Fitness-less Defenders?

Adeon Hawkwood



I've played TA and Emp to 50 without fitness. Dark and Sonic I leveled with fitness but respec'd out of it at 50.

Outside of storm, none of the defender primaries are all that demanding on your endurance. You can run a TON of toggles and still tread water as long as everything's well slotted for -end cost.

Mostly it comes down to how you want to use your secondary. Unless you have fitness or a significant +recovery buff on you, your end will bottom out after a couple attack chains.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
What, if any, defender combos would you consider running Fitness-less?

Some time back I made a Cold/Dark defender. I figured that between Defenders' inherent Vigilance, Heat-loss at l32, and maybe Conserve Power with APPs, I'd be pretty well set to live a Fitness-less life if I stayed mainly in groups.

However, at 27, I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth the agony. I'm slotted heavily for end reduction with at least 1 on all my Cold Domination powers. (3 on Arctic Fog) I've been concentrating on AoE control effects from the Dark sel, and have slotted them for end reduction as well. However, I frequently never get to use them because I seem to go through my endurance using only my Cold Domination powers pretty darn skippy.
I skipped Fitness on my Cold/Dark Defender. Now I PL'd all the way to 50 and then sunk over a billion influence into the build for massive recharge and lots of defense, so I don't know how that would have worked out had I played to 50.

But with perma hasten and near perma Heat Loss the only end redux I have is because of IO sets.

Not sure how helpful my answer is since you're going about this a different way than I did.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
...I'd rather not have dependence on a inherent that only works when you're not doing your job well enough.
While Vigilance could possibly stand a few tweaks, what the detractors tend not to note is that a sizable amount of the buff is simply from having more people on the team so large teams (which is where most Defenders shine anyways) give the Defender a bigger benefit. A much lesser known thing is that the Vigilance buff applies to pets. This includes Traps Defender getting a buff off of simply dropping an Acid Mortar, Dark Miasma summoning Dark Servant, and a Plant Controller using Carrion Creepers, especially since each Thorn Vine is counted as a separate pet.

To the original question, none of mine have Stamina but I'm eyeing Health with a little envy.



Well as others have said Kinetics can easily run without it. Traps is probably a decent candidate for it as well, the powers are slow recharging so they don't put a significant strain on your endurance.



I have run fitness-less on kin, traps, cold, TA, emp, and my Rad/Psy Unfender. The kin, cold and emp used their recovery powers to get past the loss of stamina and the TA and Traps used their debuffs in moderation when they didn't have a good bit of Vigilance. While the Rad/Psy is an Unfender he actively wants his teammates to be defeated (They are more useful that way).