Worst Miss Tells




Simply, what are the worst miss tells you have ever seen?
I'll start it off.

I saw this only yesterday in Atlas.
I zone into Atlas and this is the first thing I see. In broadcast someone had seemingly randomly blurted out a stream of words, that made no sense with what people were talking about. I ignore them at first, since all kinds of ranting was going on, but I take a second glance. What I see is compromised of bad grammar, racism, and an F-bomb. I immediatly petition them, and send them a tell informing them that they could be banned for that. They reply basically saying "OOPS. That was supposed to go to a friend in private." They apologize in broadcast afterwards.

So, what was the worst miss tell you've seen? Or done yourself?



I kid you not:

"Wanna go do it in the sewers?" We were in Atlas Park. Girl quickly realized she mistelled and apologized profusely, but I wish she DID mean to pm me with that proposal



I saw a short while ago:

Person: mt
Person: mt
Person: those last two messages were mistells

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
I kid you not:

"Wanna go do it in the sewers?" We were in Atlas Park. Girl quickly realized she mistelled and apologized profusely, but I wish she DID mean to pm me with that proposal
:-O Wow



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I saw a short while ago:

Person: mt
Person: mt
Person: those last two messages were mistells
I love meta humor.



In Team chat, by the team leader, in the middle of an LGTF:

"Man if we didn't need (Player X)'s buffs so bad I'd kick his whiny (expletive)"

Things went a bit quiet after that.



Hooooooly crap. On Champion server our main channel is called BMT of Champion and it is practically DEFINED by horrible miss tells. Below is the best one I have ever seen.

[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: r look him up on CoH faces. Hot. I'd let him enhance my slot, ya know :P
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: o..m...g.
[BMT of Champion]Cobalt Azurean: Um.
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: so sorry,
[BMT of Champion]Cobalt Azurean: You know.
[BMT of Champion]White Hot Flash: hah....threadworthy
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: massive mt
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: dont you dare.....
[BMT of Champion]Gideon F: I can't resist. Is yuor slotting still Red?
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: ......
[BMT of Champion]Oromatic: Ok, maybe we should leave Shay alone for 5 minutes, and then get around to the slotting jokes
[BMT of Champion]Gideon F: What and miss out on being the first?
[BMT of Champion]Oromatic: Well clearly we need to wait until she has to re-enhance
[BMT of Champion]Gideon F: and slot for endurance and recharge
[BMT of Champion]Oromatic: She hasn't dinged yet, though
[BMT of Champion]MaskedSecretary: (does that take a respec?)
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: some one get Cherry on. She'll take the heat off me.
[BMT of Champion]Oromatic: You know, SOs are twice as... effective
[BMT of Champion]Cobalt Azurean: Anyways.
[BMT of Champion]Oromatic: Sorry, I had to
[BMT of Champion]Gideon F: The winner of the who posted Shays latest statement to the BMT thread is a mister Cobalt Azurian.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
[BMT of Champion]Gideon F: I can't resist. Is yuor slotting still Red?
[BMT of Champion]Shaytanah: ......

"Think! It's not illegal yet."



Heard just after inventions were added to the game.
"They vibrate, I like things that vibrate."

Apparently "they" meant "insect wings" but the rest still sounded pretty bad.



Anything about ur sexual life i deem to be the worst ones lol



Does it count as an mt if you purposely send something inappropriate to a large badge channel when it's supposed to be in your small, private channel with just a few close friends? If so, wow, I've had some good ones...




I cant retype it, but....

Was just idly running around PI one night, around 2am est, when someone let loose a massive, text-limit ERP misstell in broadcast.




Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
"AFK for a sex"

Meant to type sec. I wondered what the team was laughing about so much until I scrolled up and saw that.
Haha. Reminds me of a MLIA. "My boss asked me if I have a sec. Trying to be a smart alec I said 'Yeah, I have plenty of secs'. Awkward Moment" Paraphrased entirely.



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
"AFK for a sex"

Meant to type sec. I wondered what the team was laughing about so much until I scrolled up and saw that.
I actually one had someone bail on a Taskforce for just that reason. I couldn't blame him.



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
"AFK for a sex"

Meant to type sec. I wondered what the team was laughing about so much until I scrolled up and saw that.
I have done that so many times that I have people who consider that my sig.




Originally Posted by SDragon View Post

Hmmm almost as if some one had planed it that way....


Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



*Creeps furtively and kisses you*

Funny thing was , my toon actually happened to be right in between him and the intended recipient



"Yeah, give me a few minutes to answer. It's XXX-XXX-XXXX, just hurry"*

* summarized from memory. It was back in '07. Hopefully all of PI didn't tie up their line all night with prank calls.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



The absolute worst one i've gotten i cannot really relay here. But it was explicit enough that it made even me blush. Good imagination tho!

There's been lots of em tbh. Most are tame and unfunny. Some are just annoying, like a guy who sent me i think seven mistells back to back, he was having some conversation and all his replies went as a tell to me.

Personally i don't mistell much, but i often chat without thinking O.o.
Which has caused alot of my friends to cite a swedish comic character called Arne Anka. He said "Thinking before speaking, is like wiping your behind before you do a twosie" <- Ok actual quote is a fair bit more explicit than that, but still, i kinda type, then think o.O



Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



"or you can get me pregnant and I keep the kid" - somebody who thought she was typing in the IM conversation rather than ingame.

"I can't till 11 when my husband goes out" - somewhat enhanced by the toon name of something like cutefluffybunny.

Somebody also after teaming with me, claimed to have spent the afternoon reaming with me which conjured up a different image.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I've done a few out of context ones that went to the wrong channel, like "Oh, I have all colour women!" that got me a few confounded responses. What I was saying was that I have a lot of non-human-skin-colour female characters. That made sense within the context of discussing why you should take a half-naked pink winged bunny with a longbow seriously, but did NOT sound appropriate out of context.

I once met someone who did very creative fake misstells, though. Like we'd be teaming and suddenly he says something to the effect of "No, don't worry, they won't catch us. I left evidence pointing to Samuel Tow. We're totally off the hook!" Then he'd sit idle for a few seconds and say "Oops! Misstell!"

Myself, I've done a few, myself, but tried to make them a bit more convincing, like "I don't CARE about your problems! You want your drugs, I want my money!" I still think it's a decent joke

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Nerfherder View Post
Yep, thats the one