Global Unlocks for Costume Pieces, Weapons, and Shields




This has most likely been suggested before, but I was unable to find a thread about it, so here it is.

One of the things that annoys me the most about CoX is this: If I want to create a Roman Gladiator, I can. But he has to hit at least level 35 and complete a Task Force before I can make him look like a Roman Galdiator. If I want to make a Nemesis Soldier, I can. But he has to hit at least level 40 (or be SK'ed up to that level) and defeat 100 Fake Nemesis before he can get his Nemesis Rifle. I'd go on, but I think you get the idea.

What I'm suggesting is make it so when one character on an account unlocks a costume bit, weapon, or shield all other characters on the account get it as well. It sounds simple, but I'm not a programmer so I have no idea how simple or complex this would be.

There are a few problem areas with this though, so I'll try and solve as many of them as I can now. For starters, this would NOT effect Invention costume pieces. If these were made global unlocks the prices would drop so low you wouldn't be able to give them away and it would make the recipes useless. Also, with the ability to mail items to yourself in I17, it's very easy to get the Recipes and salvage to the right character.

The second problem is with Vanguard pieces and weapons. They are "bought" with in-game "currency" but since the currency is un-tradable, I don't see a problem with making them global unlocks. The prices may need adjusting, but IMO they are high enough as it is.

Third problem is the Epaulets. They are Hero-exclusive and I don't know if costume pieces can be flagged as Hero-only. But would giving them to Villains really be a problem?

I have a feeling that the biggest complaints about this will be from the "I worked hard for my [insert unlockable bit here] on all my characters, so everyone else should too!" crowd, but that is why I'm suggesting it like this. You still have to unlock the bits, but only once. I could have saved a lot of time by suggesting this idea as a Veteran Reward or Booster Pack.

And here's a list of what this idea would effect:

Cotumes: Witch's Hat, Stocking Cap, Victory Laurel, Pumpkin Head, Ear Muffs, Toga, Epaulets, Santa Gloves, Santa Boots, Hellenic Sandals, Naughty Halo, Nice Halo, Hearts pattern, Vanguard costume set, and Roman Armor set.

Weapons and Shields: All unlockable weapons and shields.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
This has most likely been suggested before, but I was unable to find a thread about it, so here it is.

One of the things that annoys me the most about CoX is this: If I want to create a Roman Gladiator, I can. But he has to hit at least level 35 and complete a Task Force before I can make him look like a Roman Galdiator. If I want to make a Nemesis Soldier, I can. But he has to hit at least level 40 (or be SK'ed up to that level) and defeat 100 Fake Nemesis before he can get his Nemesis Rifle. I'd go on, but I think you get the idea.

What I'm suggesting is make it so when one character on an account unlocks a costume bit, weapon, or shield all other characters on the account get it as well. It sounds simple, but I'm not a programmer so I have no idea how simple or complex this would be.

There are a few problem areas with this though, so I'll try and solve as many of them as I can now. For starters, this would NOT effect Invention costume pieces. If these were made global unlocks the prices would drop so low you wouldn't be able to give them away and it would make the recipes useless. Also, with the ability to mail items to yourself in I17, it's very easy to get the Recipes and salvage to the right character.

The second problem is with Vanguard pieces and weapons. They are "bought" with in-game "currency" but since the currency is un-tradable, I don't see a problem with making them global unlocks. The prices may need adjusting, but IMO they are high enough as it is.

Third problem is the Epaulets. They are Hero-exclusive and I don't know if costume pieces can be flagged as Hero-only. But would giving them to Villains really be a problem?

I have a feeling that the biggest complaints about this will be from the "I worked hard for my [insert unlockable bit here] on all my characters, so everyone else should too!" crowd, but that is why I'm suggesting it like this. You still have to unlock the bits, but only once. I could have saved a lot of time by suggesting this idea as a Veteran Reward or Booster Pack.

And here's a list of what this idea would effect:

Cotumes: Witch's Hat, Stocking Cap, Victory Laurel, Pumpkin Head, Ear Muffs, Toga, Epaulets, Santa Gloves, Santa Boots, Hellenic Sandals, Naughty Halo, Nice Halo, Hearts pattern, Vanguard costume set, and Roman Armor set.

Weapons and Shields: All unlockable weapons and shields.
/unsigned. they are specific rewards for the toon that did the leg work to get them.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
/unsigned. they are specific rewards for the toon that did the leg work to get them.
With the exceptions of the valentine pieces they gave out as a reward for getting people to sign up during a specific time frame. And the witch's hat which can only be obtained via Katie Hannon so villains don't have it but I think that is a different issue.

But to the OP, I would love it but I have to agree with Sharker's reasons for being against it.

As an alternative I could support the use of merits to acquire the locked costume pieces on a character by character basis.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
With the exceptions of the valentine pieces they gave out as a reward for getting people to sign up during a specific time frame. And the witch's hat which can only be obtained via Katie Hannon so villains don't have it but I think that is a different issue.

But to the OP, I would love it but I have to agree with Sharker's reasons for being against it.

As an alternative I could support the use of merits to acquire the locked costume pieces on a character by character basis.
And the epaulets, which are a similar deal to the witch hat.



I support this idea. The work has been done by the player, and tying specific costume options to specific characters just doesn't seem to fit either the theme or the nature of this game. Character creation options, for the most part, should not be limited by level.



Yes, this comes up from time to time. The question boils down to whether per-character costume unlocks or account-wide costume unlocks are a better fit for this game. And for this game, where the ability to make your character look just like you envision them from the very beginning is a major selling point, the means to give a new character any existing costume part should be present. That doesn't necessarily mean account-wide permanent unlocks, but it could mean account-level unlock credits that can be used on new or existing characters, or unlockable costumes as transferable recipes, or any number of other potential solutions.

Of course, this is all completely irrelevant next to the overriding importance that the mechanics of obtaining costume items should support only the in-character interpretation that some people prefer, because the whole point of the game rules is to make you roleplay correctly.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
As an alternative I could support the use of merits to acquire the locked costume pieces on a character by character basis.
Now there's a good idea.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
Yes, this comes up from time to time. The question boils down to whether per-character costume unlocks or account-wide costume unlocks are a better fit for this game. And for this game, where the ability to make your character look just like you envision them from the very beginning is a major selling point, the means to give a new character any existing costume part should be present. That doesn't necessarily mean account-wide permanent unlocks, but it could mean account-level unlock credits that can be used on new or existing characters, or unlockable costumes as transferable recipes, or any number of other potential solutions.

Of course, this is all completely irrelevant next to the overriding importance that the mechanics of obtaining costume items should support only the in-character interpretation that some people prefer, because the whole point of the game rules is to make you roleplay correctly.
Though some of that is just beyond the ability to understand/believe/resolve.

For example: capes.

Hero: Can't get one before level 20 as a tribute to Hero-1 and company. Unless you bought the Magic or Valkyrie packs in which case you can have those capes from level 1 on up. Or you have the veteran over the shoulder cape.

Villain: Can't get one before level 20 because...??? Well anyway at level 20 you beat up a hero and take his cape so you can then wear any cape you want. Unless you bought the Magic or Valkyrie packs in which case you can have those capes from level 1 on up. Or you have the veteran over the shoulder cape. Except on your first costume slot if you are playing a VEAT in which case some capes are available at level 1 and others are not.

I hate unlockable costume pieces.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



The only costume pieces I can think of that are worth getting, you have to do a TF or get enough merits--It would considerably cheapen the rewards if you could do it once and be good to go for the rest of your characters. Even if you have a character concept in mind, you shoud have to work to the reward. Basic carrot and stick situation.

Now WEAPON unlocks, on the other hand... Those are just annoying. Every time I want a rularuu weapon on a character, I have to wait until 45+ and head down to the SS for a couple hours of hunting. No thanks >_>



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
/unsigned. they are specific rewards for the toon that did the leg work to get them.
Yeah, and some of that leg work is really ****ing horrible.

Sorry, but there is a reason that these threads keep coming up. Why should a character have to go through 6 long and in some cases really boring TFs just to get Epaulets without stupid great spikes on? Which really shouldnt be Hero exclusive as it is?

And as for the Nemesis Rifle...don't get me started on that thing Redside. Same as the Tommy Gun.
If they were made global unlocks, so what? You'd still have done the leg work. It doesnt detract from that effort made to unlock it. As someone who has got two full VG costumes and the Nemesis rifle, I wholly /Sign this, to get rid of grinding 'un-fun' that really shouldn't be here in the first place.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I find myself agreeing with Alpha on this one.

Locking costume pieces permanently behind task forces and defeat badges works... But it's not particularly -fun-.

I made a steampunk blaster about a year ago AR/Devices. She was the engineer of an airship. So I grabbed my fiance and a friend of ours, capped my XP, and went to Peregrine to farm Fake Nemeses. Why did I cap my XP? Well i -wanted- the gun, but I didn't want to outlevel the semi-static team I'd made the character for.

Meanwhile if global unlocks were to occur I could have had the gun from level 1 and not wasted so much time standing around while other people did the heavy lifting. It wasn't fun for anyone involved and we all looked at it as if it were a chore. The two alternatives would be "Make due with the other guns" or "Wait 'til you're in the 40's to hunt Fake Nemeses" and neither alternative fit my character concept.

Unlocking Costume-bits on a per-account basis would solve that problem for all newbie characters, everywhere. At the very -least- let us unlock them on a per-side basis.




Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I support this idea. The work has been done by the player, and tying specific costume options to specific characters just doesn't seem to fit either the theme or the nature of this game. Character creation options, for the most part, should not be limited by level.
This is something that gets overlooked - some of the costume unlocks don't really make a whole lot of sense anyway. Most of the characters that I'd be doing the ITF with are not going to inexplicably put on Roman Centurion armor just because they received it. I'd much rather transfer that whole set over to some other character, whether via a recipe, a token of some kind, or just by making the unlock global so that I can make a proper Centurion character.

I actually like that idea, even if it's still a bit flawed - you're not unlocking the costume, you're unlocking the theme. For some that means just putting their existing character in Roman armor, for others it means being able to actually roll up a Roman character.

Weapon unlocks are similarly unfair and restrict even more concepts, notably characters that already belong to a particular faction. Good luck making a proper Family gunman or a Nemesis lieutenant when you have to go slog through repetitive hunts to get their respective assault rifles.

This has always irked me because they just re-used existing badges for all of the unlocks. Illusionist gives the Strongman Mallet. Unveiler gives the Nemesis rifle. Yet the enemies you're required to defeat don't actually use those weapons. So even if you wanted to justify it as "you're stealing their weapons" can't, really.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
As an alternative I could support the use of merits to acquire the locked costume pieces on a character by character basis.


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I wouldn't care so much about these unlocks if there were something similar in game to replace it with at character creation. For instance, a basic roman armour set available to everyone at character creation, and the ITF unlocks a "deluxe" version. This way, at least, you're not gating character concepts behind tasks that may well come in at the very end of a character's 1-50 journey.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
This is something that gets overlooked - some of the costume unlocks don't really make a whole lot of sense anyway. Most of the characters that I'd be doing the ITF with are not going to inexplicably put on Roman Centurion armor just because they received it. I'd much rather transfer that whole set over to some other character, whether via a recipe, a token of some kind, or just by making the unlock global so that I can make a proper Centurion character.

I actually like that idea, even if it's still a bit flawed - you're not unlocking the costume, you're unlocking the theme. For some that means just putting their existing character in Roman armor, for others it means being able to actually roll up a Roman character.

Weapon unlocks are similarly unfair and restrict even more concepts, notably characters that already belong to a particular faction. Good luck making a proper Family gunman or a Nemesis lieutenant when you have to go slog through repetitive hunts to get their respective assault rifles.
I'm not really a fan, in most instances, of global unlocks for armor. But the token idea, I'm actually fine with. Sure, SuperPerson has paid their dues and gotten that roman armor - but they're handing it down to someone else who can actually use it. (And with the upcoming email changes, they don't have to be on the same server if it's an in-game token as opposed to an Icon/Character creation "you have X characters worth of armor you can use.")

Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I wouldn't care so much about these unlocks if there were something similar in game to replace it with at character creation. For instance, a basic roman armour set available to everyone at character creation, and the ITF unlocks a "deluxe" version. This way, at least, you're not gating character concepts behind tasks that may well come in at the very end of a character's 1-50 journey.
And /this. (Though I'd have to think "basic roman armor" = "Hey, watch your toga when you're chasing them down.")



This is one of the reasons I'm less likely to make another sheild toon.

If I can come up with a concept for Raluu, sure...but my favorite shield to make concepts for is the Talasorian Shield (I consider it the best shield in game). I dont want to work another 35 levels for a concept, and then hope to get the vanguard merits for it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
This is one of the reasons I'm less likely to make another sheild toon.

If I can come up with a concept for Raluu, sure...but my favorite shield to make concepts for is the Talasorian Shield (I consider it the best shield in game). I dont want to work another 35 levels for a concept, and then hope to get the vanguard merits for it.
well, seeing as how you get vanguard merits for doing some of( if not all of ) the ouro flashbacks now, there should be no problem getting enough merits for it.

i can agree on the unlocking basic costume pieces similar to the unlocked ones but no toon shoud have the unlocked stuff from conception.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
well, seeing as how you get vanguard merits for doing some of( if not all of ) the ouro flashbacks now, there should be no problem getting enough merits for it.
Still leaves the problem of getting a character up to level 35 to do the initiation arc, so you've got 35 levels of NOT using the shield you want to use. Not including, of course, any levels and time you spend farming the merits.

Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i can agree on the unlocking basic costume pieces similar to the unlocked ones but no toon shoud have the unlocked stuff from conception.
But WHY should no character have access to the Roman pieces, witch hat, epaulets, tommy gun, nemesis rifle, rularuu weapons, etc? From an in-character standpoint it makes SOME sense to have the Roman Gear or Vanguard bits locked away. Heck! Even the Rularuu stuff being level or badge-gated makes sense in-character, given a narrow perspective. Unfortunately RP has a -broad- perspective which often leads people to "Need" specific costume pieces for character concepts. And by "Need" I mean "Design a Character to use said pieces".

My Fire/Fire blaster who wears red and gold tights for 35 levels has no reason to suddenly outfit herself in Vanguard armor or toss on a Lorica Segmenta. The Roman Soldier Time-Traveler, or agent of the ancient Gods might want to wear them, but can't until level 35 or later.

Why should these pieces be locked away to high level characters who are already established and, generally speaking, set in their costume style? Why -NOT- use a global unlock so that players can design such characters from level 1 using the appropriate pieces, rather than putting in what turns into a 35 level grind or Powerlevel in order to get the character wearing what he or she SHOULD have been wearing 34 levels ago?

I understand it from a purely Developer standpoint: Carrots, sticks, and the glorious 700 hour mark. But in a game which touts one of the greatest character generators of all time? It's a horrible mistake that should be rectified.




thats the thing. it would be a compromise by giving generic pieces instead of the unlockable ones. the only ones i am against giving full access to are the unlockable ones.



The costume piece unlocking system in this game is pretty silly, all things considered. Making the unlocks account-centric rather than character-centric would make the system a great deal more sensible.

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I see no problem with this except for capes and vanguard pieces. RWZ needs to be more attractive as it is. Its a barely used zone for most servers and the cape.... It might seem tedious but that new story arc where you learn about hero one always has seemed like something important.

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I'm all for global unlocks for costume pieces... you did the work. You buy a jacket, you should get to wear it over and over again.

I'm not all for global unlocked for temp powers and such... you bought the car, but occasionally you have to gas it up.


It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



I will always /sign this suggestion until we are granted it by the devs.
Let me have my roman armor for my angelic characters!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'm going to just take my heat and say it - the way we unlock costume pieces in this game sucks more *** than those vacuum toilets they have on the space shuttle. But because it seems some people still seem to like them, let's see if we can't find a compromise. What system could there be that would allow me to use these unlockable costume pieces at character creation, but would still suck hard? Well, there are a few options.

1. The already-mentioned system of costume unlock tokens. When one character unlocks a task-specific costume set, that character gets a token tradable only within the same account. So I can unlock, say, the Roman Axe with one character, then trade that token to another character. One unlock for one costume set. Seems fair. If I want the costume set on another character, I have to unlock it again, just not necessarily with the same character.

2. Crappy global unlocks. We have character-specific unlocks tied to specific badges. Kill 100 Overseers, get a spiffy sword, but only on THAT character. So how about we create an extra tier of badges that unlock these pieces... Globally. If 100 Overseers on one character gets me a cool sword, could, say, 1000 Overseers between ALL my characters not unlock it for everyone? An ITF earns me an armour set for all characters. Two earn me Nictus weapons. Could, then, 10 and 20, respectively, not earn this for ALL characters? It would still suck, and in fact it would such WORSE, but it would only have to be done once, and not necessarily on the same one character. This allows us to have longer-standing goals in the game, to boot.

That's about all I can think of right now.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm going to just take my heat and say it - the way we unlock costume pieces in this game sucks more *** than those vacuum toilets they have on the space shuttle. But because it seems some people still seem to like them, let's see if we can't find a compromise. What system could there be that would allow me to use these unlockable costume pieces at character creation, but would still suck hard? Well, there are a few options.

1. The already-mentioned system of costume unlock tokens. When one character unlocks a task-specific costume set, that character gets a token tradable only within the same account. So I can unlock, say, the Roman Axe with one character, then trade that token to another character. One unlock for one costume set. Seems fair. If I want the costume set on another character, I have to unlock it again, just not necessarily with the same character.

2. Crappy global unlocks. We have character-specific unlocks tied to specific badges. Kill 100 Overseers, get a spiffy sword, but only on THAT character. So how about we create an extra tier of badges that unlock these pieces... Globally. If 100 Overseers on one character gets me a cool sword, could, say, 1000 Overseers between ALL my characters not unlock it for everyone? An ITF earns me an armour set for all characters. Two earn me Nictus weapons. Could, then, 10 and 20, respectively, not earn this for ALL characters? It would still suck, and in fact it would such WORSE, but it would only have to be done once, and not necessarily on the same one character. This allows us to have longer-standing goals in the game, to boot.

That's about all I can think of right now.
I actually don't mind the defeat badges being tied to costume pieces.

You get a friend, you send out a tell lf help,and you get it.

The problem with vanguard and roman items, is they're level locked for lvl 35+ (thus to the poster who replied to be, why I don't make a new toon, and go to Oro...I can' earning of vangaurd merits untill lvl 35 when you complete the RWZ starting contact).

For the vanguard pieces, Ive said let people do the join vanguard arc at lvl 1, they'll need to get a high level to help them out on the hunt mission for sure, but after that, they can start gaining merits for it...with a little help its down quickly.

OR they can allow vanguard merits to be tradeable to others.

Sadly, this doesn't leave me any idea on how to do the roman pieces, outside of account wide unlocks.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection