Dual Pistol Names

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Recently got my vet reward Arachnos helmets, so I used a Wolf Spider helm on a blueside blaster and called him Spydra-Shok.

Debated using the name Detroit Glock City for another toon, but decided otherwise. Probably unique enough to be free, so if it clicks with anyone, by all means...



Cleric Wu.... yes I know it's Woo....



Chaos Venom Assassin
Radiation Emission/DP

Thorns - Spines/Willpower Scrapper (1366 Badges)



My Hero is rather dull; Jen Kerringer, seeing as she's a PPD officer and thats her name.

My planned Praetorian, though, is a tad better; Meta Hunter

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Benita Harper - DP/Energy- Blaster - Virtue



Just rolled up a DP/Devices blaster on Virtue named Shenaniguns.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I managed to grab "52 Pick-Up."

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



My DP/MM blaster is Mind Magnum. I wasn't hugely pleased with the name, but it was all I could come up with after about 15 minutes of thinking and trying names.



I have two DP chars, a DP/Ice blaster named Texas Hold-up, and an Emp/DP defender named Dodge This (a bit of a Trinity tribute)



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Someone posted that they have the name 'Goldie Glocks', thought that one was pretty clever.

I have one named ".40 Caliber Cure" on Pinnacle.
That'd be me. Thank you. I was talking to my wife and said "wait a minute, i gotta make you a toon". lol.



I have Captain Blakstar, a DP/Ice Blaster. He's my second Robotic Pirate Ghost character.

I also have Major Redraw Issues, a DP/TA Corr who will be picking up Mace Mastery for her PPP.



I'm rather partial to a name I saw over in the DP beta forum: Hare Trigger. A bunny girl. Another by the same was Herr Trigger, costume design should be obvious.

Originally Posted by Ninus View Post
Hmm, Gun Kitteh already taken? Well, it will be.
Actually, sounds like the name was a play on "gun kata". Gun-fu reference.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Cpt. Blasteroid on Freedom, named after Coop's hero in Kid vs Cat.



Well, I'm a gun-nut (at least that's what some folks tell me), so I've made a few DP's already. My favorites so far:

Gatlin Guns (DP/Ice Blaster, Infinity)
Gunsmith Kid (Traps/DP Defender, Champion)



I had a plan to go with /kin and name it "Gunkin Gonuts". I went with a blaster instead of a Corr so if anyone likes that one, have at'r!



Mine is named "Revisor", hubby got "Deadshot", friend got "Pistoleer," but I absolutely loved Arbiter Fabulous' character...

"Occult .45"


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Brilliant! All of you!

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

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The other night I saw a DP character named "Grammaton Cleric Phi." I gagged.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Originally Posted by Duck Dim Sum View Post
The other night I saw a DP character named "Grammaton Cleric Phi." I gagged.
Should I know what that means?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Well, my Dual Pistols/Pain Domination Corruptor is named Maquise de Sade. Yes, her name has closer ties to her Secondary, I'm a rebel like that.



I started as Miss Parabellum, but when I saw that I was going to be using the Cryo ammo most of the time, I used the server transfer trick to rename her 44 Ice.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



named mine William Munney (Unforgiven) (spelled wrong but oh well)

He's a Clint Eastwood tribute character. His 2nd costume is the preacher from Pale Rider, and his third is as Sgt. Highway from Heartbreak ridge. Will probably make a Dirty Harry costume next. (I'm going to skip Bridges of Madison County )

Side note: some of the mobs in a mission from Darren Wade actually say quotes from Unforgiven. Noticed that for the first time while playing this toon, neat!

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Tera Fern

Dual Pistol//Mental manipulation//Force mastery

Though I am Sure the name screams the powersets perfectly



Heroside, I have a dual pistols/mental manipulation blaster named "Pside Arm" (couldn't resist a glowing left eye, a la the targeting optics combat aura, for when he's employing his psionic abilities to 'guide/manipulate' the bullets).

Villainside, my dual pistols/traps corruptor's name is 'Point-Blank", since he will be all up in everyone's business thanks to an easily soft-capped smashing/lethal defense (Force Field Generator, Scorpion Shield, and assorted IO set bonuses, ftw).

Justice Server:

Omega-Prime - 50 Inv/SS Tanker
Imp Lord - 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Holy-Crusader - 50 BS/Regen Scrapper
Cold-Fusion - 49 Ice/EM Tanker
Solar-Prime - 49 Fire/SS Tanker
Cosmic Sentinel - 49 Rad/Rad Offender
Thundergod - 47 Elec/Elec Blaptroller



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Should I know what that means?
Grammaton Clerics are the gun kata users from Equilibrium, the source of much of the love for Dual Pistols. But IMO openly labeling your character a Grammaton Cleric is a little too shamelessly fanboyish. It's the DP equivalent of naming your SS/Invuln/Energy Mastery Tanker "Last Son Of Krypton".

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator