Oh dear lord ... NOT EIGHT OF THEM! (spoilers)
I learned that the end drain from eight Lightning Fields is not a thing you can just laugh off.
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I learned that bringing in 8 Dopplegangers means you should probably bring freinds.
Jeez, and I thought fighting ONE Peacebringer was bad! D: My double has Restore Essence or whatever that self-rez is called, and I'd never be able to take eight of her... especially since she has the summon as well. I'm too low for both of these powers... been thanking my lucky stars that she doesn't seem to be able to transform.
DS/poision bad just bad.
some poeple on test when this was in beta said that x8 fortunatas all with mind link popping off really made things difficult because it gives them huge defense and huge tohit bonus AND to further make sure you cant hit them they all have smoke grenades lol

1. Use freespec on build two. Make spectacularly gimped build**.
2. Switch to GimpBuild.
3. Go eat lunch or bio.
4. Accept mission. Progress to self-fight.
5. Die like fish.
6. Hospital, trainer, switch to LeetBuild. Re-enter mission.
7. Happily smack around 8 GimpBuilds with your LeetBuild.
8. Profit!
** I suppose you couldn't make it horrendously gimpy or you might never make it to the end fight.
*** Not sure if this would work, since I really haven't used the dual builds much at all.
1. Use freespec on build two. Make spectacularly gimped build**. 2. Switch to GimpBuild. 3. Go eat lunch or bio. 4. Accept mission. Progress to self-fight. 5. Die like fish. 6. Hospital, trainer, switch to LeetBuild. Re-enter mission. 7. Happily smack around 8 GimpBuilds with your LeetBuild. 8. Profit! ** I suppose you couldn't make it horrendously gimpy or you might never make it to the end fight. ![]() *** Not sure if this would work, since I really haven't used the dual builds much at all. |
my dark/stone has no armors except rock armor because your forced to and the clone had ALL the stone powers except granite

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Which arcs are the dopplegangers in?
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
1. Use freespec on build two. Make spectacularly gimped build**. 2. Switch to GimpBuild. 3. Go eat lunch or bio. 4. Accept mission. Progress to self-fight. 5. Die like fish. 6. Hospital, trainer, switch to LeetBuild. Re-enter mission. 7. Happily smack around 8 GimpBuilds with your LeetBuild. 8. Profit! ** I suppose you couldn't make it horrendously gimpy or you might never make it to the end fight. ![]() *** Not sure if this would work, since I really haven't used the dual builds much at all. |
One known complication: traps defenders, */traps corruptors, and */traps masterminds get the blaster devices powerset instead of traps, because MA doesn't support traps. (Expect smoke grenades. LOTS of smoke grenades.)
And no, I don't know how power selection works for EATs or VEATs, since they aren't in MA as custom NPCs. Although it sure looks, from this, like they could be, doesn't it?
8 nets and glues suxxor.
Yes, I rolled TA, and I don't care what anyone else says about it!
*runs to his room crying*
Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.
Thugs/Traps Mastermind here.
Even on five, I was completely immobile while thirty five people unloaded raw, unflavored lethal damage into me.
My coworkers were wondering why I was shouting.
My main did it, Mind/Psi dom.
Step 1: build up domination. Step 2:greet clone mob with mass confuse. Step 3: sit back and watch the hilarity ensue. (Or take advantage and wipe them out. All out them.)
It was fun, mostly because clones don't have domination. If they did...
Things I'm not looking forward to:
EM/Dark brute. My own weakness, in heavy-hitting critter form, complete with buildup. I wonder if their 8 oppressive glooms and 8 EM/ attacks could stun through my mez armor? ) Oh yeah, 8 total focuses and 8 mag 50 stun rezzes=ow.
Bots/FF Buh....force bubble/dispersion/personal forcefield/aid self/detention bubble/48 bots=ow.
Necro/poison: the non-stacking poison? Not as much an issue. The 48 zombies, complete with broadsword lieuts on my zombies? Not so much.
Sonic/sonic corr...8 sonic siphons, 8 sleeps, 8 big sonic bubbles, 8 strings of -res...owww.
Things I'm not looking forward to:
EM/Dark brute. My own weakness, in heavy-hitting critter form, complete with buildup. I wonder if their 8 oppressive glooms and 8 EM/ attacks could stun through my mez armor? ) Oh yeah, 8 total focuses and 8 mag 50 stun rezzes=ow. |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Placed this arch on highest difficulty and 8 clones. Wiped every clone out without even using inspiration. <3 my Plant dom.
My Claws/Nin Stalker had more trouble with the middle wave than with his actual clones. Of course, I used Smoke Flash to Placate the whole group, then used the old "Assassin Strike then run like heck until they lose aggro" strategy.
50 bots/dark MM (orob'ed to 29) was able to get most of them in an alpha of fearsome stare and use the bots to pick off one of them. By then the others had woken up from splash damage and the stacking darkest night got bad... real bad. i had to ran off, come back, ran to the back of the room and they obliging split into nice little clumps that could be picked apart. Still wasn't a cake walk, but got my "Army of me" badge.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"
Did the arc as a 22 DS/DM MM earlier and boy was a i surprised. I chose x4 thinking it would give me a challenge solo, turns out it was more of a debt and suicide fest. Twice i tried attacking as normal, pets first then me debuffing and healing, that didn't work out so well.
Third time was the charm. Me first so i got the debuffs and aggro then ran like a little girl hiding behind corners so my pets didn't get the either. Full aggro eventually switched to the pets but luckily 2 were dead by that point.
BS/Regen wasn't too bad. All they could really do was flail swords at me, and I'm kind of used to that.
I think the key here is force multipliers. Even very small debuffs x a lot of them = really dead original.
So, the last time I played the new villain arcs was sometime toward the end of closed beta. At that time, VEAT clones weren't working quite right. For starters, their appearance was that of your Arachnos uniform. Also, the powers didn't really match up. The clone of my Crab Spider, for example, had a couple of arm slices and an Arachnos rifle. Even fighting eight of him, it was a fairly one-sided fight.
Well, that has apparently been fixed.
I once again squared off against my clone tonight, and was surprised when he not only had the right appearance, but began firing off lasers, summoning Arachnobot pets, and even using Serum! It was a tougher fight, but still nothing too bad. So when playing Leonard's arc just now, I said "Eight of them? Why not? It'll give me a badge." Big mistake. A full team of Crab Spider VEATs, firing lasers; slashing with their arms; summoning multiple pets; injecting themselves with Serum; and even using OMEGA DEVICES(!) proceeded to grind me into a fine paste. It took two tries to kill 'em all, and I got lucky the second time by having Serum recharge right before I entered the map. And my crab is no pushover. I've got a ton of inf invested into him, and I still had to swallow a huge, bitter spoonful of my own medicine tonight.
Thanks for reminding me to keep on my toes, devs.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."