Global Unlocks for Costume Pieces, Weapons, and Shields




Originally Posted by Setsuna View Post
...a little extreme, don't you think?
When I said that much, I meant in a way that it unlocks costume sets, not just one piece. and secondly as I had mentioned it is one of two options, and globally unlocked for that set piece so it should be expensive. The price can be negotiated to less, but considering it is a buy once and forget sort of thing I'd suggest it be about that much.

After all, you pay in time both ways, either to do the missions/wait for the levels to get them, or get enough merits to afford it. Seems like a fair compromise to getting low level people to have unlockable costume options and being able to keep the "carrot" for the players to keep playing. Only this allows you to pick the way you want to get it.

This thread doesn't jump the gun - it digs up the ore that will be refined to eventually forge the gun that would have been jumped. -Obsidius

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And I am a Jerk 4 life.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
But how can you be a Vanguard Soldier if you don't meet the minimum requirements of being a Vanguard Soldier?
And what would those be? Are we taking the unlock requirements for the Vanguard gear at face value rather than as a gameplay conceit?

I could counter this by pointing out that Vanguard merits acknowledge loyalty to Vanguard (or at least to its goal of defeating Rikti), which makes sense when you're recruiting both heroes and villains for your war.

Do you think that each Vanguard soldier in the War Zone is actually a hero or villain hiding under that armor? Or that they had to somehow fight the good fight long enough to earn the equipment that would allow them to do so?

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
What time portal isn't, given the chance?

Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Do you think that each Vanguard soldier in the War Zone is actually a hero or villain hiding under that armor? Or that they had to somehow fight the good fight long enough to earn the equipment that would allow them to do so?
Not necessarily heroes and villains, but they did need to prove their mettle somehow.

As to the "minimum requirements to be Vanguard," What's the lowest level they spawn at?



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
What time portal isn't, given the chance?
Stil doesn't explain why my Roman soldier shouldn't (according you to) have his armor at level 1.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Stil doesn't explain why my Roman soldier shouldn't (according you to) have his armor at level 1.
I actually didn't make that argument, you'll find. I made one argument with regards to Vanguard.

For the roman armour, I'd make the argument that your Roman soldier shouldn't have that particular set of armour because it's been given to you in celebration of your defeat of Imperious. Until you've defeated him, you shouldn't have it.

Now, I have no reason why you shouldn't have a different set of Roman armour.

That said, I really don't care if the armour is unlocked globally.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
For starters, this would NOT effect Invention costume pieces. If these were made global unlocks the prices would drop so low you wouldn't be able to give them away and it would make the recipes useless. Also, with the ability to mail items to yourself in I17, it's very easy to get the Recipes and salvage to the right character.
It's doable. Make them global, but reduce thier drop rate accordingly as thier demand drops. Thier drop rate was quite a bit lower when they first came out, then was increased.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I support this idea. The work has been done by the player, and tying specific costume options to specific characters just doesn't seem to fit either the theme or the nature of this game. Character creation options, for the most part, should not be limited by level.
I agree as well.




Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I see no problem with this except for capes and vanguard pieces. RWZ needs to be more attractive as it is. Its a barely used zone for most servers and the cape.... It might seem tedious but that new story arc where you learn about hero one always has seemed like something important.
I would agree, except I tend to be too occupied with getting merits to bother with story arcs.



Originally Posted by Mnemnosyne View Post
Costume bits are things that are important to character concept. As others have stated, in a game in which making a character who's appearance fits your concept is a key point, these pieces shouldn't require that particular character to do some arbitrary in-game task in order to unlock them.

Making the player do the task in order to earn the reward is entirely reasonable, but forcing all characters to wait until high levels to earn key parts of their costume concept is terrible, terrible mechanics.

At minimum, a way should be added in which one character can send a costume unlock to another character. Even if it means they'd have to re-earn the unlock, at the very least they'd be able to do it, then send it to the new character and that character wouldn't be forced to play for many levels with a costume that doesn't fully fit the concept.
I would be okay with this idea.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Originally Posted by IanTheM1
But what if my character concept is a Vanguard soldier? Even ignoring the armor, just the lack of the Redding Rail Rifle would seriously spoil my interest in playing such a character to 35, and then be forced to grind out Vanguard merits.
But how can you be a Vanguard Soldier if you don't meet the minimum requirements of being a Vanguard Soldier? They don't have the budget they need to give a full set of armour and a weapon to everyone who comes up to them and says "I'd like to be a Vanguard soldier."

Your character concept would make more sense as a person in training to become a Vanguard Soldier. Something along the lines of "Susan has had enough of the damn Rikti raids, so with her assault rifle, she's going to defend the integrity of the dimensional boundaries." When her "training" is complete, she'll have a full uniform and she'll have earned the Rail Rifle she so deserves.

However, that back story still works if it's a global unlock that you first get access to at level 35.
This is what I mean by story-driven costume items. Giving players some version of a "Vanguard trainee" outfit that fits thematically with the later, nifty-galifty pieces would be a good idea. Heck, just a couple pieces would probably do it: chest, gloves and boots.

I'd support Space Ace's idea of buying global unlocks after you've unlocked the piece by doing it, except that would likely lead to even more farming. I can't even stand to go on Freedom any more with all the AE farming broadcasts. It's worse than Peregrine used to be back in the early days.

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Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
But how can you be a Vanguard Soldier if you don't meet the minimum requirements of being a Vanguard Soldier? They don't have the budget they need to give a full set of armour and a weapon to everyone who comes up to them and says "I'd like to be a Vanguard soldier."

Your character concept would make more sense as a person in training to become a Vanguard Soldier. Something along the lines of "Susan has had enough of the damn Rikti raids, so with her assault rifle, she's going to defend the integrity of the dimensional boundaries." When her "training" is complete, she'll have a full uniform and she'll have earned the Rail Rifle she so deserves.

However, that back story still works if it's a global unlock that you first get access to at level 35.
Who says you have to want the Vanguard Shield and be Vanguard?

My MA/Shielder was a half-alien, half-human who used a shield from her alien heritage's planet. Vanguard Shield was what fit the bill better than any other, because I thought it was the best looking, most awesome tech shield.

I just had to get the vanguard merits to unlock it :/

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In a game who's most well known feature is character customization so bold and expansive locking players out of costume pieces until the higher levels is ridiculous.

Permanently gating pieces of costuming behind objectives that a player cannot be reasonably expected to complete within hours of character creation is absurd.

A far better solution would be to apply global unlocks at the current requirements to allow players access to the pieces they so desperately want for level 1 characters. It compromises the need to ensure players play the content the pieces are locked behind, and offers them new toys to create new Alts with, thus furthering the cycle which gives Paragon Studios their wealth.

However, it also cuts the runs on unfavored task forces or tasks and allows people to do what they -want- to do, rather than mindlessly grind for a few hours, allowing for better data-mining of player interest, not just activity.

The current system helps to balance power level when the higher level costume pieces affect a character's scores or abilities. The pieces in City do not. And, as completely cosmetic pieces, should be allowable for level 1 characters to use. And even in an upcoming MMO with gated costume piece items with stat boosts they intend to allow the player to unlock the appearance of the gated piece for future use. Even if this doesn't apply to use from character creation, a player can reasonably send themselves costume pieces they've located elsewhere on other characters in order to unlock pieces.




Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
As an alternative I could support the use of merits to acquire the locked costume pieces on a character by character basis.


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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Within fifteen minutes of when you posted this, someone started a porn site about it.

It's your fault.



Accolades and Temp Powers, I can understand not being global, but costume unlocks should be global instead of forcing players to do TFs, events, and badge hunts again and again simply to unlock this axe or that rifle.

And that argument that you should do the legwork is a bit flimsy, after all, if you've gotten it once already, you *have* done the legwork.


((Edit: I'd support Swell's "Merits for Unlocks" suggestion as well. It'd give me something to do with the damn things))

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



I also do not like the Merit unlocks on a character by character basis.

It's exactly the same as having the things locked up behind a TF or a Badge-hunt: Complete this many hours of work on the character (minimum) and purchase your costume pieces)

It still doesn't allow for the level 1 character to use the pieces without relentless grinding with their XP turned off.

As for the suggestion of 10 Alignment Merits to unlock pieces (or 600 regular merits): Unless you're suggesting 10 alignment merits total for all unlocked costume pieces, you're crazy.

That's putting a 20 day grind minimum on each SET of what should be unlocked automatically.

And if you're suggesting on a piece by piece basis.... Nerts to you.




Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Within fifteen minutes of when you posted this, someone started a porn site about it.

It's your fault.
Yay! I have inspired a new fetish!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



How about turning the costumes earned by the "Defeat so many soundso" badges into recipes that are dropped whenever you've defeated so many soundsos? That way my Invulnerability/Super Strength tanker can get a costume item recipe for defeating Carnies even though he doesn't have any of the powersets that you need for those costume items. So you defeat enough Rularuu and you get a recipe that can be turned into a shield, and axe, etc.

This has a downside that you need to a lot more Rularuu to get an axe and a shield on the same character though.

Maybe if when you got the badge, it offered you a reward option: 1) Unlock all costume items on this character and get the badge, 2) get a costume recipe.

Just, could they offer that choice of reward option every time you "earned" that badge?



I think a simpler solution would be an item in the CoX store you get access for free once you have gotten the unlock. It is only usable once, but can be applied to any character made already or not.

This would be until they have a special option of specialized buttons added to character creation.



While it sucks at lvl 1 i still enjoy lvling them up and work for the costumes etc on each toon.

so i say no to this idea.



I'm all for them just being global unlocks. However, in order to keep more people happy:

Character Unlock: Same requirements as now.

Player Unlock: An accolade that requires you complete all (or a siginificant subset) of the content related to the group the item is from.

So for the witches hat:

Character Unlock: Complete KHTF.

Player Unlock: On any one character complete all (or maybe just most) Arcs and TFs related to The Cabal, get all (or maybe just most) badges related to them too.

Essentially, if a Player has played through all/most of the storylines about a particular group, then they have earned the right to create new characters that have some connection to that group (or who just wear items that that group wears)

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
The costume piece unlocking system in this game is pretty silly, all things considered. Making the unlocks account-centric rather than character-centric would make the system a great deal more sensible.
I wish the game just had a check list for your account and showed all pieces you had to earn.(like playing soul calibur 3 and 4 or Mortal Kombat: armageddon, you get costume pieces they're unlocked for all your characters.) If you got all them all you got an accolade which makes them global heh. Could make a couple of them related to themes so it's not overwhelming. Or just make them globally unlocked period Im fine with either way. I'd gladly hop on my main and get em all.

Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I see no problem with this except for capes and vanguard pieces. RWZ needs to be more attractive as it is. Its a barely used zone for most servers and the cape.... It might seem tedious but that new story arc where you learn about hero one always has seemed like something important.
I've started tons of alts and it gets old after awhile having do all crap to unlock costume pieces. I've done it I dont know how many times. Honestly anyone who is opposed to this probably doesn't make many alts and just thinks well because I only play my 3-4 mains which I have everything ...I don't need this feature.

It doesn't stop people from earning things it just doesn't make them have to do it over and over unless they want to. (which I sometimes just like doing things as it is it's own reward.) People don't have make a new lvl 50 everytime they want to make an epic archtype. There's tons of stuff to unlock between all the badges. I'm fine with badges and accolades being a collectable to chase after for every character.(even if those were global I still would be no where near having them all.) Costume pieces on the other hand I want to have imediately after earning. I dislike the must be this tall to look this cool mentality.

Which with the cape mission hero side, could they put all people I have run around and talk to in same dang zone. Seriously I've read the story before I don't need do the whole tour. It's completely needless busy work.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Impossible. No one likes me.
It's so true heh. He's the grinch of the forums.

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Why not just make the TFs drop recipes to make the costume pieces instead of unlocking the costume pieces directly? That way you could unlock them with one character and pass them on to other alts, or buy them at the market.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
It's not a bad idea, but it doesn't solve the awkwardness of having to roll up the character, then cash in the recipe, then fix the costume, likely using up a token in the process.
And heaven help you if you decide those aren't the powersets you want to play after you've cashed in the recipe. I hate when the game becomes about hard labour and time investment as the de-facto currencies. When I'm terrified of using a costume recipe on a character because I'm not 100% positive I may not want to reroll this LEVEL ONE character, something's wrong here.

I still feel the same way about this as I always have - make these global and make them harder to get, if need be. It doesn't matter how hard they are, as long as I only have to unlock them once. Having to "do the legwork" on every single character over and over and god damn over again is just absurd when it comes to cosmetics.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.