Help us test a new server technology on the North American Training Rooms




I can picture the look on Avatea's face when the Marketing guy told her that she can't actually tell us about the new technology, right after the dev team told her that we need to beta test it.

"I-but-they-Gah! Fine, whatever. Gonna be the worst focussed beta ever."

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



I 'bought' a token, transfered to the 'pool' server. I didn't have a chance to do missions or in-depth performance testing, but was able to access the character on the secondary sever. He logged from the Vanguard base to Grandville. I'm not sure if it was my graphics settings I'd been tinkering with, but I did find my frame rate was better than when I first tested Grandville under ultra mode. Note: there were very few (if any) other people on the server. Not sure if this was a server load, setting, or new server thing that caused this improvement.

But for what it's worth, I did tranfer/log into the server successfully.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

We are currently investigating new server technology and need your help. We have created two Training Room servers, Training Room 01 and Training Room 02. We need players logging in and playing missions on each server so that we can evaluate server performance.

We will be reverting to just one Training Room once the tests have been completed.

Thank you for your patience and for your assistance with this matter.
Based on the wording of the post, I think it would be a good test to run the same mission(s) with the same character or team and note the time and any differences. Even if you can't see any differences, they might be able to get the data they need from mining.

I'll copy a character over tonight and run a few ouros on each, marking the time, any noticeable variances and report back

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Mercy Island on Training Room 02 has turned into a Phantom Zone -- attempt to log in or zone in there and you get disconnected, character stuck, cannot be logged into.

And, by the way, character transfers off of 02 are not enabled, so I can't transfer that character back to Training Room to continue playing.



Originally Posted by SynapseOverload View Post


I "bought" a server token to move a level 50 Mastermind from "Training Room" to the other server being used to test this new server technology. After the character transfer took place, I selected the new server and my (only) character and attempted to enter the game. My client locked up (no crash dialog). I had to terminate the process via a Windows command line (taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq City*").

I then created two new characters, a level 1 Peacebringer and a level 1 Corruptor. Attempts to log into either one of these characters yielded a client crash with a dialog box.

I rebooted my [Windows XP] system and tried again for all three characters. Fail (no crash dialog) for level 50 Mastermind. Fail (with dialog box) for level 1 Corruptor. Fail (with dialog box) for level 1 Peacebringer.

New server technology: Fail.

If the Developers need crash dialog information, I can go ahead and fill out the detail report and submit it.
and good lvl corruptors i guess you have



So, a buddy and I got on to test the situation, and we conclusively proven that Cross-serving teaming was not the goal.

As per an earlier statement, we both logged into a different server.

I logged into Training Room One, He logged into Training Room Two.

As Savannah said earlier, on my Global list he was listed as being on TrainingPool, I was listed on Training2. This is a server mislabel. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Iron defenses and a crappy attitude do not, a tanker, make."

Proud Leader and founder of The Gangbusters Super Group and The Madhouse Villain Group: Ask me about becoming a member!



On TR2, created new claws/wp brute, chose Burke as Mercy contact, client bombed out with "No mapServer connection. Try again."

Logged back in, chose the new character, named Father Claws, noticed he lacks the villain icon next to his name, got error: "InvalidPlayerInfo." Also note, his title is listed as "Level 1 - OfflineString OfflineString - 3758 days offline"

Edit 2: Attempted to recreate character after deletion, chose default options since the same costume came up, upon clicking Burke, got error: "Lost connection to DBserver"

Edit 3: Third try, this time chose to enter tutorial, went in fine.

Edit 4: and then bombed back out when loading into Mercy after finishing tutorial.

Conclusion? Mercy zone is fragged. Can ANYONE get to Mercy?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Flarecrow View Post

Didn't remember it was called that under "shard" in global list.



I understand the mislabeling theory but what if they were supposed to be labeled 1 and 2 and it still was the desired effect. Sorry just instilling some life in to the other side

Has anyone tested the dual name concept yet? Tried to read all the posts but when your boss walks by you ever 5 minutes like an SS guard its hard to make sure lol

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Made a DP toon (returned after open beta and don't have GR preordered), went thru the tutorial okay in T. Room 2, when I tried to zone to Atlas I got the "No mapServer connection. Try again." message. When trying to log the toon again (char selection screen said he was in Atlas Park) got the same message.

This tech is seriously messed up.



I've been playing on Server 02 since this thread went up with no trouble so far. I've gone from Level 1 to Level 28, and the only oddity I've noticed is that I'm unable to buy a transfer back to Server 01 - getting a message, instead, that the 'transfer service' is down. That might be true for 01, too, for all I know.

Also, it's horribly lonely over here.



When I logged onto Test and ran a mission, it seemed like Every Single Interaction with something triggered a Mapserver. Flying for just long enough to change the scenery and Mapserver, click on the door to the Mission and Mapserver, target enemy and Mapserver, fire once, fire twice, Mapserver. I completed the mission, but it was Hideous and the only reason I didn't die was that I was running it at -1 level.

Logged onto server 2, created a new character because I wanted to try something simpler, and... Hmm, still Mapservering regularly, but about half as often. I ran the tutorial and 2 more levels, before I decided to go back to the regular game and meet up with my play-group.

In response to this experience, initially, I ran Netgraph and sure enough, there were long pauses of Red, as well as occasional spikes of yellow. I'm running on FIOS, with 10-20 M/sec capability, so I don't think the issue was 'pipe'. It's possible that my poor old computer's CPU simply can't keep up - adjusting the video settings on my N-8800 didn't seem to have much impact on the Mapservering issue, nor on framerate (though I certainly didn't push the limits). I'm conscious that my CPU is a limiter on this system, but I don't have Mapserver problems on Live.

I'll make a point to try again, another day.

Be Well!



Okay just a quick question as this is the first time I've tested anything for CoX. If I transfer a toon from Training Room 1 to Training Room 2, is it free? I'm scared to click the button cause it still says purchase.


I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
Okay just a quick question as this is the first time I've tested anything for CoX. If I transfer a toon from Training Room 1 to Training Room 2, is it free? I'm scared to click the button cause it still says purchase.

Yes, switching servers and buying character slots is free on the test servers.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



well i went to test2 and created a char,claws/wp scrapper,got to the screen where it asked for starting point,i picked atlas, then the screen froze, and task manager showed it not responding. killed it and then came here to report,this was at about 6 am est wed april 21 2010,and the server was green when i selected it .

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
well i went to test2 and created a char,claws/wp scrapper,got to the screen where it asked for starting point,i picked atlas, then the screen froze, and task manager showed it not responding. killed it and then came here to report,this was at about 6 am est wed april 21 2010,and the server was green when i selected it .
I'm getting the same thing on 2. If I "go into PAragon City", same behavior. Every time. TR1 seems fine though. Gonna try a new char on 2 to see if I can dup the problem


--who's NO LONGER waiting for the Elec 'Troller

Bunches of good and evil scattered across all servers--



well after work about 4:30 pmest i tried to gt back to the char from preivious post,the char select screen had no model and invalids dec string and 3786 days off line, so i deleted the char, started a new one claws/wp scrapper, skipped the tutorial,went stragit toentering paragon city, then got kicked due to error of dbserver error,

so hope my extensive testing is helping :-)

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Transfered a toon across, apart from a big delay on initial zone in no problems...indoors I usually float between 20-30fps sometimes dips down to the low teens but if this test is about performance...WOW...50-60fps with a little blip down to 45...NICE! Outdoors was always 15-20fps now averaging 25-30 (interestingly engaged an outdoor foe and fps went up to 45).

Then I tried creating a all the way through to enter tutorial zone...program not responding. No mapServer connection. Try again. Logged in and got invalid character info, no hero icon in the slot nor an avatar. Obviously a problem there. Seems I'm experiencing what everyone else experienced.

Made a toon and went straight to AP; gonna log out and back in...all good...gonna try Tutorial; still a no go, same result



Transfered my dp/dark cor from test1 to test2. Logged into Grandville. Went street sweeping at north edge of main island. Game crashed. Hoping that it will come up with a bug report, currently sitting unresponsive. CHV, not OS. OS is fine and will allow me to kill CHV process if I desire.

EDIT: I had forgotten to set FSAA to application controlled in ATI CCC. Logging back in now with corrected setting.

EDIT2: Lockup did not reoccur. That'll need to be notated....

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
When I logged onto Test and ran a mission, it seemed like Every Single Interaction with something triggered a Mapserver. Flying for just long enough to change the scenery and Mapserver, click on the door to the Mission and Mapserver, target enemy and Mapserver, fire once, fire twice, Mapserver. I completed the mission, but it was Hideous and the only reason I didn't die was that I was running it at -1 level.

Logged onto server 2, created a new character because I wanted to try something simpler, and... Hmm, still Mapservering regularly, but about half as often. I ran the tutorial and 2 more levels, before I decided to go back to the regular game and meet up with my play-group.

In response to this experience, initially, I ran Netgraph and sure enough, there were long pauses of Red, as well as occasional spikes of yellow. I'm running on FIOS, with 10-20 M/sec capability, so I don't think the issue was 'pipe'. It's possible that my poor old computer's CPU simply can't keep up - adjusting the video settings on my N-8800 didn't seem to have much impact on the Mapservering issue, nor on framerate (though I certainly didn't push the limits). I'm conscious that my CPU is a limiter on this system, but I don't have Mapserver problems on Live.

I'll make a point to try again, another day.

Be Well!
I had this same exact problem Redside on 4/20. Server hampster must have been celebrating that night.



Well, by shutting down every optional process I was running, screen-saver, printer-monitor, Browser, IM client, etc. I was able to get Test 2 to run without continual Mapserver events. My friend and I pacted up and ran level 3 to 10. It was fun, though we still got occasional freezes and spikes.

However, if this is a sample of what's to come on Live... I may have to stop playing, until I can afford to upgrade my computer!

Be Well!



lets test this with bases, lets see if different server teamies can visit sg's <tp's and touring>

edit: Nevermind

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