Discussion: Live Patch Notes - 4/7/10

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Don't hate on the Devs, hate on the exploiters. They're creating the cheating situations the Devs are then having to react to.

Also, the Devs could care less about farming, they just don't want you to exploit system loopholes using AE as a "hack toolbox" to do it.

There is another solution... GM Approved Posting only. You create and edit at will, however a a GM or Dev has to check the pending published missions (and any subsequent edited versions) out before it's made available to the public. That would stop all the exploit farms from ever being published, without ever needing to patch another thing.

Of course... there would be that pesky wait...
I'm not personally hating on the devs, I just think there were perhaps better ways to address this issue. There are a lot of things you can look at to determine if something is an exploitive farm.

Normally the number of allies is set to the max for the map. The allies also generally take specific powersets. The arcs also tend to be short or very short.

I mean I would even be happy with this if it was a scale.

1-2 allies - Normal XP
3-5 allies - -20% XP but they can not killsteal XP.
5-6 allies - -40% XP
6+ allies - -60% XP

I mean at least with something like that we know what we're working with, similar to the number of powers a custom group has affecting their XP.

As it stands now this nerf hurts people who aren't exploiting more because the people exploiting will just do something new.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Wakies are a bit different. You can use a wakie and still act before the animation is finished. If you pop a BF right away you can run around before you would normally have finished the animation to get up. Rez powers for players have a brief (IMO too brief) time that you cannot be touched while the animation is taking place.
I don't think that's true anymore. I think you're rooted for the entire animation even if you pop a BF. I'm not 100% sure, I'd have to check it again tho.

Still doesn't stop critters from killing you again before you've even had a chance to get up. I can now add this "feature" to the long list of things they can do that we can't.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Well since it's obvious you think AE is the root of all evil in the CoH universe why not just have the whole system removed? That'll really make the AE farmers rue the day they dare attempted to earn XP thru a system created by the game developers! What unmitigated GALL those farmers have! How DARE they?!?!?!
The ones that just earn XP are not an issue. The ones that exploit the system and make it so you can get massive rewards with little risk are the ones causing the problems. Please do not lump those "farmers" in with the rest of us.



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Don't hate on the Devs, hate on the exploiters. They're creating the cheating situations the Devs are then having to react to.

Also, the Devs could care less about farming, they just don't want you to exploit system loopholes using AE as a "hack toolbox" to do it.

There is another solution... GM Approved Posting only. You create and edit at will, however a a GM or Dev has to check the pending published missions (and any subsequent edited versions) out before it's made available to the public. That would stop all the exploit farms from ever being published, without ever needing to patch another thing.

Of course... there would be that pesky wait...
You do realize that even that would cause more issue for non-farmers than farmers. Not only would they have to pay more GM's to sit around approving missions, now we've just dipped into the budget for all those cool things we've been getting lately.

I recommend the non-farmers stop QQ'ing as in the end, you're only hurting yourselves. This has been proven time and time again. But alas, we both know the whining won't stop. It's too far out of character for non-farmers to mind their own business and play their own game. They absolutely must infringe on everyone around them.

Oh well. Sucks to be them!

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Don't hate on the Devs, hate on the exploiters. They're creating the cheating situations the Devs are then having to react to.

Also, the Devs could care less about farming, they just don't want you to exploit system loopholes using AE as a "hack toolbox" to do it.

There is another solution... GM Approved Posting only. You create and edit at will, however a a GM or Dev has to check the pending published missions (and any subsequent edited versions) out before it's made available to the public. That would stop all the exploit farms from ever being published, without ever needing to patch another thing.

Of course... there would be that pesky wait...
And I'm sure by "exploiters" and "cheaters" you really mean "those that make the most out of features the devs willingly give us that weren't ever broken and/or not functioning exactly the way the devs designed them". I'm sure that's what you meant, right?



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The devs should realize by now that a small but visible sub-section of the playerbase will use any loophole, shortcut, or flat-out exploit to earn the maximum amount of rewards possible in the shortest amount of time, and punish those players. The exploit, shortcut or loophole should be closed with the minimum amount of impact to those who don't use it, like they do with any exploit that doesn't involve AE.

Several people have mentioned "infamous" arcs that took advantage of the exploit in question. So why not UNPUBLISH THOSE ARCS, take away one of the arc slots of the players who created them, and flag their accounts so that they cannot publish another arc without submitting it for prior approval?

The exploiters will get the message real quick. And the rest of us are unaffected.

They BAN the accounts of RMT spammers. Why not take firm but much less draconian steps to go after the AE exploiters? It simply does not make sense to make such a drastic nerf while leaving those who CAUSED the nerf to become "necessary" get off without sanction.

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Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
The ones that just earn XP are not an issue. The ones that exploit the system and make it so you can get massive rewards with little risk are the ones causing the problems. Please do not lump those "farmers" in with the rest of us.
So if I use IOs and soft cap my defense I'm somehow "exploiting" the system? After all, at softcapped defense I can fight anything with virtually no risk, both in and out of AE.

Where exactly do you draw the line between "exploiting" (which it's not in any variation of this situation) and "taking full advantage of what the game offers"?



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Don't hate on the Devs, hate on the exploiters. They're creating the cheating situations the Devs are then having to react to.
Some of us vets like those AE farms. Want to know why? Because after over 5 years of playing this game you get sick of the grind. I've done both the CoH and CoV content so many times I'm sick of it. I love making new toons and trying them out, but 90% of builds don't start being fun till mid-late 20s (for me personally). AE is pretty nice for skipping all that boring crap. I'll totally agree that the general game IQ of high-level players is going down (thanks to AE), but AE farms aren't completely evil.

In case you think I'm just spouting in defense of AE exploits, I'm not, I've been playing since Dec '04 and have 7 lvl 50s all lvl'd through regular teaming.

Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Also, the Devs could care less about farming
And you're completely right, the devs COULD care less about farming, and I wish they did sometimes. I think you were looking for "couldn't care less" which is what the actual saying is.

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Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post

Several people have mentioned "infamous" arcs that took advantage of the exploit in question. So why not UNPUBLISH THOSE ARCS, take away one of the arc slots of the players who created them, and flag their accounts so that they cannot publish another arc without submitting it for prior approval?

The exploiters will get the message real quick. And the rest of us are unaffected.

They BAN the accounts of RMT spammers. Why not take firm but much less draconian steps to go after the AE exploiters? It simply does not make sense to make such a drastic nerf while leaving those who CAUSED the nerf to become "necessary" get off without sanction.

Clearly too elegant a solution. "Exploit" fixes must be, by the very nature of this game, heavy-handed and brutish, and have at least 3 unintended side effects that are significantly worse than the "exploit" they seek to fix. To do it any other way would be un-Paragon!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
A lag issue that has been there since the beginning, almost 5 issues ago. If you knew me, then you'd know I don't form speed runs and do take it slowly, but there is always lag. I realize exploits need fixing before bugs, but really how long does it take to fix a bug?
And I do agree that it should be fixed, but I have no concrete suggestions on how to make the fix other than a total redesign of that whole map. With GR coming out and all the new maps that I am sure they are making for that, I can understand why this bug fix is put on hold.



Originally Posted by Twisting_Nether View Post
Some of us vets like those AE farms. Want to know why? Because after over 5 years of playing this game you get sick of the grind. I've done both the CoH and CoV content so many times I'm sick of it. I love making new toons and trying them out, but 90% of builds don't start being fun till mid-late 20s (for me personally). AE is pretty nice for skipping all that boring crap. I'll totally agree that the general game IQ of high-level players is going down (thanks to AE), but AE farms aren't completely evil.
This. With so many other MMOs vying for my time I can't and won't devote endless hours of boring repetitive gameplay trying to level up yet another character thru the same stale missions I've been doing for almost 6 years.

Seriously, be thankful I'm still playing (though I question why more and more these days).



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
The ones that just earn XP are not an issue. The ones that exploit the system and make it so you can get massive rewards with little risk are the ones causing the problems. Please do not lump those "farmers" in with the rest of us.
like.... softcapping a scrapper with IOs... EXPLOITERS!!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
I mean I would even be happy with this if it was a scale.

1-2 allies - Normal XP
3-5 allies - -20% XP but they can not killsteal XP.
5-6 allies - -40% XP
6+ allies - -60% XP
I don't like this solution because it doesn't solve the actual problem. It doesn't make an attempt to take into consideration what the pets are actually doing.

The issue is, you can make pets of varying helpfulness with an almost inversely proportional amount of experience loss. If you make a unit that's range/range, he takes all the exp he does damage with. If you however make a unit that's debuff/buff (this is possible with a primary like Earth Control doing the debuffing), he does no damage, makes everything easier for you, and takes no experience with him.

This patch is making an attempt at fixing that in completely the wrong way. It's imposing a tax on the NUMBER of allies without caring one bit what they actually do. This is like paying your employees based on how many of them there are and not, like, actually what they do or how good they are at it. Even now it's unbalanced. Take for instance:

* Scenario 1: You have only one ally, so there's no experience tax. Your one ally is range/melee. He takes experience away from you by dealing damage.

* Scenario 2: You have only one ally, so there's no experience tax. Your one ally is debuff/buff. He takes NO experience away from you, but makes your job far easier.

* Scenario 3: You have five allies, so there is significant experience tax. All your allies are range/melee. They take even more experience away from you by dealing damage.

* Scenario 4: You have five allies, so there is significant experience tax. All your allies are debuff/buff. They take no additional experience away from you, and your job is insanely easy.

Why would you take a pet that reduces your exp when you could have one that makes your job easier and doesn't touch your exp? Or even better, why have no pets at all when you could have a debuff/buff pet along with you?

The proper way to handle this is to make it so pets that are contributing in a way other than dealing damage are still subject to an experience tax. Right now, that's not happening. You just get a tax based on how many pets you have. Your suggestion would only allow a different number of acceptable buffing allies that reduce risk for no change in reward.

My suggestion? Every ally that has a buff or debuff gives -10% exp per buff or debuff. The number of pets doesn't matter. Their non-buff/debuff powers don't matter (they're taking exp away when they deal damage anyway). So for instance, you have the following scenarios again:

* Scenario 1: You have only one ally, and he has no buffs/debuffs, so there's no experience tax. Your one ally is range/melee. He takes experience away from you by dealing damage.

* Scenario 2: You have only one ally, he's debuff/buff and has 2 helpful powers (Quicksand and Dispersion Bubble) so there's an experience tax of -20%. He takes no additional exp away through attacking.

* Scenario 3: You have five allies, and they have no buffs/debuffs, so there is no experience tax. They take experience away only from dealing damage.

* Scenario 4: You have five allies, and they all have debuffs/buffs, so there is significant experience tax. They take no additional experience away from you by attacking, but your job is insanely easy, and as a result you're getting little to no experience at all.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
I remember when I first started playing, I had no clue how I was supposed to slot things (though 6 slotting hasten was the norm then too). And abbreviations, especially in this game, can get quite confusing. FS could mean fulcrum shift, foot stomp, fire sword, fire shield, focused senses, ect. And unless someone told you, would you know where to go for a cape, either side? Insp is sort of a given, though if you only called it an inspiration would you know what insp meant? TF, again, abbreviation.

There are noobs out there, but we were all newbs at one point or another.
I remember being dragged through the Hess TF and wondering what the hell was going on. It was my first time on an 8 man team, and it was a whole new world. Thank you to the war gods of Infinity for carrying this newb through.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
This. With so many other MMOs vying for my time I can't and won't devote endless hours of boring repetitive gameplay trying to level up yet another character thru the same stale missions I've been doing for almost 6 years.

Seriously, be thankful I'm still playing (though I question why more and more these days).
Scale XP to the amount of vet rewards earned!!!

Ask me no stupid questions and I will tell you no stupid lies.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
So if I use IOs and soft cap my defense I'm somehow "exploiting" the system? After all, at softcapped defense I can fight anything with virtually no risk, both in and out of AE.

Where exactly do you draw the line between "exploiting" (which it's not in any variation of this situation) and "taking full advantage of what the game offers"?
No that is not an exploit because the game is designed to allow you to do that depending on your class and effort put into that toon. You pick certain powers and IOs over others for benifits you want on that toon. You decide to pick a power where you can slot certain sets even if you do not plan on using that power just to get to that soft cap. With the AE the way it was you no longer had to make those choices.

The devs changed what was offered due to those that were doing what they consider exploiting. For example taking only attakcs and using SOs and being able to solo tons of +4 mobs because you have a bunch of buff bots giving you capped resists and defense and also holding all the mobs down while you kill them. That is an obvious exploit and IMO should be fixed.

I do however, have issues with having any Ally reduce your XP. Many stories have battles going on in the background to add color and those battles do not provide any benifit to the player as far as rewards go, yet now those will either have to be removed or get low ranks because they gave crap xp.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
That's not what it's doing though.

Right now you can have a buffing/debuffing ally who mezzes and debuffs enemies while making you harder to kill. Far less risk, same reward.

Or you can have PPD battling Arachnos as an event somewhere in the map. And as a result get -60% exp for the entire mission. No less risk, far less reward.
And I agree that both should be addressed. I had not read through the thread far enough at the point I replied to this to know about this.



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Don't hate on the Devs, hate on the exploiters. They're creating the cheating situations the Devs are then having to react to.
No, we can very well hate on the Devs for coming up with really dumb solutions that have obviously not been thought through.

I'm becoming rather glad that these people are game developers and not engineers. I'd hate to see what their solution would be for fixing a road with a few potholes in it.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
No, we can very well hate on the Devs for coming up with really dumb solutions that have obviously not been thought through.

I'm becoming rather glad that these people are game developers and not engineers. I'd hate to see what their solution would be for fixing a road with a few potholes in it.
Build a small cottage there.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission.

I do wish they'd explain this in greater detail. I hate farms as much as the next guy, but both of my arcs will suffer greatly from this, and for no good reason. The allied NPCs are either set to be fairly low-key in the assist department, or they're set to be in the back of the mission so they really don't assist much at all. Penalizing players for this at all gets my dander up, but If players get penalized the same as if they were fully active and assisting the entire mission -- sorry, but that's just wrong.

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Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Because with 3 or 4 allies I can get my brute to capped resists and defense numbers. Lower risk = lower rewards.
damn good thing we all run brutes.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Do captives or combat-incapable escorts (those using a civilian model or a "person" class custom) cause an xp reduction as well? Since allied bosses and the allied side in a battle do, I'm guessing the quick "fix" was to tie the reduction to any objective set to "allied."
Dunno yet, Eva, but we need to find this out in the PDQ.

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