Old Complaints ~or~ 'A More Perfect Superhero Simulator'

Adeon Hawkwood



My old complaint is worn and tired.

It also seems to fall on deaf dev ears, who don't explain why it can't be changed/updated, or simply wont change them.

( Sorry BaBs... truth.)
All Maps are Stale and Predictable.

All of them: Police Radio. Newspaper. Contacts.

When you know where mobs are on any given map you come across, it's time to change the d-mned map.

Put in a randomizer, change things up, SOMEthing.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
1. Bypassing the language is against the rules.
2. "Damned" is not blocked by the language filter, so bypassing the filter is kinda pointless anyways.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
1. Bypassing the language is against the rules.
2. "Damned" is not blocked by the language filter, so bypassing the filter is kinda pointless anyways.
So your post is twice as pointless since he didn't actually break the rules by bypassing language which isn't filtered in the first place.

And now I'm doing it too. Language is a virus!

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Now, if the Cimerora mish makes your framerate go down, that's different. That won't affect your actual power recharges, or generally cause your character to rubber band.
Someone once told me to turn off the display of other players' names, this helps a lot in laggy situations. I also sometimes turn my graphics down to minimum for the last two ITF maps - the game isn't pretty, but everything looks like it's moving in fast-forward. At those times I *only* get power-click lag, and get no loss of frame-rate at all. It's wonderful, if terrible to behold.

I'm seeing excellent ideas for puzzle and non-combat options here. And of course the general consensus is "Some people like the idea of puzzle games, and some people hate it." So let me ask - did everyone (or even a majority) of people have to pipe up and say they wanted PvP for it to be introduced into the game? No, it was introduced because as an MMO, I guess PvP is expected to be in the game. And given the number of examples of other games, I think it's fair to say that having non-combat XP options is a reasonable request. Obviously it would need to be done in a way that is optional - they didn't force PvP on everyone, and only people who want to participate need to. And so, there could be puzzle missions that are turn-down-able, or avoidable (maybe only specific contacts give out only puzzle missions), or what have you. I agree that people who merely want to hack and slash should be able to do so, but there should also be an option for those who want a different approach to heroing/villaining.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
All Maps are Stale and Predictable.
I just wish the devs would spend a month playing Guild Wars to see just how challenging and unique different missions can be made. Then implement a bunch of story arcs with warnings attached to them that they are hard so please don't be a whining, easymoding crybaby if you can't complete them.

Ask yourself, how many missions in CoH need a walkthrough to explain the tactics needed for victory? Yep, none. Now don't get me wrong, I love this game but it needs some variety, especially at the top end. Players, (I hope) would be much more inclined to stick around and slot their toons with IOs if they thought there was some top end content that really needed them to be at their best to complete them.

Imagine this. You get to the final AV and start the fight. All doors leading into and out of the AV room slam shut. Teleport is surpressed so team mates trapped outside cannot get in. Players inside cannot get out, (in other words you have to ensure your entire team is in the room before you aggro the AV). Seems tank and spank as usual until:

1) 1 minute into the fight, the AV places a debuff on the whole team that 50% of all damage done to the AV will be reflected back at them. The debuff lasts until they have clear mind type power recast on them or use a break free. At this point, your empath will have a panic attack.

2) 2 minutes into the fight the AV starts to spam an AoE attack that does massive damage. Only a tank having direct heals placed on them constantly will be able to take the damage. Players would have to kite him for the duration or stay out of range and directly heal the tank. At this point your scrappers have a panic attack. AoE spam lasts for 1 minute.

3) 3 minutes into the fight, the AV will let loose a cone attack that debuffs the resistances and defence of any player it hits. 100% resistance debuff to everything. Obviously this will be directed at whoever has the most aggro at the time, usually the tank. Clever teams will have to have their tank take the hit and click a lot of orange inspirations to counteract the effect or devise a strategy of having a scrapper taunt the AV at the 3 minute mark and possibly sacrifice himself. Debuff wears off after 45 seconds.

4) 4 minutes into the fight, the AV will break aggro every 15 seconds and charge the player stood furthest away at superspeed and start pounding on them until taunted back to the tank. Blasters, defenders and controllers have their panic attack.

4) 5 minutes into the fight, the team should have killed him by now. Slow teams will be punished by having all the AVs attacks become single target hits for 20,000 damage and his speed is buffed up to superspeed levels. You might be able to still kite him, but otherwise you are in big trouble and will all be killed. The doors to his room open and you can respawn at the hospital. You will need to try again.

The other complaint I have about this game is that IOs can be purchased from the market. I'd much prefer it if you could only earn them with merits and they were non-tradeable. It would give us all a reason to continue playing our toons after level 50. Whereas the current situation is this:

1) Hit level 50
2) Go to Wentworths, buy low, sell high, log off
3) Repeat 2 until you have enough inf
4) Slot your toon without doing a single mission and do it ten times faster than the poor farmers who stand with their imps outside Portal Corp.

If the Devs ever implement another method of giving toons a power hike then please make it something we can't just purchase. I'd much rather have to grind and feel like I achieved something for a lot of hard work rather than just put a few bids on.



This game definitely needs more variety in gameplay - more tilesets/maps and mission types/objectives would definitely help, but more non-combat gameplay would be a massive boon. Puzzles might give that, but they'd need to be very cleverly integrated into the game not to feel forced in.

I'd like to see more non-combat objectives added to the game. I didn't enjoy "that other superhero MMO" (TM), but it did have some good ideas in this area, such as freeing civilians from underneath rubble in the tutorial and similarly from a collapsed building on fire in their outdoor city zone - that single task made me feel more like a hero than anything in CoH has (though CoH has far superior gameplay in most other respects, imho). CoH's Steel Canyon fire event doesn't go far enough - it would be much better if players could enter an instance/lobby via the burning building to free civilians trapped by fires and underneath rubble, with the ongoing danger of the building exploding/collapsing. Now make the fires able to happen in any urban zone, let the fire itself be extinguished by many more powers (e.g. Hand Clap, Gale/Hurricane, etc. - maybe allow "Fire" powerset characters to absorb/re-direct fire - maybe let fire attacks have a knockback effect on "fire" objects so with good positioning you can clear the way to trapped civilians) and have a fire station in each zone where extinguishers are freely available for other heroes to get. You could also have crashed cars on fire in outdoor zones (multiple car pile-ups in Skyway?) that could be put out, with civilians trapped underneath/inside that could be rescued.

Also at one point in "that other superhero MMO" I found a crashed truck with ping-pong balls spilling out of the back and I had to find the factory/warehouse they had come from (which was across the street), which led into a single room warehouse instance that was an ambush - not massively challenging/complex, but it did briefly make me feel like I was following up clues in a Batman-style investigation. I can't recall if it was part of the same mission chain, but another mission featuring the same villain in that area led to a confrontation with him inside a small TV studio instance, where he was issuing demands and where the player hero had to rescue TV executives/staff - it was really atmospheric, moreso than many of our dungeon-like instances here, even though it didn't last long.

I'd love to see outdoor zones being used more in quests here (but not for hunt missions ) - try to encourage investigation, exploration and heroes going on patrol. Something else "that other superhero MMO" had was missions/quests that you could find in outdoor zones, as a reward for exploring - you'd get contacted on your personal communicator while moving around the city (basically a heads-up that there was a mission nearby). I'd love to receive missions more dynamically here, whether from Statesman or Lord Recluse phoning my character personally to offer them a task, or missions I need to find in outdoor zones that are triggered by events that can happen at random locations. It would help to break up the routine of traipsing from contact to contact in the same old way that we've always done.

Maybe have bank/shop robberies happening in outdoor zones occasionally, revealed only by a few police cars outside the door and maybe an audible alarm when you're nearby. If no hero enters the bank/shop (into a lobby or instance where they could stop the robbers) then have a getaway car leave and drive recklessly around the zone's roads for a few minutes, which heroes could intercept and stop (and then maybe click on a nearby lamp-post to hang the criminals up for the police to find, Batman/Spiderman-style). By comparison villains could be pro-active and rob banks/shops, maybe discovering an item in the vault that could lead them on to other missions.

And why would players want to do these outdoor events? To unlock new content. My preferred solution would be that completing one of these outdoor dynamic events (stopping a mugging or those gangers that are trying to break into cars/buildings, rescuing civilians from fires/accidents, catching bank/shop robbers, etc. - or for villains: robbing banks/shops, destroying police cars, robbing security trucks, intimidating/kidnapping lawyers/officials, etc.) would reward you with "rumours" - dropped salvage-like items, in one of 3 types - Locations, Events & Perpetrators. Combining 3 "rumours" of the same type (e.g. 3 "Laboratory Location" or 3 "Cave Location" rumours, 3 "Kidnap Event" or 3 "Theft Event" rumours, 3 "Hellion Perpetrator" or 3 "Council Perpetrator" rumours, etc.) might create 1 "clue" of that type, but there would be a chance of failure for this, representing those times when the "rumours" turned out to be false or unconnected, causing your investigation to fail. Player heroes would also be able to trade "rumour" salvage in a trade window (but not on the auction house) to represent heroes pooling their resources to jointly investigate crimes.

Once you had 3 clues of different types (i.e. 1 Location clue, 1 Event clue and 1 Perpetrator clue) you could go to certain city locations (university library, PPD stations for heroes, Arachnos buildings/forts for villains, or inside your SG base for a Batcave-style feel, etc.) to combine them into a successful investigation, which would then give you an instanced mission set in a randomised zone on the same tileset as the Location clue's type, with the same objective to stop as the Event clue, against the same enemy group named on the Perpetrator clue. For villains, instead of investigating crimes to stop like the heroes do, they would be investigating whether certain schemes are viable for them to carry out (e.g. a "Laboratory Location" + "Experiment Event" + "Crey Perpetrator" could indicate your villain had found out where a new experimental weapon had been developed by Crey, which they could steal to sell to Arachnos for profit or to grant a temp power to themselves). Just defeating spawns in outdoor zones could also give a small chance of a "rumour" piece dropping (to simulate you getting information from one of the thugs you arrested, or if you're a villain torturing it out of them or them offering it in exchange for you sparing their life), to make outdoor hunting a bit more viable and atmospheric.

You could even have these clue-unlocked missions counting towards the number of newspaper/radio missions you needed to unlock mayhem/safeguard missions, leading to an NPC contact referral, so players in a rush could just do newsies/radios, and players who wanted a more dynamic/atmospheric experience could use the rumour/clue system. This might not give us any new mission types - indeed I suspect to provide enough content for such a system the Devs would have to clone/copy some existing one-off missions from elsewhere in the game (such as radio/newspaper missions, or one-off missions from story contacts), but the more dynamic yet guided way in which the content was unlocked, making heroes/villains feel more proactive rather than just working for NPCs, would add a lot of variety to the game and help to break up the monotony/repetitiveness that is often this game's worse enemy. It would also make players feel more like the heroes/villains in combat books and give you a reason to participate in zone-based content you have outlevelled (heroes just walking past a mugging because they won't get xp for defeating the muggers just seems wrong - but if they had a chance of getting rumour salvage from that encounter then there would be another reason for intervening beyond RPing a moral/ethical one).

It would just be nice to have a chance to move a bit further away from the "get mission from NPC, complete mission, rinse & repeat" pattern that CoH has inherited from the 1st & 2nd generation fantasy MMORPGs and get a bit closer to a comic book type of atmosphere.



One thing I always wanted to see is Car riding (via Spiderman on the roof of the car)! Make it possible to stand on the car or truck but you wobble and could slide off. Stay on the car long enough, x amount of miles; and get a Suffers badge!

A Summer Pool like local for the Pocket D. Like the ski lodge it be only open for the summer have a large pool to swim in and perhaps a water slide.

AS for mini puzzle games! There slot machines and arcade style games all around have the games tied to that. Character walks up to the machine and player clicks it. Then a screen opens up and you play the game. THIS makes it an option to play and not a requirement. For an added treat allow betting just a small amount. Maybe not but why would villains say no to a bet?



Just had another thought, but I don't want to keep editing my last post to add it - if the Devs could implement a rumour/clue system like I described, but weren't able to budget for enough developer time to create the missions for it, then they could throw it open as a competition for the playerbase to create missions in the mission architect that could satisfy each of the rumour/clue mission combinations they needed - then Dr Aeon (the redname Dev, not the NPC) could pick which ones get used. This could be an ongoing thing with new missions (and clue/rumour salvage to support the factions/objectives in them) being added each week/month to expand the system.



Originally Posted by Draxion_EU View Post
Imagine this. You get to the final AV and start the fight. All doors leading into and out of the AV room slam shut. Teleport is surpressed so team mates trapped outside cannot get in. Players inside cannot get out, (in other words you have to ensure your entire team is in the room before you aggro the AV). Seems tank and spank as usual until:

1) 1 minute into the fight, the AV places a debuff on the whole team that 50% of all damage done to the AV will be reflected back at them. The debuff lasts until they have clear mind type power recast on them or use a break free. At this point, your empath will have a panic attack.

2) 2 minutes into the fight the AV starts to spam an AoE attack that does massive damage. Only a tank having direct heals placed on them constantly will be able to take the damage. Players would have to kite him for the duration or stay out of range and directly heal the tank. At this point your scrappers have a panic attack. AoE spam lasts for 1 minute.

3) 3 minutes into the fight, the AV will let loose a cone attack that debuffs the resistances and defence of any player it hits. 100% resistance debuff to everything. Obviously this will be directed at whoever has the most aggro at the time, usually the tank. Clever teams will have to have their tank take the hit and click a lot of orange inspirations to counteract the effect or devise a strategy of having a scrapper taunt the AV at the 3 minute mark and possibly sacrifice himself. Debuff wears off after 45 seconds.

4) 4 minutes into the fight, the AV will break aggro every 15 seconds and charge the player stood furthest away at superspeed and start pounding on them until taunted back to the tank. Blasters, defenders and controllers have their panic attack.

4) 5 minutes into the fight, the team should have killed him by now. Slow teams will be punished by having all the AVs attacks become single target hits for 20,000 damage and his speed is buffed up to superspeed levels. You might be able to still kite him, but otherwise you are in big trouble and will all be killed. The doors to his room open and you can respawn at the hospital. You will need to try again.
This doesn't so much require 'tactics' as it requires 'knowing exactly what happens and how to avoid/counter it.' If, for example, you took in a team with a few scrappers, it sounds like they'd be hitting the floor around the 2 minute, 3 second point unless forewarned. The 1 minute point debuff would be trivial if you brought a character with the right Clear Mind clone, a full team stop if not. I'd like to put forth the theory that any content that a well-built, well-coordinated team of veterans is practically guaranteed to fail without trial and error is bad content.

Of course, this is assuming the AV would be built to be able to get all this stuff off. Killing a normal AV in less than a minute can be trivial for a team of 8.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I don't think a tetris-like game was what was suggested.
And I don't think that everyone who plays a certain game will jump onto the Internet to look up walk-throughs and cheat codes. There are people who actually do try to pay the game without looking up the answers or secrets. Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
This doesn't so much require 'tactics' as it requires 'knowing exactly what happens and how to avoid/counter it.' If, for example, you took in a team with a few scrappers, it sounds like they'd be hitting the floor around the 2 minute, 3 second point unless forewarned. The 1 minute point debuff would be trivial if you brought a character with the right Clear Mind clone, a full team stop if not. I'd like to put forth the theory that any content that a well-built, well-coordinated team of veterans is practically guaranteed to fail without trial and error is bad content.

Of course, this is assuming the AV would be built to be able to get all this stuff off. Killing a normal AV in less than a minute can be trivial for a team of 8.
Yes thank you, exactly. Draxion's idea not only requires a specific team build (something the Devs have tried to avoid), it would also have one specific strategy that a team of 8 people would need to either look up online, or face frustration until they solved it. At least with the Hamidon encounter you have up to 50 people (some of whom have probably done it before, and will take the lead), and the "requirements" are that you have both melee and ranged damage - not specific powers, power sets, or ATs. And Hamidon is the single largest encounter in the game, to which an 8-person AV fight cannot be compared.

I'd like to see more complex AV fights (rather than the "bag of HP" fights, as others have described), but I don't think Draxion's idea as described would be anything other than frustrating, and would result in the exclusion of specific ATs/power-set choices.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Rather than puzzles, I think tasks where each member of the team has to do something would be better - like the missions where you have to click glowies at the same time - only more complex - although that might not be so good for solo players
I like this idea more than puzzles. In fact, I've been wracking my brain for a way to make a crafted mission force you to do something like this, such as send one team to unlock a door that a second team has to get through and finish the mission within a time limit.

Honestly, most of the suggestions made for using puzzles to implement non-combat activities, such as picking locks, defusing bombs, and bypassing spawns, sound very much like the Super Secret Out Of Combat System which was brought up so long ago. We never got much detail about what exactly was tried, but we were told specifically that "It Wasn't Fun (TM)".

So assuming that puzzles were involved, the devs either lacked the ability to design interesting puzzles, or they found them too tedious and disruptive compared to the rest of gameplay. Not to say that that was the interface, but I know that it was suggested.

I do like the idea of randomizing the maps, and zone events or encounters that can unlock missions. The latter already exists, though, in the form of unlockable Contacts, although that's only on redside and the unlock process is considerably simpler and can be posted as a walkthrough. If the process were more complex, however, and involved non-combat content such as rescues and fire fighting, it might make that content more popular. I particularly like the idea of "crafting" unlocks from clues collected from encounters, although again that was a suggestion posted for the SSOOCS.

And in passing and just to bring it up, I'll point out an old game I used to mention back in Beta days called Murder on the Zinderneuf. This could be a good example about how to drop randomized Clues. Such randomization can never truly be random, though, and the same goes with maps. A truly random map would never go anywhere.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
My old complaint is worn and tired.

It also seems to fall on deaf dev ears, who don't explain why it can't be changed/updated, or simply wont change them.
( Sorry BaBs... truth.)
All Maps are Stale and Predictable.

All of them: Police Radio. Newspaper. Contacts.

When you know where mobs are on any given map you come across, it's time to change the d-mned map.

Put in a randomizer, change things up, SOMEthing.
To be honest, I'm actually less concerned about the fact that the maps are predictable, than I am that 95% of the time the maps make no sense.

And you can't say that the reason why they make no sense is because the point is to force players to explore. In old school PnP games there were two kinds of maps. The random, twisty, explorey maps where the point was to explore and there were actual things to find. And regular buildings, like castles, which at least attempted to look like functional structures. Most of the maps are random twisty maps just to require players to navigate random twisty maps. They usually don't have a spectacular pay off room that rewards explorers, and they usually imply that the Rikti killed all the architects in the first Rikti War.

I would occasionally like to enter an office building that doesn't look like a scene from Being John Malkovich. And to be honest, when the building layouts are actually logical, it actually makes players *think* more: if this is the lobby, does that mean the elevators are that way; if I want to get to the storage rooms, would they be in the back of the building? Random layouts just make me think "run real fast and kill everything." I rarely even have the sense of being in a building so much as a concrete hedge maze with elevators.

And it isn't that I'm unaware of *all* the game implementation issues here when I say this. But I will feel slightly disappointed if Going Rogue shows me amazingly detailed architecture rendered in stunning Ultra Mode, and the inside of every single building looks like the corporate edition of the Winchester Mystery House.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To be honest, I'm actually less concerned about the fact that the maps are predictable, than I am that 95% of the time the maps make no sense.
I always did wonder who keeps hiring the architect that thinks it's a good idea to make elevators that only go between two floors, and put them on opposite sides of the building.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I always did wonder who keeps hiring the architect that thinks it's a good idea to make elevators that only go between two floors, and put them on opposite sides of the building.
Or even an elevator that I have to go up and down several flights of stairs to get to.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
If you make puzzles to hard people will log off.
(this is a casual friendly game)
If you make puzzles to easy... People wonder why you bothered.
I mean?! Couldn't that developement time been used doing something better?

In order to find the correct difficulty for the puzzle I think it would take more time than it is actually worth. Especially when you have people buggin over weather or animated hair. 2 things I think get dull after 5 minutes.

But with puzzles, they are only but so fun til they lose their awesomeness.

Puzzles that need to be completed in order to get exp suck. Do not want.

Puzzles that unlock costumes pieces suck. Do not want...

Puzzles to stand around and do with your friends in pocket d? maybe.
I never go into pocket d, unless an event is going on thoe.
>.< Casual games don't have to be easy all the time. Casual games don't have to have instantaneous rewards all the time. Casual games don't mean that players shouldn't be expected to have to work for a reward. Casual games don't imply that all possible rewards should be available to you. People that play casually don't care about the rewards as much as more hard-core folks (hence the use of casual). If they cared, they'd play more and earn the loot.

Why does everything in this game have to be accessible to everyone at every time? Why not reward someone for using their brains once in a while instead of their twitch skills, or their ability to click powers in the correct order to not die?

Something in the game that you might fail at once in a while that's not PvP? Oh, no! Heaven forbid we should have to be inadequate once or twice, and maybe try a different tactic the next time. If they're going to go this route, with puzzle-based content, it shouldn't all be optional, otherwise it will just be ignored by all but the diehards. See Gladiator matches for an example that's already in the game. It was a decent idea, but poorly implemented, and utterly optional once you collect the few badges associated with them, and no one does them.

Make content have a reward worth obtaining. The harder the task, the bigger the reward.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
My old complaint is worn and tired.

It also seems to fall on deaf dev ears, who don't explain why it can't be changed/updated, or simply wont change them.
( Sorry BaBs... truth.)
All Maps are Stale and Predictable.

All of them: Police Radio. Newspaper. Contacts.

When you know where mobs are on any given map you come across, it's time to change the d-mned map.

Put in a randomizer, change things up, SOMEthing.
If we attempted to answer every question or concern directed our way, we'd 1) fail and 2) not have any time to actually work on the actual game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To be honest, I'm actually less concerned about the fact that the maps are predictable, than I am that 95% of the time the maps make no sense.

And you can't say that the reason why they make no sense is because the point is to force players to explore. In old school PnP games there were two kinds of maps. The random, twisty, explorey maps where the point was to explore and there were actual things to find. And regular buildings, like castles, which at least attempted to look like functional structures. Most of the maps are random twisty maps just to require players to navigate random twisty maps. They usually don't have a spectacular pay off room that rewards explorers, and they usually imply that the Rikti killed all the architects in the first Rikti War.

I would occasionally like to enter an office building that doesn't look like a scene from Being John Malkovich. And to be honest, when the building layouts are actually logical, it actually makes players *think* more: if this is the lobby, does that mean the elevators are that way; if I want to get to the storage rooms, would they be in the back of the building? Random layouts just make me think "run real fast and kill everything." I rarely even have the sense of being in a building so much as a concrete hedge maze with elevators.

And it isn't that I'm unaware of *all* the game implementation issues here when I say this. But I will feel slightly disappointed if Going Rogue shows me amazingly detailed architecture rendered in stunning Ultra Mode, and the inside of every single building looks like the corporate edition of the Winchester Mystery House.
A fine example of how two players have two completely polar, and opposite desires for content. One wants more unpredictable, random maps...the other wants maps with more carefully planned, and logical layouts.



BaB, do me a favor and slap the Marketing team please.

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



Originally Posted by Anti_Product View Post
BaB, do me a favor and slap the Marketing team please.
Concerning what exactly?

I could just go in and slap them and be perfectly content...but it might help if I can scream something at them while the slapping action happens.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
>.< Casual games don't have to be easy all the time. Casual games don't have to have instantaneous rewards all the time. Casual games don't mean that players shouldn't be expected to have to work for a reward. Casual games don't imply that all possible rewards should be available to you. People that play casually don't care about the rewards as much as more hard-core folks (hence the use of casual). If they cared, they'd play more and earn the loot.

Why does everything in this game have to be accessible to everyone at every time? Why not reward someone for using their brains once in a while instead of their twitch skills, or their ability to click powers in the correct order to not die?

Something in the game that you might fail at once in a while that's not PvP? Oh, no! Heaven forbid we should have to be inadequate once or twice, and maybe try a different tactic the next time. If they're going to go this route, with puzzle-based content, it shouldn't all be optional, otherwise it will just be ignored by all but the diehards. See Gladiator matches for an example that's already in the game. It was a decent idea, but poorly implemented, and utterly optional once you collect the few badges associated with them, and no one does them.

Make content have a reward worth obtaining. The harder the task, the bigger the reward.

What? I said this game is casual friendly, meaning most people I know that are casual dont want to bash their face against their keyboard over and over just to complete a puzzle to get X reward. That is more of a headache than just playing the game.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To be honest, I'm actually less concerned about the fact that the maps are predictable, than I am that 95% of the time the maps make no sense.
I whole heartedly agree (and RedLetterMedia is hilarious, for anyone who has time to kill you can spend hours laughing your butt off to his stuff!) The buildings make no sense what so ever. (How many labs/warehouses have long hallways that lead to nothing but a dead end with nothing in it? *boggle*) Does that detract from my enjoyment of the game? I dunno, I haven't played an MMO that had realistic floor plans, but I do know that it affects my behavior. I don't search the teeny side-rooms because I know there's nothing and no one important in there. I know I can skip certain areas because they never hold an objective.

Honestly I don't understand why we can't have more realistic maps. I've worked at several locations that would make fine (and interesting, and challenging) mission maps. I think using more realistic maps would also help prevent people from getting lost, and would be easier to "mix it up" as far as glowie/boss placement. The only "restriction" is that each floor would have to be roughly the same shape, and elevators would be able to access all floors. But since the main boss could be on the middle floor, you'd still actually have to search!

I'll add that to my list of "nice to have"s ;]



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Concerning what exactly?

I could just go in and slap them and be perfectly content...but it might help if I can scream something at them while the slapping action happens.
Go and slap them because we just sit around waiting for news of Going Rogue... or frankly Anything... Anything.

No news is boring.



We could use more than a saltine crackers worth of info on the coming plans. A little snippet of something to come perhaps? We got your back if they try anything man. Most of us have been here for years and know how they like to starve us of info.

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
A fine example of how two players have two completely polar, and opposite desires for content. One wants more unpredictable, random maps...the other wants maps with more carefully planned, and logical layouts.
Are you suggesting that there aren't enough logical floor plans in existence to make entering a mission more random/unpredictable? So you could walk into any single-family home in the country and know exactly where the bathroom (glowie) is, and exactly where to find the homeowner (boss)?

I love designing floor plans, I can think of plenty of creative layouts for office buildings that provide a realistic environment, while still producing a challenge to anyone who wants to find an object or boss.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Go and slap them because we just sit around waiting for news of Going Rogue... or frankly Anything... Anything.

No news is boring.
I would be happy with just a couple of screen shots that we can oooh and awww about.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill