The Baseless Speculation About Electric Control Thread




So it's been confirmed. It's time for us to start grasping at straws.

First, you should watch the most recent video, with a few screenshots of the set:

In the slides shown, three things I notice immediately:

- What looks like a single target Hold
- What looks like a ranged knockdown
- What looks like 2 gremlin mobs

So, here are my baseless predictions so far:

1) Electric Fence - as per the Defender Electric epic pool, modified to Controller values
2) Shocking Bolt - as per the Defender Electric epic pool
4) Electric Fences (probably with a different name) - AoE Electric Fences
6) Lightning Field - modified version of Blaster secondary
8) ??
12) ??
18) EM Pulse (possibly with a different name) - AoE Hold similar to other Controllers
26) ??
32) Gremlins - perhaps similar to Fire Imps, maybe two at a time instead of 3

Additional possibilities:
- Power Sink (enemy -Recovery, self +recovery)
- Lightning Reflexes (+Recharge aura)
- Lightning Clap (AoE knockback + stun) - hope this or something like it is in there to make this set work with Storm's Thunderclap (plus a Controller with AoE -immob can stop the annoying knockback)
- Some version of Lightning Rod that does status effects instead of heavy damage (not really expecting it, but would love it)

Anyone care to join in the rumor starting?



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
- Lightning Clap (AoE knockback + stun) - hope this or something like it is in there to make this set work with Storm's Thunderclap (plus a Controller with AoE -immob can stop the annoying knockback)
- Some version of Lightning Rod that does status effects instead of heavy damage (not really expecting it, but would love it)
How about that as one power? You would use a Lightning Rod-like animation to appear among the enemy, which would do stun and knockdown but low or no damage. That would be the level 12 usually-up control power.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'm stoked, can't wait for it.

Wonder if there will be any sapping?



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
1) Electric Fence - as per the Defender Electric epic pool, modified to Controller values
2) Shocking Bolt - as per the Defender Electric epic pool
4) Electric Fences (probably with a different name) - AoE Electric Fences
6) Lightning Field - modified version of Blaster secondary
8) ??
12) ??
18) EM Pulse (possibly with a different name) - AoE Hold similar to other Controllers
26) ??
32) Gremlins - perhaps similar to Fire Imps, maybe two at a time instead of 3
The screenshot clearly shows a Tesla Cage animation (big electric ball). Shoking Bolt is simply a big electric blast.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
18) EM Pulse (possibly with a different name) - AoE Hold similar to other Controllers
Thematically, EM Pulse wouldn't necessarily fit electric control. Of course EM radiation is partially composed of electric fields and can be created by manipulation of electricity. But it would make more sense to hold mobs by using direct blasts of electricity for an electric controller.

If they want electric control to be an up close set like fire, then an electric aura that stuns might make sense (similar to chocking cloud). I could see electric control being a more ranged set as well though.



Originally Posted by Prime_Nighthawk View Post
Thematically, EM Pulse wouldn't necessarily fit electric control. Of course EM radiation is partially composed of electric fields and can be created by manipulation of electricity. But it would make more sense to hold mobs by using direct blasts of electricity for an electric controller.

I just guessed that based on EM Pulse's appearance in the Blaster Electric APP. I doubt we'd get EM Pulse specifically, since it's already in Radiation Emission. But some kind of AoE hold is likely, since all the other sets have it, and all but 1 (Earth) is built on the same base power.



I wouldn't be surprised to see a single target or AoE sleep in the set. There are a few sleeps present in the electric melee attacks already, and given the added control from endurance drain soft controls could help balance things out.

I also hope the Lightning Field is a part of the set. A source of constant end drain is almost necessary for sapping PVE enemies.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I wouldn't be surprised to see a single target or AoE sleep in the set. There are a few sleeps present in the electric melee attacks already, and given the added control from endurance drain soft controls could help balance things out.

I also hope the Lightning Field is a part of the set. A source of constant end drain is almost necessary for sapping PVE enemies.
Personally I'm rather hoping that endurance drain is NOT much of a feature of the set, since in practical terms for most builds that amounts to a low damage set with no useful secondary effect to make up for it.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'd like to see at least one of the powers do a massive end/recovery drain as a means of control. Granted, you may as well use stun (as any enemy can use any attack with the smallest slivers of endurance), but it'd help the set stay thematic.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I'm really hoping that End Drain is a big part of the set.

Existing End Drain powers are flaky and often require specific pairings of powersets to work, but this is where the mechanism can be given its full due - in a Control Set.

Existing powersets have tied End Drain to low damage and dysfunctional secondary effects, but it doesn't have to be that way. If Choking Cloud was the only hold in the game, you might think that holds are flaky and unreliable.

A fast recharging single target drain that stops Recovery for 15 or 20 seconds and drains a +2 or +3 enemy dry in one shot, with slotting is quite doable without any additional coding required.

The net result is a bit like a stun, but has some differences. It affects bosses as much as minions, it doesn't establish Containment, and it doesn't prevent an enemy from running intelligently rather than staggering drunkenly, perhaps at superspeed.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I'm really hoping that End Drain is a big part of the set.

Existing End Drain powers are flaky and often require specific pairings of powersets to work, but this is where the mechanism can be given its full due - in a Control Set.

Existing powersets have tied End Drain to low damage and dysfunctional secondary effects, but it doesn't have to be that way. If Choking Cloud was the only hold in the game, you might think that holds are flaky and unreliable.

A fast recharging single target drain that stops Recovery for 15 or 20 seconds and drains a +2 or +3 enemy dry in one shot, with slotting is quite doable without any additional coding required.

The net result is a bit like a stun, but has some differences. It affects bosses as much as minions, it doesn't establish Containment, and it doesn't prevent an enemy from running intelligently rather than staggering drunkenly, perhaps at superspeed.

It's also really hard to balance I imagine though. Something like that would render even bosses instantly unable to fight back. We'll have to wait and see. I'm personally kind of hoping this set is the straw that breaks the camel's back and results in rolling changes to the various existing Electric sets. IMO Electric's deal should be a tendency to branch out and hit a second target (i.e. power arcing) not endurance drain.



Is it that hard to balance?

Its not really any different from Seismic Smash (Mag 4 hold) or Mesmerise (Mag 4 sleep) in that it affects bosses and minions alike.

A typical Controller single target hold lasts 22 seconds. Seismic Smash lasts 15 seconds. Maybe thats a good place to start? 15 seconds of -Recovery. A single target drain would affect a minion or lieutenant for less time than a typical ST hold would, but would affect a boss in one shot. Tweak that figure accordingly around the 15 second mark.

Using End Drain this way would make Electrical Control the "boss-holder" set sort of like Martial Arts is a low AoE boss-killer Scrapper set. Less effective against a big swarm of minions, better against a tough single target.

As for end drain on Electrical Blasts, I'd just add a non-trivial drain to the single target attacks and not base it all around the one slow animating PBAoE.



I'm with DrMike. I'd like to see electric control become the de facto sapping set. I tried an Ele/Ele blaster once, because I had heard that it could offer very strong control for a team. It did but, as others have commented, it was hit or miss. There was also no mitigation until the mobs were completely drained and hit with -recovery. Often I didn't survive to that point.

I would trade off damage for the safety of mezzing a mob then draining their endurance while they're unable fire back. I also like the appeal of end drain working in situations where normal controls fail, the ITF for example.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
Is it that hard to balance?

Its not really any different from Seismic Smash (Mag 4 hold) or Mesmerise (Mag 4 sleep) in that it affects bosses and minions alike.

A typical Controller single target hold lasts 22 seconds. Seismic Smash lasts 15 seconds. Maybe thats a good place to start? 15 seconds of -Recovery. A single target drain would affect a minion or lieutenant for less time than a typical ST hold would, but would affect a boss in one shot. Tweak that figure accordingly around the 15 second mark.

Using End Drain this way would make Electrical Control the "boss-holder" set sort of like Martial Arts is a low AoE boss-killer Scrapper set. Less effective against a big swarm of minions, better against a tough single target.

As for end drain on Electrical Blasts, I'd just add a non-trivial drain to the single target attacks and not base it all around the one slow animating PBAoE.
Mesmerize is actually mag 3.5, not that it makes any difference anywhere that I've noticed. On widows scramble thoughts is a mag 4 stun. Dominators pretty much work off being able to peak at mag 6+ on everything. Soft controls like ice patch/earthquake, or in an extreme case phantom army, also work on most bosses.

A full end drain aoe with chance for -recovery/-end bursts would have much the same effective mitigation as either of the knockdown patches, with the advantage of melding with your aoe immob much better. Heavy single target endurance drain might actually be harder to balance, since having a -100% endurance drain on a timer the length of a single target hold would allow a controller to fully drain an AV in a reasonably short time.



I have it on good authority that one of the powers(static touch) will be a single target melee attack. The toon must be wearing socks and no shoes to pull it off, and it only works on maps with a carpteted floor.



Originally Posted by moifus1 View Post
I have it on good authority that one of the powers(static touch) will be a single target melee attack. The toon must be wearing socks and no shoes to pull it off, and it only works on maps with a carpteted floor.
No kiddin'. I heard you get bonus damage for wearing sweaters, too.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Personally I'm rather hoping that endurance drain is NOT much of a feature of the set, since in practical terms for most builds that amounts to a low damage set with no useful secondary effect to make up for it.
I agree with this. I LOATHE end drain, due the fact that it is always underwhelming even when you build for it, and the other functions of the power are lessened to "compensate."

Not worth it.


Random AT Generation!
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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
No kiddin'. I heard you get bonus damage for wearing sweaters, too.
And there's a new power like trip mines. Except this one uses balloons that you rub on your head and stick to the walls or ceiling.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I agree with this. I LOATHE end drain, due the fact that it is always underwhelming even when you build for it, and the other functions of the power are lessened to "compensate."

Not worth it.

I agree end drain is underwhelming at present. I've played Elec/Elec Blasters to 50, Kin/Elec Defender to 50 and Elec/Energy to 30-odd.

But that's because its only been offered to us in Blast sets so far (and only in AoE form), and not in a Control set. Dark Pit in Dark Blast is pretty underwhelming (mag 2 stun on a 60 second timer) but that doesn't mean the entire stun mechanism is useless.

Dark Pit (weak Blast set stun) is to Flashfire (good Control Set stun)


Short Circuit (weak Blast set end drain) is to <insert effective Electrical Control Power here>



I think the thing we can all agree in is that either endurance drain should get a really big bump in this set, or it shouldn't be much of a factor at all in the set - don't make token endurance drain a reason to make other things weaker. I'd be happy with either of the two plans, as long as they don't go the token endurance drain route.



Well, I wouldn't count on End Drain getting a significant bump. It's not very effective for a Defenders Electric Blast, I can't image that Controller's would get a massive debuff denied to Defenders. I, also, don't think we'll see a different secondary effect. That would be counter-intuitive to everything they've done with Electricity up to date. I'm guessing the damage scale will be identical to Ice Control. That being said, Electricity is pretty good with AoE powers.

I could see this:

I. Electric Fence (Immob, -End)
II. Tesla Cage/Shocking Bolt/Electric Shackles (Hold, -End)
III. Electrifying Fences (AoE Immob, -End)
IV. "Sleep" Chain Induction (Ranged Single Target Sleep, - End, +Special - Power May Arc to Other nearby opponents)
V. Lightning Field (Toggle PBAoE Minor Damage, -End)
VI. Lightning Clap (PBAoE Disorient, Knockback)
VII. Unnamed AoE Hold (AoE Hold, -End)
VIII. Short Circuit (PBAoE Morderate Energy Damage, -End, -Recovery)
IX. Gremlins (Melee Minor Energy Damage)

I also think that using the Lightning Rod placement type power would be an awesome visual effect for one of these powers.

Wont get Power Sink (as it's available to Dominators in their Epic pool) and wont get EM Pulse's -regen on the AoE Hold. Lightning Reflexes would be cool, but with the possibility of pairing it with Kinetics, I can't see it happening.

Maybe we'll see an Electric Controller Epic that has Power Sink, Charged Armor, Ball Lightning, Surge of Power, Thunderstrike, or Energize.



Originally Posted by Mr_Belarus View Post
Well, I wouldn't count on End Drain getting a significant bump. It's not very effective for a Defenders Electric Blast, I can't image that Controller's would get a massive debuff denied to Defenders.
Is End Drain a debuff or a Control though?
I'd classify it as a control due to its binary nature - it either shuts an enemy down from attacking or it doesn't. Its not like -Recharge or -To Hit which reduce part of an enemy's damage output but not all of it.



I consider end drain to be soft control like knockdown. Also, I agree with DrMike on this: End drain has potential paired with -rech and can be a decent form of soft control. Just because its underperforming as a blas secondary doesn't mean it's not worth it. It's like saying knockdown is underperforming because you just rolled a Battle Axe tanker. Have you tried (Ice Control/)Ice Patch?



Originally Posted by Mr_Belarus View Post
Well, I wouldn't count on End Drain getting a significant bump. It's not very effective for a Defenders Electric Blast, I can't image that Controller's would get a massive debuff denied to Defenders. I, also, don't think we'll see a different secondary effect. That would be counter-intuitive to everything they've done with Electricity up to date. I'm guessing the damage scale will be identical to Ice Control. That being said, Electricity is pretty good with AoE powers.

I could see this:

I. Electric Fence (Immob, -End)
II. Tesla Cage/Shocking Bolt/Electric Shackles (Hold, -End)
III. Electrifying Fences (AoE Immob, -End)
IV. "Sleep" Chain Induction (Ranged Single Target Sleep, - End, +Special - Power May Arc to Other nearby opponents)
V. Lightning Field (Toggle PBAoE Minor Damage, -End)
VI. Lightning Clap (PBAoE Disorient, Knockback)
VII. Unnamed AoE Hold (AoE Hold, -End)
VIII. Short Circuit (PBAoE Morderate Energy Damage, -End, -Recovery)
IX. Gremlins (Melee Minor Energy Damage)

I agree this is the likely breakdown of powers.

I really hope it's not fire control with electric graphical effects plus one -END -Recovery power. Oh and a sleep instead of smoke.

But I agree what you have is the likely set up of the power structure.



Originally Posted by Snowlily View Post
I agree this is the likely breakdown of powers.

I really hope it's not fire control with electric graphical effects plus one -END -Recovery power. Oh and a sleep instead of smoke.

But I agree what you have is the likely set up of the power structure.
Considering Demon Summoning is basically a direct clone of Thugs (though I cannot reveal the source of my information)... I could see Electric Control also being a direct clone of another control set... that way the only "heavy lifting" was on Dual Pistols and Kinetic Melee.