Access to Ultramode Closed Beta




Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
My point saying that didn't matter oddly enough didn't mean it didn't matter OVERALL. *etc etc*
Yes, that's true, also thanks for posting the list to re-fresh my memory. I'd forgotten about tails, and the mission count, and the auction house UI etc. So you're right, it's probably more like 33%, but again, that's all largely subjective. I mean..the furries are gonna love the tails the most (I personally would LOVE a fox tail (hint)) etc. My first post wasn't to you, it was written before I read yours, the one you quoted was to you, it did seem like you thought I was complaining, mostly I was speculating, and making some fairly safe guesses. But yeah, I didn't have the list in front of me when I posted my list, seeing it helps, I forgot to reference it. Oh..and more missions is also good.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
it did seem like you thought I was complaining
Even when I used the word complain I wasn't talking about you. I have just seen a lot of threads about people complaining about UM being part of i17 when I was personally excited about and so were all my friends. So more directed at them, not you. Again sorry that was confusing...

Oh..and more missions is also good.
I agree! The Dark Mirror sounds like a good setup for GR



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Right, they're testing all the content for Praetoria, the side-switching, and all the goodies that are Going Rogue.

Wait, that's not what they're testing?

Then it's not Going Rogue. It's Issue 17.

What you believe has little bearing on the facts.

Fact: In testing in closed beta is Issue 17.

Fact: While Issue 17 has the Ultra Mode which was announced at Hero Con, that still does not make Issue 17 suddenly become Going Rogue.

Fact: Ultra Mode will be available to all players, whether they buy Going Rogue or not.

Fact: Ultra Mode's independence from Going Rogue means that it is not an integral part of Going Rogue.

Fact: None of the content announced for Issue 17 was listed as being a part of Going Rogue.

Fact: None of the Loyalty Program, Veteran Status, or any of the other incentives promising entry into the closed beta for Going Rogue apply to Issue 17.
Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
What "BS that i17 is separate than GR"? That makes no sense at all. Look at the overview for Issue 17 that I linked in my last post and then look at what comes with GR. UM is i17 now so get over it. DS is part of GR and so is DP. They are released early to PRE-PURCHASE customers ONLY. If i17 was GR then a dev wouldn't have stated that i17 was NOT GR. Simple as that!

Also, what makes you think that a new power set and some shadow and reflection upgrades are 3/4 of GR? If that were true it would barely be worth a $10 booster pack! What about the moral alignment system? What about all the new missions that and contacts that they will have to add so you have the ability to Go Rogue? What about all of the current content they will have to change to make it possible to get moral alignment points? What about the entire NEW CITY they are adding to the game!? Does no one else realize how much content they have to add for the MAS? seriously get a clue!

Also, if you didn't care at all anymore then you wouldn't have posted... Just saying!

Get over yourselves already.

It's just closed beta. It's not like it's the end of the world or something.

I apologize if my post hurt anyone's feelings about the matter--my intention was to clarify that what they are testing currently was two of the highest-advertised aspects of Going Rogue: Ultra Mode and Demon Summoning. Whether or not Demon Summoning (or even Dual Pistols) is a part of Going Rogue shouldn't even be a point of contention. To put it as simply as I can: you can't get access to Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning unless you buy Going Rogue. I don't believe that's ever been a point of debate.

Now, because they ARE testing Demon Summoning (regardless of whether or not you believe Ultra Mode = i17), that means they ARE testing an *aspect* of Going Rogue. Whether or not you think you should be in CB or not is your own problem. Contact Customer Support if you think you should.

For my part (as I stated before), I will not. I wouldn't properly be able to test for bugs because of current r/l issues, and therefore shouldn't waste the Dev's time.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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For as a short a time as you've been with CoH, Zander, you sure do call a lot of people ignorant. Humility might suit you better.

Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
...seriously get a clue!

Also, if you didn't care at all anymore then you wouldn't have posted... Just saying!
And it's pretty clear you pop in this thread when you want to bicker... Just saying.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post

Get over yourselves already.

It's just closed beta. It's not like it's the end of the world or something.
I don't believe you saw either one of us saying it was the end of the world. We were just stating facts that some people like you choose to ignore.

I apologize if my post hurt anyone's feelings about the matter--my intention was to clarify that what they are testing currently was two of the highest-advertised aspects of Going Rogue: Ultra Mode and Demon Summoning.
There has been no OFFICIAL announcement that DS is being tested. If someone has told you otherwise they are blowing smoke or if they are in the CB are breaking NDA or whatever it's called. (Sorry my brain hurts today...) Regardless until I see on official announcement that DS is for sure being tested I'm not going to get mad and pout about not being in the beta... I wouldn't get too mad anyway, but this is my personal feelings. I am not posting because you are "hurting my feelings" I am posting because you are ignoring these facts. Until actual proof is brought to the table DS as far as I or anyone else is concerned is NOT in CB since it was announced that only i17 is... End of story!

Whether or not Demon Summoning (or even Dual Pistols) is a part of Going Rogue shouldn't even be a point of contention. To put it as simply as I can: you can't get access to Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning unless you buy Going Rogue. I don't believe that's ever been a point of debate.

Now, because they ARE testing Demon Summoning (regardless of whether or not you believe Ultra Mode = i17),
That makes no sense. I stated above that UM was i17. You are just clarifying that. Are you arguing with me or yourself?

that means they ARE testing an *aspect* of Going Rogue. Whether or not you think you should be in CB or not is your own problem. Contact Customer Support if you think you should.
Again you don't make sense. Neither I or Smersh said we wanted to be in CB. Again are you arguing with us or yourself? We are not even arguing. We are telling you all FACTS that are OFFICIAL. No one else on these forums can give you any better except the DEVS themselves.

For my part (as I stated before), I will not. I wouldn't properly be able to test for bugs because of current r/l issues, and therefore shouldn't waste the Dev's time.

If it means anything coming from me, which I'm sure it doesn't since you have now seemed to mark me as your enemy, I really hope you get these issues resolved. It is never a good thing when we get so caught up or something happens in R/L that we can't take time out to enjoy the simple pleasures that we just like to have fun with.



Originally Posted by Oubliette View Post
For as a short a time as you've been with CoH, Zander, you sure do call a lot of people ignorant. Humility might suit you better.

And it's pretty clear you pop in this thread when you want to bicker... Just saying.
First off I want to start off by saying I think I have been more than understanding until you just decided to ignore the facts. After everyone told you how it works you still ignored it. You are nothing more than a troll that started a thread. That's all you have been this whole time. I was trying to give you genuine facts and you ignore them.

Also, please note that Feb 2009 is not when I started playing that game. That date is just when I decided to start joining in on forum discussions about the game. That is all that date means, nothing more and nothing less. So stop assuming things you do not know.

And also if anyone needs to be humble it is you. If you have truly been playing since 2004 how the heck do you not know the answer to the questions that I do? That makes no sense to me. Do you not by now understand how things work? You are ridiculous my friend, quite ridiculous. The question you asked would be one that someone would ask that just recently started playing the game and or hadn't kept up with what was going on. So if you really think that how long you played the game has anything to do with knowing what's going on, you are wrong. Sorry you're just wrong. You have proven that yourself. Humility might suit YOU better.

Is there anything else pointless you would like to say today?

I have had no problem with anyone on this forum being as stubborn and stuck up as you. You have continued to show that throughout this thread. It is not my fault that you don't listen to facts.

Sorry dude but go troll somewhere else!



LOL I just noticed something funny about the tags for this thread. My name and Smersh's name have been added to the tag like so Zander =/= Smersh.

What exactly is the point of this? lol Anyone want to shed some light on this one?

Edit: Ha so now there is one that says Zander == Smersh . I can assure you that's not true although we may have the same mentality on some of the subjects mentioned!



This whole thread is silly at this point.
What do we all agree on?
1) There's a group (V/L/H) that the Devs said will get into the Closed Beta for Going Rogue.
2) There's a Closed Beta on Test as we speak, Issue 17.
3) Ultra Mode is included in I17.
4) The V/L/H group was allowed to test Dual Pistols during it's CB.
5) As of now, the Devs have not said anything about the V/L/H group getting access to I17 CB, or if Demon Summoning is being tested along with I17.

Does that about sum up the relevant facts at hand?

After that it's iffy speculatory the V/L/H's getting into the I17 beta because DS is being tested. That's speculation or wishful thinking.
It certainly *could* happen, but there's nothing saying it *has* to happen, as the Devs haven't said anything about it. They haven't said that DS is being tested. If it is, there's nothing saying that the V/L/H's are getting into I17's CB just because one powerset of the GR expansion is in it.

There's no such thing as a precedent when it comes to CB tester selection, only Dev say-so.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



lolz demon summoning is being tested now. hmm makes me believe it'll be ready by early april for sure.



Well that was...without a doubt, incredibly stupid. I've never seen anyone flagrantly break an NDA with such force as to snap the moorings of reality before..not since like i9 anyway...that's assuming it's accurate even.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



a screenshot wouldve been better ............. just sayin. that is a person right there with no cares for NDA :P



To use an oft-used quote by the young people today, "true dat".

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
a screenshot wouldve been better ............. just sayin. that is a person right there with no cares for NDA :P
I believe a screenshot would have been over the line (and not what I want to see here). I believe it's not a secret that demon summoning is in test, I recall reading it myself recently from a redname. I could be wrong, my memory isn't what it once was.



Originally Posted by Oubliette View Post
I believe a screenshot would have been over the line (and not what I want to see here). I believe it's not a secret that demon summoning is in test, I recall reading it myself recently from a redname. I could be wrong, my memory isn't what it once was.
The thing is, though, it does not matter if DS is being tested with I17. There's still no statement from the Devs that the V/L/H group is getting in to I17 CB due to that.
As I've said, all we know for sure is that group gets into GR CB. You can not assume that they'll automatically get into I17 CB due to DS simply because they got into DP CB. They might, but until the Devs say, it's best to assume they won't. There's no such thing as a precedent when it comes to CB selection.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



It seems that the Admins have taken care of AlienOne's posts. Everyone keep the following in mind as we post information:

Originally Posted by Avatea: in Message Forum Rules and Guidelines
14. Posting Sensitive Information covered by a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) or Beta Testing Agreement.

Please do not post any information on these boards that refers to or is information covered by a game’s NDA or any other NDA or is proprietary information of any party. Any information about a game or third party covered by an NDA or Beta Testing Agreement that is posted will be removed and the poster may be banned from the forum. Furthermore - if the post(s) is relating to an NCsoft game beta, the post(s) will be removed, and your account of the NCsoft beta of which you broke the Beta Testing Agreement may be closed.
It's really not worth it guys! Let's not let that happen again. You are not proving someone wrong by posting information that is not official anyway. We want official facts not unofficial NDA breaking news. As far as I'm concerned until I see a redname announce it, DS is NOT in CB... are you ready for it AlienOne?... End of Story!



lol. Aliens post was deleted hastily, but imo I really doubt people that got into CB of pistols are automatically gettin into i17 CB. The CB itself seems like a huge one, so it'll probably run its full 28 day course like past CB's . I'm just sitting back patiently waiting for my pc to rip a hole in Ultra Mode. Open Beta will be here soon enough.



Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
lol. Aliens post was deleted hastily, but imo I really doubt people that got into CB of pistols are automatically gettin into i17 CB. The CB itself seems like a huge one, so it'll probably run its full 28 day course like past CB's . I'm just sitting back patiently waiting for my pc to rip a whole in Ultra Mode. Open Beta will be here soon enough.
I'm with you friend. I can patiently wait till the OB or even till live for that matter to try it. I want it, but I want it to be good I'm willing to wait for it!



Just to quickly reiterate my earlier post...

Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning (April) and Ultramode (I17) are not tied to Preatoria/GR!

The power sets are not limited to GR/Praetorian zones hence they can be released early and seperately to GR.

Yes you need to of Pre-Ordered GR to unlock them, but they are not pure GR content.

You can make Hero and Villain Dual Pistols characters, and I would assume as DS is intended for Masterminds that you could make Villain ones of these too, so thats Paragon City and Rogue Isles not just Praetoria, and the GR Praetorians.

Now Ultramode should affect the whole game but it is being released as part of Issue 17 (IIRC)

Which IMO means that GR will be mostly Praetoria the way CoV was the Rogue Isles.

Now back you your regularly scheduled argument...

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Continually reinterating your argument (which has been made by no less than 5 others in this thread) doesn't make it any more true. If anything, it hurts your position, and makes it less true, because you're trying so hard to make everyone else (and possibly yourself) believe it. I don't really think there's much of an "argument" left really, Demon Summoning, and at one point Ultra mode, were major draws of GR, and are now no longer "considered GR content", some may believe that, some may not, we shall see what happens, but I personally don't consider it "alright", though talking about it clearly doesn't get one anywhere on either side, because as always, it's "up to the devs".

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Continually reinterating your argument (which has been made by no less than 5 others in this thread) doesn't make it any more true. If anything, it hurts your position, and makes it less true, because you're trying so hard to make everyone else (and possibly yourself) believe it. I don't really think there's much of an "argument" left really, Demon Summoning, and at one point Ultra mode, were major draws of GR, and are now no longer "considered GR content", some may believe that, some may not, we shall see what happens, but I personally don't consider it "alright", though talking about it clearly doesn't get one anywhere on either side, because as always, it's "up to the devs".
They're still parts of GR. That doesn't mean they automatically have to be part of the GR beta, nor does it mean people qualified for GR beta will and should be given access to the closed beta that they are part of.

Why even get bothered if you're not part of the beta that includes them, if that beta is clearly EARLY? That means you're getting it sooner rather than later.

It's a matter of trust. If you didn't get into closed beta, do you trust the people that did? If not, then simply say so and have done with it. However from past experience in Closed Tests, the people there take their role seriously and work hard on making things right for everyone else. It really brings things down to hear people complaining about how or why they didn't get in when in most cases it's clear they're only interested in window shopping the new shinies.

Should think about how these arguments sound to the people who did get in. They're trying to do a good job, and hearing people complain is more than a little bit of a downer.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Continually reinterating your argument (which has been made by no less than 5 others in this thread) doesn't make it any more true. If anything, it hurts your position, and makes it less true, because you're trying so hard to make everyone else (and possibly yourself) believe it. I don't really think there's much of an "argument" left really, Demon Summoning, and at one point Ultra mode, were major draws of GR, and are now no longer "considered GR content", some may believe that, some may not, we shall see what happens, but I personally don't consider it "alright", though talking about it clearly doesn't get one anywhere on either side, because as always, it's "up to the devs".
Quite right. As for speculation, I feel the only good speculation that can be done at this time is:
1) The Development Team is busy hammering out bugs and are too busy to worry about this (this may be very sticky territory to state)
2) The Development Team is prepping for PAX East.
3) <more of a fact> The Development Team is attending GDC in SanFran to some degree

I don't subscribe to the "They can do whatever they want so stop mentioning their promises" mentality (not that you said that Peerless but others did). I also don't feel they've broken any promises as of yet. The HeroCon presentation was presented as fact and thus far, they've not broken any concrete promises as far as I can tell.

Not that anyone reads this when I type it, but again, the post wasn't about demanding entry into anything, is was about soliciting clarification *one way or the other* I don't care which. I repeat myself occasionally but I know there's no point in trying to keep this train on the rails. It's like making a campfire to boil water and all everyone else (with exception) wants to do is light torches and run around the forest setting things alight. Very annoying but that's the internet and especially forums.




Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post

It's a matter of trust. If you didn't get into closed beta, do you trust the people that did? If not, then simply say so and have done with it. However from past experience in Closed Tests, the people there take their role seriously and work hard on making things right for everyone else. It really brings things down to hear people complaining about how or why they didn't get in when in most cases it's clear they're only interested in window shopping the new shinies.

Should think about how these arguments sound to the people who did get in. They're trying to do a good job, and hearing people complain is more than a little bit of a downer.
As a general rule, no, I don't trust many people but myself, I've seen plenty of people who get into closed betas on reputation as "amazing testers" who do absolutely nothing except 'window shop the new shines". You are one of a few people whose opinion on such matters I would trust (Arcanaville, and BillZ being 2 others who come quickly to mind). I agree with you that it's a downer when people work their butts off testing stuff and don't feel it got them anywhere. I was rather happy and proud to spend the entirity of my time in i12 closed working on flashback testing, while everyone else was focusing on other things. About half the bugs I reported did end up getting fixed, and the other half mostly got fixed within an issue or two. (I'd still like to see that Calvin Scott TF re-added here soon though, and I know the devs have mentioned it.) I'm not in the slightest "upset" about not being in, I'll test the same way in OB that I always do during CBs, throroughly and carefully. I personally have attempted to test my best in every CB I've been part of, I've also watched the PvP community run rampant over CBs and ruin them for everyone YMMV I suppose.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Oubliette View Post
I don't subscribe to the "They can do whatever they want so stop mentioning their promises" mentality (not that you said that Peerless but others did). I also don't feel they've broken any promises as of yet. The HeroCon presentation was presented as fact and thus far, they've not broken any concrete promises as far as I can tell.
I agree with you entirely Oubliette, for the record I never accused them of breaking any promises either, I was simply pointing out that it can and will likely be misconstrued as such if long enough time passes, and that some people ar going to do it regardless, because that's the nature of internet forums.

Originally Posted by Oubliette View Post
Not that anyone reads this when I type it, but again, the post wasn't about demanding entry into anything, is was about soliciting clarification *one way or the other* I don't care which. I repeat myself occasionally but I know there's no point in trying to keep this train on the rails. It's like making a campfire to boil water and all everyone else (with exception) wants to do is light torches and run around the forest setting things alight. Very annoying but that's the internet and especially forums.

That's it exactly. Neither was I demanding entry into anything, as I've had my fair share of closed betas. I'm not opposed to more of them, especially when I actually have time to test, but I've had more than half of the ones that exist. It does rather bother me though that around these parts, so much as opening your mouth to suggest that there's a POSSIBILITY something might be misconstrued, or that people may feel a way gets a bunch of people down your thoat. I've gone so far as to be accused by some (especially since I'm fairly anti-PvP) both in CBs and otherwise as a "Dev Sympahizer", then you turn around and make a comment that MAYBE people aren't going to take certain actions well, and everyone else jumps down your throat because you're "whining", "complaining", or "demanding entry" into something. I've come to realize that's just how things work on MMO company forums, in general though. The sad thing is, CoH's forums are a fair bit better behaved than any others I've seen.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Oubliette View Post
Not that anyone reads this when I type it, but again, the post wasn't about demanding entry into anything, is was about soliciting clarification *one way or the other* I don't care which. I repeat myself occasionally but I know there's no point in trying to keep this train on the rails. It's like making a campfire to boil water and all everyone else (with exception) wants to do is light torches and run around the forest setting things alight. Very annoying but that's the internet and especially forums.

Again no offense is meant by this, but I and several others told you several times how to get the answer. The best you can do is PM a redname or wait for a redname announcement. If they do not answer your PM or announce who was in one, sadly you'll never know who was in the CB unless you yourself got in or someone from the CB told you who was in.

I also sent you a PM apologizing for getting a little too angry with you on this thread and have received no response. Is this because you don't wish to accept my apology or did you just not see that you got a PM?

In case Oubliette does not accept my apology, I hereby apologize to anyone that I may have gotten angry with in anyway shape or form. Please note that it was my understanding through some of the responses that I received from Oubliette and maybe others (I don't even remember right now) that they were just being smart with me and others and ignoring our facts that we lay out. I got heated in some of my posts and would like to apologize to all that read them or took offense to them! I sincerely mean this to all including Oubliette. Regardless of the circumstances of either party, my actions were not warranted and were uncalled for. Please excuse my actions.

We should all be in this for making new friends anyway, not enemies I hope to get to know more people on here that I can play the game with! I mean if we're not on here or in the game to have fun, then why try? Just my two cents.

I wish everyone well!



Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
Is this because you don't wish to accept my apology or did you just not see that you got a PM?... ...making new friends anyway, not enemies
I am not your "enemy" nor do I feel slighted.
I hope this puts your concerns to bed.