Fitness-less Defenders?

Adeon Hawkwood



What, if any, defender combos would you consider running Fitness-less?

Some time back I made a Cold/Dark defender. I figured that between Defenders' inherent Vigilance, Heat-loss at l32, and maybe Conserve Power with APPs, I'd be pretty well set to live a Fitness-less life if I stayed mainly in groups.

However, at 27, I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth the agony. I'm slotted heavily for end reduction with at least 1 on all my Cold Domination powers. (3 on Arctic Fog) I've been concentrating on AoE control effects from the Dark sel, and have slotted them for end reduction as well. However, I frequently never get to use them because I seem to go through my endurance using only my Cold Domination powers pretty darn skippy.

My survivability is also laughable. My AOE debuffs like Sleet and Snow Storm seem capable of peeling agro off of even the best tanks. If I'm close enough to keep the melee in my arctic fog radius, I usually have to live on greens and purples to deal single target damage.

If I were to stick it out another six levels until 32 and then slot Heat-loss for recharge, I could get it down to recharging in the neighborhood of 3 minutes. Being that I can exhaust a full bar of endurance on one group, without getting all the way through an attack chain, It doesn't seem like that will be adequate.

Either I'm doing something terribly wrong (other than assuming I can try to play a defender without Fitness) or the set is close to unplayable without Fitness.

It leaves me wondering what other people are doing with their defender builds. I've played a Sonic/Sonic to 50 without fitness, even soloing quite a bit, and it wasn't nearly so frustrating. Is Cold/Dark doable without fitness. Are any other defender combos doable without fitness?



I've never tried Cold without fitness, so I can't really comment, though I imagine the shields wouldn't help...

However, Kinetics is probably the standard "skip fitness" set. Transference at 26 means pretty much infinite endurance.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I've never tried Cold without fitness, so I can't really comment, though I imagine the shields wouldn't help...

However, Kinetics is probably the standard "skip fitness" set. Transference at 26 means pretty much infinite endurance.
Empaths is also a set you can skip fitness. Recovery aura and the fact that you can proactively buff means that you don't have to waste endurance on powers on every group to help the team.

I can imagine TA and Traps also being endurance friendly enough to play without fitness.

I've played a sonic/dark corruptor without fitness and I found it was playable, so a dark/sonic defender probably is doable as well.



I skipped Fitness entirely on my Empathy Defender and I Hover constantly and run Leadership toggles. A combination of Vigilance being a global endurance reduction, slotting heals liberally with End Redux, and popping Recovery Aura when it comes up (which is pretty quick with Hasten and 3-recharge) keeps me pretty secure in the Endurance department. And my character is by no means a heal bot, I am attacking when I am not needed to actively heal people and I still do fine. It gets a little harder when there are other Defenders that do a better job keeping the team from taking damage, because Vigilance is less useful. But that's not really a problem because I'm not stretched as thin between healing and attacking.

50s: Anaxagoras - En/En/For Blaster, Vicious Kittie - Claws/SR Scrapper, Rad. Therapy - Emp/Rad/For Defender, Anaximander - En/En/Mu Brute, Marble Vanguard - Stone/EM Tanker
Current: Vitriolic - 42 Bots/Poison MM, Aseity - 38 DB/WP Scrapper, Tai Shar - 42 Earth/Storm



That's kind of sad really. I've always thought that Defenders didn't really need fitness, but I think I got that impression from my Empathy defenders.

Just this last week I made a sonic/sonic defender, PL'd up to level 22, picked out my powers, avoided fitness... then I did my level 20 costume mission, and it was immediately clear to me that I'd made a big mistake. Granted, I hadn't really IO'd out the character yet, but endurance was going to be an issue regardless of how much reduction I slotted.

Ah well. Now I know. ^_^

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I have two defenders that don't run Fitness, one is a Kin and the other is TA/Pointy sticks. With the Kin i did have it but specced it out around lvl 30 I think, once I had transference well slotted. With the TA I never bothered. She's a Hoverer but doesn't run leadership. Only time i do have any bother is after EMP Arrow but I also have Conserve power from the Ancillary which i pop at the same time as I EMP.

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My 99% All Support Bubbler runs without Fitness. With only one attack, the first tier, and the rest all FF, Medicine, Teleportation, and Flight powers, there was no room, or point to it.



My emp is staminaless, and is my only defender at say 30 or higher without it.

I dont feel the necessity to grab it at 20, but usually pick it up between 20 and 30.

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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
That's kind of sad really. I've always thought that Defenders didn't really need fitness, but I think I got that impression from my Empathy defenders.

Just this last week I made a sonic/sonic defender, PL'd up to level 22, picked out my powers, avoided fitness... then I did my level 20 costume mission, and it was immediately clear to me that I'd made a big mistake. Granted, I hadn't really IO'd out the character yet, but endurance was going to be an issue regardless of how much reduction I slotted.

Ah well. Now I know. ^_^
DF is an end hog. It gets 3 slotted for end reduc from me.



I skipped fitness on Doctor Love, one of my earliest characters, an emp/elec with a heavy emphasis on emp (chose elec for thematic reasons, hated it, didn't want to re-roll).

I haven't played him much/at all since the days when you could perma RA so I'm not sure how feasible it would be now, but I bet the invention system would be a big help there.

Hmm, maybe time to finally get him to 50 and do a respec...

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Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
My 99% All Support Bubbler runs without Fitness. With only one attack, the first tier, and the rest all FF, Medicine, Teleportation, and Flight powers, there was no room, or point to it.
I'm sorry, but all support bubbler sounds like the most boring character imaginable. Please tell me the 4th power pool is Leadership.

I have a mostly AoE Cold/Ice that fares fairly well w/o Stamina. However, that toon does not run Snow Storm, end redux slotted in its Shields, has Health and the two Heal +end uniques, and has 20%+ ranged/aoe defense. Big teams usually make the end thing a little tricky, but usually there's some other buffer around to help balance that out.



Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
My 99% All Support Bubbler runs without Fitness. With only one attack, the first tier, and the rest all FF, Medicine, Teleportation, and Flight powers, there was no room, or point to it.
I agree. There's no point or room for such a character on any team I'm in.



I don't think any of my defenders have fitness except for my Sonics and FFs because of the big bubbles + leadership. (Every one of my defenders - and most of my controllers - have all three leadership toggles. They're pretty pricey, but manageable if you've got in-set endurance assistance, like AM/RA/Trans.)

I don't have a TA/ defender, but I'd imagine she'd be able to go staminaless since the TA stuff is pretty cheap and no heal means utilizing vigilance quite a lot.

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Well, since I have Stamina on approximately 8 characters out of the 100+ I have, I can safely answer the question...

What, if any, defender combos would you consider running Fitness-less?
All of them. Most of the characters that I play that have Stamina are melee types where I wanted to have them be able to fight non-stop for an extreme amount of time. Most of my ranged characters tend to wait for their health to come back more than their Endurance.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



So far none of my defenders have fitness, and i attack a lot. so that is a emp/elec/elec level 50, a rad/rad at level 41, and i have 2 coming up, a dark/dark and cold/sonic, but they a e only at early 20s so i cant speak on that, the dark might not make it, toggles tend to make me more likely to take fitness. oddly i find controllers a to harder to go stamina-less, my ice/storm demanded fitness.



Technically you can run almost any AT without fitness. When I used to play EQ, my shaman had to sit for multiple minutes at a time to regenerate all of her mana -- so that's a viable way to play. I just don't consider it fun. I want my characters to be able to go non-stop, so I build nearly all of them with fitness. ^_^

Some of my scrappers have stamina + inherent recovery power (regen or willpower) + physical perfection. My MA/WP scrappers all have that, and need it.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I'm not a big fan of playing Defenders honestly, but the three I've played up 'til decent levels went along just fine without it.

Dark/Electric made it to 34 or so before I decided she'd work better conceptually as a Dark/Rad, who's back to level 24. Neither has nor really needs Stamina. I attack a lot with both. Don't get me wrong, the blue bar stays less than half full most of a mission on a team, but as long as I have SOME end it doesn't matter.

Also had a TA/A who made it to 23 before I frankly got bored with the concept and lost interest in the character. She was rarely ever even close to being out of end, unless something majorly hoggy in TA came later I had no plans to dip into Fitness. I have no idea what I'd drop to get it either.

Hmm, just realized that Swift is part of Fitness, isn't it? Okay, the Dark/Rad has Swift, just isn't bothering with anything else.



My emp never had fitness stuff until IOs hit. His are slotted for sets.

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Kin/Elec defender, especially taking Elec Mastery and Power Sink.

No need for Fitness at all then theoretically but how much it would bring to the playability of the toon I don't know

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Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post
I'm sorry, but all support bubbler sounds like the most boring character imaginable. Please tell me the 4th power pool is Leadership.
Nope! Invisibility. It was one of my first mains in the game, and it was all a RP/Thematic build of a pacifist scientist. I just bubble and heal.

It SHOULD be boring.. But I find it to be alot of fun for some odd reason. I just really enjoy the character.

I also leveled a petless Mastermind to 50, so yeah.. I have plenty of patience, as do all the friends I team with.



My Rad/Ice went without for a while, my Bubbler could probably do without as well.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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My TA/Archery Defender is one of the few characters where I not only skipped Stamina, but didn't really feel any need to compensate for it with another source of recovery/endredux.

On the other end of the spectrum, my Rad/Rad burns through endurance like she's getting xp for killing it.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I can imagine TA and Traps also being endurance friendly enough to play without fitness.
Having both Rad/Traps and Arch/TA Corruptors, my answer is "hell no". Even with a Performance Shifter proc added to Stamina there is never enough endurance past level 30.

Maybe Vigilance can counteract some of that (Haven't played a Defender since issue 4 so I don't know) but I'd rather not have dependence on a inherent that only works when you're not doing your job well enough.



Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
Nope! Invisibility. It was one of my first mains in the game, and it was all a RP/Thematic build of a pacifist scientist. I just bubble and heal.
i've always been a little bothered by the pacifist who goes around helping beat people up concept. "Oh no, I could never hit anyone; I abhor violence. I'll hold him while you do it." (Or give you steroids while you do it. Or shield you from his friends' retaliation while you do it. Etcetera.)

As far as Fitness-less Defenders i've never made one work myself, but then i've never tried. i haven't played Empathy or Kinetics high enough, and i tend to play very aggressively. My FF/Rad has Fitness and still runs low, but with full Leadership, Teleportation, Flight and every available AoE attack it's easy to run through the blue, especially when the team rarely takes much damage. Basically the Fitness line and Stamina is what allows me to indulge my two-fisted aggressive Defender playstyle. Especially while solo.

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Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Having both Rad/Traps and Arch/TA Corruptors, my answer is "hell no". Even with a Performance Shifter proc added to Stamina there is never enough endurance past level 30.

Maybe Vigilance can counteract some of that (Haven't played a Defender since issue 4 so I don't know) but I'd rather not have dependence on a inherent that only works when you're not doing your job well enough.
Let me assure that defenders play quite different. As a corruptor, I tend to attack a lot more, while as a defender I concentrate on buffs/debuffs first then attack. That has a strong bearing on endurnace usage since while the buffs/debuffs can be endurance expensive, they don't have to be spammed. And on teams, vigilance does make a noticeable difference.

I have a Traps defender at 44 and while she does have fitness, I could see how she can play without it. TA, I only played up to 23, so I'm less sure of that.