Transfering Influence Via Email




Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
I can also hope there are not any glitches with this like Wentworths being shut down for their issues?
The mail is run by the same system that allows Global chat. So if Global is down (you can't see your Global Friends list, you can't see any of the Global Chat channels you've joined), sending an e-mail with an attachment is equivalent to throwing that attachment into a large hole in the ground with a sign that reads "BOTTOMLESS PIT".

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Well it seems the Global "is" down. I tried this morning to transfer some influence and Jetpack and everything was lost in the transfer. Luckily not more than 5 million and not 100 million or more. .

With that being said, when and if this comes back up again, when transferring items such as a Jetpack, do you just drag that item into the "attachment" box you see on the email I screen captured? I ask as when I tried to do this, nothing happened and the item didn't want to go into the box. I'm thinking it's because the system is down so it's not taking right?



Originally Posted by Nishastra View Post
It's global... Any of your characters can see the e-mail. Pick it up on whomever you like.

If you've got multiple accounts and sent it to a different one, then use the "Return" button on the e-mail.
Hi guys,

so (assume blue to blue/red to red only) can I send stuff across servers now using:
1. my global on the same account and/or
2. via a second account global?


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Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
Hi guys,

so (assume blue to blue/red to red only) can I send stuff across servers now using:
1. my global on the same account and/or
2. via a second account global?


You can send inf, inspirations, enhancements, and salvage to any global name, and that global will be able to get them on any of their alts, no matter the server, as long as it's hero-hero or villain-villain.

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Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
You can send inf, inspirations, enhancements, and salvage to any global name, and that global will be able to get them on any of their alts, no matter the server, as long as it's hero-hero or villain-villain.
Thank you very much DarkEther for the swift response. And a happy bunny it made me

Off to give a few impoverished lowbie Alts on Protector 2nd account an early christmas prezzie!


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



DarkEther has me noting an exception:

You can send inf, inspirations, enhancements, and salvage...
Recipes, yes or no? The Wiki doesn't seem to be updated yet.

Dec out.



Fusion 7, yes, you can just drag and drop the item you want to send into that attachment box. I have sent a recipe and 3-5 enhancements to myself that way.

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Fusion, your questions weren't dumb at all; I was wondering the same things as you, so thanks for asking here.

Now for my last question--Can I now use one alt to invite another alt on the same server to join my private SG? Or, do I still have to ask some random player to "help me out for a few minutes" by joining my SG and then inviting my other character for me?

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Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
Fusion, your questions weren't dumb at all; I was wondering the same things as you, so thanks for asking here.

Now for my last question--Can I now use one alt to invite another alt on the same server to join my private SG? Or, do I still have to ask some random player to "help me out for a few minutes" by joining my SG and then inviting my other character for me?
Still no email method of SG inviting or promotion nor any mention of one forthcoming.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I went in and tried out the new e-mail system. I got on a villain alt and placed a Masterwork Weapon piece of salvage in the e-mail with the message "Here you go" (without the quotation marks of course). I then went into another villain alt and tried to retrieve the salvage, but was unable to do so.

I received the e-mail just fine (on all my alts, heroes and villains). The e-mail buttons are as follows: New, Reply, Reply All, Forward, Return, and Spam (we all know what the Spam button is for!). There was also a Claim button under the picture of the Masterwork Weapon. Clicking on the Claim button did nothing; it wouldn't allow any of my alts to actually take possession of it. Also, I was unable to "read" my e-mail, as there's no Read button, and clicking (and double-clicking) on the actual e-mail did absolutely nothing.

Also, how do I delete this e-mail? There's no Delete button available.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



When I try to e-mail myself influence I keep getting the mesasage that the global e-mail does not exist. Only it does. Scourge 23. If any of you want to mail me cash as a test lol. No, but seriously, I am just trying to test the thing with 1 infl. No luck, like 4 times.



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I went in and tried out the new e-mail system. I got on a villain alt and placed a Masterwork Weapon piece of salvage in the e-mail with the message "Here you go" (without the quotation marks of course). I then went into another villain alt and tried to retrieve the salvage, but was unable to do so.

I received the e-mail just fine (on all my alts, heroes and villains). The e-mail buttons are as follows: New, Reply, Reply All, Forward, Return, and Spam (we all know what the Spam button is for!). There was also a Claim button under the picture of the Masterwork Weapon. Clicking on the Claim button did nothing; it wouldn't allow any of my alts to actually take possession of it. Also, I was unable to "read" my e-mail, as there's no Read button, and clicking (and double-clicking) on the actual e-mail did absolutely nothing.

Also, how do I delete this e-mail? There's no Delete button available.
Try expanding your email window by pulling on the top border. I found Claim won't work until it is above the Spam button.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



You're right about Claim not working UNTIL the e-mail screen gets expanded. Thanks!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.

Also, the fact that you still cannot invite your offline alts into your own SG (along with the non-vault option above) shows they don't care about the loner who doesn't involve himself in the community.



Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.

Also, the fact that you still cannot invite your offline alts into your own SG (along with the non-vault option above) shows they don't care about the loner who doesn't involve himself in the community.
Wiat... you're saying that because the decided to attach this method to email, allowing you to send items etc to other people as well as yourself, rather than recoding the vault to first allow inf, recipies and enhancements to be stored in it, then recoding it to allow it to be accessed by everyone, the devs are in cahoots with a RMT site? Riiiiigggghhhhttt

And have you considered that offline SG invites via email or otherwise might be problematic and not as easy to code?



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
When I try to e-mail myself influence I keep getting the mesasage that the global e-mail does not exist. Only it does. Scourge 23. If any of you want to mail me cash as a test lol. No, but seriously, I am just trying to test the thing with 1 infl. No luck, like 4 times.
Uhm, you do realize that Scourge 23 isn't a global name right? For it to be a global name you have to type @Scourge 23. Without the @ it's just a character name.



Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.

Also, the fact that you still cannot invite your offline alts into your own SG (along with the non-vault option above) shows they don't care about the loner who doesn't involve himself in the community.

First off posting the name of an RMT site anywhere on here is a violation of the forum rules. And deliberately mispelling the name does not mean you aren't still breaking the rules.

9. You may not post advertisements.

Advertising on these forums is prohibited, specifically posts that advertise a transaction for real money or any posts that discuss an action prohibited by the User Agreement (North American and European).

Secondly, by adding this feature the devs have virtually eliminated every players need to ever use an RMT service. Every player can easily make millions with only the slightest effort and now can easily transfer those funds to any character they have on any server that's on the same faction.

Furthermore with dual builds as soon as GR comes out players can shuttle expensive enhancements between factions and use a respec to pull them off and sell them on the otherside.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
And have you considered that offline SG invites via email or otherwise might be problematic and not as easy to code?
He's using the KittyKrusader argument. He dismisses the idea that something could be difficult and assumes that because it can be done in other games it must be easy to implement here, so the reason it isn't here already is because the devs don't care.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
He's using the KittyKrusader argument. He dismisses the idea that something could be difficult and assumes that because it can be done in other games it must be easy to implement here, so the reason it isn't here already is because the devs don't care.
No, the devs hate us. They want us to all go away. They are meanie heads.

I am so mad at them giving me my favorite game ever.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support ******* or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.
That is a ridiculous statement. Firstly, the devs dont want us to be able to store more in the vault because they want us to put almost everything into the market. That's why the vault storage is so tiny. Secondly, the vault is char based not global and recoding it to be global was probably more difficult than recoding email to take attachments. Imagine trying to recode 30 characters with 40 salvage items EACH into one global with 100 slots, what would happen to the hundreds of extra salvage pieces? If you made the global storage unlimited, that would destroy the First point. Thirdly, the devs have made many changes to the game to make RMTs more difficult, so obviously they are NOT getting a cut.

EDIT: If by "special" you mean, an additional global set of 20 items, where only the "special" are global, that would have meant coding something new and separate from the current vault. Which would have been a lot of new additional coding, again probably a lot more work than just adding attachments to the current functioning email system.



Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.

Also, the fact that you still cannot invite your offline alts into your own SG (along with the non-vault option above) shows they don't care about the loner who doesn't involve himself in the community.
Well, your first paragraph is 100% clueless.
The second one starts with a valid issue, but draws a clueless conclusion.

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Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
I can only assume that the reason why the devs didn't just make 20 special slots in the vault available to everyone in the global is because they support or whatever their irritating name is. At least you don't have to give your account info to them to buy infl any more. The devs must be getting a cut in the real-money profits.

Also, the fact that you still cannot invite your offline alts into your own SG (along with the non-vault option above) shows they don't care about the loner who doesn't involve himself in the community.
You're not City Life, but you'll have to do. I shall be stalking your posts, because

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