Old Complaints ~or~ 'A More Perfect Superhero Simulator'

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Perhaps this will suffice: Clickies
Wow, (insert random developers name here) has realy let him/herself go. :P



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Did I miss anything?
The Sewers, particularly The Abandoned Sewers, have a trial but no real story otherwise. Some missions or contacts of some kind there would be cool.

Also, I would dearly love for the Shadow Shard to have some kind of revamp. As it is, it's mostly empty. The only reason anyone goes there are the TFs, and even then they are sadly lacking and in need of a major revamp. What about the other four aspects of Rularuu that you never see in the game? And for that matter, Rularuu himself? I know he appeared in an SG trial ages ago that was taken out due to abuse but there's bound to be some way to bring him back.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What concerns me, however, is how the Devs dont seem to ever go back to old content. Or if so (Hollows, Faultline, Cape mish) it's very, very rarely. This whole emphasis on 'New shinies!' often leaves a lot of the older content, literally, in the dust.
Yeah this bothers me too and is a major reason why my linked list of L50s in my signature has 14 villains but only 3 heroes - the hero content just feels so bland and outdated to me, with contacts that have no personalities, that I just can't develop much attachment to hero-side characters or motivate myself to play blueside content - to the point where I'd actually prefer to do the redside content for the 25th time (or probably the 100th time for sub-L20 content) rather than the blueside content for the 5th time (or probably the 25th time for sub-L20 content).

The Hollows, Faultline, Striga, Croatoa and co-op stuff like Cimerora and RWZ are notable highlights for me on blueside (as they are more CoV-like in storytelling and gameplay quality, being revamped/released just before or just after CoV), but by comparison they just make the pre-I2 content look so old/bad. Plus by making sure I hit those "highlights" almost every time I play a blueside character (and I have quite a few hero characters stalling in the L15-35 range atm, usually after using double xp to get through the first 20 levels) it just makes blueside feel even less special, as I'm forcing my characters into taking the same journey through the game each time - yes it's not ideal, and self-inflicted to a certain degree, but it's still preferable to playing through the pre-I2 content with bland stories and randomised mission doors all over the city - my old PC loads zones quite slowly, so that's a further incentive to play CoV or only the story-based zones in CoH where you change zones a lot less.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hell, even the New Cape mission has a HUGE error in it. The mission is meant to be in the same building "Just down the hall" (quote from the actual contact)...instead you get send across the park to some random, non-descript building. The door in the City Hall is THERE, its gets used in the Villain 5thSF, so....WHY in the name of common sense did they chose not to use it?! Oo
I suspect that would either be blamed on programming or internal miscommunication - probably the former so that it could be handwaved with "standard code rant applies" and "we'll look into fixing it when we can"

Tbh that would probably be a lower priority "bug" than the mission door in Mercy where the map shows the correct location, but the in-game arrow points to the wrong location - and that's been broken for 4.5 years



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
I suspect that would either be blamed on programming or internal miscommunication - probably the former so that it could be handwaved with "standard code rant applies" and "we'll look into fixing it when we can"
From what the devs have said before, I think it is a bit difficult for them to mark a new door in a zone as being available for transitions.

So while doors exist in City Hall, since they weren't enabled for transitions to missions before, it's not going to happen now. The easiest thing for a dev to do is have the game randomly select a door from the list of zone doors, and that's what is happening.

Tbh that would probably be a lower priority "bug" than the mission door in Mercy where the map shows the correct location, but the in-game arrow points to the wrong location - and that's been broken for 4.5 years
From what I understand about how it all works, that bug should be relatively easy to fix. Just specify that the mission select another specific door in the zone.

Having said that, Mercy has a lot of special purpose doors, and not many general purpose doors. They've got the snake holes, the water treatment plant, Ghost Widow's tower, a sewer entrance, a boat on the pier, a van, a casino, and a bank. I'm not sure how many office or warehouse doors they can pick from.

Still, any functional door would be better than a non-functional door.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I was fighting Crey last night and laughing at how the guys would shoot at me once and then run up to pistol-whip me. Does Countess Crey only give these guys one bullet each?
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's probably to make it easier for melee players.
Which is disappointing for the fact that at those levels melee can handle itself and doesn't need for things to be made easier in most circumstances.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The trouble is people have said this time and time again even to Positron's virtual face during the Euro test server Q&A session in Pocket D. It honestly seems like Positron doesn't quite have any understanding of why the early game needs a revamp.

I asked him this very question and his response was, "wouldn't you prefer a new zone over a revamped zone?"

He honestly couldn't see the value in revamping the crappy hazard zones (of which there are many infact...aren't ALL of them which haven't been revamped beyond pointless now?). He did explain that a Faultline/RWZ style revamp takes nearly as much time as creating a new zone.

However the big WoW shaped Gorilla in the corner is going "Yeah...our vanilla content was kind of crappy, you know what, next expansion we're doing a huge revamp of it all!"

The old crappy zones make a poor impression on new players and slapping more and more new zones down merely makes the original crappy zones look even worse but it's like talking to a brick wall at times...
WoW:Cataclysm may prove to be a real game-changer for the industry, considering how much influence Blizzard have. Zone revamps aren't new - CoH has had them, EverQuest too - but as usual Blizzard takes an idea that other MMOs have pioneered, they optimise it, expand it, then polish it til it shines - improve, not innovate - and for the next five years we'll have to suffer millions of WoW fanboys accusing every MMO that has a zone revamp of "copying WoW"

I'm not saying WoW copied CoH in this case (like I suspect they did with dual builds ), but they excel at taking existing ideas further, to their logical conclusion (i.e. revamp ALL outdated content instead of just one zone) - the advantage of deeper pockets and more subscribers, I guess.

I don't think our Dev team are influenced by WoW - CoH is one of the few MMOs you can say isn't really that derivative of the WoW/EQ style (despite DIKU-like roots) - but maybe Cataclysm's influence on industry thinking could eventually make Positron reconsider his stance on "new zones, not revamps".

Like you imply, Posi seems to underestimate the underwhelming effect that old zones (and missions and TFs) have on new/trial players, who may not make it past that bland/tired content to subscribe so that one day they can reach the newer shiny content. It's a losing proposition at a time when older MMOs like ours need to be converting trials into new subs to survive and hopefully grow.

Admittedly if GR is content-heavy then it may not matter, especially if new/trial players get pushed towards Praetoria as a start location, and if Praetoria can function as a Paragon replacement for most of the level range (and with lots of new TFs at all levels for both heroes/villains) then Paragon could be sidelined, though lore-wise that would be a shame. Heck, if that happens then, taken together with the ultra-mode gfx improvements, I think NCSoft's PR department would be within their rights to call GR a "relaunch" of CoH - combine the EU/US server lists, maybe add a new server, make a big marketing push, get fansites involved, etc. Just try to avoid releasing GR in the same quarter as Cataclysm, or we'll get drowned in the avalanche of praise/hatred bestowed on that

Either way we need a a big mission content addition, what with so few new Dev-created arcs/missions being added since the RWZ revamp in I10. If Going Rogue turns out to be content-light in terms of missions then I'll be so gutted. Sure, GR's content will probably show up the older content in an even worse light than before, but as long as it has tons of fresh content to keep us busy then it will hopefully keep both existing subscribers and trial players distracted from the blandness of the pre-I2 content for a good long while.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post

* The market interface in general needs an overhaul, badly. Trying to load the entire database when you click on the market contact has made me mapserve or crash entirely more than a few times, and I'm not exactly on a bad connection or old machine either. Despite efforts to fix some nagging issues, there are IOs with different names between the recipe and crafted varieties which can cause confusion and makes it harder to search. The search feature at the market could be expanded and more utility added - for example, when I click on a recipe to see what it's selling for, I could have another pane showing me what the crafted enhancement is selling for and what the salvage required to make it is selling for (and whether I have any of that salvage on-hand).

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I have slightly slow loads but the market is something I fear going to now because it takes 8 minutes for me to load the thing when few people are there. It wasn't to bad when it first came out but as more stuff has been added and people use it more often I have gone to DCing or mapserving 1/2 the time and when it does DC or map it takes 20-30 minutes if I don't close it with task manager.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I always did wonder who keeps hiring the architect that thinks it's a good idea to make elevators that only go between two floors, and put them on opposite sides of the building.
I just think that it's an anti-war planning, if the Rikti ever get back, then the entire city is build to defend house to house infighting.

Just like the ol' time castle mazes

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
We don't let female toons smoke because we have a commitment to focus upon their healthy ... lungs.

And it protects thier on shoulder puss cats from the smoke ... :/

Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Wow, (insert random developers name here) has realy let him/herself go. :P
aww its been deleted

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):