Executioner's Shot comes from Vincent. Wait, what?

Autonomous Prime



This is going to sound sound odd, possibly pointless, but an eerie observation just struck me. Allow me to explain, because I seriously doubt many will catch the connection.

When you look at Dual Pistols, what do you tend to think of? Equilibrium? Wanted? Ultra-violet, if you're masochistic enough? The Matrix, maybe, if you have a taste of ever-decreasing quality? All action-packed movies, all fairly recent, all probably true. Some of the more basic pistol attacks are cool, but generic, such that they could have come from any "cool gun" franchise. Bullet Rain is decidedly Wanted, whereas Hail of Bullets (which actually means almost the same thing...) is decidedly Equilibrium. I assume Piercing Rounds COULD be Ultra Violet based on how I've had it described to me, but I've not seen the movie.

What about Executioner's Shot, though? Of all the powers in Dual Pistols, this one is perhaps the most subtly cool, and even "fancy haters" will tend to skip over that one when they ask for "more boring animations." But where is it from? It's kind of like a gunslinger attack, but not really. Gunslingers have one twirl and that's about it. And though the set does have a few gun twirls, most of them are of the "ordinary" backwards-spinning variety. Outside of Executioner's Shot, though? What does that remind you of? Have you guessed it yet? Try a 13-year-old PSX game.

I'm doing a bit of reliving my childhood right now with replaying Final Fantasy 7, and any fan of the game has probably deduced I was going there. For those of us who aren't (are there such people?), let me explain. Vincent is, in a nutshell, a vampire-looking dude with a metal hand and a red cape who shoots a handgun. That, and transforming into beasts is generally his "thing." Shortly after I was able to wake him up from his slumber, I came across a gun that the guide I'm following advised me to give him and use something called a "Death Blow" on. The Death Blow is an attack that ALWAYS causes critical (i.e. double) damage, but slashes your accuracy by a third (or possibly 30%, Final Fantasy 7 is really bad about Real Numbers). Since this handgun is basically a sawed-off bolt-action rifle with a huge sniper scope on top, it has 255% accuracy, or about a maxed-out signed byte's worth. Obviously, the perfect weapon to use a double-damage dealing, inaccurate attack with, right?

Well, see, the thing is that the Death Blow skill, when used, produces a unique, different animation from the one the characters normally use for attacking. Tifa usually does a high punch and a low kick, but using this, she does sort of a spin kick. Vincent normally twirls his gun once before firing (as well as once taking it out, once holstering it, once every once in a while and generally A LOT), but as soon as I saw him use his Death Blow attack, something struck me as oddly familiar. See, he does this overcomplicated motion that's something like a forward spin, then two back spins as he draws his hand back, then another forward spin as he brings his hand forward to fire, and then a BIG shot for double damage that always hits. It took me exactly three applications of the skill for the light bulb to flash and for me to go "Wait a monster-shooting minute! This looks exactly like Executioner's Shot!" I tried to get a video of it, but I met with little success.

And... Wow! Really? Is... Is that what inspired this animation? Really? It's cool, don't get me wrong. I love it! But it's a really bizarre, unexpected place to look for inspiration. It WOULD explain why it's a single pistol shot, too. I mean Vincent's Death Blow could have been copied from our own Executioner's Strike point for point, if his hadn't come 13 years earlier. Of all the over-the-top gun-totting movies, video games and stunts, it surprises me that someone would draw inspiration from Final Fantasy about a GUN. Final Fantasy, the franchise better known for its unorthodox weapons such as the Gunblade, the Wrist-Mounted Dog Launcher and the Blitzball Volleyball. That seems like an odd place to look for inspiration on regular firearms. In fact, having forgotten what Vincent used, I was surprised to see him use something as reserved as A GUN. I thought for sure he's use some demonic axetrident or multi-barrelled chaingun or his bare hands or something.

It's COOL, believe me. Final Fantasy 7 remains one of my favourite games, and that attack still rocks. It just... Really surprises me. Accidental or intentional, it just made my day

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm gonna go ahead and assume you said Vincent Vega, since that one is about 1298712903712983x cooler.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I'm gonna go ahead and assume you said Vincent Vega, since that one is about 1298712903712983x cooler.
I thought the same thing when I saw the thread name. I was wondering why the devs would model a Dual Pistols attack after that scene in Pulp Fiction where Vincent accidentally shoots Marvin in the face.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



I deliberately left it at just the first name just to see how many people are going to guess it, but I'm afraid I don't know who Vincent Vega is.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



i knew you were talking about Vincent from FF7. but yeah, Vincent from Pulp Fiction could pop into mind to.



Now that you mentioned it...

City of Vincent Valentines!



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
Now that you mentioned it...

City of Vincent Valentines!
oh lord, no >_<

But the OP has a point. Executioner's Shot looks VERY similar to Vincent's Deathblow. If i had FF7 up and running I'd make a comparison video myself, but it's too much work getting that game to run on anything later than Win98 =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
But the OP has a point. Executioner's Shot looks VERY similar to Vincent's Deathblow. If i had FF7 up and running I'd make a comparison video myself, but it's too much work getting that game to run on anything later than Win98 =/
Actually, it's not really. I found a nice bundle of patches for it that fixed a lot of things, chief among being the ability to run and not have it crash... Too much. There's also a resolution fix and even a few mods, like battle-quality characters in the adventure world. I'm running it on XP right now, and outside of a nasty memory leak and infrequent crashes, it runs really well.

But, yeah, grabbing a video of Vincent's Deathblow is something I considered doing, but I realised I don't have Fraps on this machine, and being that I'm about to reinstall it within the next few days, I'm not going to bother tracking that down. YouTube does not provide, that much I know.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My response would be... "Who cares".

You people do really tend to over think stuff or have too much free time. Just leave the animation of the power, or even the whole set, as cool and be done with everything. In this day everything has pretty much been done, especially with all the different genres (TV, comic books, video games, movies, even novels) and as tech improves. Good bet that everything has been done before, nothing really original anymore. I know Vincent "stoled" the move from another source.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
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Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
My response would be... "Who cares".

You people do really tend to over think stuff or have too much free time. Just leave the animation of the power, or even the whole set, as cool and be done with everything. In this day everything has pretty much been done, especially with all the different genres (TV, comic books, video games, movies, even novels) and as tech improves. Good bet that everything has been done before, nothing really original anymore. I know Vincent "stoled" the move from another source.
*Facepalm* The thing is, City of Heroes is a came choke full of shout outs and homages, to some, these little things are more fun than actually playing the game for the sheer nerd bonus they provide.
It's not about "who stole what", it's about "AWESOME! I SEE WHAT THE DEVS DID THERE!"

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I think you're reading way too much into it. You're counting forward and backwards spins? ES looks like any other gun twirl done by someone with a revolver about to shoot.

But who knows, maybe you're right, it's not like FF7 is some obscure game.



What we really need, of course, is shotgun on a string for AR.

And Chainsaw Melee...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



As I recall Vincent doesn't change twirling directions during the Deathblow animation like we do with Executioner's Shot. I'm also pretty sure he manages to twirl the gun such that it's not parallel with the palm of his hand somehow.

I'm describing the Deathblow animation he does with pistols, though, you may be talking about the one he does with rifles equipped.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



I wondered if we weren't referring to Kirk Douglas' finest role for a moment then...

I mean, it ended with a handgun right?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
Particularly if you made the animations for Chainsaw Melee like the ones for Dual Pistols, particularly the animation for Piercing Rounds. Watching your character toss the running chainsaw up in the air, catching it, and then whipping the saw across your target would be so worth the price of admission...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
What we really need, of course, is shotgun on a string for AR.
That may be the coolest thing ever filmed. EVAR.



Originally Posted by Sayer View Post
That may be the coolest thing ever filmed. EVAR.
Agreed. That was pure awesome wrapped in goodie goodie fun time candy.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
*Facepalm* The thing is, City of Heroes is a came choke full of shout outs and homages, to some, these little things are more fun than actually playing the game for the sheer nerd bonus they provide.
It's not about "who stole what", it's about "AWESOME! I SEE WHAT THE DEVS DID THERE!"
Exactly. I'm not saying it's bad that the animations are similar. On the contrary, it's AWESOME that they're similar It's just that I never realised it before. It's a cool little observation, and really, if Final Fantasy VII really WAS the inspiration... Well, let's just say you could do a lot worse.

I'm happy with the power. I'm even happier with my hindsight

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
As I recall Vincent doesn't change twirling directions during the Deathblow animation like we do with Executioner's Shot. I'm also pretty sure he manages to twirl the gun such that it's not parallel with the palm of his hand somehow.

I'm describing the Deathblow animation he does with pistols, though, you may be talking about the one he does with rifles equipped.
Hmm... It's quite possible he does different Deathblow animations with different weapons. I haven't tried him with a rifle yet, but the one he does with his shotgun is... Not quite the same, put it like that. In fact, what you're describing IS the twirl animation with the shotgun. Twirl almost perpendicular to his arm, then hold it two-handed and fire. I'll have to re-equip him with his sniper scope pistol just to have another look at it.

In fact, be right back!

Huh... You have a point. He does do a sideways flip... Oddly, but he DOES reverse directions right at the end. It's actually his normal shooting animation with an added twirl at the beginning. It's definitely two different twirls in two different directions, and the arm motion is very similar. It's not exactly exact, but his sideways twirl looks... Awkward, so I wouldn't have wanted it to be the same even if they share the same source of inspiration.

Still I like it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, it's not really. I found a nice bundle of patches for it that fixed a lot of things, chief among being the ability to run and not have it crash... Too much. There's also a resolution fix and even a few mods, like battle-quality characters in the adventure world. I'm running it on XP right now, and outside of a nasty memory leak and infrequent crashes, it runs really well.

But, yeah, grabbing a video of Vincent's Deathblow is something I considered doing, but I realised I don't have Fraps on this machine, and being that I'm about to reinstall it within the next few days, I'm not going to bother tracking that down. YouTube does not provide, that much I know.
Oh yeah, i know. Heck, i was part of the Qhimm community back in the day that released all those patches. I just meant i didn't feel like spending an hour installing, patching, and editing my registry just to take a 20 second video =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Oh yeah, i know. Heck, i was part of the Qhimm community back in the day that released all those patches. I just meant i didn't feel like spending an hour installing, patching, and editing my registry just to take a 20 second video =)
Ah, there is that It's a pain to set it up, though I didn't have to touch my registry. I just needed one official patch, one 1280x960 patch, one hack to let the metres overflow past 9999, one to give me a better Cloud model and one to give me better overworld models. Took me a few hours and a couple of reinstalls to get it running. And it was and is still glitchy. Interestingly, less glitchy on Windows 7 x64 than it does on XP. It still crashes... A lot... but it give me fewer graphical glitches.

I actually got cheeky on my reinstall on Windows 7. I did a fresh reinstall, then just copied my old install folder with all the patches over it, and it ran just fine Sure, had to run it under XP compatibility, since it doesn't seem to be able to write to the hard drive under a x64 system, but it still ran fine.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Uhh... actually, I think it's a generic 'finishing shot' animation? It's not like Vincent's is particularly unique or creative.

Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
I'm gonna go ahead and assume you said Vincent Vega, since that one is about 1298712903712983x cooler.
Agreeing with this




Uh, guys? Executioner's shot. Minus the twirl that's the pose handguns are held in for the stereotypical gunshot used to execute people.