Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
What I'm wondering now is do we need to learn to live with it or what?

I'm finding it more of a pain to use and just not even bothering at the moment.
When I get a valuable drop like Karma +KB I'll pop it on but otherwise I'm selling everything at vendors and I've stopped even thinking about
IOing my 50's.

So, what I'm wondering is, are the Devs aware of the discord? Are there plans to change the UI to make it more intuitive sometime down the line
OR Do we just need to suck it up and adapt?

Personally I'm hoping it gets improved before GR hits.
I'm sure they're aware of this thread (and others) but we have no way of knowing just how much 'discord' there really is. As I noted in another thread, every major change will make someone quit. And every major system that doesn't get changed fast enough to suit someone, will make someone else quit.

I agree the new market UI has problems, but it has had zero effect on how much I use the market. I'm well into the process of IO'ing one toon and just starting another. The toons I use to marketeer are still marketeering.

The two main flavors of comments that I'm seeing are as follows:
1) The new system is horrible - just roll it back to the old one.
2) The new system fixed some things but broke others - we need a second round of fixes.

I agree with position 2. Regarding position 1, I say "HELL NO!" I never want to go back to the old interface. It stank.

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Originally Posted by VTG_Peace View Post
I really miss being able to see at a glance the status of all of my slots. The old horizontal display was great for that.
I keep hearing this but I don't get it. In order to see all my slots, I had to scroll from side to side. I PREFER the tabbed interface because it lets me see a summary of all slots plus the category with which I'm currently working.

I can see how some of the pop up messages might be useful for some people, but if we turn off those messages, I think that they should remain turned off across the account for all subsequent visits to the market.
Yes, that's a bug. It has the option to permanently suppress the warnings, both on the pop-up and in the options menu, but it does not work.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Other than a few glaring bugs I'm not hot or cold on the new UI yet. Both have/had their pluses and minuses.

The big thing is to get used to the new UI so you can evaluate it on its own merits but some people don't want to (or shouldn't have to) change.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I keep hearing this but I don't get it. In order to see all my slots, I had to scroll from side to side. I PREFER the tabbed interface because it lets me see a summary of all slots plus the category with which I'm currently working.
Ok, hopefully I get the quoting and linking correct.

Here's what I mean:

Looking at the old market interface, I could see 7.5 slots at once.

New market interface if I don't accidentally click on an item in a slot, I can see 4 slots at once.

New market interface if I make the mistake of clicking on an item in a slot, I can see 1 slot.

Maybe I'm using it wrong, but I clicked around quite a bit, and couldn't get the expanded slot view to collapse again. so, I was stuck with this big view.

So, yeah, it's true, I couldn't actually see -all- of my slots at once, but I could see a good third or so of them at once. Even with the 4 slot view, it's still just over half of what I used to be able to see at once. I like getting the broad overall view of seeing what's happening in my slots.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I keep hearing this but I don't get it. In order to see all my slots, I had to scroll from side to side. I PREFER the tabbed interface because it lets me see a summary of all slots plus the category with which I'm currently working.
In order to find what's going on in each category, I have to click on each tab, and then, depending on what's in each category, I may have to scroll down within that category. That's significantly slower than simply grabbing the scroll bar and panning the list left.

Also, when you picked a place to "work" in the horizontal list, it didn't move. Because you could view your entire slot list, including slots that were not in use, you could "buffer" the list against what the current vertical lists do. The current lists in each category stop showing slots after the ones in use, no matter how many more you have. That means that adding and removing items constantly shifts the bottom of the list, but the scroll bar doesn't keep the end slot in view. So as you work the list, you have to constantly keep scrolling down to keep the last slot in view, especially if you click on it (which you have to do to list it).

Far more interface manipulation all around for the same functional activities.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
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Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
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Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Far more interface manipulation all around for the same functional activities.

Nicely summarized.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Other than a few glaring bugs I'm not hot or cold on the new UI yet. Both have/had their pluses and minuses.

The big thing is to get used to the new UI so you can evaluate it on its own merits but some people don't want to (or shouldn't have to) change.
The above,

But re reading the thread has amused the heck out of me. So many people that vehemently resented the idea that many people in the game might just not like the market, whining so loudly that they dislike it now



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
But re reading the thread has amused the heck out of me. So many people that vehemently resented the idea that many people in the game might just not like the market, whining so loudly that they dislike it now
It amuses me that you're so scrapper-locked on this campaign of yours that you see it everywhere, even when it's wildly inapplicable.

Most of the complaints here are by people who do like the market. What we don't like is the loss of efficiency or functionality in the new interface to the market. Complaining about the things in the new interface that are inferior to the old one has nothing to do with "just not liking the market".

I'm quite used to the new market now. It takes more screwing around than the old one did to both enact multiple trades and to determine what's going on when a lot of slots are in play both buying and selling. It's also still buggy in new and sometimes expensive ways. The latter needs to be fixed and the former shouldn't be expected to make anyone happy.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It amuses me that you're so scrapper-locked on this campaign of yours that you see it everywhere, even when it's wildly inapplicable.

Most of the complaints here are by people who do like the market. What we don't like is the loss of efficiency or functionality in the new interface to the market. Complaining about the things in the new interface that are inferior to the old one has nothing to do with "just not liking the market".


I'd suggest actually reading the thread. When people start talking about leaving the game because they don't like how they have to interact with the market, that constitutes disliking the market system in the game.

People liked/disliked the old market as a package. People like dislike the new one as a package. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people that disliked the market before start trickling into this forum to brag about their market victories now.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
People liked/disliked the old market as a package. People like dislike the new one as a package. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people that disliked the market before start trickling into this forum to brag about their market victories now.
What an incredibly self-serving argument. How convenient for you it is to lump people who don't like crafting or playing "City of Day Traders" with people who actually like doing those things but are unhappy because there's a new interface for doing so that has new issues.

People in the former category don't want to play because they somehow feel they have to use the market but often claim they can't (and don't want advice on how to). People in the latter category know how to use the market and consider doing so a big part of their play, and are depressed because it's been degraded.

I'm not sure if you need to wake up and smell the coffee, or if someone shouldn't just pour some on you.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
What an incredibly self-serving argument. How convenient for you it is to lump people who don't like crafting or playing "City of Day Traders" with people who actually like doing those things but are unhappy because there's a new interface for doing so that has new issues.

People in the former category don't want to play because they somehow feel they have to use the market but often claim they can't (and don't want advice on how to). People in the latter category know how to use the market and consider doing so a big part of their play, and are depressed because it's been degraded.

I'm not sure if you need to wake up and smell the coffee, or if someone shouldn't just pour some on you.
He's never really demonstrated critical thinking which is how he ends up on so many ignore lists.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
What an incredibly self-serving argument. How convenient for you it is to lump people who don't like crafting or playing "City of Day Traders" with people who actually like doing those things but are unhappy because there's a new interface for doing so that has new issues.

People in the former category don't want to play because they somehow feel they have to use the market but often claim they can't (and don't want advice on how to). People in the latter category know how to use the market and consider doing so a big part of their play, and are depressed because it's been degraded.

I'm not sure if you need to wake up and smell the coffee, or if someone shouldn't just pour some on you.
It hasn't been degraded, its been changed. There are things that are much easier to do with the new interface and other things that can be done that were completely impossible.

And once again neither of us has hard data on the breakdown on why people that didn't like the market in the game didn't. What I had said was their position was just as valid as the people who liked it.

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
He's never really demonstrated critical thinking which is how he ends up on so many ignore lists.
From someone who refers to people that disagree with him as having a sense of entitlement, I'll take that for what its worth.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
It hasn't been degraded, its been changed.
Very specific, quantitative descriptions have been given of how it now takes longer to perform the same activities. That is a degradation in performance. It unquestionably came with some benefits, but when those benefits did not apply to the users now degraded they are experienced as a pure degradation.

For example, I never had problems opening the old interface. There were people who did, and now they have a working interface. That's awesome, but it doesn't change the fact that the new interface is slower to use than the old one. Both I and the people who could never use the interface before would benefit (further) from the new interface being further improved to reduce the increased need for scrolling and clicking .

Being able to bid on a 10 stack of enhancements or inspirations is nice, but of far less regular utility to me than being able to see what I'm doing as I bid on salvage and sell IOs without having to constantly twiddle my scroll bars. The old market didn't need a window divider, but the new one does, and it moves to the bottom of the window every 3rd time or so I revisit the market. That's not an improvement.

And once again neither of us has hard data on the breakdown on why people that didn't like the market in the game didn't.
I didn't address the breakdown, so while this point is true, I don't see the relevance.

What I had said was their position was just as valid as the people who liked it.
Which has nothing to do with the price of tea in china. Again, you're lumping together people who don't like either the idea of the market or the current status quo between the "haves" and "have nots" with people who either like the market or at least don't mind it as a means to an end, but who dislike the changes to the new interface.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm fine with the new market, but I was also fine with the old market. I think they fixed something that wasn't broken




Uber, I have no idea why AF isn't on your ignore list at this point but I am hugely enjoying the methodical rhetorical beating you're laying on him.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Uber, I have no idea why AF isn't on your ignore list at this point but I am hugely enjoying the methodical rhetorical beating you're laying on him.
Unfortunately AF thinks it is a mere flesh wound and will demand that it is a draw at the end as Uber rides off.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Very specific, quantitative descriptions have been given of how it now takes longer to perform the same activities. That is a degradation in performance. It unquestionably came with some benefits, but when those benefits did not apply to the users now degraded they are experienced as a pure degradation.

For example, I never had problems opening the old interface. There were people who did, and now they have a working interface. That's awesome, but it doesn't change the fact that the new interface is slower to use than the old one. Both I and the people who could never use the interface before would benefit (further) from the new interface being further improved to reduce the increased need for scrolling and clicking .

Being able to bid on a 10 stack of enhancements or inspirations is nice, but of far less regular utility to me than being able to see what I'm doing as I bid on salvage and sell IOs without having to constantly twiddle my scroll bars. The old market didn't need a window divider, but the new one does, and it moves to the bottom of the window every 3rd time or so I revisit the market. That's not an improvement.
Well if I couldn't open the market without crashing my game, I might, just might nothing 100% certain but yes I think I just might be biased against it.

As to taking longer to do things ? Well some things yes, others no. Its now much easier for people to find how much the crafted version of their recipe is going for and just how much it will cost to craft it. Before the new market there was no easy way to compile the costs to craft. Nothing was alphabetized which made crafted enhancements a true pain to find. The ability to resize the window to make maximum use of the available screen area is a positive pleasure.

What I see on this thread are people complaining that their ox is being gored.

I didn't address the breakdown, so while this point is true, I don't see the relevance.
Once again you get the two together as a package. Some people may dislike the abstract idea of a market others may dislike the particular implementation that we had.

Which has nothing to do with the price of tea in china. Again, you're lumping together people who don't like either the idea of the market or the current status quo between the "haves" and "have nots" with people who either like the market or at least don't mind it as a means to an end, but who dislike the changes to the new interface.
I really never cared why in particular. This is a game, if people didn't like using the market to get their shiny at a reasonable rate that was enough. Now your "Haves" are complaining that it is harder for them to have, seems they have something of a sense of entitlement going.



The following two posts really summarize and explain the remaining issues with the new interface.

Like I said before, I feel like the pros and cons of both (Old and New) Market UIs basically come out to a tie. That being said, an overall improvement should be made over the old one. I like the new things the current one can do, but the layout and increased clicking and scrolling evens out those positives (For me).

Originally Posted by VTG_Peace View Post
Ok, hopefully I get the quoting and linking correct.

Here's what I mean:

Looking at the old market interface, I could see 7.5 slots at once.

New market interface if I don't accidentally click on an item in a slot, I can see 4 slots at once.

New market interface if I make the mistake of clicking on an item in a slot, I can see 1 slot.

Maybe I'm using it wrong, but I clicked around quite a bit, and couldn't get the expanded slot view to collapse again. so, I was stuck with this big view.

So, yeah, it's true, I couldn't actually see -all- of my slots at once, but I could see a good third or so of them at once. Even with the 4 slot view, it's still just over half of what I used to be able to see at once. I like getting the broad overall view of seeing what's happening in my slots.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
In order to find what's going on in each category, I have to click on each tab, and then, depending on what's in each category, I may have to scroll down within that category. That's significantly slower than simply grabbing the scroll bar and panning the list left.

Also, when you picked a place to "work" in the horizontal list, it didn't move. Because you could view your entire slot list, including slots that were not in use, you could "buffer" the list against what the current vertical lists do. The current lists in each category stop showing slots after the ones in use, no matter how many more you have. That means that adding and removing items constantly shifts the bottom of the list, but the scroll bar doesn't keep the end slot in view. So as you work the list, you have to constantly keep scrolling down to keep the last slot in view, especially if you click on it (which you have to do to list it).

Far more interface manipulation all around for the same functional activities.

I hope the developers read these two posts and can figure out how to improve these particular aspects.
Then, I'd say we're flying with a nice new UI.

And, I agree that this summarizes the issues against nicely:
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Far more interface manipulation all around for the same functional activities.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Once again you get the two together as a package. Some people may dislike the abstract idea of a market others may dislike the particular implementation that we had.
You can try to lump them together all you want. I'll happily point out that doing so is moronic.

I really never cared why in particular. This is a game, if people didn't like using the market to get their shiny at a reasonable rate that was enough. Now your "Haves" are complaining that it is harder for them to have, seems they have something of a sense of entitlement going.
We had a piece of software. It did certain things. It now does those things using more keystrokes, more mouse motions. It's very basic for people who have a working software interface to be dissatisfied with changes to that interface that reduce their operational efficiency. This happens with all sorts of software, from loan origination applications to word processing to incident management. Those are applications where people get a certain level of productivity per time, and reducing that productivity potentially reduces their reward. Now that's a real world scenario where you're talking money. But in this game, the market and playtime itself is also something that has a measurable return on time spent. The market changes reduce that. Of course the most prolific and productive users of the market don't like that.

You can try to dress that as some sort of entitlement to suit your own arguments all you want. It's painfully obvious that it's a twisting of the reality of the situation to pretty much everyone else.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You can try to lump them together all you want. I'll happily point out that doing so is moronic.

We had a piece of software. It did certain things. It now does those things using more keystrokes, more mouse motions. It's very basic for people who have a working software interface to be dissatisfied with changes to that interface that reduce their operational efficiency. This happens with all sorts of software, from loan origination applications to word processing to incident management. Those are applications where people get a certain level of productivity per time, and reducing that productivity potentially reduces their reward. Now that's a real world scenario where you're talking money. But in this game, the market and playtime itself is also something that has a measurable return on time spent. The market changes reduce that. Of course the most prolific and productive users of the market don't like that.

You can try to dress that as some sort of entitlement to suit your own arguments all you want. It's painfully obvious that it's a twisting of the reality of the situation to pretty much everyone else.
You have a piece of software it appeals to a particular segment and not at all to other segments. You change it to try and broaden its appeal and the traditional userbase dislikes it ? Shocking I say.

As to twisting reality, Not long ago there was a delightful little thread about how easy the market and how if you couldn't deal with it you just weren't putting out effort and should be ashamed of yourself. Its funny how many people that pontificated in that thread are now whining that they can't handle it. Perhaps if you want the shiny, you should be able to make the effort. Me I find myself making a few hundred mil a day either way



Originally Posted by Another_Fan
Its now much easier for people to find how much the crafted version of their recipe is going for
Without getting in the way of whatever point you're trying to make, can you or someone else elaborate here?



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You have a piece of software it appeals to a particular segment and not at all to other segments. You change it to try and broaden its appeal and the traditional userbase dislikes it ? Shocking I say.
I might buy this argument if there was any indication that most of the market changes were actually requested. During beta there was a lot of discussion about how most of the actual user interface changes (as opposed to the functional changes, like deferring search results until the search was entered) were not known to be asked for. As far as we can tell, the interface was redesigned with new widgets from the ground up, and no one doing the redesign actually looked into the use cases in play for existing users.

In short, there's no clear indication that the changes "broadened the appeal" except for the cases where the old interface actually made it impossible to use. The changes to the interface go well beyond that change, and most of the complaints revolve around those additional changes. (It should be noted that, in beta, the original version of the new market interface did not allow you to disable autocomplete, and this feature was added back in based on player feedback.)

As to twisting reality, Not long ago there was a delightful little thread about how easy the market and how if you couldn't deal with it you just weren't putting out effort and should be ashamed of yourself.
That thread was talking about learning about prices, what to sell, when and so forth. It was about how easy it is to make money off of other people on the market, no small number of whom are in no way being fleeced - they pay high prices willingly to have what they want as fast as possible.

Its funny how many people that pontificated in that thread are now whining that they can't handle it. Perhaps if you want the shiny, you should be able to make the effort. Me I find myself making a few hundred mil a day either way
Interacting with the market is the process of finding a good price to buy or sell at, or a way to make money from other players. Interacting with the market interface is a sequence of keystrokes and mouse movements required to execute a given functional activity, like "sell 7 silver salvage" or "buy level 20 Miracle:+Recovery". You have to interact with the market interface to get at the market.

The people who were complaining in those threads did not want to or could not understand how to interact with the market. That is wholly separate and distinct from changes to the functional interface for using the market. Those of us who are annoyed are annoyed because we consider the interface has become less effective.

Anyone who didn't like the market before still will not like it now.

People who wanted to market before but could not will of course prefer the new interface, because no matter how less efficient it might be for the rest of us, it's infinitely more efficient for them. That doesn't mean it couldn't or shouldn't be better.

People who thought the market was fine before have every reason to complain about it, because there is nothing they are asking for that would come at a cost to people who like the new one with one possible exception. Folks who really want a horizontal market slot list back are probably out of luck. However, I think there are things that could be done to the vertical list to restore most of the functionality that the horizontal list used to provide.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I have a mental image of a grim, stalwart UberGuy gripping a sweating, crying Another Fan by the shirtfront while smacking him like a metronome.


Picture Frank Miller's Dark Knight trying to slap some sense into one of Joker's idiot lackeys.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I wish I'd had the foresight to save A_F's post on the old forums about how a team of 8 tanks is the most overpowered team in the game. Whenever I see A_F talking about something now, I think back to that post, and it provides a helpful context for evaluating his ideas.

And yes, the interface and the system are (or at least very much should be) separate items that can be evaluated separately, although a key criterion for the interface is how easily it allows you to complete interactions with the system. Interface design is not easy, but believing otherwise is an all-too-common fallacy.

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