New Player HELP - A few questions (COH rocks!)
Hello everyone! I just subbed for COH after wanting to play for a long, long time. Took me a few days to get used to the COH style, especially after playing CO first, but I am LOVING it!
I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer to help me on my way! 1- How do I choose / change my Global friend chat name? I was given one that is the same as my first alt toon, which I wasnt warned about. 2- Where can I go, closest to Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy Island - to buy a Raptor Pack? Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy one? 3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about? 4- If I get hover at level 6, do I have to get the flight-punch thingie before I can get flight, or can I just get flight at level 8? If not, when do I have to wait. 5- I have my first HERO on Freedom and my Vill on Virtue, anyone know of a good light/medium RP supergroup that is also into pve and all the other content I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you so much and I'll see you soon on XAOS 2.0 - Freedom, and Psikon - Virtue. p.s. - I watched the youtube video of the hero con showing "going rogue" features/gameplay, and it looks like they FINALLY fixed the run animation for our characters. Take a look and let me know if i'm seeing things, cuz in the video its a lot less like gumby running. thx |
1) If I recall correctly, there should be an option to change it somewhere in the menu, which you can get to by clicking on the word above your health and endurance bars.
2) If you run 3 scanner missions in Kings row, or 3 newspaper missions in Port Oakes you will be given a safeguard (hero) or mayhem (villain) mission. Complete the mission successfully and you will be given a Raptor Pack with 2 hours of use for free. You must do this between levels 5 and 10, however.
The only places on either side you can buy them are Grandville (villain) or Firebase Zulu (hero). Those are difficult to reach as a low level character without help though, so the safeguard/mayhem missions are probably your better bet.
3) Ouroboros (the flashback thing you heard about) is the only way to go back and run missions you've outleveled, unless you get invited to them by someone lower level who has them. You can gain access to Ouroboros at level 25. Just ask in broadcast when you hit 25 (you have to train first) if someon will open a portal for you. At the top of the arch in the zone you go to is a badge that will unlock the portal for your own use.
4) You don't have to take Air Superiority to take Fly if you already have Hover. Fly will unlock at level 14. All power pools are the same way, the first two powers can be taken any time after level 6, the third power can be taken at level 14 (you only need 1 of the first two to unlock it), the last power in the pool unlocks at level 20, and you must have ANY two of the others, it doesn't matter which two.
5) I don't have personal knowledge of SGs on Freedom or Virtue, but if you look in the forums for each server in the server section you should find a list of SGs on that server that will have some details about them and contact information.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
1- How do I choose / change my Global friend chat name? I was given one that is the same as my first alt toon, which I wasnt warned about.
2- Where can I go, closest to Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy Island - to buy a Raptor Pack? Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy one? |
Villain side, I'm not so sure.
3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about? |
4- If I get hover at level 6, do I have to get the flight-punch thingie before I can get flight, or can I just get flight at level 8? If not, when do I have to wait. |
5- I have my first HERO on Freedom and my Vill on Virtue, anyone know of a good light/medium RP supergroup that is also into pve and all the other content |
Welcome to the game. I'll see if I can answer some of these questions for you.
1 - You can change the Global Chat Handle easily, but only once. So be very sure you get it right. I believe the command is /changehandle NameYouWant.
2 - You can get the Raptor Packs in Shadow Shard (Hero) or Grandville (Villain). However, if you wait until lvl 5 (which will come very quickly) you can get one free by doing the Safeguard/Mayhem missions. These need a little extra explanation.
3 - You can do a mission at any time simply by joining somebody who is lower level than you. You will still earn xp, although you may lose some powers, depending how far down in level you drop (you keep everything up to 5 levels above the one you are playing at). At 25 you can gain access to Ouroboros, and do that flashback thing.
4 - You only need to take one of the first 2 powers in a Pool to get the third (in this case, Flight). However, the earliest you can take that 3rd tier power is 14 (and 20 for the last of the four).
5 - I can't help you with, as I play on the EU servers.
For information on the Safeguard missions to get free Raptor Pack, check out the ParagonWiki. In fact, check it out for all sorts of helpful stuff
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
Hello everyone! I just subbed for COH after wanting to play for a long, long time. Took me a few days to get used to the COH style, especially after playing CO first, but I am LOVING it!
I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer to help me on my way! 1- How do I choose / change my Global friend chat name? I was given one that is the same as my first alt toon, which I wasnt warned about. |
2- Where can I go, closest to Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy Island - to buy a Raptor Pack? Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy one? |
Redside, it is much easier, provided you have access to a VG base teleport pad for Grandville. It will drop you in a safe area, and the vendor is a only short & risk-free distance away. There is also a convenient VG base portal nearby as well, allowing you to return quickly.
You can easily get the 10K inf by selling your large inspirations from the tutorial at the consignment house. As an alternative, you can also look for cheap, rare (orange) lvl 50 recipes at WW or the BM, buy them 500 inf or so and then sell them to a NPC vendor for 10K inf.
3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about? |
4- If I get hover at level 6, do I have to get the flight-punch thingie before I can get flight, or can I just get flight at level 8? If not, when do I have to wait. |
However, if you wait until lvl 5 (which will come very quickly) you can get one free by doing the Safeguard/Mayhem missions. These need a little extra explanation.
Welcome to the game!
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy [a raptor pack]? |
First, find an Auction House- Wents heroside, Black Market villainside. Assuming you start with a handful of inf, go through the common salvage until you find high level salvage with 0 bids. Bid really really low, like 20 each, on stacks of 10. Do this until your salvage is full. Go to a store (quartermaster or... what are those guys in red and white called? I don't even remember) and sell that salvage for 250 inf each. You should now have, if you're level 7 or so, 7,500 inf or so.
Go back to the Auction House. Buy another round of salvage, and start looking for level 38+ "yellow" set recipes, as shown on this page. Again, you're looking for recipes with a lot for sale [10+] and no bids. You can sell these to a store for 100 inf per level per recipe, and you can probably buy them for 101 or 501 or 1001 each. So if you sell five recipes that you bought for 500, and you sell them for 4000 each, that's 3500*5 or 17,500 inf. Between that and the salvage you're making around 25,000 inf per run. If you can hold more recipes you make more inf.
This is boring as hell. It's also a terrible way to make inf- you can make a thousand times more inf, no exaggeration. If you are interested in how, the market forum is full of friendly advice and guides. But you can do it starting from zero, and it's impossible to lose money at it. So do it till you get half a million inf, then STOP.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
5- I have my first HERO on Freedom and my Vill on Virtue, anyone know of a good light/medium RP supergroup that is also into pve and all the other content |
Join RF2009 and Freedom Elite for your Freedom needs (dunno the Virchoo equivelent) and you can use those to ask questions, find out server information, and so on.
That said, active SGs can and still do provide valuable resources in game that can't be done by global channels (such as a more regular group of people to play your style of game, bases and base resources, and the like).
Look me up in game - feel free to add me to your global friends list by typing /gfriend @enrious and I'll see what I can do to help you out.
Support the Mentor Project -
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
I'm gonna echo join the global channels they are a godsend. Freedom Elite is actually private or some crap so your gonna need an invite to it but just send me a tell @Lucky666 or @Lucky667 in game I'll get ya an invite to it.
Rather than play the market like that, wouldn't it be easier for a lower level toon to just play the game a bit and sell their salvage? Luck charms and the like sell pretty well.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
Rather than play the market like that, wouldn't it be easier for a lower level toon to just play the game a bit and sell their salvage? Luck charms and the like sell pretty well.
I'll also add my voice to the chorus of greeters, and good for you that you're doing some planning now on how to enjoy the content in the game. There is a lot of it, and some fantastic storylines. And as others have said, if you outlevel something, there's always Ouroboros after you ding 25.

Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Few notes :
Travel Powers - In addition to fly for running the Atlas Park Safeguard/Mayhem while TRAINED UP to level 5+, you can get a Super Jump temp power for being trained up to level 10+ and running the Kings Row mission. Note, the temp power awards based on your trained up (Security or Threat Level that gets you new powers and enhancement slots) level, not your combat (DING! More Hp/Damage/etc level - you have a green arrow pointing up in the HP/End/Menu bar).
Safeguards vs. Mayhems
Biggest difference is this : Safeguards, RUN TO THE BANK. Kill the mobs inside.
Mayhem, walk to the bank, defeat mobs on the way. In mayhems, longbow spawn ambushes when you pass certain points.
For Flashback, there are some mission in this game that are not part of a story arc, nor do they give a badge. However, they still might give a nice temp power. Unfortunately for those wanting to flashback the temp powers, no badge nor a story arc means no flashback.
Welcome to the game!
We don't really RP, but if you want to find a team on either of those servers, you can also try - and we don't get jealous if you belong to other SGs as well. Although I've been told my PPD:A (paragon special forces cop) and his speech patterns (formerly brainwashed by rikti, basically) are Lethal:Very. Target:Teammates
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
The market stuff I mentioned is annoying and stupid. But you can do it when you need to, it doesn't take long, it seems fairly simple to me (not that I'm a good judge any more) and there's no way to lose money at it unless you buy salvage for more than 250 inf or recipes at more than 100 inf per level.
You probably WILL make more money selling your own salvage. Oh, I'm going to suggest that, your first time through the game, you use store-bought enhancements- TOs, DOs and SOs to use jargon - instead of playing with the invention system. Unless you get bored; inventions work a bit better than store-bought enhancements and are WAY more complex, but storeboughts work well enough.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Welcome to the Game, OP.
I'm going to toss out a few thoughts on bootstrapping a character with 0 influence.
I do this with every new character I make and it's quick and reliable.
1> Do the tutorial - it's insipid after the first couple times, but worth it.
1a> Get the two large inspirations and the 2 training enhancements.
2> Sell the training enhancements to a Trainer or Quartermaster. Inf now > 0.
2a> At the Black Market (Mercy Island or Port Oakes) or WentWorth's
(Atlas Park or King's Row), sell your two inspirations... List them for 1 each.
This, by itself, probably gets you your 10K (maybe more, maybe less).
3> At the market, open up Crafted Enhancements -> Normal (TO's, DO's and
SO's). Look at SO's at L35+ (Enhancements listing only a Single Origin). If
you see any for sale, with 0 bidding, bid 100-500 for it. If you don't buy it
immediately, cancel the bid and move on...
Odds are very good you can get a full enhancement tray of 10 of them on
the cheap in just a few minutes. Sell these to the Trainer or Quartermaster...
One pass of this should get you to the 100K range, and you're off to the races.
Steps 1-3 can be done at Level 1-2 (You're at Level 2 if you finish the
tutorial normally), and should take about 1/2 hour in total...
From then, on, I rotate into the standard Recipe Vendoring (see my sig for
a guide) approach, along with playing normal content, to get to 10-20M.
This is enough to keep your toon in fresh DO's, SO's and common IO's for
their entire career... Sets, cost a bit more, but the Recipe Vendoring method
scales well to 100M or so, which is plenty... Beyond that, you'll want to
look at additional techniques if you want the inf to buy the super shinies.
Hope that helps, and again, welcome aboard...
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Two things.
If it hasn't already been mentioned Virtue is the unofficial RP server.
There's nothing wrong with having your heroes and villains on separate servers, but it's not necessary, you may have your reasons for doing this and if so that's fine just wanted to let you know you don't have to as some think it's necessary.
Oh, Welcome!
Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute
3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about? |
Also you go to Hero Corps Field Analysts and Fortunata Fateweavers increase difficulty to increase xp (and faster xp in groups). Carefull, it can make missions too difficult for certain ATs.
Decide how fast and when you want to level.
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
2) If you run 3 scanner missions in Kings row, or 3 newspaper missions in Port Oakes you will be given a safeguard (hero) or mayhem (villain) mission. Complete the mission successfully and you will be given a Raptor Pack with 2 hours of use for free. You must do this between levels 5 and 10, however.
And, please note, that is 2 hours of actual time having the power turned on. I've had characters who still had at least one of these powers at level 40 and who never took a travel power.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Re: making some quick cash as a lowbie...
I'm gonna suggest something I wouldn't suggest in ANY other MMO, based on the kindness and "heroic" qualities of the players here.
Consider asking one of the dozens of level 50s you're going to come across, for some gifted Inf "to get you started".
A polite Tell along the lines of "Sorry to bother you, wondering if you can spare 5 or maybe 10k Inf to get me started?"
They're gonna look at your Vet badges, or lack thereof, and open a Trade screen. Chances are they'll be happy to gift you QUITE a bit more than 5k-10k.
I wouldn't do this in Wentworth's. You could give it a shot under the Atlas statue, but you're probably going to have the best luck in a more random encounter at a train station, Trainer (level-up NPC), SG base portal, etc.
I don't endorse panhandling on a larger level, but for a truely new player such as yourself, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many people (with multiple 50s and beaucoup Inf on their hands) will be more than willing to help you get the ball rolling.
The key is to ask for a small amount, and let the player feel magnanimous in giving you a LOT more than you ask for. Don't be a weenie and ask for 50k right off the bat, you won't have much luck, I guarantee.
If you ever see one of my high-level toons, I certainly will gift you. I'm @Cougarific on Freedom.
Welcome to CoX, xaosdark!
Feel free to global me as well @Imminent Violence and I'll gladly give you a bit of starter cash.
Hey there, and welcome to Paragon. Since it doesn't seem to have been mentioned, the game has a server-wide help channel, where players can ask about any sort of game-related stuff. You can talk in it with the /hc command - there should be a tab named "Help" in your chat window by default.
1} As it has already been mentioned, click "Menu", and select "Chat Handle". You can only do this once, theoretically. However, on a few occasions when global servers got borked, players received another global rename token.
2} Heroside, you can go to Peregrine via the Vanguard DPO {V icon on your map} - simply go through the portal, then turn around and go through it again. The direct route to the Firebase Zulu is a bit risky, but you can detour through the relative safety of the water and climb to Portal Court once you're close enough. As for the starter money, I would recommend Architect Entertainment. Finding a good arc to play is a bit of a hit and miss, but on the whole, you can redeem AE tickets for salvage at a pretty good rate, and cash that salvage in on the market - earnings from a few missions can easily set you up with enough influence to cover regular enhancement cost well into the Lv20-30 range.
3} Yes and no. All mission arcs and badge missions are available through Ouroboros, which you can access at Lv25. However, most contacts also have a fair share of "padding" missions, some of which grant temporary powers, which cannot be accessed once you've outleveled them. If you want, you can control your leveling progress via the "Earn XP/No XP" setting in Menu/Options.
4} & 5} have been answered better than I could.
Again, welcome to Paragon City. If you need some help in-game, you can contact me at @Quinch.
There is a lot of good advice in this thread. Just a few more things. When running missions to level try to pick story arcs when you can. You can go to Paragonwiki to see which contacts have story arcs for you. You can amass a decent amount of merits just leveling up if you do, which will come in handy later. Also, if for some reason a contact isn't open to you just run a few radio missions in the zone the contact you want is in. After you do the bank robbery mission you go to the detectives for they introduce you to new contacts. Make sure to pick the ones with story arcs. Also, whenever you have the time and inclination try to run TF's and Trials. You will be wanting as many Merits as you can muster. Later on you will be wanting IO's and some of them are very, very expensive. Find out which IO's that you want are the most expensive and buy them with Merits. It can save you 100's of millions in influence.
Also, this is generally a very helpful community. If you need help with something just ask and have a little patience. As long as you aren't obnoxious about it someone will get around to helping you with your problem. Especially if you can find your way into an active supergroup. As an example, back around Christmas I had my new controller standing around in City Hall and a lvl 50 ran by me then stopped. They said they liked my toon's look and then said it was my lucky day and handed me one million influence. and a tray full of high lvl SO's to vendor. I am not saying that will happen to you, I am just putting it out there to illustrate what a friendly community this game has.
Welcome to the game and best wishes.
Hello everyone! I just subbed for COH after wanting to play for a long, long time. Took me a few days to get used to the COH style, especially after playing CO first, but I am LOVING it!
I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer to help me on my way! |
1- How do I choose / change my Global friend chat name? I was given one that is the same as my first alt toon, which I wasnt warned about. |
2- Where can I go, closest to Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy Island - to buy a Raptor Pack? Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy one? |
You can get a jetpack by doing 3 missions from your broker (Mike the Ear or the other guy) in Port Oakes or detective in Kings Row. After you do those, you'll get a Mayhem/Safeguard mission, which grants you a temp power/buff on completion if you're in the right range. You can also buy them in Firebase Zulu (Peregrine Island) or in Grandville.
3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about? |
4- If I get hover at level 6, do I have to get the flight-punch thingie before I can get flight, or can I just get flight at level 8? If not, when do I have to wait. |

5- I have my first HERO on Freedom and my Vill on Virtue, anyone know of a good light/medium RP supergroup that is also into pve and all the other content |
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Hello everyone! I just subbed for COH after wanting to play for a long, long time. Took me a few days to get used to the COH style, especially after playing CO first, but I am LOVING it!
I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer to help me on my way!
1- How do I choose / change my Global friend chat name? I was given one that is the same as my first alt toon, which I wasnt warned about.
2- Where can I go, closest to Atlas, Galaxy and Mercy Island - to buy a Raptor Pack? Also, any tips on making 10,000 inf as fast as possible to buy one?
3- Is there any way to go back to missions you out level or will I never be able to until I get to use the flashback thing i heard about?
4- If I get hover at level 6, do I have to get the flight-punch thingie before I can get flight, or can I just get flight at level 8? If not, when do I have to wait.
5- I have my first HERO on Freedom and my Vill on Virtue, anyone know of a good light/medium RP supergroup that is also into pve and all the other content
I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you so much and I'll see you soon on XAOS 2.0 - Freedom, and Psikon - Virtue.
p.s. - I watched the youtube video of the hero con showing "going rogue" features/gameplay, and it looks like they FINALLY fixed the run animation for our characters. Take a look and let me know if i'm seeing things, cuz in the video its a lot less like gumby running. thx