Access to Ultramode Closed Beta
The one for DP was super short and just one powerset(I was also in CB for it) while this one is the whole issue, ultra mode demon summoning more content the whole shebang. So my guess is their are waves for this one like they said before.
1st firends and family
2nd 60month+ vets
3rd loyalty people(Me!)
4th pre order going rogue
so just give them some time I'm sure we'll be in sooner or later for closed beta
The one for DP was super short and just one powerset(I was also in CB for it) while this one is the whole issue, ultra mode demon summoning more content the whole shebang. So my guess is their are waves for this one like they said before.
1st firends and family 2nd 60month+ vets 3rd loyalty people(Me!) 4th pre order going rogue so just give them some time I'm sure we'll be in sooner or later for closed beta |
The devs have not disclosed why they select some folks for the closed betas for issue updates, and its unlikely they ever will. If you do get in, hey, great! Just remember you're in there as they hope to get information out of you (bug reports, performance reports, etc). Otherwise, you'll have to wait for it to go into open beta like the rest of us.
Actual beta'ing is a privledge and a responsibility. Open-beta-ing, where most things are usually fixed (or at least in better shape than closed beta) is a lot more fun in my experience. Of course, in some regards I'd just as soon not mess too much with the beta as it takes the new stuff smell off of things when they go live.
Once you can see the Closed Beta forums, you're in. Usually the email notification takes longer to arrive. There's really no rhyme or reason to how they pick the initial couple of waves. The same people have been in first wave in one beta, and third (or not at all) the next beta. Going Rogue beta is the only one they've told us up front how they're letting people in. I17 will follow the usual methods of selection.
It's best not to worry about it too much and just keep an eye on your email box and the forums to see if the CB section is visible.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Well ****. That means I just downloaded 894mb of useless rubbish then. I've been on several of the closed betas before but didn't realize it was a random draw on who got in. Wish they had TOLD US THIS so I didn't waste the time and bandwidth downloading it.
Well ****. That means I just downloaded 894mb of useless rubbish then. I've been on several of the closed betas before but didn't realize it was a random draw on who got in. Wish they had TOLD US THIS so I didn't waste the time and bandwidth downloading it.
Whats worse? Downloading it now for future use?
Or needing to wait while it downloads once/if you are actually in?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
To reiterate...
and not get off topic. I'm not looking for a "WHY" I'm not in Beta, I'm looking for a clarification on WHO will be participating in the current incarnation of the beta test.
I suspect someone will drop by with some facts sooner or later or we'll see an announcement.
Just interested in facts rather than guesses.

To reiterate...
and not get off topic. I'm not looking for a "WHY" I'm not in Beta, I'm looking for a clarification on WHO will be participating in the current incarnation of the beta test. I suspect someone will drop by with some facts sooner or later or we'll see an announcement. Just interested in facts rather than guesses. |
You are asking questions that everyone on here can only guess at. No one on here can or will give you these answers since we do not have access to them. Sorry friend but you just have to wait and see if there is an announcement about it. Only the devs and family and friends are in a first anyway. Be patient and see what happens.
Heh. I think its worth the wait now that i've truly thought about it. All the kinks will be worked out once it goes Open Beta.We'll get the fresh cleaned up Ultra Mode minus the bugs .
I don't believe I said I was asking that concerning myself, alright?
Ok, let me rephrase that slightly.
Only the red names know why any particular player is or isn't in a beta.
And they don't tell us the criteria they are using most of the time. Yes, we know "some" of the criteria that will be used for GR Beta access (60+ month vets, Loyalty Program, GR Pre-Order, HeroCon signups) but not all of them.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
OK, how about this question:
Does the 60 month/loyalty program beta criteria apply to this closed beta or only to the upcoming GR beta? I'm fairly certain it doesn't, but there seems to be some confusion amongst the long-time playerbase. Some official clarification would be nice, just to tamp down the confusion.
I, too, was REALLY looking forward to testing ultra mode and thought I would be in the beta for it (I just got my 69 month badge). I was under the impression that ultra mode was part of Going Rogue. I'm not complaining that it's not (since it means we will get it sooner), I'm just a little confused.
All we need is a redname to come and say "The 60 month players and loyalty program players are not automatically eligible for the i17 beta. They ARE automatically eligible for GR beta." Ta da! Confusion solved. CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
There has never been any indication that the 60 month/loyalty program people (or anybody else) will have any special status for the i17 beta, or any other beta besides GR. Therefore, any confusion is generated entirely by player speculation and/or misinformation, and should be disregarded.
I am pleased someone else is on the same page as I am. Yes, EXACTLY.
OK, how about this question:
Does the 60 month/loyalty program beta criteria apply to this closed beta or only to the upcoming GR beta? I'm fairly certain it doesn't, but there seems to be some confusion amongst the long-time playerbase. Some official clarification would be nice, just to tamp down the confusion. I, too, was REALLY looking forward to testing ultra mode and thought I would be in the beta for it (I just got my 69 month badge). I was under the impression that ultra mode was part of Going Rogue. I'm not complaining that it's not (since it means we will get it sooner), I'm just a little confused. |

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
Oh, and I'm equally happy no matter if I get in or not. Why?
If I get in, I get to preview all the goodies and get that sweet relief for my curiosity.
If I don't get in, I avoid ALOT of heavy lifting, because beta is like work, but without pay, and when it launches, I get to play with the fun stuff the way I wan't to and not forced into running the same stuff over and over and over just to see if it bugs out.
Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
Having been in past betas, another downside of being in beta is trying to keep track off all the changes and what one did on Test v. what one did on Live.
E.g., I'd find myself answering questions about a mission and find that I was wrong because that mission changed before it went to Live.
Or, volunteering for an Imperious TF and find that I can't get into Cimerora because my character on Test unlocked the Midnight Club, but not my Live version.
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Next best thing?
Keep Your Account Active, Be Rewarded! All City of Heroes® and City of Villains® players who maintain an active account for the time period beginning August 15, 2009 and ending November 15, 2009 will receive a set of special rewards for their loyalty to Paragon City and The Rogue Isles: Closed Beta access* for City of Heroes Going Rogue Exclusive loyalty badges**: "Vigilant" for Heroes and "Determined" for Villains * Going Rogue Closed Beta Access will be granted using a three-tier system: Tier One: City of Heroes Veterans with 60+ months of paid time. Tier Two: Loyalty Program players Tier Three: Players who Pre-Order Going Rogue (Preorder details to be announced at a later date) **Badges will be enabled within one week after the promotional period has ended. |
Next best thing? Going Rogue only. No other betas mentioned or implied. |
I could see this coming a month ago. I17 =/= GR. Stop thinking you have some sort of special priority on everything just because you meet certain criteria which were stated to SPECIFICALLY apply to Going Rogue.
I don't believe I said I was asking that concerning myself, alright?
Plain as day the devs said Loyalty program was for GR beta. Loyalty program was talked about before i17 was announced! IT DOES NOT INCLUDE i17 BETA! Issue's closed betas are chosen by the devs not the Loyalty program that was plain as day talking about GR ONLY!
Next time don't ask a question unless it "concerns you" so you will get an answer that "concerns you", otherwise you won't get the answer you want I guess. Don't be mad at us cause we don't know, be mad at yourself for not understanding simple crap like the Loyalty program. Have fun waiting patiently like EVERYONE ELSE for the email that says if you're in or not. The Devs are not required to tell you that you aren't in it.
P.S.: You said you wanted facts and not guesses...
There are your facts. NO i17 MENTIONED HERE! Sorry but i17 is still in the dark for now buddy!
The confusion over I17 and Loyalty folks I think stems from the fact they moved UM and DS into I17 from GR. Thus some feel they should have special access to I17 since it now contains what was GR material. I got into the DP beta but I don't honestly know if that was due to the Loyalty deal or if I just got lucky. I don't recall if anything was ever stated about it's criteria. But I like many others am not in this CB, at least not yet and maybe not at all. But I'm not sweating it either. I just got my new rig going and I'm having fun on Live so I'm coping just fine. But I see no real problem with a Dev clarification here just to set matters straight. It would certainly put a lot of the speculation and such to rest.
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
People shouldn't really need confirmation on whether the 60 month vets/loyalty programmers/hero-con attendees get access to issue 17's closed beta or not. If you're one of the above people and you can't get in, those people aren't guaranteed a spot.
Besides that, they're not gonna say how they're choosing beta testers. The best you can do is play the game you're paying to play, enjoy yourself, and hope that you get invited in a later wave.
As the title states, I'm unclear as to who has access to the current incarnation of the closed Beta. I was in the Closed Beta for Dual Pistols and assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that I'd have a chance to test out Ultra Mode (which I'm eager to see in action).
Lighthouse mentions propagating accounts may have 48 hours lag but I'm unsure that relates to this issue and I have not seen any clarification as to who will be participating in the Closed Beta at this time. Do we need to request access as it was with the DP closed Beta?
Niv, Och, other equally important official types: Could we get some clarification?
Champagne wishes and caviar dreams,
-The Oubliette