Solo Friendly Secondary




What's the most solo friendly secondary power set for a corruptor, especially when paired with DP primary?



I'd vote for /Dark or /Rad - they both have a self-heal, to-hit debuffs to keep you alive during the long DP animations, -res debuffs to help out with DP's somewhat anemic damage, and slows to help keep things at range.



I've also enjoyed soloing with /pain. Self-heal and a regen aura makes life pretty easy.

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Speaking as someone who learned the hard way, don't pick Trick Arrow.



Another vote for Dark or Rad. Storm and kin are good too.



Nothing beats /Dark for solo power IMO.



Traps can also be good, but only after SOs when you have good recharge times on the key traps powers. Dark and Rad would be better from the start because of what Silas said.



Best 2 I find for corruptors in general, despite any primary, is dark or kin.



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
Best 2 I find for corruptors in general, despite any primary, is dark or kin.
I have a Fire/Dark and Rad/Kin. The Fire/Dark was much easier and fun to play the whole time leveling. It had more damage than the Kin before 38 (before Kin gets Fulcrum Shift), and much more control and therefore soloability.The /Dark can keep enemies at range with Tar Patch and Darkest Night keeps them from hitting you quite well.

The Rad/Kin is now fun after respeccing at level 50 to a near-softcapped S/L/Energy/Ranged build using Scorpion Shield, Tough, Weave, Combat Jumping, a couple Obliteration sets. You get stunned a lot when you run into mobs and use FS and your PBAoEs, but if you carry a few Break Frees it's not so bad because they miss you most of the time.

If you like a ranged/pull/toggle type of corruptor the /Dark is excellent throughout your career. If you like to mix it up in melee and hate toggles the /Kin is good once you have all your defenses in place.



Storm is also good for soloing. I find it better than /Rad, actually. You can keep enemies away from melee easier, and it doesn't matter if they run/get knocked out of most of your debuffs.

Dark as said is the best soloist though.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'd go for Radiation, especially if paired with Radiation Blast. Great solo character who can take out AVs. /Dark would undoubtedly be easier against large groups of minions/Lieutenants/Bosses, but if you want to solo all the way with no groups, then go /Rad.

Too many alts to list.



Dark is superior to Rad for soloing for three major reasons. First, it has more mez, meaning you can lock down annoying mobs. Secondly, most of it's debuffs stick around even if you're mezzed, which often happens when you're playing solo. Lastly, it has a pet at high level, which also spams control, debuff and healing. It's like having a mini team all on your own.

Rad is fantastic, though the moment you get mezzed and your toggles go down, you're toast. Eventually, everyone runs out of BFs. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
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Don't forget /Cold, if you skip the three ally-onlies it gives a bit of wiggle room for more useful powers without sacrificing a huge amount.

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Cold is a fantastic set, don't get me wrong. It's just you don't get the powers that help you solo really well till the 30s and even then they're better for teaming.

Dark and Rad get their key powers very early and have a self heal to boot. Dark is more solo-friendly though since as Suichiro said, more of the stuff sticks around if you get mezzed.

Dark gets mezzed: DN drops, anything feared stays feared, anything debuffed by TG/FS stays debuffed for the duration, Tar Patch stays out, Dark Servant keeps on trucking.

Rad gets mezzed: RI drops, EF drops. Enemies are only debuffed with LR (if you hit them with it, which is mostly a waste on non-high-regeneration targets).

Rad is more suceptible to mez, for that it gains a PBAoE buff and stronger regen debuffs. They're both very valuable to a team, but Dark solos better.

Additionally, Rad has 2 powers which only work with an ally present, (Mutation and Fallout). Dark has a rez but you can (and should ) use it without a dead ally all the time anyway.

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Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
Nothing beats /Dark IMO.

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TBH I haven't played either set for a Corr, but I do have a Fire/Rad and an Ill/Rad Troller, and a Nin/Dark MM

And as for solo mainly, I would have to agree with the /Dark crowd, laying down Tar Patch is so much easier than picking an anchor and making sure they don't get too far from the crowd. /Dark comes with Shadow Fall which is some minor defense but it goes well with the -to hit debuffs, but you get some good E/N/Psi resistance. Fearsome Stare is a nice AoE fear with a killer tohit debuff. And your pet is a great addition.

Traps to me turned out to be a good solo set, so far I have an Ice/Traps Corr that is sitting at 20, soloing got a lot easier with me after I get Force Field Generator, prior to that soloing was still not a hassle, Caltrops + Acid Mortar + Ice Storm + Frost Breath is just sick AoE damage, Though I bet fire could do more, Ice was the concept and I was tired of Fire toons.

But overall I would say /Dark would be your best bet.


Not trying to chain yank but, why...

I'd go for Radiation, especially if paired with Radiation Blast.
I heard Sonic Blast is better paired with Radiation than Radiation Blast, it kinda makes a bit more sense to me too (Not concept wise)

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With Dual Pistols? Probably /Dark- lots of AoE powers but two of them have small finicky cones- Tar Patch helps keep everything in line. Doesn't hurt that it gets a lot of variable and useful tools in general that work just as well alone then as part of a big team- two control powers, two potent debuffs, a stealth toggle, a strong heal with a debuff component, and a pet. About the only thing against it is that none of it's effects stack with Chemical or Cryo bullets. My next suggestion would be Storm, which can Stack -Speed/-Recharge from Cryo or focus on keeping stuff knocked with Hurricane, Tornado, Cloud, and standard bullets. It'd be very late blooming though, comparatively.

I'd argue that the single easiest Corrupter to solo would be a Sonic/Kin, since you get Sonic's strong control tools and powerful ST chain along with Kin's absurd damage buffing potential along with movement and recharge bonuses for when things go south along with a strong heal for both health and endurance. Some Kin builds will probably go faster with Sonic's lower AoE damage, but you should be completely safe against most of what the game throws at you between Screech and Siren's Song, especially if you run heavy +recharge like mine does (Between Hasten, IO bonuses, slotting, and stacked Siphon Speeds I generally can Siren Song every five or six seconds and Screech almost as often- enough to lock a boss before they can really do much.)

Meeh, whatcha gonna do?



Roll a fire/dark. It feels insanely powerful right from the start. /dark is probably the strongest solo set, which isn't to say other choices won't be really good, just not as solo friendly as dark.

Fearsome stare is such an "i win" button.



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
Dark is superior to Rad for soloing for three major reasons. First, it has more mez, meaning you can lock down annoying mobs. Secondly, most of it's debuffs stick around even if you're mezzed, which often happens when you're playing solo. Lastly, it has a pet at high level, which also spams control, debuff and healing. It's like having a mini team all on your own.

Rad is fantastic, though the moment you get mezzed and your toggles go down, you're toast. Eventually, everyone runs out of BFs.
Debatable I think. Really depends on how much control is in the primary since Freeze Ray + rad debuffs negates a lot of anchor and mez problems right off the bat. I would agree with your case on Fire/Rad vs Fire/Dark, but not so with Ice/Rad vs Ice/Dark.

As for the topic, Rad, Kin, and Dark are typically the solo favorites right out of the door, but TA, Cold, Storm, and Traps can do some amazing things later on that put the early bloom sets to shame. Comes down to preference though, I for one get bored soloing with sets that give you all the "essentials" right out the door, since they tend to leave nothing to look forward to and don't promise much change in playstyle later on either.



Originally Posted by LordLockeRA View Post
With Dual Pistols? Probably /Dark- lots of AoE powers but two of them have small finicky cones- Tar Patch helps keep everything in line. Doesn't hurt that it gets a lot of variable and useful tools in general that work just as well alone then as part of a big team- two control powers, two potent debuffs, a stealth toggle, a strong heal with a debuff component, and a pet. About the only thing against it is that none of it's effects stack with Chemical or Cryo bullets.
Incorrect. You have -damage from Twilight Grasp and Darkest Night to stack with Chemical, and the slow from Tar Patch to stack with Cryo.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Incorrect. You have -damage from Twilight Grasp and Darkest Night to stack with Chemical, and the slow from Tar Patch to stack with Cryo.
I'd forgotten about the -Damage in those powers. Been too long since I logged onto my woefully underplayed DM/Archery.

Meeh, whatcha gonna do?



It depends on your taste. I solo a lot on my Fire/Kin Corr. It doesn't have a lot of, well, any kind of protection at all, but the /Kin heals and buffs do a lot for keeping you alive. Also, Transference as a Sapping power is very effective when confronted with an irritating boss.

/Dark has the strongest heal, but it requires a ToHit check. It also has Shadowfall for extra resistance and some control with Petrifying Gaze, as well as Fluffy the Dark Miasma Pet. I'd probably pick this one or /Pain, if I were to make another Corr.

/Rad has awesome debuffs, a heal, AM, and Choking Cloud. Also, there's EM Pulse, which is a great control power.

Fire or Ice would work well for solo. Fire has big damage, and Ice has nice ST damage with debuffing and a couple of holds. Fire/Dark Corrupters are very strong from the get-go due to Fireball, Rain of Fire, and Tar Patch. Ice/Rad Corrupters enable you to pick off enemies in group without accidentally taking out your anchor with an AoE, and stacking holds is a good way of eliminating an immediate boss threat. Sonic has Siren's Song, which puts a whole group to sleep. Very useful solo, so that you can pick off enemies one at a time.

Too many alts to list.