A New Take on Fitness




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No offence intended, but this shows me you don't really understand how the statistic of powers work. The powers that cost you the most endurance in actual practice are the ones that have a cost of about 4 or 5 endurance points. Reducing their cost may only shave off half a point or a single point, but when that power is being used ten times more often than your high-recharge power, that is a SIGNIFICANT reduction in cost. This is why I cite DPE, EPA and EPS. It's about power efficiency, not power cost.
good stuff Sam, clearly stated and much better sourced than my Cliff's Notes version.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Alright, I've got a challenge for peeps.

Go and roll an MA/SR Scrapper. You are;

-Not allowed to transfer inf to it. You can only use inf generated on that toon.
-Restricted to TO/DO/SOs. The game is meant to be balanced around them, not IOs.
-Not allowed to take Stamina.

See how far you get. If you honestly can say you find that possible without devolving into a screaming mess, then I may have been proved wrong. *shrug*
Not everyone plays the same or has the same reactions though.

Do I take Stamina or any version like it on every character? No. Almost every character. Yes.

Who do I skip it on? Warshades, Stalkers, some Masterminds.
Who do I wish I had it at level 1? Brutes, Scrappers, Blasters.

Would I like to keep fighting without recharging my powers or needing endurance? Yes.

Now would that make sense for game balance or would it be ridiculous?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Not everyone plays the same or has the same reactions though.
it's also about as meaningful to point to one extreme of end usage (MA/SR) and say OMG SEE YOU NEED STAMINA as it is to point to the other (Claws/Regen) and say OMG SEE NOBODY NEEDS STAMINA.

And Swell is on point- there are people out there who solo Defenders and don't think themselves ill used, whereas I would literally go crazy if I tried it.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Not everyone plays the same or has the same reactions though.

Do I take Stamina or any version like it on every character? No. Almost every character. Yes.

Who do I skip it on? Warshades, Stalkers, some Masterminds.
Who do I wish I had it at level 1? Brutes, Scrappers, Blasters.

Would I like to keep fighting without recharging my powers or needing endurance? Yes.

Now would that make sense for game balance or would it be ridiculous?
Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's also about as meaningful to point to one extreme of end usage (MA/SR) and say OMG SEE YOU NEED STAMINA as it is to point to the other (Claws/Regen) and say OMG SEE NOBODY NEEDS STAMINA.

And Swell is on point- there are people out there who solo Defenders and don't think themselves ill used, whereas I would literally go crazy if I tried it.
Both very true.
MA/SR, however, is an extreme case which, in my opinion anyway, needs a numbers re-run. I guess that MA/Regen or MA/Willpower, or a different set with /SR might not suffer so badly. But if there are combinations that can leave you lungless after one mob, something, surely, is up. And, no, Im not being daft with power use. Brawl is used a lot. Minor powers for finishing off near dead stuff. And still, every mob, same story.
Level 22 and 3 slotted SO stamina seems to be helping a lot, thankfully.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Brawl is used a lot.
I got a shiver down my spine for a second before I remembered Brawl no longer has an endurance cost. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!

There are a few outliers there. I wasn't aware MA/SR was one, but if you want to cite end hogs, you can't go wrong with a Stone/Stone Brute, though I guess I'd have to append "NOT Perma-Granite." You have four shields, a toggle status protection and a damage aura, and situations when you need them ALL. On top of that, Stone Melee is an unusually heavy-hitting attack set with unusually fast animation times, giving it some SERIOUS burst cost if you go full tilt. Basically, your recovery is down the toilet thanks to the zillion shields in your secondary and you're costing yourself a fortune thanks to your primary.

That sucks. It sucks enough to convince even me to take Stamina. But that IS an outlier.


I need to make a confession here. I constantly append "unless you want to remove the endurance bar altogether" to the ends of my statements for the simple fact that I wouldn't actually complain if that happened. Sure, it's be a move that would make me question Castles' sanity, and I realise how many things it would break, but I still wouldn't complain because endurance management SUCKS. As far as I'm concerned, the most you can do about it is make it suck less. I realise it's there for balance and it plays an important part, but I've never found myself saying "Yes! I'm out of endurance! Goody! That means I have to go back to the drawing board and do MORE WORK to figure out how to fix this!" At most I roll my eyes and just get done with it.

That said, I still maintain that endurance management is... Well, manageable without Stamina in the general case. I maintain that and keep insisting because to believe otherwise would mean that I would hate playing this game. I don't WANT Stamina, and I have plenty of other things I want to take instead. Like Confront. And Dimension Shift. Point is, I don't want to have to take Stamina, and I know for a fact that others share my sentiment, so I have to stick to my guns just to keep that point alive.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



And that right there, Sam, is all anyone has been stating all along:

Is stamina necessary? Nope. Not for ANY character, EVER.

Does that mean all of us can or will have fun without stamina? HELL no.

I still HATE the 1-22 range. Even with as quickly as it goes by these days. Characters just don't feel right without 3 slotted stamina and/or QR.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And that right there, Sam, is all anyone has been stating all along:

Is stamina necessary? Nope. Not for ANY character, EVER.

Does that mean all of us can or will have fun without stamina? HELL no.

I still HATE the 1-22 range. Even with as quickly as it goes by these days. Characters just don't feel right without 3 slotted stamina and/or QR.
Amen. Its more an annoyance factor than anything else. This is why I still freely admit to taking a lot of shortcuts to 22 when I could. I just want those levels to be over with, so I can start getting real powers again and doing more than just 'getting by'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And that right there, Sam, is all anyone has been stating all along:

Is stamina necessary? Nope. Not for ANY character, EVER.

Does that mean all of us can or will have fun without stamina? HELL no.

I still HATE the 1-22 range. Even with as quickly as it goes by these days. Characters just don't feel right without 3 slotted stamina and/or QR.
I also hate it even with those ones I have who won't ever need Stamina or QR (those Warshades, Stalkers and special Masterminds). Levels 1-24 feel like the unnecessary origin movie for a new Batman, Spider-Man or Superman series of movies. I find ways to make it less boring but I'd skip it in a heartbeat if I could.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
And have really weak, long recharging powers.
Unless you frankenslot!


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Amen. Its more an annoyance factor than anything else. This is why I still freely admit to taking a lot of shortcuts to 22 when I could. I just want those levels to be over with, so I can start getting real powers again and doing more than just 'getting by'

Side note on shortcuts: Don't try to powerlevel a lowbie using a stone/axe tank.

didn't even make it through a single spawn before deciding soloing scanners was faster

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Both very true.
MA/SR, however, is an extreme case which, in my opinion anyway, needs a numbers re-run. I guess that MA/Regen or MA/Willpower, or a different set with /SR might not suffer so badly. But if there are combinations that can leave you lungless after one mob, something, surely, is up. And, no, Im not being daft with power use. Brawl is used a lot. Minor powers for finishing off near dead stuff. And still, every mob, same story.
Level 22 and 3 slotted SO stamina seems to be helping a lot, thankfully.
If you're left lungless after one mob, on normal difficulty something is wrong with what you're doing. I've never been left lungless after one mob.

Are you just getting unlucky and missing an even level mob that much?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
If you're left lungless after one mob, on normal difficulty something is wrong with what you're doing. I've never been left lungless after one mob.

Are you just getting unlucky and missing an even level mob that much?
The problem is the term.

My ma/sd scrapper is 13 now. He has an end-red in each attack. He has an end-red in battle agility.

He runs at +0/x2 w/bosses.

After each spawn, he'll be at no more than 25% end by the end of the fight. Usually far less. Due to how slowly health/endurance rebuild, I'll easily be at the next spawn before I even have 50% end back.

This means I have to sit. And wait. And waste time. And be bored. EDIT2: This would not change if I were to drop it down to +0/x1.

It's bad enough that we have to do it for 22 levels. I truly can't understand the people that do it from 1 to 50.

Edit: In contrast, my two mains can run at +2/x8 w/bosses and never stop to rest. The only thing that stops them is death.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
If you're left lungless after one mob, on normal difficulty something is wrong with what you're doing. I've never been left lungless after one mob.

Are you just getting unlucky and missing an even level mob that much?
Beleive me, Brand, I've taken all possibles into consideration.
And frankly, before 3 SO slotted Stamina, MA/SR is the endurance wh0re from hell. Yes, it does high damage. But it brains end like no other combo I've played. Give it a shot, and see if I really am doing something stupidly wrong.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Beleive me, Brand, I've taken all possibles into consideration.
And frankly, before 3 SO slotted Stamina, MA/SR is the endurance wh0re from hell. Yes, it does high damage. But it brains end like no other combo I've played. Give it a shot, and see if I really am doing something stupidly wrong.
Okay spawn vs mob, may be were I'm seeing the difference.

I'd say Sheilds has the same problem, and did fine with my MA/Shield. But I also made use of inspirations.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Someone above me stated it.. this is not a new issue and players have been wailing for inherent stamina for years. Others will tell you it's completely unnecessary and properly slotted they have a good point as well. At one point, before clarification arrived, many 60 month Vets were foaming at the mouth over the possibility of being able to skip Swift, Health and just take Stamina ... then of course they were informed it ONLY applied to travel powers

I don't really see it as a HUGE issue. It does come at a very bad time. You finally make level 14 and get you permanent travel power and NOW... time to sit through 6 levels (8 actually) before you can add another attack or defense/buff/bebuff/whatever while you pick up Swift or Hurtle at 16. Health at 18 and finally Stamina at 20. Unless, for whatever reason, you decide you need to enhance any of those aside from Stamina itself it does allow you several levels to increase the accuracy, damage, etc of the attacks you already have. At 15, 17, and 19 you will get 2 more enhancement slots that can boosts the potential of the what you already possess. I left out 21 because I personally like to triple slot Stamina for End Mod so at 21 the two slots I get are going there.

Yeah its annoying but at 22 I can start taking powers again and at the same time switch from Dual Origins/some IOs to Single Origin/some IOs. I don't think you'll ever see what you're asking for but anything is possible. Personally I could see it as a future Vet reward just like they did with the Travel Powers. I'm closing in on 54 months myself so soon I'll have 3 of the 4 temp powers available and then at 60 Months I can respec SOME of my characters and add another powers someplace that I had to waste to get the Travel Power itself. I have so many free respec and costumes it's rediculous and I'll never use them all up so it would BE NICE if they gave a 6 year vet, or higher, something a little more special.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I still don't get why Rest has such a long recharge time considering it makes you immobile and extremely squishy while active. Similarly, it would be nice if it could actually slot Healing and Endurance Modification sets instead of just commons.

For the main topic at hand, it varies greatly on whether a toon "needs" Stamina or not. Some are utter endurance hogs that make things nigh unbearable while others can get away with a lot and are completely comfortable.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I still don't get why Rest has such a long recharge time considering it makes you immobile and extremely squishy while active.
The reason, I'm guessing, is what I like to call 'the Everquest Legacy' of the original design style of CoH.

In most fantasy MMOs any mana using character will, a low level, have to stop every couple of groups and drink mana restoring potion to top themselves back up, they have to sit and wait usually for a good minute or so while they do. Now there are instant mana restoring potions but they cost good money to make and buy, whereas the 'sit and drink' mana potions are usually available pretty much everywhere for very cheap.

Health restoring food is the same thing but for non-mana using characters.

They're designed soley to slow the game down and draw it out at low level.

At High levels most mana using classes have a form of instant or channelled mana restoring spell available every few minutes.

Rest having such a long recharge time is based around the same thought processes that sit and drink/eat stuff is in fantasy MMOs, to slow the game down.

Now we've definitely moved away from the Everquest style of play that City of Heroes was originally intended to be back when it was first released, they really do need to drop Rest to having a 30 second recharge.



Rest used to have a MUCH longer recharge time, back in the day. We're talking back when you could get debt at level 5. It took about an hour or so for rest to recharge.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Personally, I feel that there is a problem that needs to be addressed in some sets. In a lot of cases, I feel I can function acceptably on a single end reduction DO in all of my attacks. In just as many, I'm stuck sucking bad wind after each spawn with 1 SO. I find Tanks and brutes in particular are bad, though there are outliers to both ends on the spectrum in every AT. Bringing everything more into line would probably help this perception a lot.

On the other hand, what I think is the bigger problem is Rest. Rest is about as fun as a lap dance from an elephant. Made of acid. And not the kind that would explain why you're getting a lap dance from an elephant, the "OH GOD, WHY IS MY FLESH GONE?" kind. Rest takes you out of the game, and forces you to not play for however long. To me, that is a bad quality for a game to have. And then, if you happen to run out of health or endurance before your timer is back, you can't rest again, which makes an much sense as the lapdancing elephant.

"Oh, god... I'm so tired, but I can't rest again yet. That last bout nearly exhausted me."


I would propose first that they kill the timer on rest. Make cooldown 0. Then, I would suggest that they boost out-of-combat regeneration and recovery significantly. The game obviously can tell the difference, since there are a number of day job powers which only boost out-of-combat abilities (Pain Specialist/Caregiver, Clubber). Heck, maybe even play with the idea of dropping Rest altogether and folding it into the out-of-combat regen/recovery, like a number of other MMOs do.

This way, endurance management is still an issue. If you're uncautious with your powers, you'll end up running dry in the middle of a fight. But once you're out of the fight, you'll recover much more quickly, allowing you to continue on the mission without having to pause and do nothing while your stats recover.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Axing the rechargfe on rest would be a great way, imo, to making all low level stuff a bit more bareable. It makes 0% sense how you have to wait to rest again, whatever way you cut it. And its no get out of jail free card, either; if you get snuck up on while Resting, you're taking a trip out-side via mediport, unless you're rather fast on the detoggle. The massive def and res debuffs while using it make it something you need to use carefully as is.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
Personally, I feel that there is a problem that needs to be addressed in some sets. In a lot of cases, I feel I can function acceptably on a single end reduction DO in all of my attacks. In just as many, I'm stuck sucking bad wind after each spawn with 1 SO. I find Tanks and brutes in particular are bad, though there are outliers to both ends on the spectrum in every AT. Bringing everything more into line would probably help this perception a lot.

On the other hand, what I think is the bigger problem is Rest. Rest is about as fun as a lap dance from an elephant. Made of acid. And not the kind that would explain why you're getting a lap dance from an elephant, the "OH GOD, WHY IS MY FLESH GONE?" kind. Rest takes you out of the game, and forces you to not play for however long. To me, that is a bad quality for a game to have. And then, if you happen to run out of health or endurance before your timer is back, you can't rest again, which makes an much sense as the lapdancing elephant.

"Oh, god... I'm so tired, but I can't rest again yet. That last bout nearly exhausted me."


I would propose first that they kill the timer on rest. Make cooldown 0. Then, I would suggest that they boost out-of-combat regeneration and recovery significantly. The game obviously can tell the difference, since there are a number of day job powers which only boost out-of-combat abilities (Pain Specialist/Caregiver, Clubber). Heck, maybe even play with the idea of dropping Rest altogether and folding it into the out-of-combat regen/recovery, like a number of other MMOs do.

This way, endurance management is still an issue. If you're uncautious with your powers, you'll end up running dry in the middle of a fight. But once you're out of the fight, you'll recover much more quickly, allowing you to continue on the mission without having to pause and do nothing while your stats recover.
Hmmm...I don't personally think I agree with the idea of having increased ENDREC/REGEN while out of combat...it'll just make a game that can be pretty easy, all that much more easy.

*run off to next mob, and be healed by the time you get there, because you're out of combat*

Where as right now you have to decide if you want to keep going or risk it.

Rest having no timer I can get behind, as then you have to actually waste some time at least, and you're possibly a sitting duck.

If we're going to go for speed sake here, can we just instantly get full health when out of combat? I get tired of waiting on other players who want to sit back and rest up at half health, when I think I we can keep going and take out that one next mob, while we just push the redline.

Or is this change to END people want, more of a "I don't like to manage end, I just want to hit my next button" type of deal? Because that's really what it's starting to sound like. Which is bad, because while it's that way already, this would just make it more so, and people already complain that it's so easy.

"This game is easy, I'm thinking of leaving! But I hate to manage my END, that's hard, so I hate it."


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



There are two problems clashing here that always seem to get lumped together, and both have to do with the literal interpretation of the word "recovery."

On the one hand, you have the old pre-EQ idea of action recovery, where after a hearty fight, a party of adventurers would have to find an inn or set up a camp, rest, patch up, eat, and heal themselves. In a P&P RPG, this is done through roleplaying. In a computer RPG, this is done by simply being too weak to continue and needing help to recover. This could be in the form of limited-use items, help from allies or just waiting around long enough, and several of the early MMOs' abilities, and as far as I know ENTIRE CLASSES revolved around recovering the team's strength AFTER battle. Such classes you could do without if you were fighting right next to a Trauma Inn, but once you ventured out into the wilderness, you NEEDED them if you wanted to get anything done.

This translates poorly into City of Heroes for a couple of reasons. Firstly, City of Heroes doesn't shoot for realism. Not even the quasi-realism of your typical Fantasy setting. In a Fantasy game, you get dead, you can be healed. In City of Heroes, you get dead, you just get petter on your own. Gunshot wounds heal by themselves, kneeling down fixes broken limbs and a person feeling empathy for you can bring you back to life. The old mentality that after-combat recovery should be a large part of game balancing is, in my opinion, out of place. It suggests that balance should take into account all spawns of an entire mission, such that merely winning is not victory enough, but winning with enough strength left to continue fighting is all that counts. This is problematic in a game with such a strong sense of solo play, especially considering that NOT finishing a battle at full health and endurance basically means you sit on your hands. This is NOT good game design.

On the other hand, you have the RUSHRUSHRUSH idea of action recovery, in that there shouldn't be any. As soon as you're done with one spawn, you should instantly be ready for the next, ideally without having to move too much. This reduces the game to a sort of a sequence of arena matches, or something akin to survival mode, and it assumes that one shouldn't never have to worry about his stats outside of being killed directly and overtly. This is a culture bred out of oddities in our game balance. Originally, City of Heroes was (perplexingly) designed to follow the EverQuest model, down to the importance of after-action recovery. That's why Rest had a 10 minute recharge (it was never an hour), and why having a "healer" was so important - you needed someone to top you off between fights. This didn't work out, as Health, Stamina and decent builds circumvented that need, allowing players to just move from spawn to spawn.

I do not believe this mentality is appropriate for City of Heroes, either, because it assumes to ignore certain game balance aspects in ways that aren't healthy for the game. In their search for faster endurance recovery, players end up boosting their recovery IN COMBAT so much that it trivialises endurance management. Endurance, as I see it designed, is intended to be something of an absolute limit of resources, forming a cap on your abilities, forcing you to pick WHICH abilities to use, rather than using them all indiscriminately. Running out of endurance mid-combat is intended to be a sign of YOUR failure, not the game cheating you out of a win. You can't run all the toggles you can take. You can't use all the powers you can get. You can't slot and use everything you can learn. That's the point.

In my eyes, the proper solution to the problem is somewhere in-between the two mentalities. I don't want to see the EQ after-action suck where you basically sit on your hands, but I want to see SOME recovery, if for no reason other than to acknowledge that you just got hurt. As such, I look at trivial recovery - after-action recovery exists, but it is not severely limiting. Rest is probably the perfect tool for this. Resting takes, on average, about 10-15 seconds. That's not long (nowhere near as long as it takes for health to regenerate), but it IS long enough to make a point. It isn't something that basically prevents you from playing, but it prevents you from moving and fighting, so it's the perfect balance. I've already seen people complain about resting, but honestly - if you're complaining about having to wait for TEN SECONDS, you have no sympathy from me.

The problem with Rest is its three-minute timer. As others have pointed out, I feel this is a mistake. It makes no sense logically, and it sucks practically, because all too often you'll be left without enough "bars" to fight on, but also without Rest to rest, so you end up waiting for upwards of 60 seconds, basically wasting your time. If rest had instant recharge, that would solve two problems: First of all, no-one would ever have to tap his foot and wait, even when out of breath and out of health. Second, it will make the outcome of a battle still matter. If you exit at full bars, you go on. If you don't, you rest and THEN go on. I've seen it said that it would cause a different problem by eliminating after-action recovery times as they are seen in older MMOs, but I think that's both incorrect and a good thing. It's a good thing because those recovery times sucked and we have no ATs solely designed to deal with them, and it's incorrect because, as others have pointed out before, waiting to rest up is still waiting, it's just waiting a lot LESS. The spazzes among us will still despise Resting and will do what they can to avoid it, while those who can put up with a bit of recovery time will have an easier time NOT waiting around for bars to fill up.

In short, make Rest instant-recharge.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



See I would be inclined to agree with you IF we did have long multi-AV fights.

Those fights actively discourage buggering off elsewhere and resting, especially Reichsman or the final eight in the Lord Recluse Strike Force which means the squishiness of rest causes you to be deaded in mere second (if you even get the chance for it to toggle on), you're discouraged from using rest yet the fights go on long enough that you'd obviously need to use it, even detoggling certain toggles isn't going to help you in the long run if the fight goes on for 10 minutes.

Unlike WoW EVERY class here runs on 'mana' whereas in WoW only the casting classes run on Mana and they get an ingame 'emergency recover mana' spell they can use midfight or someone in the raid group has 'team mana recovery' spell. Not every powerset has 'emergency end recovery' and not every support powerset has a 'boost team recovery'.

Sorry Sam but I also see you in the minority, those who are willing to slot endredux in attacks and wait every couple of fights using rest are definitely a smaller group to those who will just put up with taking Stamina and being able to rock on through. Player perception is distinctly against you Sam.

Plus having to 'have a break and a kitkat' is distinctly unheroic especially when it's just after a large group of thugs...sure natural based heroes might need a bit of a breather but the superhuman ones would just blow through the thugs without so much as a second thought. Resting after a long battle with an Archvillain, sure, that takes a lot out of heroes but just smacking around a group of thugs shouldn't be enough cause to suck wind.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Unlike WoW EVERY class here runs on 'mana' whereas in WoW only the casting classes run on Mana and they get an ingame 'emergency recover mana' spell they can use midfight or someone in the raid group has 'team mana recovery' spell. Not every powerset has 'emergency end recovery' and not every support powerset has a 'boost team recovery'.
It seems to me most players have not learned to use inspirations to overcome their character's issues.

It is far rarer to be able to dump an inspiration on a team mate than to get the message their inventory is full and they don't have room for it.

If I were the devs I would not touch fixing endurance as long as the data shows a lack of inspiration usage.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
See I would be inclined to agree with you IF we did have long multi-AV fights.

Those fights actively discourage buggering off elsewhere and resting, especially Reichsman or the final eight in the Lord Recluse Strike Force which means the squishiness of rest causes you to be deaded in mere second (if you even get the chance for it to toggle on), you're discouraged from using rest yet the fights go on long enough that you'd obviously need to use it, even detoggling certain toggles isn't going to help you in the long run if the fight goes on for 10 minutes.
Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
It seems to me most players have not learned to use inspirations to overcome their character's issues.

It is far rarer to be able to dump an inspiration on a team mate than to get the message their inventory is full and they don't have room for it.
SwellGuy sort of mirrors my opinion of Mechano's concern. We have consumables with no downtime whatsoever that can potentially give strong buffs but often don't get used midbattle. Sometimes I'm guilty of this and will get stuck on the "too awesome to use" mindset for the large ones but there are options during longer battles.