Redside purples




I have a question for those people who keep in touch with the trending of purple prices redside. Are the prices still inflated from 2XP or have they settled back to their normal range by now?

I ask because I saved up a billion inf to buy a set of ranged purples, went to bid on them, and based on the last 5 sales it looks like I need closer to 2 billion, maybe more, and that's if I'm patient and lowball.

I usually only use the mez purples since they're relatively cheap and within my range given my lazy marketeering. I knew the purples for attacks went for more, but wow. I'm hoping the prices will drop in coming weeks. If not I'll either have to become a lot more hardcore in my marketeering or just write those purples off as non-options for me.

I'm starting to think I should shift my focus to inf building blueside and just wait for GR to buy my purples over there.



I don't think prices will be coming down significantly in the near future.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I put 5 bids at 200 million each for 5 pieces of Hecatomb. I left those bids on the market for over two weeks.

None were purchased. I'm a convert. Redside market is a colossal failure. I will be forced to farm like mad in order to afford rebuilding my main villain in a way that will suit me. At current rates, I'm looking at a 10 billion inf build.

Be well, people of CoH.



I bought something purple for 501 million and sold it [crafted] for 800 million last week.

Very recently, there was a huge exploit where MM pets weren't exemping down in AE missions and people were generating ... many... billions of infamy. (This exploit also led to "Level 50 in 50 minutes" PL-selling, apparently. Maybe faster than that. ) They shut it down just before 2XP.

It takes 6 times through the market to get rid of HALF of that infamy. Prices aren't going to go down terribly fast. I'm burning inf as fast as I can, mon ami.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



These prices did not come from 2XP, and they did not come from any AE exploit. It comes from the very nature of the market itself, and that gremlin of all MMO economies, mudflation. It's exacerbated redside due to the general lack of supply of nearly everything. Post GR, and the red flight, look for things to be far worse.

The good news is it's going to be easier to get something one character generates to another of your characters that can use it. But, this too may harm the market as things get emailed rather than liquidated on the market.

It's going to be interesting to see the rumored dev fixes for the market.

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Thanks for the replies. Looks like I'll be removing those purples from any of my planned builds.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
These prices did not come from 2XP, and they did not come from any AE exploit.
I disagree.

While the redside purple market has always been a bit nuts, you were looking at 200-400 mill per piece for the more sought after sets (Apocalypse, Hecatomb, etc).

Post 2XP, and the past handful of AE exploits the prices have shot up to the 300-600 mill range.

I agree with you in general, that MMOs work this way and that the redside market in particular is suffering due to lack of supply, but I watch the redside market closely and purple sale prices have definitely increased in the past month or so.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I ask because I saved up a billion inf to buy a set of ranged purples, went to bid on them, and based on the last 5 sales it looks like I need closer to 2 billion, maybe more, and that's if I'm patient and lowball.

I usually only use the mez purples since they're relatively cheap and within my range given my lazy marketeering. I knew the purples for attacks went for more, but wow. I'm hoping the prices will drop in coming weeks. If not I'll either have to become a lot more hardcore in my marketeering or just write those purples off as non-options for me.
(Imagine me saying this in my encouraging voice, not my haranguing voice.)

Alternately, you could play your character and get purple drops, which you can then sell. I just got a tanker to 50, doing standard content solo (Maria Jenkins) at +0/x5, but some missions at +2/x5, +0/x1 and +0/x8 depending on enemy type and mission size. Between level 47 and 50 I got three purples, one per level.

No amount of hardcore marketing will increase the supply of purples. If you want the price of purples to go down, do something to increase the supply (or at least enrich yourself). So many people are bemoaning the price of purples but so few are reducing demand by producing their own.

However, I have to admit that there may be another cause for decreased supply. With I17 comes the ability to attach items (including purple recipes) to your in-game emails, which you can address to your own global in-game email address. I know I'm saving high-value recipes in anticipation of being able to send them to my alts on other servers. I would imagine that many other players are doing the same.

Which may mean that many players will be using their drops on their own characters instead of selling them on the market. Which would mean that it's that much more important to increase your own supply of purples instead of just waiting around for someone else to do it for you.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
(Imagine me saying this in my encouraging voice, not my haranguing voice.)

Alternately, you could play your character and get purple drops, which you can then sell. I just got a tanker to 50, doing standard content solo (Maria Jenkins) at +0/x5, but some missions at +2/x5, +0/x1 and +0/x8 depending on enemy type and mission size. Between level 47 and 50 I got three purples, one per level.

No amount of hardcore marketing will increase the supply of purples. If you want the price of purples to go down, do something to increase the supply (or at least enrich yourself). So many people are bemoaning the price of purples but so few are reducing demand by producing their own.

However, I have to admit that there may be another cause for decreased supply. With I17 comes the ability to attach items (including purple recipes) to your in-game emails, which you can address to your own global in-game email address. I know I'm saving high-value recipes in anticipation of being able to send them to my alts on other servers. I would imagine that many other players are doing the same.

Which may mean that many players will be using their drops on their own characters instead of selling them on the market. Which would mean that it's that much more important to increase your own supply of purples instead of just waiting around for someone else to do it for you.
How nice for you that you got 1 purple per level. I've been playing my 50's since purples were introduced and i've

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Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Daemodand: I agree with Deus Otiosus (I know, it's an unlikely statement from me.) I've heard of one person running multiple Masterminds to the inf cap. I think it was four MM's. So that's eight billion inf. There hasn't been a sploitfest like this one in a very long time, if ever.

Everyone I know who runs a currency exchange has stopped because we're out of blue inf. It used to sort of go in waves- I'd be up a couple billion redside, or a couple billion blueside- now EVERYONE HAS REDSIDE INF AND WANTS BLUE.

I'm not saying that the redside market would, otherwise, work as well as blue. I'm saying that right now, there is a flood of redside inf. It is real, there are specific reasons for it and it has distorted, and is distorting, the market.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I was pretty flush, red-side, before the MM exploit--just a timing thing. But when the sploit hit, everything I had left dried up. I'm not sure I could scrape together 500M blue-side, across every character. We'll find out when I17 hits.

As for the purps, I think they were originally undervalued, for whatever reason. But yeah, between the "natural" purple price adjustment, the horribleness of the red markets, and the MM is the time to sell, not buy.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Daemodand: I agree with Deus Otiosus (I know, it's an unlikely statement from me.) I've heard of one person running multiple Masterminds to the inf cap. I think it was four MM's. So that's eight billion inf. There hasn't been a sploitfest like this one in a very long time, if ever.

Everyone I know who runs a currency exchange has stopped because we're out of blue inf. It used to sort of go in waves- I'd be up a couple billion redside, or a couple billion blueside- now EVERYONE HAS REDSIDE INF AND WANTS BLUE.

I'm not saying that the redside market would, otherwise, work as well as blue. I'm saying that right now, there is a flood of redside inf. It is real, there are specific reasons for it and it has distorted, and is distorting, the market.
Yeah, capping inf doing what they were doing became pretty common. And during that, they and anyone they were PLing received zero salvage or recipes, while slamming into the map ticket cap fast enough to cause whiplash. I don't know how much inf they were producing per run, though we can probably figure it out - it was around 60 Giant Montsers per map. I am certain most of them were probably not cashing in their tickets; anyone who was would fill up on Bronze or Silver roles too fast to bother marketing them effectively. The most likely cash-in was gold rolls, since that was the highest "compression ratio" of tickets into potentially useful recipes. But it sounds like most people were cycling the missions as fast as they could, which I bet means tons and tons of tickets just evaporated.

Result, ratio of inf to stuff went sky high, and prices went there with it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If this exploit has upped the amount of inf on redside, I wonder how the Devs look at it. As I understand things, don't they consider the lack of total inf redside compared to blue to be "bad"?

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Daemodand: I agree with Deus Otiosus (I know, it's an unlikely statement from me.)


Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I've heard of one person running multiple Masterminds to the inf cap. I think it was four MM's. So that's eight billion inf. There hasn't been a sploitfest like this one in a very long time, if ever.
Yeah this exploit was pretty unreal, and has caused some serious chaos in the market.

For the most part, salvage has gone back to normal - with a handful of uncommons and rares still hovering at higher prices than they were Jan-Feb. Some recipies are still up, others are back down.

With purples, obviously, being in an extreme state.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Yeah, capping inf doing what they were doing became pretty common. And during that, they and anyone they were PLing received zero salvage or recipes, while slamming into the map ticket cap fast enough to cause whiplash. I don't know how much inf they were producing per run, though we can probably figure it out - it was around 60 Giant Montsers per map. I am certain most of them were probably not cashing in their tickets; anyone who was would fill up on Bronze or Silver roles too fast to bother marketing them effectively. The most likely cash-in was gold rolls, since that was the highest "compression ratio" of tickets into potentially useful recipes. But it sounds like most people were cycling the missions as fast as they could, which I bet means tons and tons of tickets just evaporated.

Result, ratio of inf to stuff went sky high, and prices went there with it.

Pretty much exactly that.

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
If this exploit has upped the amount of inf on redside, I wonder how the Devs look at it. As I understand things, don't they consider the lack of total inf redside compared to blue to be "bad"?

Keep in mind while an unprecedented amount of redside inf was suddenly created, it's probably highly concentrated in the hands of comparatively few players overall.



Well, I understand it is concentrated, but does anyone have an idea of how detailed their data mining tools are? Other than Arcanaville maybe. I mean, can they look at how much was concentrated in the top 1% of accounts, or just total per side and average per active account?

I also have no idea how they would look on suddenly having the same amount of inf redside as blueside. I would love to be a fly on the wall during those conversations though =)

Not that I'm saying I think this exploit was that effective, I'm just thinking outloud.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't know how much inf they were producing per run, though we can probably figure it out - it was around 60 Giant Montsers per map.
80-100 million infamy per run in about 15-20 minutes of work.
Needlessly to say, my chat channels were full of:

"Zomg Kara this is insane!" and people bought purples for 'trivial' amounts.

I've gotten purples lately but they are not hitting the Market. They're going into storage for further use unless I already have two sets of the item I've received as a drop.

Got mouths to feed, and all.

Edit: Oh, you could get just as much inf blueside, Rikti War Zone has an AE...

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168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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You could, but it would take a mastermind AND teammate [s]. I guess what I'm saying is that a lot of people, a lot of the time, are going to solo for whatever reason, and that's all redside inf.

And 1/3 of the people you meet in the RWZ AE are going to be villains.

So infamy came naturally from this and you had to work to get influence out of it.

... some purple prices are slowly starting to come down, looks like. May reverse in a hurry this weekend.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



In my opinion I suspected purples began to fall in price prior to the series of exploits, and the problem now is that with all this ridiculous influence/infamy around people are happy to pay in my opinion what is absurd prices. And it's one big loop, it's going to be a while for it to dwindle.

Especially when Tom, Dick and Harry all have capped infamy/influence on their hands and don't know anything.




Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
You could, but it would take a mastermind AND teammate [s]. I guess what I'm saying is that a lot of people, a lot of the time, are going to solo for whatever reason, and that's all redside inf.

And 1/3 of the people you meet in the RWZ AE are going to be villains.

So infamy came naturally from this and you had to work to get influence out of it.

... some purple prices are slowly starting to come down, looks like. May reverse in a hurry this weekend.
During this time, RWZ AE was jammed with MMs and pets.

Regarding purples, the prices have been steadily climbing over the last year. IOs you were able to get for 40 -50 million are now 400+.

My thinking is that AE is the root-cause of the increase in price. Pre-AE, if you wanted to PL a toon, you'd use a regular level 50 map, generating lots of drop. With the advent of AE, you'd use a customized map and generate no drops.

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Daemodand: I agree with Deus Otiosus (I know, it's an unlikely statement from me.) I've heard of one person running multiple Masterminds to the inf cap. I think it was four MM's. So that's eight billion inf. There hasn't been a sploitfest like this one in a very long time, if ever.
You do not need to run Multiple MM's. 1 level 50 MM can hold more than 8 bil alone.
(I'm sure you knew that, Probably wrote a guide on it.)

The main problem with an exploit like you mentioned is... people that run these, are indeed able to make a boat load of Imfamy, which allows them to purchase purples on the BM at whatever price and flip them. Since there are far less purples redside, this makes them less available, thus prices go up.

Something people might not know: Gold farmers buy up purples and Pvp IO's to inflate the market in order to drive up the prices, forcing some non famer players who want purples to purchase Inf/Imf from them.

One answer would be, making purples available at the merit vendors for a higher purchase price. This would allow anyone to buy them by putting in the time doing tf's.

Yee Haw Yall



Originally Posted by Old_Macdonald View Post
Something people might not know: Gold farmers buy up purples and Pvp IO's to inflate the market in order to drive up the prices, forcing some non famer players who want purples to purchase Inf/Imf from them.
And you can prove this?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
And you can prove this?
Swell, you are under the impression I have something to prove. I do not.
I decided to share some information that is all.
You can choose to embrace it or dismiss it, that is your choice.

Yee Haw Yall



Originally Posted by Old_Macdonald View Post
The main problem with an exploit like you mentioned is... people that run these, are indeed able to make a boat load of Imfamy, which allows them to purchase purples on the BM at whatever price and flip them. Since there are far less purples redside, this makes them less available, thus prices go up.

Something people might not know: Gold farmers buy up purples and Pvp IO's to inflate the market in order to drive up the prices, forcing some non famer players who want purples to purchase Inf/Imf from them.
I hereby propose the Market Forum drinking game: Every time Ebil marketeers or RMTers are blamed for something they had nothing to do with, you take a drink.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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