Is "Evil" defined by action, intent, both or neither?




Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Combination of both

If you mean well, but do bad, you're not evil (but you may go to jail).
If you mean bad, but do well, you're not evil (you can always get away with saying you meant well).
If you mean bad AND do bad, then you're evil (which includes kicking puppies and clubbing baby seals).
I disagree with this. It's all in the intent. If you mean bad, but for some reason do well, you're just incompetent. It doesn't make you good.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Good and Evil are relative.

Using Going Rogue as an example...

From the Loyalist perspective, they are "good" and the resistance is "evil".
Cole has built a Utopia, and the resistance wants to destroy it. They are responsible for the deaths of more loyal men and woman than any other faction in all of Praetoria. From the loyalist perspective, Calvin Scott and the Resistance are terrorists.

From the Resistance Perspective, they are the "good" ones, and Tyrant and his Praetors are "Evil". Their "utopia" was built upon the bones of a once free nation. Metahumans are forced into service. You no longer have the sanctity of your own mind anymore. Dissenters are imprisoned, or worse. The Resistance, in this case, are freedom fighters.

And here's the kicker. Both of these possibilities are valid. Despite the viewpoint that Tyrant = Bad and Resistance = Good, both sides have performed actions that lead in the other direction. The Resistance has been responsible for civilian deaths. Cole has nearly abolished hunger through his control of the Praetorian Hamidon.

The real world isn't like "Primal Earth", where the Freedom Phalanx can do no wrong, and Arachnos is "Mwhahaha" evil.

It's complicated.



I have to disagree with a lot of people here. IMO, evil is not relative or a matter of perspective, there is a universal base understanding of evil. Evil is any behavior that promotes the good of the individual or the few at the expence of the good of the many. As human beings, it is our purpose to advance the species and anything that functions to counter that is fundamentally evil.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
As human beings, it is our purpose to advance the species and anything that functions to counter that is fundamentally evil.
Poor CO

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Ah, it is the favorite of Ontology and Epistemology classes!

See my sig for my thought on the matter.

From what I have read of your posts over the years, MT, you have probably heard that answer before.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Poor CO
Poor GG, always the one-note song, aren't you?



Good and evil are relative, but relativity does not erase or hinder meaning, necessarily. Short and tall are relative, but we can look at two people and tell who is taller. We can usually look at a person alone and tell if he is short or tall. We have at least as much experience dealing with the actions of people as we do looking at them, so why do we struggle with concepts like this?

The problem might be that good and evil are secondary modifiers, and that we normally categorize behavior using narrower terms. A Wall Street executive who cheated hundreds of cookie-baking grandmothers out of their retirement savings did something very selfish. But did he do something evil? Our answer would probably change once we were given different sets of qualifying information. He did it because he wanted to buy a new jet. Boo! Evil! He did it because his own grandmother is being held hostage, and his house was robbed last week, and this was the only way he could get the funds to save her. Ummm. Less evil? (It's hard to think of a good reason to do that).

Conflict arises, within our own minds and between others, partially because we categorize, and ultimately judge, the actions of others from the ground up.

We observe: That Boy Scout is helping an old lady across the street
We analyse/categorize: That is a helpful, selfless thing to do
We pass judgment: That is a good thing to do!
And sometimes we take it a step further: That Boy Scout is a good person!

And from there associations can begin to form, to the point where when we are talking about good and evil, a Boy Scout helping an old lady cross the street becomes a useful example of a good action.

Our social conditioning, however, does not work from the ground up. While as children our behavior is often modified and corrected action-by-action (Don't hit your sister!), we are brought up being taught an overarching set of rules into which those actions fit (Honor thy father and thy mother, that it will be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the Earth, if you were raised a Lutheran like me). We are raised by our parents, teachers, and society from the top down.

We set criteria: You need to do well in school
We observe: You got a D+ in math
We analyze: You are not doing well in school
We attempt to correct so that future behavior will fit the prescribed criteria: GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!!!
Bad instructors and parents (in my opinion) take it a step further: You are a bad student/person.

And from there, associations can begin to form, to the point that a student who is told he is bad because he merely failed begins to think of failure and being bad as commutative, and stops trying.

The conflict arises when we get to the step where we pass judgment, because calling a person or thing good or evil IS passing judgment, for all we like to say these days "Don't judge me!" We judge people all the time, the only real moderating factor being the volume of our voices when we do it. Saying "What is evil?" doesn't work so well in a vacuum, because we need an example of evil to use. Descriptions of evil are almost always referential. We want the whole story before we pass judgment on someone (Bob had an affair? What happened?), and we jump to pass judgment when we have already made up our minds about them (I knew that Bill Clinton was a bad egg! Let's hear David Letterman out on this one.).

Good and evil are easy to define, if you have a who/what/when/where/why/how to draw from. If you don't, then it's like apples and oranges. If you do, then it's like Fuji Apples and Golden Delicious Apples. If someone asks us what evil is, we like to point at something and say, "THAT is evil!" If we have nowhere to point, then the jaws start flappin'. Because while good and evil are relative, they are most useful as abstract terms, ones which work best as archetypes to which we can draw bridges from real-world analogues.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Relevant to both the upcoming Going Rogue and the Hero/Villain relationship in City of Heroes, I ask you the subject line: Is Evil defined by action, intent, both or neither?
This has got to be the world's easiest question.

Evil is defined by, after I ponder some action or attitude a moment or contemplate a lifetime, what I decide is bad.

Some say some of the stuff I say or do is evil. Well, they're wrong. No one has yet to ever prove that anything I've ever done is evil.

There is some stuff that isn't evil that I choose not to do anyway simply because I'm a nice guy, but I am under no moral obligation whatsoever to do all non-evil things--only to not do evil things. So just because I don't do it or don't believe it doesn't make it by definition evil; only the reverse is true, that if I do do it, it is by definition not evil.

If you do something evil, depending on the magnitude of evil, I may or may not choose to respond in some harsh way. If you don't answer me when I ask what time it is, I'll probably let it slide, because as I said before, I'm a nice guy. If you murder someone close to me just for fun, I'll likely choose a course of action more... severe.

If anyone has any question about whether something is or is not evil, please, do feel free to contact me. You can PM me here, or e-mail me at and I'll be happy to discuss. I do sincerely apologize for not being born earlier so that Hitler could have availed himself of my services, it could have avoided an awful mess and his legacy would have undoubtedly been much more kind.

Edit: And that, my friends, is my 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*5*5th post. Enjoy, as it might be quite a long time before all the factors of my post count are single digits again!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
From what I have read of your posts over the years, MT, you have probably heard that answer before.
Ah! You know me well. Yeah, my answer is more or less that. It's typically irrelevant to me. I'm a Christian. If you're not of a particular religion, I personally believe it's all relativism. If you are, then it's irrelevant because the question is simply "Are you doing your best or not?". And if you're of a non-Christian faith then... well, I am not that multicultured and wouldn't presume to speak for you.

My perspective. Would love to be corrected.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I have to disagree with a lot of people here. IMO, evil is not relative or a matter of perspective, there is a universal base understanding of evil. Evil is any behavior that promotes the good of the individual or the few at the expence of the good of the many. As human beings, it is our purpose to advance the species and anything that functions to counter that is fundamentally evil.
Ahh, eugenics is a good thing, then?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Ahh, eugenics is a good thing, then?

Slavery too! As long as you're making sure you enslave at least one less person then benefits from it.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Ahh, eugenics is a good thing, then?
How about my objective definition of Good and Evil, Bill? is it acceptable or no?




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
How about my objective definition of Good and Evil, Bill? is it acceptable or no?

My definition of Good and Evil is simple, clear, concise, and handles every situation absolutely. If it spreads or inflicts emotional or physical pain it is evil. If it fosters emotional or physical wellbeing it is Good.
That one?

Circumcision causes incredible pain. Is it evil? Human birth causes excruciating pain. Is it evil?

Death causes emotional and often times physical pain. Is it evil?

Sex with multiple partners can cause both emotional and physical well being. Is it always a good thing?

Ending relationships, even unhealthy ones, can be emotionally painful for not only the couple in question but children that may be involved. Does this mean that all divorces are evil?

So, are your definitions acceptable? Not for me.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That one?

Circumcision causes incredible pain. Is it evil? Human birth causes excruciating pain. Is it evil?

Death causes emotional and often times physical pain. Is it evil?

Sex with multiple partners can cause both emotional and physical well being. Is it always a good thing?

Ending relationships, even unhealthy ones, can be emotionally painful for not only the couple in question but children that may be involved. Does this mean that all divorces are evil?

So, are your definitions acceptable? Not for me.
Circumcision causes pain. It is evil by my definition. however it does foster physical wellbeing and is considered by many a necessary evil.

Childbirth causes physical pain -and- emotional pain, followed by long-term mixes of happiness and sorrow. For the continuation of our species it is also a necessary evil.

Sex with multiple partners -can- maintain emotional wellbeing. in those cases it's a good thing. When it causes emotional or physical pain it's an evil. But the same can be said of single-partner sex or even self-love.

Yes. Divorces are an evil. But a necessary evil in some cases to avoid longer lasting evil. It's one of those lesser of two evil situations. Just like the first two.




I think we may be forgetting that there are many things that are "not good" or "not evil." There are also many indeterminate actions and courses of action that are also not well-served by being categorically polarized like that. Things like salad, and eating salad, are not good or evil. They are something else, or they just are.

Now eating a salad instead of your wife's casserole, and eating it while you look into her pained, teary eyes and smile, might be evil. A salad made of orphans might be evil. A salad made for orphans might be good. The devil is in the details, so to speak.

You people likely have definitions of good and evil that overlap like my drinking binges (a lot), but you are using such disparate terms that you appear to be overlapping like continental plates, much to the same effect. This is evident in that you are throwing examples at each other that clearly demonstrate that you have a healthy understanding of each others platform. The problem is that you are leaving so much contextual information out (Things like, what kind of group sex? And where, for what purpose?) that it seems like you are deliberately trying not to agree with each other.

But you do! By Jove, you do! Well, I'd bet serious bananas that you overlap enough that you could be drinking buddies, anyway.



Circumcision causes pain. It is evil by my definition. however it does foster physical wellbeing and is considered by many a necessary evil.

Childbirth causes physical pain -and- emotional pain, followed by long-term mixes of happiness and sorrow. For the continuation of our species it is also a necessary evil.

Sex with multiple partners -can- maintain emotional wellbeing. in those cases it's a good thing. When it causes emotional or physical pain it's an evil. But the same can be said of single-partner sex or even self-love.

Yes. Divorces are an evil. But a necessary evil in some cases to avoid longer lasting evil. It's one of those lesser of two evil situations. Just like the first two.

Childbirth and death are not evil at all. Both are completely natural occurrences outside of the arbitrary labels you would like to slap on to them.

Circumcision is genital mutilation committed under the auspices of health for the male human. I, for one, thank my parents for this little torture they committed upon me. I've probably avoided several health issues and I appreciate that the circumsized member is often considered more attractive than its non-snipped brother.

The moment you slap "necessary" in front of the word evil, your definition falls apart. If it is necessary, then it is not evil. Evil, were such a thing to exist, would never be necessary.

Breathing is necessary. Eating is necessary. Dying is necessary. All of these things are natural and therefore outside of the realm of mankind's definitions.

The pain a mother feels as her spawn pours forth is no more evil than a star going nova and destroying all life existing within its system.

Be well, people of CoH.



See now, I'm in the camp that circumcision is evil full stop. But that's because my aesthetic is violated by inflicting pain on babies for no good reason... And there are no statistically significant health benefits to circumcision, while there are several statistically significant complications of the procedure. There's a reason why the American Pediatrics Association denounced the practice, and the AMA no longer endorses it as anything other than an optional, purely cosmetic procedure.

Since I'm also of the opinion that parents should not have the right to give consent for a completely elective purely cosmetic procedure for a child who is not old enough to express his own wishes, well my conclusion is self-evident.

But again, that all rests on the fact that inflicing pain on infants is in violation of my aesthetic. If it wasn't, I suppose I'd have no problem with the practice. Which is why morality will always be relative



The World Health Organization (WHO; 2007), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS; 2007), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; 2008) state that evidence indicates male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of HIV acquisition by men during penile-vaginal sex, but also state that circumcision only provides partial protection and should not replace other interventions to prevent transmission of HIV.[5][6]

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
The World Health Organization (WHO; 2007), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS; 2007), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; 2008) state that evidence indicates male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of HIV acquisition by men during penile-vaginal sex, but also state that circumcision only provides partial protection and should not replace other interventions to prevent transmission of HIV.[5][6]
Also, for people with poor hygiene, circumcision reduces the risk of several (non-sexual) infections



I've long thought that the text-book definition of evil was knowing you could do something good and refusing to do it. What is good? Willfully making personal sacrifices to benefit others without being under compulsion to do so and without seeking compensation or personal glory.

Just my two cents.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Also, for people with poor hygiene, circumcision reduces the risk of several (non-sexual) infections
Or you could just, you know, wash.

Considering that studies show that the rates of those infections are not higher in areas of the world where men are not routinely circumcised than in areas where they are... The argument was blown out of the water years and years ago. But people keep parroting it.

The statistical difference in rates of HIV infection are "significant" but also very, very small. Practicing safe sex is a vastly more effective method

Neither of these concerns really justify lopping off a part of the body.



Remember kids: The safest sex you can have, is the sex you have with yourself!



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Combination of both

If you mean well, but do bad, you're not evil (but you may go to jail).
If you mean bad, but do well, you're not evil (you can always get away with saying you meant well).
If you mean bad AND do bad, then you're evil (which includes kicking puppies and clubbing baby seals).
What about the intent to club baby seals, getting to do it, and then deepfrying them into tasty little nuggets?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



You know what's truely evil...Clowns.




I never understood why baby seals get all dressed up and then head out to go dancing.

As for why this is Evil, I really don't know.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617