Single best powers in 2010




Well, we've got a huge thread about the the worst; why not the best? Probably this thread has been done before (I'm too lazy to check), but what do folks think are the out and out sickest powers currently available, and what powers do you love to play the most? I'll throw a few of the powers I'm most impressed with:

-- Seeds of Confusion

-- Freezing Rain/Sleet

-- Phantom Army

-- Fearsome Stare

-- Shield Charge



Speed Boost-+recovery +recharge +speed. Simple and elegant.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Blizzard -- One-shotting entire mobs from around a corner is love.

Crane Kick -- something about Bruce lee kicking some fool off a cliff/building gets me every time.

Drain Psyche (Dom version) -- Helllllo end and regen caps!

Arctic Air (Dom Version) -- Ignore me and shoot each other reallly slowwwwly while I make you dead.

Stamina -- What?

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Brute Claws - Spin



Spectral Terror (Illusion Control)

Theirs something about you, my love. Something about you being perma the first time we meet, something about you being accurate without slotting. That little feeling I get when I see you fear exactly what I aggroed.

Doesn't get much better. Love this power, its served me well, levels 26-40 especially.



Kinetics. All of it.

Even Repel.



Shield Charge

Decent Recharge, spawn shattering Telenuke, in a defense secondary, with knockdown, no crash, and in a set where you will definitely have build up, AND one of the strongest, most consistant scaling damage buffs (AAO) in the game.

On melee toons to bat.

Also, New Moment of Glory.

Finally we have an I win button, even if it's only an I win for 15 seconds.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



I'm a bit insomniac, so I'm probably missing some good ones, but here's my fab 5:

Fearsome Stare - If you don't know, you've never tried it.

Force Field Generator - So much def and it's not even a toggle. Even in the unlikely situation where you do get mezzed, it keeps right on doing its thing

Accelerate Metabolism - Most of the fun of SB, none of the complaints about the forced Super Speed.

Stamina - Yeah, yeah, boring, I know, but we all still take it on just about every character. We even flush 2 power picks to get it.

Fulcrum Shift - Everyone knows when the Kin shows up at the zombie raid. Suddenly everything starts dying in droves.



Combat Jumping.

1) +1.75% defense to all.
2) mag -8.3 immob protection.
3) unsupressed movement.

all at the low low cost of .07 end/sec

No other power does so much for so little.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Howling Twilight!

It's even more fun when you're on a team with a bunch of Dark Miasma users and you all use Howling Twilight at once. Mmmmm... Stuns...



Domination. Double mag to all controls, kb resist, full endurance, mez resist to all...gifted to an archetype with blasterish damage and mez galore.

Drain psyche. Sap them, and you have more than enough energy. Wait, it can heal you back incredibly fast too? Yummy.

Fulcrum shift...few powers are so set-defining as this.

Venom grenade. -resistance on a good AoE? Nice. -resistance on a good AoE given to an archetype that can throw out four more AoE's in quick succession , even as an attack chain? ...While buffing the team and sporting heavy defenses, and near mez immunity? Yummmy nummy.

Phantom Army- another truly set defining power. +Recharge bonuses and powers make this good power all the better.

Adrenelin Boost. So simple, but so very,very powerful. Few actually notice how good this thing is.

Ninja Run. Silly as it sounds, this put the final touch on the viability of travel power-less characters. And fits darned well for characters that can't fly like a bird or plane, or leap building in a single bound, or run in the blink of an eye, or so on. Also good for tight builds.




Earthquake: Huge -to hit, nice -def, cast around corners!!

Volcanic Gasses: Longest last AOE hold ever!!! Ignites OSA!!! Cast around corners!!

Rain of Arrows: Looks sexy!! Nice Damage!! They never even see me!!

OSA: Blizzard-esque damage!!! Enemy bouncie!!! Cast around corners!!!

Boost Range: I can snipe from the MOON, while talking to Alice Kramden.

Hover: Same great taste as combat jumping, but with vertical movement! So you can laugh at the KoA caltrops!



Originally Posted by Sagamemnon View Post
Hover: Same great taste as combat jumping, but with vertical movement! So you can laugh at the KoA caltrops!
Although the caltrops are apparently several feet tall, so you'll need to be floating a fair bit higher to get out of them.

(I usually hover fairly low for ease of targeting when I'm in groups, about a body-length above the ground - and I still get caught in caltrops. They are very tall caltrops.)



In my opinion...

Best Inherent: Domination

Best Ranged Attack: Blaze

Best PBAoE: Footstomp/Shield Charge (shut up, it totally counts)

Best Melee Attack: Siphon Life

Best Ranged AoE: Rain of Arrows

Best Nuke: Blizzard

Best Buff: Adrenaline Boost

Best Debuff: Heat Loss

Best Pet: an Adrenaline-Boosted Brute :3

Best AoE Mez: Volcanic Gases

Best ST Mez: Fortunata Dominate

Edit: Best Utility: Ourobors Portal :3

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Oro Portal



Warshades - Eclipse
Super Strength - Foot Stomp

More to be added when I think of anything.



Foot Stomp w/New Animation - As much as I love the screen shaking ommph of stone melee, no power has as much raw smash.



Agreeing with silas but replacing heat loss with benumb



Ninja Run!

I once played some version of Connan the Barbarian on an Apple II in Fifith grade (circa 1984-85) where you would flip at the peak of a your jumps. I've felt the need to flip when I jump on every game I've played since... now has that dream been fuflilled.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



I'm going to throw Tactics in there as well, mostly because Gaussin': Chance for Build-Up is just so sexy and I can take tactics on everyone.



For me:

Propel - nothing says crime fighting like chucking a toilet at someone

Singularity - my little controller tank in a pocket

Terrify - I will hurt you all and you will be to scared to do anything

Oil Slick Arrow - BURN BABY!

EMP Arrow - Best AoE hold EVER!

Parry - You can soft cap your melee defence in your teens with this power!

Soul Drain - All I have to say is Mwahahahahaha

Lightening Rod/Shield Charge - Nothing else quite makes the right entrance!

Power Surge - one of the best animations ever!

Fault - when you've played at juggling mass enemies you'll understand

Plus quite a few other people have already mentioned!

PS - I think special mention go out to the entire powersets of Traps, Robotics, Radiation Emission, Dark Miasma and Force Field

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Fire Sword Circle. Crowd Control. Acid Mortar.