If I Sat at Posi's Desk, thoughts from a Veteran Player.

Adeon Hawkwood



I know the Devs are currently busy as hell with Rogue, but maybe they have a few minutes to peruse the Forums now and then. I don’t know if these ideas have been suggested before, I’ll assume some of them have. So with that in mind, here are a few thoughts, observations and suggestions from a veteran of almost 5 years. In completely random order:

1.) Fly is too slow, it should be at least as fast as Super Jump or Super Speed, please.

2.) Jacobs Ladder animation is too slow.

3.) Crey Pistol accolade power is pathetic, either increase it’s availability or give it some power or better yet… both.

4.) Mission Transporter power could have it’s recharge cut in half, a 2hr recharge is just ridiculous, better yet make it 30mins.

5.) Do away with Falling damage, I didn’t realize how much more powerful my characters felt until I dropped 300’ down over the edge in the ski zone to a mission door and took no damage.

6.) After level 15 you should only receive DO’s and after level 25 only SO’s as Enh drops.

7.) Do away with Trains as a means of inter-zone transportation, in a superhero game this is just … well I can’t even begin to say. Train stations could be converted to Tele-portal stations, like a scaled down mini version of Portal Corp only no clicking on it, pick a portal by the sign over the portal off you go, you’d just walk into it. If you have a mission selected in your Nav, any portal would automatically take you to that mission’s zone.

8.) Independence Port needs to be zoned better in mission descriptions, divide the zone into Indy North, Indy Terra Volta and Indy South. The whole zone is just shy of 3 miles long, presumably if your contact knows where the mission is they should be able to tell you what section of the zone as well.

9.) Contact cell phones need to be issued after the first mission, almost every contact you have is a referral or has already asked to work with you, why on earth would they not trust you enough to give you their number up front, isn’t time supposed to be of the essence ?

10.) There needs to be a Badge for taking out Snipers.

11.) There needs to be a Badge for rescuing people on the street, either that or tie these rescues into character reputation somehow.

12.) Winter Event Present Inspiration rewards, I wouldn’t mind having fewer drop but actually have them do something special, like Cap an ability for 20-30mins, maybe you can only have 2 things capped at any given time. Maybe a temporary power like SS, SJ or TP Friend or even a Temp Store where you can trade in so many presents for a Temp Power your char would normally not be able to have. It’s only a few weeks a year, lighten up.

13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow, range at 80’ is ridiculous, speed up the animations, increase the range to 100’ and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.

14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?

15.) The Devs need to monitor the Market better, there are whole segments of the market that have ZERO product available. When this happens for an extended period the game should automatically dump some product into the market, or better yet the game should increase the drop rates on the recipes that have depleted themselves. What good is an Invention system that offers nothing to invent?

16.) The Archery set desperately needs a bow based melee attack, and I don’t mean a pansy Stun, I mean a swing-your-your-bow-like-a-staff-whack-attack that does decent damage maybe even some knockdown or knock back. ( if you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you know what I mean).

17.) Dump Base rent, it’s dumb.

18.) How about a Dark Astoria Task Force that culminates in the fog being temporarily lifted from the whole zone for the members of the TF only for say, 12hrs?, along with a reobtainable (like Shivans) To Hit or Perception bonus. It’s a beautiful zone, and I bet most players have NEVER seen it.

19.) Increase the size of Giant Monsters to GIANT size. I want to see these menaces from half a zone away!, and give ‘em some crazy knock back that sends you flying a couple of blocks away when they whack ya. I’m talking about the scale of the giant mech-man in the Hess Task Force. It shouldn’t be “Where is AV So-N-So?”, it should be “Holy *&%^#$ !! This is gonna be amazing!”

20.) Now this one might be controversial but, character’s power should scale with age, I know it kinda does, but what I mean is, a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year. I don’t know numbers, but say a 1 or 2% increase per month after the 1st year of becoming level 50 would be the best “Veteran Power” benefit I can think of, these percentages could go into a bank that you redistribute to specific attributes of YOUR choosing, ie: Hit Points, Defense, Resist, Mez Protection, To Hit, Recharge, Endurance, you get the idea.

Thanks for reading.

Travel Suppression is this game's worst feature, well that and MetaHumans riding mass transit like tourists at DisneyLand.



Re 5. There is no falling damage in the Ski zone. Go fall in a city zone.

Re 15. Except for PvP and Purple IOs, all others can be acquired via merits and random ticket rolls in AE. Just because they are not in the market doesn't mean the drop rates are wrong. It may simply mean they aren't worth selling for what the market will pay.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
I know the Devs are currently busy as hell with Rogue, but maybe they have a few minutes to peruse the Forums now and then. I don’t know if these ideas have been suggested before, I’ll assume some of them have. So with that in mind, here are a few thoughts, observations and suggestions from a veteran of almost 5 years. In completely random order:

1.) Fly is too slow, it should be at least as fast as Super Jump or Super Speed, please.

Thanks for reading.
OK, as has been explained Numerous times, Fly is the slowest travel power because it's the safest travel power. Also if you Have swift and fly effectively slotted (Someone else can tell what slots need to be where and what ENH to put in them) Fly caps out at around 80 mph. (iirc)



Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
OK, as has been explained Numerous times, Fly is the slowest travel power because it's the safest travel power. Also if you Have swift and fly effectively slotted (Someone else can tell what slots need to be where and what ENH to put in them) Fly caps out at around 80 mph. (iirc)
Flight (Fly) Caps at 58.6 mph. Thank goodness the bad guys can't escape at expressway speeds.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
7.) Do away with Trains as a means of inter-zone transportation, in a superhero game this is just … well I can’t even begin to say. Train stations could be converted to Tele-portal stations, like a scaled down mini version of Portal Corp only no clicking on it, pick a portal by the sign over the portal off you go, you’d just walk into it. If you have a mission selected in your Nav, any portal would automatically take you to that mission’s zone.
Out of all the silliness, this one is actually a really good suggestion.

Really, REALLY good suggestion.

I don't know about the active mission auto-zoning part, but it was great until then. The trains don't make sense in Paragon. They never have.

The rest is just silly.



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
Out of all the silliness, this one is actually a really good suggestion.

Really, REALLY good suggestion.

I don't know about the active mission auto-zoning part, but it was great until then. The trains don't make sense in Paragon. They never have.

The rest is just silly.
Yes they do.
Reason: It's a CITY. It has all these people in them, called, civilians. You know, those people walking around? Public transport. And since we're stuck with the War Walls (Yes, I know they dont work against Rikti, but they work on everything else) well, gotta get there somehow. And you dont HAVE to use the trains. Except to get to Croatoa/Salamanca, and that has a magical curse reasoning behind it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



If I was sitting on Posi's desk I would be wearing a mesh camisole and offering thanks not suggestions.



Most of them I'm relatively ambivalent about but there are a few I'd like to comment on.

Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
1.) Fly is too slow, it should be at least as fast as Super Jump or Super Speed, please.
This is a deliberate trade off, fly gives you perfect 3D movement so it's the slowest travel power overall. Super Jump gives decent 3D movement and is the middle in speed. Super Speed is the fastest but offers no 3D movement. If Fly was as fast as Super Jump there would be no reason to take Super Jump as a travel power except for concept reasons (or if you really, really want Combat Jumping rather than Hover).

9.) Contact cell phones need to be issued after the first mission, almost every contact you have is a referral or has already asked to work with you, why on earth would they not trust you enough to give you their number up front, isn’t time supposed to be of the essence ?
Maybe not the first missions, but definitely by the second or third.

13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow, range at 80’ is ridiculous, speed up the animations, increase the range to 100’ and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.

16.) The Archery set desperately needs a bow based melee attack, and I don’t mean a pansy Stun, I mean a swing-your-your-bow-like-a-staff-whack-attack that does decent damage maybe even some knockdown or knock back. ( if you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you know what I mean).
80' is the default range for all blast sets except for Assault Rifle. Ranged Shot does the same damage as all other Blaster snipes except for Blazing Bolt. I agree that some of the Archery powers could use a decrease in activation time. Finally why the heck should Archery get a melee attack? It's a Blast set, blast sets do not get a melee attack. The only semi-sensible way to do that would be to make an Archery Assault set for Dominators.

14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?
Because there are very few occasions when people actually slot for range. The only powers that really benefit from range are cones where a range increase makes it easier to hit more targets. For most other attacks range is not really worth enhancing.

15.) The Devs need to monitor the Market better, there are whole segments of the market that have ZERO product available. When this happens for an extended period the game should automatically dump some product into the market, or better yet the game should increase the drop rates on the recipes that have depleted themselves. What good is an Invention system that offers nothing to invent?
Randomly dumping new product onto the market is probably a bad idea. Increasing the drop rate for some items would be nice, but the fact that the devs haven't already seems to suggest that they're happy with those items being in very low supply.

20.) Now this one might be controversial but, character’s power should scale with age, I know it kinda does, but what I mean is, a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year. I don’t know numbers, but say a 1 or 2% increase per month after the 1st year of becoming level 50 would be the best “Veteran Power” benefit I can think of, these percentages could go into a bank that you redistribute to specific attributes of YOUR choosing, ie: Hit Points, Defense, Resist, Mez Protection, To Hit, Recharge, Endurance, you get the idea.
You're right it's controversial, it's also stupid. Why should a four year old character that never gets played be better than a new one that gets played alot?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
If I was sitting on Posi's desk I would be wearing a mesh camisole and offering thanks not suggestions.
*Suddenly realizes he should have been a developer*

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



1.) Fly is too slow, it should be at least as fast as Super Jump or Super Speed, please.
It's balanced as is by it's versatility and safety. Though I would support an increase to the speed of hover.

2.) Jacobs Ladder animation is too slow.
It's balanced due to the fact that it can hit multiple targets. Compare it with shadow maul and it comes off as a very good power.

3.) Crey Pistol accolade power is pathetic, either increase it’s availability or give it some power or better yet… both.
It's a fluff power given by a badge. Don't think a change is needed. Many accolades do not have any powers associated with them.

4.) Mission Transporter power could have it’s recharge cut in half, a 2hr recharge is just ridiculous, better yet make it 30mins.
Disagree. I think it's fine considering that this power can be bought. Even with the 2 hour timer, it's pretty powerful.

5.) Do away with Falling damage, I didn’t realize how much more powerful my characters felt until I dropped 300’ down over the edge in the ski zone to a mission door and took no damage.
Disagree. If you fall, you *should* take damage.

6.) After level 15 you should only receive DO’s and after level 25 only SO’s as Enh drops.
Personally, I think they should go further and just eliminate origin-specific drops altogether. Origin, as implemented, really doesn't do anything other than inconvenience players at lower levels.

7.) Do away with Trains as a means of inter-zone transportation, in a superhero game this is just … well I can’t even begin to say. Train stations could be converted to Tele-portal stations, like a scaled down mini version of Portal Corp only no clicking on it, pick a portal by the sign over the portal off you go, you’d just walk into it. If you have a mission selected in your Nav, any portal would automatically take you to that mission’s zone.
Not a bad idea actually

8.) Independence Port needs to be zoned better in mission descriptions, divide the zone into Indy North, Indy Terra Volta and Indy South. The whole zone is just shy of 3 miles long, presumably if your contact knows where the mission is they should be able to tell you what section of the zone as well.
Don't disagree. The zone is too big, and was obviously developed during the time when the developers thought that huge expanses were necessary. It could go for a revamp, but it's not the worst zone in the game...I'd rather see other zones revamped first.

9.) Contact cell phones need to be issued after the first mission, almost every contact you have is a referral or has already asked to work with you, why on earth would they not trust you enough to give you their number up front, isn’t time supposed to be of the essence ?
Don't disagree. This is a commonly asked for feature.

10.) There needs to be a Badge for taking out Snipers.

11.) There needs to be a Badge for rescuing people on the street, either that or tie these rescues into character reputation somehow.

12.) Winter Event Present Inspiration rewards, I wouldn’t mind having fewer drop but actually have them do something special, like Cap an ability for 20-30mins, maybe you can only have 2 things capped at any given time. Maybe a temporary power like SS, SJ or TP Friend or even a Temp Store where you can trade in so many presents for a Temp Power your char would normally not be able to have. It’s only a few weeks a year, lighten up.
No opinion on this. Nice to haves, but not something I'd consider crucial.

13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow, range at 80’ is ridiculous, speed up the animations, increase the range to 100’ and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.
Disagree, and it's balanced compared to other sets. In fact, you can actually argue that archery is much more powerful compared to other sets. Range is fine...there are many other sets (AR, energy blast, sonic, fire) that have key blasts and powers on far shorter ranges.

14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?
That's a good question and yes, it's a suggestion that I would agree with. Having a ranged set with range enhanced would be nice.

15.) The Devs need to monitor the Market better, there are whole segments of the market that have ZERO product available. When this happens for an extended period the game should automatically dump some product into the market, or better yet the game should increase the drop rates on the recipes that have depleted themselves. What good is an Invention system that offers nothing to invent?
Strongly disagree. It's not a store but an exchange. Players feed the market. If you want more supply, the devs could potential increase the drop rate, but that wouldn't necessarily cause players to put up their recipe, salvage, etc. on the market.

16.) The Archery set desperately needs a bow based melee attack, and I don’t mean a pansy Stun, I mean a swing-your-your-bow-like-a-staff-whack-attack that does decent damage maybe even some knockdown or knock back. ( if you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you know what I mean).
Disagree. It's a *ranged* blast set. No other blast set has a melee attack. Archers already get the advantage of having brawl use a kick animation so their weapon is still out.

17.) Dump Base rent, it’s dumb.

18.) How about a Dark Astoria Task Force that culminates in the fog being temporarily lifted from the whole zone for the members of the TF only for say, 12hrs?, along with a reobtainable (like Shivans) To Hit or Perception bonus. It’s a beautiful zone, and I bet most players have NEVER seen it.
Agree with the general idea. The details need to be tweaked.

19.) Increase the size of Giant Monsters to GIANT size. I want to see these menaces from half a zone away!, and give ‘em some crazy knock back that sends you flying a couple of blocks away when they whack ya. I’m talking about the scale of the giant mech-man in the Hess Task Force. It shouldn’t be “Where is AV So-N-So?”, it should be “Holy *&%^#$ !! This is gonna be amazing!”
You already have things in the game that are humongous (Hamidon, Rularuu, the Mother ship). I'd say this is unneeded.

20.) Now this one might be controversial but, character’s power should scale with age, I know it kinda does, but what I mean is, a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year. I don’t know numbers, but say a 1 or 2% increase per month after the 1st year of becoming level 50 would be the best “Veteran Power” benefit I can think of, these percentages could go into a bank that you redistribute to specific attributes of YOUR choosing, ie: Hit Points, Defense, Resist, Mez Protection, To Hit, Recharge, Endurance, you get the idea.
Strongly disagree. And I'm fairly certain I have characters older than you have (unless your registration date doesn't match when you started; I started at retail release despite my Aug 2004 reg date).

I'm opposed to anything more that increases the power gap between veterans and new players largely because it causes many new players to turn away from the game. They figure that since they didn't get in from the beginning, there's no way they can be as powerful as people who started earlier. The recent vet rewards (travel at level 6, removal of fog of war, multiple respecs) already provide substantial advantages for a veteran player. I don't want this gap widened, because I want to see new players encouraged to join up, not give up because they see a power gap they can never attain.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year.
All of my characters, who've been in existence for less than a year, are more powerful than many old characters with 4 or 5 years of history behind them. That's because they are played by an experienced and knowledgeable player, not someone with an ebayed account or 5 years of paid-up game time.

And that's the way it should be.




IMPO, as a veteran player, this thread is a lot of hair-splitting.

Certainly, some of these things wouldn't be hard to do on paper, like increasing Fly speed or decreasing recharge on a Freeze Ray, but what would the greater balance issues be with doing so?

More importantly, why drop base rent when the greater problem with bases is the lack of base raids and IoPs? Why muck around with rent when the whole system may have to be fixed wholesale anyhow?

I know many think that trams are just silly in a super hero game, but to replace them would require possible new art and assets, which would take time from those departments which may be working on other things, such as new power sets, new mobs, new zones, new mission maps, etc. And in the end, such a change would have little impact compared or benefit to other things that could be developed in the same amount of time.

Most of these are certainly just QoL improvements, like giving badges for fending off robbers and snipers. But I could never condone the devs messing with market stocking or pirce manipulation; nor coudl I condone capping any power or two, regardless of the limited duration during certain seasonal events. Such ideas don't take much consideration into the balance of the game as a whole, the intended difficulty of the game, etc.

Veterans need to keep the big picture in their heads, IMPO. Things that will greatly benefit the long-term evolution of the game are more important than adding short-term carrots that will easily be obtained and offer little in terms of long-term player interest. Although I'm for some of these ideas, other ideas need to be more thought-out before presented in such an ostentatious manner as "If I Sat at Posi's Desk".

Finally, peppering posts with negatively charged words like ridiculous, dumb, and stupid is probably the worst way to influence readers to one's point of view - especially the developers who supposedly made these things "ridiculous", "dumb", or "stupid". In short, you're back-handedly insulting the very same people whom you wish to influence. Many know how little BAB like to be called "lazy" for example; you're shooting your own ideas in the proverbial feet.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
If Fly was as fast as Super Jump there would be no reason to take Super Jump as a travel power except for concept reasons (or if you really, really want Combat Jumping rather than Hover).
You're assuming here that every player is a min/maxer who will go for brute speed over character concept for every toon they roll. That assumption is patently untrue. And as far as the "it's the safest travel power" thing... in 5+ years of playing, I've never ran at super speed or super jumped into a mob and died. If you are running or jumping into mobs and dying with SS and SJ, you're doing it wrong. I would like to see fly have it's speed increased.

back to the OP:

14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?
Good question. It would be nice to see some Ranged IO sets that have a range buff in to them, either as part of the IO attributes or as a set bonus. Yes, there are players who will throw a range enhancement into some (or all) of their ranged attacks. More options are always better.

I'd also like to add a 14a., which is to see some "Accurate ToHit Buff" IO sets for those out there would to put these into powers like Blinding Feint, Follow Up, Sould Drain etc. Not all ToHit buff powers are clicks that don't require you to hit something!

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Many know how little BAB like to be called "lazy"
He prefers the more politically proper "activity-challenged."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Veterans need to keep the big picture in their heads, IMPO. Things that will greatly benefit the long-term evolution of the game are more important than adding short-term carrots that will easily be obtained and offer little in terms of long-term player interest. Although I'm for some of these ideas, other ideas need to be more thought-out before presented in such an ostentatious manner as "If I Sat at Posi's Desk".

Finally, peppering posts with negatively charged words like ridiculous, dumb, and stupid is probably the worst way to influence readers to one's point of view - especially the developers who supposedly made these things "ridiculous", "dumb", or "stupid". In short, you're back-handedly insulting the very same people whom you wish to influence. Many know how little BAB like to be called "lazy" for example; you're shooting your own ideas in the proverbial feet.
Completely agree with these last two paragraphs. Veterans should have a big picture view instead of just focusing on the details. Also, disparaging someone's work by calling it "dumb", etc. is not exactly conducive to influencing them.



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
You're assuming here that every player is a min/maxer who will go for brute speed over character concept for every toon they roll. That assumption is patently untrue. And as far as the "it's the safest travel power" thing... in 5+ years of playing, I've never ran at super speed or super jumped into a mob and died. If you are running or jumping into mobs and dying with SS and SJ, you're doing it wrong. I would like to see fly have it's speed increased.
I'm aware not everyone min-maxes, that's why I mentioned concept. However I also feel that when possible the game should attempt to cater to both sorts of players. Players who choose travel powers based on concept will do that no matter what speed fly is set to, and keeping it as a trade off appeases the min-maxers who like to feel that choices have consequences.

As for the trade off itself, it's not a matter of safety it's a matter of convenience. Fly allows you to go anywhere you want just point your character in the direction and go, the only restriction is the need to steer around obstacles. Super Jump characters need to make sure they have somewhere to land to start the next jump while Super Speed characters have minimal vertical movement unless they use other powers (or temp powers) to supplement Super Speed.

Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Completely agree with these last two paragraphs. Veterans should have a big picture view instead of just focusing on the details. Also, disparaging someone's work by calling it "dumb", etc. is not exactly conducive to influencing them.
I guess that was directed at me. I stand by my statement, that particular idea is stupid.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I guess that was directed at me. I stand by my statement, that particular idea is stupid.
Nope, it was directed at the OP. You're misunderstanding me. I agree with your stance on the idea of making older characters more powerful as being a bad idea (I say pretty much the same thing in my first post). I also agree with Obsidius in that peppering a critique of the game with words like "dumb", "stupid", etc. won't influence the developers in changing their viewpoint.

So again, my comment was directed at the OP, not you.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Completely agree with these last two paragraphs. Veterans should have a big picture view instead of just focusing on the details. Also, disparaging someone's work by calling it "dumb", etc. is not exactly conducive to influencing them.
I think we sometimes need to do a better job of explaining when a suggestion:

1. Is much more technically difficult than the poster implies.

2. Runs counter to the devs intentions, as previously expressed by the devs.

3. Has serious balance issues.

4. Is redundant or ineffective in accomplishing the stated goal.

5. Has better ways to accomplish its goal.

6. Is unclear as to what its stated goal actually is.

7. Appears to be a personal preference other players likely would oppose.

In return, posters should try to explain as clearly as possible when they are:

1. Expressing a preference with the understanding other players might disagree (which is entirely reasonable)

2. Expressing a suggestion knowing it might suffer serious mechanical or balance problems, with the intent of seeing if feedback can repair them

3. Suggesting a general addition to the game which is not intended to disrupt the existing game (but which accidentally might)

4. Suggesting a correction to a perceived bug or error in the game's implementation.

This would help in terms of giving the proper feedback. For example:

2.) Jacobs Ladder animation is too slow.
I don't know if the poster believes its too slow relative to other peer powers and this is a balance-objection (in which case its probably incorrect), or if this is just a personal preference expression and the poster just wants fast attacks (fine, but you're probably not going to get it), or if this is related to some more general problem the poster has with electric melee.

Also, a note to posters of suggestions in general:

12.) Winter Event Present Inspiration rewards, I wouldn’t mind having fewer drop but actually have them do something special, like Cap an ability for 20-30mins, maybe you can only have 2 things capped at any given time. Maybe a temporary power like SS, SJ or TP Friend or even a Temp Store where you can trade in so many presents for a Temp Power your char would normally not be able to have. It’s only a few weeks a year, lighten up.
Its usually obvious when you're having conversations in your own head, and anticipating arguments. If you know a suggestion is going to be controversial, acknowledging that fact by anticipating it and pre-dismissing it is a sure-fire way to incite a real argument, one you won't be able to win as easily as the ones you have with yourself in your own head.

If you know a suggestion is going to be controversial, its better to state why you think it will be controversial, and your reasons for believing the suggestion's benefits outweigh its controversial issues, or say nothing.

"I would like to reduce the recharge of energy transfer to zero and have it emit yellow ponies. I recognize there are balance issues to reducing its recharge to zero, but I believe the small amount of extra damage it will allow energy melee characters to generate is not very high compared to the benefits of being able to see yellow ponies prance around."

is much better than

"Make energy transfer have zero recharge and have it make yellow ponies. I'm sick and tired of all you balance-tards telling me which ponies I can have and which ones I can't have. And stop making that face at me; for the last time I'm not killing the babysitter."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm aware not everyone min-maxes, that's why I mentioned concept. However I also feel that when possible the game should attempt to cater to both sorts of players.
No. I strongly disagree. Devs should never cater to mini-maxers. There's no game balance, variety, or challange. Just the same cookie cutter characters that you get bored of playing after a few days. Then you move on to more balanced and entertaining games.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
I know the Devs are currently busy as hell with Rogue, but maybe they have a few minutes to peruse the Forums now and then. I don’t know if these ideas have been suggested before, I’ll assume some of them have. So with that in mind, here are a few thoughts, observations and suggestions from a veteran of almost 5 years. In completely random order:
When you suggest this many things, discussion is almost impossible. I picked a few to discuss.

2.) Jacobs Ladder animation is too slow.
I used to think this too. But then, I discovered it was only 0.17 seconds slower than havoc punch, and adds an AoE component, and pure energy damage. I felt it was too slow because my elec/elec brute often died in the middle of firing jacob's ladder. The reason my brute died was my secondary wasn't tough enough. Six respecs later, and it's the second toughest build I have, and jacob's ladder is absolutely essential to my build.

5.) Do away with Falling damage, I didn’t realize how much more powerful my characters felt until I dropped 300’ down over the edge in the ski zone to a mission door and took no damage.
Increase falling damage please! I want to fly up in the air and watch my health plummet like I can as a lowbie!

7.) Do away with Trains as a means of inter-zone transportation, in a superhero game this is just … well I can’t even begin to say. Train stations could be converted to Tele-portal stations, like a scaled down mini version of Portal Corp only no clicking on it, pick a portal by the sign over the portal off you go, you’d just walk into it. If you have a mission selected in your Nav, any portal would automatically take you to that mission’s zone.
The power consumption needed to transport the masses of paragon city would probably put too much stress on Terra Volta, which is already busy maintaining the war walls.

If it bothers you enough, make a dayjob costume, and RP you're traveling on a train when you get called to another place or something.

13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow, range at 80’ is ridiculous, speed up the animations, increase the range to 100’ and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.
Aren't most blast sets at 80'? You mean to tell me that a bow should have more range than a rifle?

20.) Now this one might be controversial but, character’s power should scale with age, I know it kinda does, but what I mean is, a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year. I don’t know numbers, but say a 1 or 2% increase per month after the 1st year of becoming level 50 would be the best “Veteran Power” benefit I can think of, these percentages could go into a bank that you redistribute to specific attributes of YOUR choosing, ie: Hit Points, Defense, Resist, Mez Protection, To Hit, Recharge, Endurance, you get the idea.
Absolutely no. Newer players will feel alienated. Veteran rewards already offer a lot of advantages lowbies don't have. I can't tell you how much I want to grab travel powers at lvl 6, have the ability to hold 5 more recipes, and have a pet that does something, and so forth.

edit: I picked too many. Removed some.

edit 2: "If I Sat at Posi's Desk" ...I'd want a more comfortable chair and a bigger desk.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No. I strongly disagree. Devs should never cater to mini-maxers. There's no game balance, variety, or challange. Just the same cookie cutter characters that you get bored of playing after a few days. Then you move on to more balanced and entertaining games.
I think that you're slightly mis-interpreting my post. By catering to min-maxers what I mean is that the devs should set things up so that builds have viable trade-offs where you get better at one thing at the expense of another. This doesn't have to lead to cookie cutter builds (although done poorly it can). Min-maxing is about optimizing a build given the trade-offs. Conversely if the devs catered exclusively to concept players you'd end up with a situation where all builds are identical and the only difference between characters is the concept, the costume and the animations.

Some people want to play a character that appeals to them and as long as it can handle a basic level of challenge don't care about anything else. Some players only care about character power. Most players of course fall somewhere in between. To some extent the devs need to cater to the whole range to keep everyone happy. This means that things need to be set so that a character has a decent enough basic power level that someone who never pays any attention can follow. But at the same time there needs to be trade-offs between build choices so that those who enjoy min-maxing can spend time tweaking their character to eke out that extra 1% performance.

To use the travel powers as an example there is a trade off in speed versus utility/convenience. Concept players will pick the one that appeals to them for the character. Min-maxers will pick the one that appeals to them based on their preferences and playstyle.



ohhhh AT his desk....my bad



If I sat at Posi's desk, I'd probably have a life expectancy about the length of "Move your a**, Michelle".


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