.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Perhaps. Probably, in fact. I made it match the original design. If needed (and judging by reactions, it probably is) I'll drop the protection some in a future update. It will never be as easy as it was when the green mito's perma-held themselves though.
Wow, 50 points of hold protection? That is unrealistic for a Task Force Team. As folks are saying you would need a team full of dominators or controllers to even come CLOSE to that magnitude.

I did notice something trying the LGTF with my friends tonight. The Weakened Hamidon is classified as "Elite Boss" and the Healing Mito is classified as "Hamidon". I didn't check to see the classification of the blue or yellow mitos (before defeating them all), might that be something to why this is so difficult?


"Look out! It's the monk of funk!" - @Hermetic
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Originally Posted by ROBOKiTTY View Post
I'm seeing a worrying trend here. It seems like our devs at Paragon Studios are way understaffed and overworked. For so many issues now, the updates have had more potential than polish. Castle now seems to be on a drive to carry out retrospective QA and to micromanage all the deviations from original design PS's new hires have made -- apparently without understanding what things are like in game until they are pointed out to him by players (c.f. shield, LGTF Hamidon) -- while basic QA has been basically absent in spite of all the sweeping changes that have occurred.

GR is the obvious culprit for the crunch, and devs have invoked it as a reason why certain things end up on the backburner; but as GR gets closer and more GR-critical features such as ultra mode make it onto live, we find that they, too, have yet to receive the meticulous care some of us had been optimistic for.

What can we expect in GR? I know the bar is kind of low in this industry, and CoX/PS are doing comparatively well, but I think everyone, devs included, deserves better.
Finally somebody who understands it . maybe they are hard working on GR .

Castle anyway you can just turn it back to the way it was . or just lower the reward that they dont want to do LGTF anymore other then for the one time for fun .
Like so many other TF/SF . most here are just moaning about farming . if they really like the story they dont mind less rewards .
Infact 1 merit on some Arcs contact never heard anybody moan about that when it previously gave 11 .

And anyway we can fix the costume bugs its a QoL issue .amd contact pictures loading time .



Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
Geez guys. Ok the new fix is overboard. We get that. Even if Castle does want to fix it, you're not giving him a chance to reply. Give him a break. Is he perfect? No. Are any of us perfect?.... I didn't think so. Give him time. Issue 17 caused issues and they are quickly patching to fix them. I applaud the devs for this. I say good job devs and if the LGTF is undoable for the moment, try something else in the game. There are TONS of TF's and other things to do and see in this huge game we all still love.

Just my two cents worth.
There is exactly one other TF that is Co Op. SO tell me, how am I to go do a ton of other task forces with my friends when we play mixed hero/villain ATs? After the first ITF you're rewards on the same character are very reduced.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
There is exactly one other TF that is Co Op. SO tell me, how am I to go do a ton of other task forces with my friends when we play mixed hero/villain ATs? After the first ITF you're rewards on the same character are very reduced.
Well aint they going to fix that situation in GR , your friends can go over or you can go over .
But the last line is the thing its the rewards and ITF had been nerfed cause of that reason .

So if playing with your friends isn´t good enough other then the reward merits .
Then you have to think are they your friends or should they even consider you as friend.
Who cares if the rewards are reduced when you are playing the same missions over and over its called farming .
Nothing against farming , but then you all move over to next farm when that rewards is beter . we seen it happen all over again and again .



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Removed the rewards for all ‘errand’ tasks within missions. These small rewards were exploitable with the new mission abandonment feature. Mission completion rewards are not affected, including patrol missions.
You heard it here first: the Cathedral of Pain is returning! :P

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I'm afraid I can't get behind the design that if you don't have several controllers/dominators on the team you can't complete the TF. It seems that this change, even if the hold protection on the greens is reduced, means that either you bring plenty of holds or you don't bother starting the TF.

Any TF that REQUIRES a specific power in order to complete is poorly designed. Hard is ok, but impossible without a specific team composition is inexcusable. I'd guess that MAYBE 8 blasters MIGHT be able to overpower the Green's heals and regen but little else could.

I've no doubt that 8 Fire/Rad controllers could take it's lunch money but the majority of teams aren't on that level.
yes if it's going to require specific powers then that tf should give them to you.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Castle: He of the Fireproof Buttocks.

Just an FYI though. All that asbestos is just as bad for your health!

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Originally Posted by Verene View Post
As long as we're making Castle run a pug lg, can it be on an so'd shield scrap or brute? With against all odds routinely stealing massive aggro from tanks I think the usefulness of an un-nerfed shield charge would quickly become obvious
This is more an indication that the aggro auras need to be more distinct when moving from tank to brute to scrapper



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I agree with all that you said before this, but I just wanted to say that I've thought the same thing about how people tear into the devs sometimes.
I don't mean it as a knock against the mods either. And, honestly, it's partly stuff that comes with the territory of the job, I suppose.
Some people communicate far less... respectfully... than others. In the end, most often, I suppose they mean the same things, they just don't communicate it quite as nicely.
That doesn't condone it (In my book), but ah well...
Hopefully the Devs can always keep in mind that we love what they do so much... the negative just stands out.
As an artist, I know how the negative feedback can wash out more positive feedback if you let it.

Would be nice to not get jumped on for every little mistake you may make... But... The masses can be unforgiving. Toss them a shiny and they'll soon forget though.
I'm sure the mods would like it if you used the little report button if you see someone dev bashing past your point of tolerance.

Don't let the Dev response to a post deter you either ^_^.

... originally quoted wrong post...



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Back of the envelope calculation:

Level 50 Lt Health: 855.1
Max Regen: 4.0088
Total Regeneration at the cap: 57.132 h/s
Resistance buff due to passive defense: 70%
Total damage required to match regeneration: 57.132 / (1 - 0.7) = 190.44 dps
Total damage required to defeat LT in seven second window between mito heals**: 190.44 + 855.1/7 = 312.6 dps

So basically, I think Castle's "unkillable unless held" statement is probably more appropriate for the raid version than the LGTF version. Unheld they can still be taken down in quick order by a team of damage dealers in theory. At level 50 a damage dealing character should be able to reach at least 100 dps in a team. Holding the mito cuts the difficulty by more than half, but its not unbeatable unheld.

(In a raid, its different because the mitos become special boss-but-better entities: the same calculation generates 2179 dps to neutralize regen and 3300 dps to defeat a mito in seven seconds. That's quite a bit higher, even with a lot more raiders).

** You don't have to kill them that quick, but if you can you can definitely overpower any heals that come your way. Its mostly a simplification for the calculation.
When we ran LGTF after i17 release, I used Surveillance on green mitos. It showed 90% damage resitance to all positions. After EF was applied, it dropped to 84.5%. I haven't run LGTF since then, so I don't know whether their resistance was reduced to 70% in the last patch or not



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
ALL of the mitos are considered part of hammidon. Killing hami's central nucleus does not end the mission. ALL the mitos also must die.
The zone hamidon encounter doesn't work that way though. Once the Hamidon nucleus is down the mitos go boom.

Even the original hamidon encounter worked that way. I remember we had a yellow dawn (full bloom) and we killed him just as the bloom wiped most of the raid. It was quite epic.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
This is more an indication that the aggro auras need to be more distinct when moving from tank to brute to scrapper
Agreed. I'd include Taunt and Gauntlet-lite for Brutes, too. Unless a Tanker uses Taunt and a Brute doesn't, the Brute will out threat the Tanker - same taunt durations, same threat mod, while having higher damage.



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
Quite a bit more actually. I just noticed (when the numbers didn't triple as expected) that you're only applying the Resistance to the Regenerated Health, not the base Health (the numbers for Held Mitos seem to apply the Resistance to both though).

So, we'd get (57.132 + 855.1/7)/(1-0.9) = 1792.89 in order to defeat them between heals.
Boy, that was a very defective envelope. I'm switching to napkins.

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Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post

But I think the bigger question is this - Who wanted an abandon mission feature? And for what? Especially now that we can carry up to 7 missions, is it really needed? And what purpose does it serve? You still can't get out of old arcs with it, or advance the arc along toward completion.

I would much rather they do away with the abandon mission feature and roll back missions to the way they used to be.
I've used it several times for timed missions when I've had to log out (and therefore don't want to autofail the mission).

Also, the ancient 'Go Talk to Warson Liaison' missions can be abandoned. They're still there of course but it can cut down the time taken to 'do' those missions.

I'm guessing the exploit arises from linked talk to, then go hit stuff missions (early Hero contacts for example - defeat 5 Hellions then head off to a warehouse).

However, considering that street-sweeping is a far easier way to achieve levels early on I'm not sure how exploitable this really was in the first place.

If xp has also been destroyed for Hunt Missions then that's poor planning imo. TFs and SFs are also affected by this.

Does it also apply to hunt missions where you are ambushed?



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
don't even do that. the original version of the TF was, in no way, exploitable or broken to provoke such a hard nerf, I and i think im safe in saying all of the player base, thought the TF was perfectly challenging and fine as is(er was). the rewards don't need to be changed and if the devs want the difficulty to be adjusted then A) this is not the way to do it and B) increase the merits for the harder task.
Double post but it's on a separate issue.

The LGTF was fun, enjoyable, difficult enough to warrant rewards.

Hami was always the mission that people groaned about.

Being struck by slowing (movement and recharge), -recovery, -regen, chained lightning makes it very difficult for characters with excellent defense and/or resist protection to adequately damage the mitos. So it needs a good team who know what they're doing.

Blasters, Defenders, Controllers, Dominators, Corruptors - they may have range but not necessarily the defences to back that up.

50 mag Hold Protection is silly.

However, I've been on LGTFs where there has been little in the way of Holds. It's taken considerable time to get rid of the mitos but it has been done. With a lot of faceplanting.

If there are two ATs (well, VEATs and some Corruptors/Defenders/Blasters too) that have particular skills that make the task of destroying ONE kind of Mito a little easier, then why is that game-breaking? Surely it's just highlighting what makes those ATs unique?

It doesn't necessarily follow that LGTF runners will only take characters with Holds.

Also, if this is the design intent, then the LRSF Heroes need a ridiculously high confuse protection, to lessen the impact of Plant and Mind Control Doms.



i want castle's job. where else can you mess something up, then undo it and get praised. he basically nets nothing and gets paid.



Originally Posted by Funky_Munky View Post
The Weakened Hamidon is classified as "Elite Boss" and the Healing Mito is classified as "Hamidon". I didn't check to see the classification of the blue or yellow mitos (before defeating them all), might that be something to why this is so difficult?
Actually, that's just "flavor text".

Mobs (and players) have "Classes". These classes determine the core attributes of the entity, and how strong the effects of a power used by the entity will be. Examples include Minion, Lt, Boss, EB, Blaster, AV, ....

In your targeting box there's a label that describes your target. Often, but not always, this label shows the class of the target. Other times, the label has no relation to the class, but is meant to give some sort of description of what the target is. In this case, the label is just a label.

One label that gets around a lot is "Hero". Most people probably think that a "Hero" is "the heroic equivalent of ArchVillain", and sure this is *often* the case (in those cases, it's a label applied to ArchVillain class mobs). However, "Hero" is also used as a label on Lt, Boss, EB and Monster class mobs. When you run into a Boss labeled "Hero", that label does not confer any additional bonuses to them, they still have the core Boss attributes.

Note that while "Hero" is just a label, "ArchVillain" is used both as a class and a label. Usually the AV label is used on AV class mobs, but sometimes it's also used on Monster class mobs.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
You heard it here first: the Cathedral of Pain is returning! :P
If that is in fact the only reason that the CoP Trial has not been put back in the game, re-adding it would seem to be a way to add a commonly requested feature for relatively little work.

However, since the ability to make non-rewarding FedExes is not new, it'd seem a bit strange if it was indeed the only reason.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You'll need 7pts plus the base of their class; 2 for lts, 3 for bosses -- I couldn't remember if difficulty sliders changed their class or not, so I erred on the side of "boss level" for purposes of the post.

Cool. Now, how about fixing the "real" problem with the LGTF. The main reason i never run that blasted TF. The fact it rewards you for letting women and children die (get KOd?). I can never find a team that wants to be heroic on that TF. Apperently, saving 20 mins (if even) is all that matters.

And besides... WHY can a TF continue when you FAIL 2 missions??? Huh? That's never made any since to me. And for full rewards too. That's just stupid. IMO of course.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Boy, that was a very defective envelope. I'm switching to napkins.
It's like I've always said (actually, this might be the first time), the envelopes are out to get us. I think they have something to hide.

(also, annoyingly often they seem to contain bills)