Thoughts on resurrecting enemies being untargetable




All the grief in this thread makes me smile. Human Grief tastes like happy sugar, hmnyes.

Really, it doesn't bug me *shrug*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




Sounds like the nerf is working then! This is a good thing.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



w/e hardly play damage toons than dont have pbaoes anymore.



You can still have an attack on auto (targeting on the corpse), so as soon as the enemy resurrects, you'll hit with that attack. You probably can't continue attacking immediately (unless you pulled off a Total Focus or something), but it saves time.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
They also don't seem to attack before they are targetable (iirc), they spend the rezzing time casting their ice armor. Compared to a freak tank rezzing and trying to two shot you before he becomes targetable. Despite it being the same mechanic I think hordlings are working well, but other rezzing npc's not so much.
If the Freakshow are firing off attacks while being untargetable, then that's bugged in the opposite direction (i.e., risk with no possibility of reward) and should be reported. When the rez completes and a mob is able to activate a power, whether it's defensive, like the hordelings, or offensive, like the Freakshow, they should immediately become vulnerable to attack.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



That basically kills my strategy for fighting Freakshow. My bread and butter was keeping a downed Freakshow targeted so I could nail him the very millisecond he resurrected. Not the end of the world and certainly not a deal breaker, but come on man. Most pointless, unnecessary tweak in quite some time.



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
That basically kills my strategy for fighting Freakshow. My bread and butter was keeping a downed Freakshow targeted so I could nail him the very millisecond he resurrected. Not the end of the world and certainly not a deal breaker, but come on man. Most pointless, unnecessary tweak in quite some time.
Well, it surely makes soloing Freakshow arcs more dangerous.



Luckily my pets keep a lock on them so it hasn't affected me much.

Thugs rool.



Doesn't bother me.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

Sounds like the nerf is working then! This is a good thing.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
MM's exploit this "no target" issue in both aggressive and defensive mode. Aggressive because pets can still target things and defensive because these npc's aren't bound to the same no targeting rules as we are so they will attack you immediately.
Please don't give the devs anymore ideas on what to nerf for future updates.

K, thanks. bye! d;D



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Please don't give the devs anymore ideas on what to nerf for future updates.

K, thanks. bye! d;D
Pets being effected by untargetable rules like players would be a fix not a nerf.



What is even cooler, is that now, resurected enemies can hit you before you can target them, which is lots of fun if you were almost dead when you had them the first time.



It's not a gamebreaker, but it is minorly stupid and annoying. I'm one of the few that thought little of Freakshow to begin with, and this is just another thing I don't like. It's just a few seconds of standing around, but it's the very idea that grates.

I just have to laugh at how it hasn't really hurt farmers at all. Heck of a fix there.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Pets being effected by untargetable rules like players would be a fix not a nerf.
Pets never targeted dead targets so technicly they have always been affected by this untargetable rule.

Placing pets in aggressive mode causes pets to target alive targets. so once the player or NPC is capable of being targeted (if pets are set to aggressive) the pets will attack.

Unless this is "fixed" (which I doubt it will be.) Farmers will still be able to afk farm PvP IOs with MM pets. There are a few other ways around this "fix" that I can think of for afk farmers.

as Mac has stated and other semi-intelligent forumites have stated; these "nerfs" or "fixes" whatever you call them; do little to deter or punish exploiters and farmers because exploiters and farmers tend to be intelligent.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
afk farm PvP IOs
Oh, so that's what this was targeting. I was quite befuddled.

It's not much of a fix, in any case. Damage auras, PBAoEs, and all sorts of pets are unaffected. But even if they weren't, I'd say that AFK farming of PVP IOs is more symptomatic of larger issues than a problem in itself. Not that that's a particular revelation.

plays the opening chords of "PvP rewards should reward PvP" before being yanked offstage

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Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Pets never targeted dead targets so technicly they have always been affected by this untargetable rule.

Placing pets in aggressive mode causes pets to target alive targets. so once the player or NPC is capable of being targeted (if pets are set to aggressive) the pets will attack.

Unless this is "fixed" (which I doubt it will be.) Farmers will still be able to afk farm PvP IOs with MM pets. There are a few other ways around this "fix" that I can think of for afk farmers.

as Mac has stated and other semi-intelligent forumites have stated; these "nerfs" or "fixes" whatever you call them; do little to deter or punish exploiters and farmers because exploiters and farmers tend to be intelligent.
So is the smiley face the accepted forum indicator a poster knows they are being unreasonably thick in their previous comment?

I suppose an "easier" fix then tweaking NPC target rules would to make rez powers give 100% resistance and stun for the length of the animation. Then resurrected beings (NPC and PC) would be virtually immune to early damage and not able to get free shots off.

As for PvP farming...that's virtually unfixable without having greater repercussions on legit PvP earnings. I suppose they could make rezed players not count towards rewards for a tiny amount of time but then the AFK farmers would just need to adjust there effectiveness to make sure they don't kill the auto rezing target too fast. They could also make self rez power unable to be set for autocast...



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
If the Freakshow are firing off attacks while being untargetable, then that's bugged in the opposite direction (i.e., risk with no possibility of reward) and should be reported. When the rez completes and a mob is able to activate a power, whether it's defensive, like the hordelings, or offensive, like the Freakshow, they should immediately become vulnerable to attack.

Well I'm not 100% sure that foes can actually get a few shots off before you can target them, but I did notice that either my reaction time isn't as good as it used to be OR there is something wonky with the re-targeting mechanism... because I could swear a Freak Tank smacked me at least once before I could even get a lock on him.

Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
So when do enemies get fixed so they can't target you while you rez? Because if we can't hit Freaks when they rez, why can they target a player when he pops an Awaken - or during said player's stun following the awaken? Fair is fair.

Yeah, I was kind of wondering the same thing when I first noticed this new "fix" as well. I'd say that's definitely way more risk than there should be and completely unfair to the player. GO DEVS!!!



The stun will always leave you vulnerable but we should be immune to damage while the animation plays as well.



and the BoTZ change I'm finding it hard to believe the devs think about the impact of their changes before making them.
No, they knew exactly what they were doing and what the outcome would be with this one.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Ironically, as almost every farm build has pets, PBAoEs, or damage auras of some sort, this "fix" affects them far less than normal builds which lack these powers.
So true.

By the way, have I mentioned how much I like your new avatar, mac?

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
A more appropriate fix would be to make them invulnerable but still targetable during the resurrection animation.

Re-targeting is a PITA.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Please don't give the devs anymore ideas on what to nerf for future updates.

K, thanks. bye! d;D
If you read what I said to completion you would not have responded in this manner. Assuming of course you had any idea what is being talked about.

thx bai!



Last night was my first opportunity to experience this change first hand on a team of 8 versus Freakshow. Here are my thoughts...

Hardly noticeable.