If I Sat at Posi's Desk, thoughts from a Veteran Player.

Adeon Hawkwood



I think Posi is doing an absolutely fantastic job--he listens to player requests (instead of ignoring them in favor of his "vision"), he doesn't tell us about updates to the game until he's really sure they can work, and he isn't trigger-happy with the nerfbat.

So, if I sat at Posi's desk, I would let out a Darth Vader style "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" And try to hire him back as my replacement pronto. I don't think I could do anything better, and I'd rather have more free time to actually PLAY CoX.

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And since we're stuck with the War Walls (Yes, I know they dont work against Rikti, but they work on everything else)
The War Walls also fail to keep out Arachnos, keep various villain groups contained/confined to a single area, and can be shut down with distressing ease.

Also, if I sat at Posi's Desk I'd probably soon get up and walk around the studio since I'd be too worried about ruining things on his system.

But once he was back I'd ask him if he could let me become the developer for enemy factions and take the redname Spark Blade.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
1.) Fly is too slow, it should be at least as fast as Super Jump or Super Speed, please.
Discussed previously. Both game (safety, most controllable, 3 axis movement) and technical (increasing fly beyond a certain point causes problems) reasons.
2.) Jacobs Ladder animation is too slow.
Do some comparison first. By which I mean - "too slow" is like saying it's "too red." Does it FEEL too slow? How does it compare with other cones (wider cone, shorter cast than Shadow Maul, for instance.)
3.) Crey Pistol accolade power is pathetic, either increase it’s availability or give it some power or better yet… both.
Because it's such a vital power... oh, wait...

4.) Mission Transporter power could have it’s recharge cut in half, a 2hr recharge is just ridiculous, better yet make it 30mins.
With all the other ways to get around, not a big deal that it takes that long. It's a "gimme" power.
5.) Do away with Falling damage, I didn’t realize how much more powerful my characters felt until I dropped 300’ down over the edge in the ski zone to a mission door and took no damage.
No. It'd be completely and utterly stupid to fall off a skyscraper and take no damage. Ski zone = another dimension, different rules. This is just silly to me.

6.) After level 15 you should only receive DO’s and after level 25 only SO’s as Enh drops.

Dev comment previously, paraphrased:
If they did this, they would NOT increase the drop rate. You just wouldn't see the others drop. Still want it? (In other words, say you're at 25. You currently - making up numbers - get, in a mission, 2 TOs, 7 DOs, and two SOs. You would, instead, have... two SOs. And wonder why the drop rate was "nerfed so badly," most likely.)

7.) Do away with Trains as a means of inter-zone transportation, in a superhero game this is just … well I can’t even begin to say. Train stations could be converted to Tele-portal stations, like a scaled down mini version of Portal Corp only no clicking on it, pick a portal by the sign over the portal off you go, you’d just walk into it. If you have a mission selected in your Nav, any portal would automatically take you to that mission’s zone.
No. It's a city. It makes sense to have mass transit. The trains going back and forth add some life to the city. So, again, NO.

8.) Independence Port needs to be zoned better in mission descriptions, divide the zone into Indy North, Indy Terra Volta and Indy South. The whole zone is just shy of 3 miles long, presumably if your contact knows where the mission is they should be able to tell you what section of the zone as well.

9.) Contact cell phones need to be issued after the first mission, almost every contact you have is a referral or has already asked to work with you, why on earth would they not trust you enough to give you their number up front, isn’t time supposed to be of the essence ?
Wow, two I can agree with in most instances.
10.) There needs to be a Badge for taking out Snipers.

11.) There needs to be a Badge for rescuing people on the street, either that or tie these rescues into character reputation somehow.
No there doesn't. There doesn't *need* to be a badge for anything. I'd *like* one for Khelds facing Voids -but they've nerfed voids to where they aren't much of a threat.

12.) Winter Event Present Inspiration rewards, I wouldn’t mind having fewer drop but actually have them do something special, like Cap an ability for 20-30mins, maybe you can only have 2 things capped at any given time. Maybe a temporary power like SS, SJ or TP Friend or even a Temp Store where you can trade in so many presents for a Temp Power your char would normally not be able to have. It’s only a few weeks a year, lighten up.
Yeah, they need to lighten up, giving people things like snowballs or jingle jets inste... oh, wait...
13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow, range at 80’ is ridiculous, speed up the animations, increase the range to 100’ and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.
Again - do research. 80' is standard. They certainly don't feel "too slow" to me - and that's with RL archery experience, thanks. It has just the right feel to me.
14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?
Because it's not slotted for generally?
15.) The Devs need to monitor the Market better, there are whole segments of the market that have ZERO product available. When this happens for an extended period the game should automatically dump some product into the market, or better yet the game should increase the drop rates on the recipes that have depleted themselves. What good is an Invention system that offers nothing to invent?
So when they drop, don't vendor them. Put them on the market. The invention system is NOT the market. The invention system can work perfectly fine without the market (see merits, drops, trading with friends.)

16.) The Archery set desperately needs a bow based melee attack, and I don’t mean a pansy Stun, I mean a swing-your-your-bow-like-a-staff-whack-attack that does decent damage maybe even some knockdown or knock back. ( if you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you know what I mean).
And get rid of what for it? In other words, NO. Take Fighting.

17.) Dump Base rent, it’s dumb.
It's already been reduced massively. Your argument for why is lacking.
18.) How about a Dark Astoria Task Force that culminates in the fog being temporarily lifted from the whole zone for the members of the TF only for say, 12hrs?, along with a reobtainable (like Shivans) To Hit or Perception bonus. It’s a beautiful zone, and I bet most players have NEVER seen it.
While I want stuff in DA, it'd lose a lot without fog - especially for 12 hours. It'd be like a horror movie with no darkness, nobody doing things like investigating that noise, set instead in the middle of a nice, brightly lit field where nothing can happen. It'd be having Freddy Kreuger come around handing out donuts instead of killing people.

19.) Increase the size of Giant Monsters to GIANT size. I want to see these menaces from half a zone away!, and give ‘em some crazy knock back that sends you flying a couple of blocks away when they whack ya. I’m talking about the scale of the giant mech-man in the Hess Task Force. It shouldn’t be “Where is AV So-N-So?”, it should be “Holy *&%^#$ !! This is gonna be amazing!”
Go play with the Jade Spider. Experience the targeting issues. THEN come back to this.
20.) Now this one might be controversial but, character’s power should scale with age, I know it kinda does, but what I mean is, a level 50 scrapper that’s got 4 years of crime fighting under his belt should be more powerful that a relative nOOb who’s only been a Hero of the City for 1 year. I don’t know numbers, but say a 1 or 2% increase per month after the 1st year of becoming level 50 would be the best “Veteran Power” benefit I can think of, these percentages could go into a bank that you redistribute to specific attributes of YOUR choosing, ie: Hit Points, Defense, Resist, Mez Protection, To Hit, Recharge, Endurance, you get the idea.



Originally Posted by Cyyan View Post
13.) Archery Set, animations are too slow,
Archery and TA animations were shortened several months ago and are currently as fast as they can make them without appearing utterly ridiculous.

Additionally, due to those now speedier animation times, Archery compares quite favorably to Fire Blast, which is generally considered the reigning king of ranged damage output.

range at 80’ is ridiculous,
80' is fine for everyone else, it's fine for Archery.

and give the snipe some damage, it’s remarkably weak compared to other snipes.
Oh? That's interesting, considering that it deals exactly the same amount of damage that AR, Elec, Energy and Psy snipes deal at the same level. In fact, the only two snipes which deal more damage are Proton Volley, by a mere 2.5 damage, and Blazing Bolt, which deals the same base 172.7 damage but has a chance (80%) to deal more (up to 217.7 if all four ticks pass the 80% check).

14.) Why do none of the Ranged Damage IO sets have any Range in them?
Far Strike and Salvo.

16.) The Archery set desperately needs a bow based melee attack, and I don’t mean a pansy Stun, I mean a swing-your-your-bow-like-a-staff-whack-attack that does decent damage maybe even some knockdown or knock back. ( if you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you know what I mean).
That's not how bows are used. If you've ever actually used one, you know what I mean.



The only thing i can agree with is the crey pistol. When other accolades DO give powers, they're pretty darn good. Some extra HP, endurance, a +recharge/acc/recovery clicky, a +def/res clicky. The crey pistol (low damage, low immob mag, looong recharge) feels underwhelming. I say increase its mag to 4. I don't think that'd be too overpowered.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If you were sitting at his desk, he'd probably call security
Not before I got to say;
"Ah, Mr Miller. I've been expecting you!"

Just to correct this, because I'm nitpicky like that, the reason for the tram-only entrance is that Salamanca is something like 2-3 hours away from the greater Paragon area.
That...would probably also explain it. I didn't know this ^^; damn map made it look less...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.