Discussion: More Going Rogue Updates - Demon Summoning




I can't believe noone has said a peep about the Kinetic Melee and Electric Control powersets.....

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



Originally Posted by Dr_Impossible View Post
I can't believe noone has said a peep about the Kinetic Melee and Electric Control powersets.....
Want Demon Summoning nao!



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Those have been drooled over down in City Life since Saturday.
Ghar! I don't know what i'm doin'.

Actual Location: Inside the system itself.

"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."

Shield Guide

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
I can think of a few heroic Demon Summoning concepts:

Your character could be a redeemer on a quest to save souls. Maybe that character likes the idea of using evil demons for the purpose redemption. Or maybe he/she's trying to redeem the demons themselves?

Another idea is a character who is a cowboy who wrangles demons and then uses them to help people.

Or maybe summoning demon-like entities and fire whips is that character's mutant superpower and they decide to use those powers for good.

Personally, I'm going to make a DS/Poison character who has spent his life studying the secrets of alchemy (including using potions to summon demons). It's a concept that can work as a hero, villain or somewhere in between. I haven't decided which way I'll go yet.
Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
Exactly your concept can be anything..

- A mutant with the power to open doors between dimensions.

- A reformed sorcerer who now uses his/her powers for good.

- A scientist who has developed a portable device that opens dimensional apertures.

- An escaped denizen of hell on the path to redemption.

All of these have appeared in various comics, anime, etc...the only limit to how this set will work with your concepts is your imagination.
oh thinks for the idea's i was thinking DS/poison or DS/dark so thanks for some idea's for backgrounds

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by Dr_Impossible View Post
I can't believe noone has said a peep about the Kinetic Melee and Electric Control powersets.....
Same here! Based on the announcement, it made it sound like they actually SHOWED kinetic melee and elec control at PAX...

I'm picturing a combination of punches and kicks with knockback and slow effects for KM. Elec control sounds like it will rehash some existing powers from electricity manipulation and throw in some sap-heavy twists.

Am I off?



Originally Posted by Pirhana View Post
I'm picturing a combination of punches and kicks with knockback and slow effects for KM. Elec control sounds like it will rehash some existing powers from electricity manipulation and throw in some sap-heavy twists.

Am I off?
They only showed KM's video at PAX and talked about the Elec set. Nothing too special. KM looks like it could be a semi-close ranged telekinetic attack (with a lot of arm-waving and dancey moves, but they said that those might change.)



Kinetic melee look cool...
Im not very interested in electric control since we got: blast, manipulation, assault, melee, mastery... Enough stuff for elec.
I love the screens and the video for Demon Summoning!!
Demon will be my first MM character, Im so curious about it.
And its cool to see the new hair and the old bracers with black gloves the female character is wearing in the video.
GR will bring us lots of cool stuff.



I admit the video and the little bit of info looks good BUT, can you give much less at this point? A video that is supposed to be 41 seconds to give us a tease, but is really only about 25 seconds after the pre-shots and post shots for Paragon studios and then the powers are not even explained. Then the bare and stingy message on the website? Useless. Granted, I could have joined the test server, but things are always so messed up there during ALL phases of beta that it isn't worth it.

Look Devs, how about a decent showing of some in-game action and actually write up some decent information about the powers for us. We know that things are going to change, but tell us what you are trying to do now so we know what to expect.

The complete lack of new information over the years with this game has always annoyed me and maybe with me starting to get bored of the game, I am getting more easily annoyed. Somehow that doesn't seem right to me. Especially since even Champions On-line seems to do a better job with updating the website for it's users.



LOL, at the people who do not like the look of the demons. What did you expect? I think they look nice. They do NOT look overdone believe me. I can show you plenty of overdone demon pictures lol.

I for one like the Electric control set already b/c if you ask me...the other electric sets look very....dated so to speak.



I need new pants



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I admit the video and little bit of info looks good BUT, can you give much less at this point? A video that is supposed to be 41 seconds to give us a tease, but is really only about 25 seconds after the pre-shots and post shots for Paragon studios and then the powers are not even explained. Then the bare and stingy message on the website? Useless. Granted, I could have joined the test server, but things are always so messed up there during ALL phases of beta that it isn't worth it.
I think the point of the Demon Summoning and Duel Pistols videos is to be teasers like movie trailers are. Movie trailers shouldn't give you all the information about the movie right away, they should give you enough information to entice your interest in the movie.

In this case, they're giving us a teaser trailer of what the DS set looks like and a brief description of the set (including all the power names and critters you can summon).

I don't think we should except ParagonWiki-level details from these teasers. We'll get all that info when DS is in open beta.



I hope Open Beta Starts tomorrow...that would be awesome on many levels.



Mmm. Nice.

Love the whip attacks.

Global: @Kenka Banchou
Server: Virtue
Twitter: @mugennoken



DS & i17 supposed to be released April 2010, tomorrow is April 2010 but I worry, it's April 1st, April Fool's Day @_@

@Naa - Liberty Server




It'd be funny if i17 had no OB...



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
That's pretty much WHY Desdemona is the poster child for going Rogue. Because you don't expect it.
Until there are like 1000 of them running around, including a signature that was a redeemed hero well before Desdemona came along.

There are a number of ways to explain it with a hero, but not enough to support much variety in a MMO population. It's easily the least concept-versatile powerset, other than the epics and maybe zombies, ever in CoH.

Originally Posted by Quantum Phantom View Post
I enjoy City of Heroes, as a new player (my main is only lvl 38); however, despite having pre-ordered GR (for the dual pistols), I'm not really all that excited about this power. I joined City of Heroes to get away from fantasy MMOs. But that hope was soon blasted when I began to see zombies, mages, elementals, and other fantasy creatures littered throughout the game. Not to mentioned the myriads of magic-themed dressed "super heroes". Now we'll have demon summoning characters running around everywhere too.

As a long time comic book reader, with a modest collection of my own, this type of stuff is normally uncommon in the comic book hero world. I'm not saying it never happens, but the ratio is low. Most comic book heroes are aliens, mutants, or simply naturally endowed in some way (good with guns, bows, batarangs, etc.) Sure, sometimes superheroes fight magical beasts, or undead, or whatever, but what I'm getting at is that its very uncommon.

All I am saying is that I hope in future expansions we see some more true blue super hero stuff added, rather than magical powers, magical monsters, etc. If I wanted fantasy powers or to fight fantasy monsters, I'd go play any number of the myriad fantasy MMOs, a few of which do already have demon summoning classes.
This. Champions Online is making the same mistake (but probably worse... basically the whole endgame is magic). Enough with magic! It's flooding the market and a large number of the players in these games are here because they prefer something else.

Why couldn't these be a theme neutral set of monsters, that could be elementals, clones, aliens, constructs, experiments, or whatever? The multi element setup is exactly what I would have wanted in a monsters set. If there will be some kind of customization eventually, it could make a great, versatile set, but instead it will always be tied to this narrow theme, and there will still be no monster summoning set.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
I think the point of the Demon Summoning and Duel Pistols videos is to be teasers like movie trailers are. Movie trailers shouldn't give you all the information about the movie right away, they should give you enough information to entice your interest in the movie.

In this case, they're giving us a teaser trailer of what the DS set looks like and a brief description of the set (including all the power names and critters you can summon).

I don't think we should except ParagonWiki-level details from these teasers. We'll get all that info when DS is in open beta.
I'm sorry to say, Haggard4Life, you have completely missed the point and I am sorry I was not clear enough for you to understand. I'll try to fix that now. Look back at some of the other video trailers, you get clear ideas of what to expect, wings for example, not close in shots that are hard to distinguish. All I want is a decent video and a little info. For instance, it talks about 7 different types of demons and has an identicle power icon to the Gang War power. This leads me to believe the demons are a set summoned type similar to the rest of the MMs, but if Dual Pistols is any indication it may be that we can choose our own types of demons to summon (my personal hope).

My point is that what little bit of information Paragon Studios is giving out leads to little more than speculation and disappointment (see "my personal hope" above). Give us a little more information and we are much less likely to be disappointed in the results.

I did some further searching on the internet last night after pointing out that Champions On-Line has a better organized and written website than CoX (doesn't stop it from sucking as a game though). It seems that out of the 12 other websites I checked out this was true for 9 of them. Other than WoW, the rest were much newer MMO's as well. This tells me that these games are looking to ATTRACT gamers with their websites by giving enough information to really interest you and still not give away the game. That is all I want CoX to so.

Here is my suggestion to the CoX staff: (1) Twice weekly updates on what is going on and what is planned. Mondays and Thursdays would probably be best and allow the Thursday posts to list any fixes made to the games in the weekly maintainance. Trust me, looking stuff up here in the forums is a pain and not at all enjoyable. (2) I would also like to see other portions of the website updated to reflect what has happened in the game AND (3) how about a general powers explanation page? No numbers necessary, just breif explanations. Paragonwiki is all fine and dandy, but it is ugly, unintuitive to use, and has more info than most people need for most cases. All in all I believe these suggestions would PROMOTE the game to people looking at it for the first time and draw in more customers.

Lastly and on a good note. Is anyone else out there a little interested in what Paragon Studios will be doing for their April Fools event this year? Some of the past ones were great. I was in awe (not in a good way) over the "visual sound effects" they did a while back, then did a MAJOR head slap when i realised the date. You go Paragon Studios, that was a great idea.



Originally Posted by Quantum Phantom View Post
I enjoy City of Heroes, as a new player (my main is only lvl 38); however, despite having pre-ordered GR (for the dual pistols), I'm not really all that excited about this power. I joined City of Heroes to get away from fantasy MMOs. But that hope was soon blasted when I began to see zombies, mages, elementals, and other fantasy creatures littered throughout the game. Not to mentioned the myriads of magic-themed dressed "super heroes". Now we'll have demon summoning characters running around everywhere too.

As a long time comic book reader, with a modest collection of my own, this type of stuff is normally uncommon in the comic book hero world. I'm not saying it never happens, but the ratio is low. Most comic book heroes are aliens, mutants, or simply naturally endowed in some way (good with guns, bows, batarangs, etc.) Sure, sometimes superheroes fight magical beasts, or undead, or whatever, but what I'm getting at is that its very uncommon.

All I am saying is that I hope in future expansions we see some more true blue super hero stuff added, rather than magical powers, magical monsters, etc. If I wanted fantasy powers or to fight fantasy monsters, I'd go play any number of the myriad fantasy MMOs, a few of which do already have demon summoning classes.

Otherwise, the class looks cool, and I'm sure many people will enjoy playing it. It's just not my idea of a good addition to a super hero themed MMO. I very much enjoy the dual pistols class (very Punisher like), and I am looking forward to the graphics update, which I believe will breath new life into the dated graphics.
You're kidding, right? As a comic reader/collector, you shouldn't be surprised. There are TONS of magicks slingers in D.C., Marvel, Image, etc.

Paragon City even has a dept. for magically inclined Heroes, M.A.G.I. All you have to do is ignore all the mages, demons, and the like. I don't know if you're an RP'er or not, so it shouldn't be that hard. And if you are, just let everyone know you're leary of dealing with everything magic. I'm sure they'll get your drift.



Seeing comments from people that are making a mountain out of a mole hill: EXPECTED.

NERDS: Give 'em something cool and they'll still whine about it :/

"When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare." -Tom Robbins



K that just looks too cool.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by IkThazai View Post
Seeing comments from people that are making a mountain out of a mole hill: EXPECTED.

NERDS: Give 'em something cool and they'll still whine about it :/
This. No matter what someone's going to whine. I have'nt seen a single set on this game that someone hasn't whined about.



I'm really looking forward to testing the Demon Summoning set. Looks quite nice.