31 -
I'm not super familiar with Alcohol 120%. But if I remember correctly, Civ 4 BTS, patch 3.19 removed the need to have to use the disc in the drive. You may need to download the patch and install it outside the game for it to work.
I had that too. I ended up deleting the power from the main power list.
My spine/dark armor scrapper was the first character I made when I stared playing City of Heroes. This was before IOs and before they reduced the endurance consumption to current levels. So I definitely remember what it was like.
On the plus side, after learning endurance management with my spines/dark, every other character's endurance management seemed like a breeze.
Here are some things that I did:
1. I would round up more than one group and leverage my aoes to hit as many as possible.
2. I toggled armor powers on and off based on the type of damage the mobs did. No fire/ice? Turn off Murky Cloud.
3. If there was only a boss left, I toggled off Death Shroud/Quills.
4. I waited until the last possible moment before firing off Dark Regeneration. (Sometimes I mistimed it and died. But this became a fun mini game anyway.)
5. I let my auras do their work on minions, and didn't hit my powers frantically.
6. I used rest extensively.
I also jumped for joy when teaming with Kinetic, Empathy, and Radiation defenders/controllers.
But really, IOs were a game changing breath of fresh air for my spines/dark, and the Cardiac Alpha slot made me nearly giddy. -
What gets me about those screens is more that they place blaster survivability at 4, scrapper at 7, and brute at 8. There's no way that blasters are that tough in comparison unless that scale is some sort of counter intuitive logarithmic scale or something.
If your main concern is endurance reduction, you could also consider vigor for the additional acc/heal. I've changed my cardiac slots in for vigor on my guys that used to use cardiac.
Agility is a good option too though if you can make use of the def/recharge. -
Quote:No worries. I see the funny now. I'm personally open to various ideas, and at this point and am glad to see blaster issues being discussed. I'd like to have a reason to pull my various mid-level blasters out of retirement.Yeah, that was a bit cryptic hehe. PB's had no break-free with Dwarf for years that is a very recent change. Having said that I was thinking about how it use to be on Khelds prior to that time and it was not the best of COX experiences.
I am usually very direct about these kinds of things so sorry. I was just kind of hinting they could find a way to allow Blasters to "break-free" so to speak as well. Someone up thread I think here had an idea about the tier 1 and 2 attacks building up a break-free from attacking while mezzed which I thought was pretty darn creative and would help blasters in this area.
Sorry for my original cryptic post and miserably failed attempt at humor. -
Quote:Very dramatic. What's your point though? Khelds have mez protection that comes wrapped up in a nice big tanky thing that can be activated any time. Or at least mine do.Looks at Khelds pauses...looks back at thread...shakes head and walks away....
I guess a human only build could have mez problems, but that's like saying that a SR scrapper has mez problems if they skip Practiced Brawler. -
I've only been on one of these that failed, and that was because some irritating kinetics player was running around with repel and ended up repelling one of the bad guys right through the geometry.
But, I think that a fire/dark corr would work well thanks to the early aoe available as well as the mitigation from dark miasma and tar patch for more damage. -
From my perspective, I have one character where RP'ing the "fall to darkness, search for redemption" thing was fun. I rarely play villains, so the main reason that I take most of my characters redside is to grab the blasted Scorpion Shield and then get the heck out ASAP.
If they made the villain power pools available without the extra rigamarole, I would probably just remain blueside.
So, for me most of the time an alignment token would be purely a game mechanic to help me finish my build. $5 is too much. But I'd pay $1 though. -
There may be some truth to league formation time, but I'm not so sure that it is a "large factor" because if it were, then smaller population servers would have greater rewards. Instead the reward for a trial is simply based upon completion of the trial and not whether it took five minutes or forty minutes to assemble a league.
I would love smaller iTrials. My attitude toward the trials is a bit mixed anyway. I kind of like them, but I'm sympathetic to the complaints against them. For me though, the wait time for trials is just too much.
The Well storyline smashes character concepts. But, I'm willing to overlook that to progress a character that I like. I just pretend that it isn't happening.
The trial mechanics vary between interesting and irritating. But, I'm willing to put up with them to progress a character that I like.
The trial storyline is mixed for me too. Interdimensional war? Right on! Sutter, Apex, and Tin Mage were pretty fun to me. Killing mental patients...er, not so much. Killing the same AV's from other story arcs kind of reminds me of the old Diablo 2 zombies. Sure, this zombie looks like the others, but it's painted yellow! That means it's tougher...er ok, if you say so. Even when it's lame though, I'm willing to put up with the story line to progress a character that I like.
I'm even willing to farm these things until my eyes bleed in order to progress a character that I like. But, here's where I run into RL difficulties. If I'm not on one of the more populated servers, the wait time to the trial is just too much.
From what I've seen, the lower population servers just don't have enough warm bodies to support the trial culture.
The last time that I tried running an UG, the league leader worked on getting the team together for over forty minutes, and still didn't have a league. This was the only trial forming at the time, or at least the only one that I saw being announced. I finally had to quit the league before the trial began because I knew that after the wait, I wouldn't have time to finish it.
It seems to me the trials are meant to be farmed, but even if/when I'm willing to farm the heck out of them, I still often can't because there aren't enough people. So, I'm really looking forward to the small team/solo content that's coming out especially for my characters that aren't on one of the high population servers. -
Here's another approach that sacrifices recharge for more defense. Also, Gloom is good on brutes and you might find another single target attack useful. So I substituted it for Soul Tentacles. But my dm/fa brute is still pretty low level, so I haven't actually tried it out.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6594D972124114867B98219125092421908D2D3B180C9 52897968AB1A241B35|
|86A794351D0864928A08054E9A50FE2FA00DEB9FB205E58E5 BD2626EA03E0993E3F|
|38CA14D4D77DFAEFD37DFEEE99DCC3ACF7D5B5C71785E6B95 229349BF9CB8DC3967|
|4E60A7B6651584F3FFDC754309F93152953D942E3809B210E 67E503596DCAD4BA29|
|1B8FF2970E1B05FF46B52C1BB2DA4A751A035BB55A85147BE 59659DDF3AADEA62CD|
|4A933D4E99464A35936EB6ED5DFAD4B590A5EAD9BC514AFB2 5B3BACE47385668B16|
|09D19E52F43F129DA76D882D42DC251CDBE00ED3D86586AD7 2D286786DC93535471|
|7616A2C9026C2EC8B31A371E671474A5AEDD821C4B44B9C39 02BF31DDDF996F49A5|
|735E43BF418D348D6D32BD39F02673F0165323739DC8EFBCC DFBEC537518C2B7CD0|
|CED304F701656FE7ED43A885A8751EB306A9D0DE8AAD6319A E0E23D69AE00AF39FA|
|C5A1E8A7310FC63C189BCD50D7D0854E6303F068C0F288EAF 3C599633130C27C4FA|
|A216887E06708FE4DC0CF09F8FB93547EE5685BF7C3CF29F8 39053F67E1E707528D|
|68AC1D81360C6D18DA19A5358441FB0DA096006A59402D6F0 841EC2F883C51E4892|
|24F0C6B9E926A1CE7315E669F12A6437999D8672E57981F49 3589BC93C81B43DE99|
|7FF6E712EF4835CD5A311D64DF7E532F82F38CE03C63B8A3F 338D7799CEB3CCEF59|
|305D4194F0AB5BFA524CF899307739C4F9BC3D802F88BB008 DF1751D79209EEA3CE|
|036691AE4E92F338934F38F7D9A7E033F03973F905F892297 57E2FAD9A52AB9CEFD|
|C1A781EBCC04C67985FBD42ACC09B950C5FF26337BD778869 CB5CC3C9DF98A6DDC1|
|195FE77BF5C3AE5F64FDA95D1FE5D828386574BF1BF4A3472 47A222B3D91744F64B|
|527B2D61359B7225AC98AB4377B46B78CEE1746682AE2F2D1 778423EDCF23B45DB4|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
Here's another take on a build. It goes for ranged (and energy) defense since it sounds like you want to play at range anyway. And hopefully the ranged defense would help against mezzing attacks. I also added stealth with the Celerity stealth IO in sprint because I've found that having the initiative in terms of when to strike is very helpful and another layer of protection.
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6594DB6E1251148667C360E5D47228D296432914A1402 944138FB189DA1A9B9|
|23436F1B6413A4E47C799090C46AEB4EA1378E395C75BA337 6AF42D3CDDFA049EDF|
|73CFDDB4AD355ABAB5A43EA5D1374C710DEB952375465B7BC 66284DB5C3C99941DF|
|76DBB2CCA63DE8ACD50DCD6AEB755B330DC9BB659A7A795DD 7D43DDBCFED5E53335|
|44FFF69DB5294DD60BF79D9B8ADB5B46B9AAED99DD09AA535 CAEB66B3A1D07C3D95|
|CE0C2D274BF7096970755DD2134255961C4FC1674CF939F88 279E825F3D6E8D8EBE|
|8539987F7408DE9B901DE649E24088C15D0F541D707DD49E8 4E4237005D83E0C458|
|277403D00D413704DD69E84E43D724B878AC70153976043C8 532519F3CF1167DEF9|
|833EFC10FCCB98FCCD30437D6E2868F39F888C3471C3E92F0 91840F8BE0C5582F7C|
|24E123051F29F848C1C7027C9C21F8B156FF27F47D06BF303 35FC16FCCB38429789|
|F82E745D04BC683DC2705BF3BFAB1263D85B1BEF05DC1F9F7 C07DE6D1FBE003F021|
|D34DF34504CF1789704C502C0A8D68972EE91CB567E162163 B9EC38EE7B0E339ECF|
|81276DC49B3C430732C4A8D04BD99144B70CC9180DA52000C 33D39433CF39621EAE|
|0BA04D48636569C4DA38213DF75954A780EA14509D12AA534 2754AA8CE2A218FB1F|
|99F8EFE1A977F80BF409D73570CD064BEA257BB88B514E1E5 35C5CAF0575EA4464E|
|96AA7930CBF493BF0AFC5530AE8A3DF8EDA1D3863D13CBACF 3F72026C406CFB1729|
|5F3FF8CE6E739FFDF68FE237E43328F997179F825A05FAFB2 0BF2E08077BB85B1DE|
|CA58A43A16393616393E16D93C50A163C86BD992875F1649F 4B3DC81E1F7A2FB1F7|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
My Traps/Dual Pistols defender is one of my favorite characters. He's useful on a team and even better, he can actually solo well too.
I have and use all of the traps powers other than time bomb. Web grenade is nice for keeping the big target from running away from all the debuffs that are flying around. I sometimes use triage beacon solo when facing a longer battle.
Seeker drones and poison trap are both great ways to start a fight safely. And I love having the chance to hold in poison trap and acid mortar.
For my build, I mostly went for defense and recharge. Here's what I'm running. Maybe it'll give you some ideas:
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65544B6F1251143E3303528647A1404B29501E16288F6 9B175616262B4D5A4A|
|6AD44AB5B42DA299010C0812676E7CAB71B37F5B137EEADD1 AD3FC0C445AB1BFF82|
|8FAD4F3CE79E2925A149E79BFBDDF39DF3CD39F7B2766BD90 970FB1C48EEA546A5D|
|3292FEBDB7A734B37D40D7DB3D66C355AD55DD78D7AB5DE88 9D6F76F5D8F5B60D00|
|7C4751E50B3BDBDBDA86516977C27DEE6AA559D5B7B4E59D4 AA35CAA77BAAD46C7B|
|EA6D97585FAA576B5D0C9CBAD8AE6F6A4B2DC3D869775B467 9ADB2A9E3A3D3D58DD|
|D201A4BE3FF5D17987F3D09DE09527E290144A0E8E9EF5861 8F779E0AB03C439801|
|CB73B13AF182E1830C508453A8924C95C4AA11568DB04A659 5CA2AE72EAA9CB0802|
|AC55429AF11E6C1F916210EEE7D841CB8DF20E4C1430EB3E0 E15AF7D1BBD5545915|
|854C8F59193E628006FE9C50F95F214461FC3D923E78802A9 BC42A5B005F6230AE2|
|20421E894C853D08D9081900BA100218780457468E75ABD87 98C161D6751C60D230|
|840F193EC99428FA592617D19F087310FD25D387DF431537B B6771AD61D26988AD4|
|A6433B6CE7045A2F0784922D3A7B1E0A85964945B12A79644 20BE2FBE2AC92D4972|
|4B92D4483B3CC20A5E53E5B52BA43A39C260637028542BA58 A55CAA95023EFB8A83|
|14205BE90483B8E2737C05D8200BD242081D40447C9133931 BE144102D20C8F31CD|
|A4597CF29F4C6D4BF7C4A4D27F04CCFE15E4EC6F5E81283E8 669A7CCE2537191D68|
|B54848BCB91809846D68390822C07F86DD43ED64CB3BBA48D 9E4C25BEC81475C643|
|7D673F33EC274B7E9290673F79F693673F05F6D3C667C62C9 E09881351F08B91145|
|431A79B0A9D4811A0E40EC4A4E70E1968FC2198E3F1FB6C14 CD8E34F25D0443749D|
|A9F9B3081605C296FE3DA3C3D5C39D216675905164AA5FB2F 42F1A4822E8AB3AC01|
|444BD6F835446B4EEFB3125492BE2F38A9705FC38DE91A598 386AC527E21E15F764|
|3A63F30377401B78CF0EF92D0E310B43CCE210B34E0C77BE6 73FFE45E8FD070B33E|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
Well we know what they say about all good things. Thanks for putting this together, Irish. These were some fun teams. And thanks to you guys, I actually explored some of the dark side which I hadn't done before.
Thanks for the input! I'm leaning toward the cardiac alpha. Since it helps with both endurance and resistance, it seems like a good choice for sonic/.
I'm also debating dropping soul drain and going with cage. Cage seems like it wouldn't be used too often. But, on the other hand, it's a semi-unique kind of thing that I don't think I've ever seen anybody use. So I'll at least play with it and decide if I like it before respeccing into a "final" build. -
Thanks for the dual build idea. So, what would you take in the solo build that isn't currently in the build that I posted? Clarity is the main thing that I'm debating for the team build.
I'm planning a build for my sonic/sonic defender. I have the following goals:
1. I plan to team, but also don't want to be stuck twiddling my thumbs if one isn't available. So, I want to be able to solo effectively. To that end, I'd like good survivability and damage.
2. I need to keep the end consumption under control.
3. I have the City Traveler veteran reward.
4. How useful is Clarity? Is sonic dispersion enough, or do people clamor for clarity?
5. I'm not looking to spend tons on purple/pvp IOs. I already have a couple of the expensive items from cashing in Alignment Merits.
Here's what I've come up with. Does anyone have any other ideas for this build? Thanks in advance!
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593CB6F125114C6EF9D19E455A0B4D6D2076D2905DA5 22944F74645134D318|
|D4DDC36234C296933348089AEA4B526AE35D195CFF85CABD1 951AFD2F7C45E373E3|
|63E90E0FE7BBA54D6612F8CD7CE7FBE6CC9C7BA77036DF254 4F38090C1C3AB66BDB|
|E98B7962CBB64D55C05B35C290AB71062704B5B3C74666929 B350B52B45F29DA68B|
|E14EE9A46997AD922A1E6C34CCE24AF898BD6CD52CBB91D93 A09CD57ABAB9939CBA|
|4447DB9B2E6E7EBA3AB95F2722380F3F669C52EFBF86A61CD B24AE1236B9562266F|
|D656160B66BD61D5CE45E8A112F46B6A421D2D7A4A424EBCD D965CE23A4BDA0D867|
|113B8C5D8751BB8C3784729A95212290F521EA47C48F990EA 42EA3DA574A40CFD31|
|2A4F18DD4F81678C9EE78C75B2BB60D75D13D42E257A128CD D93C01463837C6EE57|
|3C317812F02DF207C1FC8E755EDBD683F88F6C3683F8CF623 68BF49763FBF644BFA|
|63A80017A91240450FA061109D8229C65892F1917C2135A51 0A6348629C530A518A|
|614C394E298520FBD4B1877176134F492D4ABA4DE7F84A808 93D407C9D5E7936DD7|
|1E3FD0C5880780206322C4E8A554BF4AF5DFD5DAD2CC3DE03 E63EF03E021F088212|
|935A0B6CD408B0EF189F42135CAA1D7E8F00A78C1C8BD04DE 3074BA41543D7FB4DD|
|3F2A2ED11D46D56C46BF686D29F99591FA067C077E30A67E3 23ED3FFB84A8D9FE77|
|B4F358175C6F4067001D86418D43E81F65AC2C34B93340037 A349BB729237744B4C|
|A6B1F9484AAB354E638D67B1C6B358E359B5F9C8974154661 0CD0171EA9A5553CB0|
|EE9BCC18C1DDF1F0F72DAA1641D4ACEA1EC7328FB1DCA9C43 39D156F04AAD79A3F3|
|010BC9556F77E7E36CFDF25155EEACFED956A43CC5539D39C E03F8EDF0FEDD56747|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
We had a good run on the all dual pistols ITF and showed the Romans why it's a bad idea to bring a knife to a gun fight.
I find that I like what my Traps/DP defender brings to the table for these trials.
For the BAF:
On the Escapee phase, caltrops, poison gas trap (slotted with hold proc), acid mortar (with hold and extra resistance debuff), and the arachnos spider pet (I went with mace mastery) are the big players for clogging up the escapees. Then, I unload my aoes on them. The Lts. can be tougher, but acid mortar/trip mine softens them up nicely for either me, or whoever is downstream from me to finish off.
On the AV fighting phase: poison gas trap and acid mortar help to soften up the big baddies. Triage beacon does 260% regen in the area (and I can usually have a couple out), while force field generator adds defense and decent status effect protection to everyone. I also scatter caltrops to keep the melee adds at bay if they're causing problems for the squishies.
If things get tough and people are dying a lot, I send in some seeker drones and switch to toxic ammo to try to debuff the incoming damage.
For the Lambda:
The collection phase can be crazy, but I can either pew-pew the crates directly from stealth (boring and rarely do it), or send in seeker drones/poison gas trap/acid mortar too. Force field generator helps with the stuns etc and lets people rez using an awaken.
The traps set also helps out quite a bit on the master of Lambda runs.
I think that your answer depends on what you want to do in the runs. I think that overall my traps/dp defender brings a lot to the table for these. But, I've also enjoyed running the trials with my ss/elec brute. -
It gets tricky because marketing departments like to periodically change up numbering schemes. I'm sure that someone with more specific graphics card knowledge could give information about how cards work with City of Heroes.
But, in the meantime, there's a nice chart on Toms Hardware that gives a breakdown:
http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/...70,2935-7.html -
Achievement: Hit influence cap on my market toon and emailed myself a large chunk of inf.
(Dis)Achievement: Actually sent the inf to some random person with a global name similar to my own. Note to self: Don't email money when it's late. -
For what it's worth, I was running on 0x8, but increased it to +1x8 with the level shift because footstomp was knocking some of the guys back instead of down.
I'll admit to accidentally declining a trial on the first day of i20. I had gone to Pocket D looking for a trial. The league got formed and suddenly there were these buttons on my screen. I had no idea what the buttons were or why they were there. I figured that I had accidentally clicked on something.
I just wanted to run a trial, so I clicked the red button and waited for a mission door to appear. Boy was I surprised when everyone else teleported away!
My expectation was that the trial would begin with the leader talking to a contact and a mission door appearing somewhere nearby. -
Well we pulled it off: The dual pistols ITF. We had a couple rough patches, mostly when we got separated from each other. But, it was certainly fun.
The Kheldian boss spawn wiped us out at the temple at the end of the first mission. (Though in all fairness, I've seen this happen occasionally with various teams.) But walking back up the temple hill and taking it back step by bullet-riddled step is something that I'll remember for quite a while. Good times!