Damn you, Rikti scum! DAMN YOU!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
Agreement. Dakka required: Always more. Dakka available: Enough: Never/impossible.
For Blood God: Blood.
For skull throne: Skulls
Galaxy: Let it burn

For trouble: Prepare.
Double: Make it.
Protect: World: From devestation.
Unite: People: Within our nation.
Denounce: Evils: Truth and love
Extend: Reach: Stars above
J'E S'Se.
Ja'M E'S.
Team Rocket: Blast off. Speed: Light
Surrender: Now. Or for fight: Prepare
Me'o Wth. Right: That is.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
For trouble: Prepare.
Double: Make it.
Protect: World: From devestation.
Unite: People: Within our nation.
Denounce: Evils: Truth and love
Extend: Reach: Stars above
J'E S'Se.
Ja'M E'S.
Team Rocket: Blast off. Speed: Light
Surrender: Now. Or for fight: Prepare
Me'o Wth. Right: That is.
I would pay for a custom ending to the LGTF where Hro'Dtohz gets punched through the ceiling while exclaiming, "It looks like Team Rikti is blasting off agaaaaaaaaain!"

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Now I'm going to have this song stuck in my head all day.

Who knows? Having missed the previous events, maybe this time I'll actually get a chance to dance with Rikti.

Oooh! Now there's an idea for a new movie: "Dances with Rikti".

And I really wish I was clever enough to come up with my own twisted tune...

"Hey, Rikti, you're so fine,
Even when you invade my mind.
Hey Rikti, hey Rikti!'

Never mind.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
For Blood God: Blood.
For skull throne: Skulls
Galaxy: Let it burn

For trouble: Prepare.
Double: Make it.
Protect: World: From devestation.
Unite: People: Within our nation.
Denounce: Evils: Truth and love
Extend: Reach: Stars above
J'E S'Se.
Ja'M E'S.
Team Rocket: Blast off. Speed: Light
Surrender: Now. Or for fight: Prepare
Me'o Wth. Right: That is.
Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I would pay for a custom ending to the LGTF where Hro'Dtohz gets punched through the ceiling while exclaiming, "It looks like Team Rikti is blasting off agaaaaaaaaain!"
Repetition: Apparent event: Team Rikti: Blasting off.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
For Blood God: Blood.
For skull throne: Skulls
Galaxy: Let it burn
Shielded by: Faith in the Emperor
Burn: Heretics



Um, um... Think, Nestor, think!

Position: Down
State of Being: Funky



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
For Blood God: Blood.
For skull throne: Skulls
Galaxy: Let it burn

For trouble: Prepare.
Double: Make it.
Protect: World: From devestation.
Unite: People: Within our nation.
Denounce: Evils: Truth and love
Extend: Reach: Stars above
J'E S'Se.
Ja'M E'S.
Team Rocket: Blast off. Speed: Light
Surrender: Now. Or for fight: Prepare
Me'o Wth. Right: That is.
The readings for this are Winmograph!



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
They ... they got Niviene, Avatea, and The Ocho.

That's it man ... game over man, game over! What the frak are we gonna do now?! What are we gonna do?!
Did I miss something?



Winter event ends Tuesday night...we may find out what the heck this is all about.

If it IS just another Rikti invasion event...count my hopes dash against the jagged rocks while I cry 'oh ye gads...let me contain my excitement..' in a sarcastic manner.

Seriously it seems like every time the 'natives get restless' (as they are now, lack of GR info etc.) the Rikti invasions get trotted out...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Check the mods names and form avatars
I did, then I went whatever and decided to go back to the MA forums since nothing much interesting was happening here.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Winter event ends Tuesday night...we may find out what the heck this is all about.

If it IS just another Rikti invasion event...count my hopes dash against the jagged rocks while I cry 'oh ye gads...let me contain my excitement..' in a sarcastic manner.

Seriously it seems like every time the 'natives get restless' (as they are now, lack of GR info etc.) the Rikti invasions get trotted out...
Maybe they're just saying "behave, or we'll send the Rikti again"?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I did, then I went whatever
Did you say it as "whatever", "WHAT-ever" or "what-EVER"?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Did you say it as "whatever", "WHAT-ever" or "what-EVER"?
how do Rikti say whatever?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
how do Rikti say whatever?
Continuation: What.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
Continuation: What.
I enjoy Shakespeare in the original Rikti as well.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I enjoy Shakespeare in the original Rikti as well.
Question: Be: Not Be
Proposal: suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Alternative: end it all: to sleep: possibility: dreaming



For those Rikti who are stranded, lost, seeking peace and needing a new home, there can be accomodation.

For those Rikti desiring bloodshed, conquest, and domination over this Earth, seek not these things, for you will find only a thousand deaths, by the four elements, the hard edge of steel, the speeding bullet, the bare hands of the dedicated, by power of the mind, and the mysteries of magic. Your dooms will be as varied as the stars across the sky, but they will have in common the strength of those defending their home!

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
For those Rikti who are stranded, lost, seeking peace and needing a new home, there can be accomodation.

For those Rikti desiring bloodshed, conquest, and domination over this Earth, seek not these things, for you will find only a thousand deaths, by the four elements, the hard edge of steel, the speeding bullet, the bare hands of the dedicated, by power of the mind, and the mysteries of magic. Your dooms will be as varied as the stars across the sky, but they will have in common the strength of those defending their home!
AMEN Brotha or Sister



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Question: Be: Not Be
Proposal: suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Alternative: end it all: to sleep: possibility: dreaming

How do they say "To the victor go the spoils?"

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
How do they say "To the victor go the spoils?"
Loot assignment: Victor



There's an old Earth saying that's appropriate here. A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.

*dons shades, grins at the darkening sky, and produces sonic screwdriver from belt pouch*


Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
There's an old Earth saying that's appropriate here. A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.

*dons shades, grins at the darkening sky, and produces sonic screwdriver from belt pouch*

To each his own.

In my case, it's more a matter of firing up the chainsaw, unlimbering the boomstick, and staring at the incoming threat with a steely glint in the eye.

"Come get some!"



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
There's an old Earth saying that's appropriate here. A phrase of great power and wisdom and consolation to the soul in times of need.

*dons shades, grins at the darkening sky, and produces sonic screwdriver from belt pouch*

There's an old android saying which I feel is particularly relevant to this situation. It goes: '0010101011010010110100111100101010100101101100010 1010'

Roughly translated, it means 'Don't stand around jabbering when Rikti are invading"

For those who will try and translate the binary, as far as I know it's gibberish, it's just a quote from Red Dwarf that I wanted an excuse to use.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
There's an old android saying which I feel is particularly relevant to this situation. It goes: '0010101011010010110100111100101010100101101100010 1010'

Roughly translated, it means 'Don't stand around jabbering when Rikti are invading"

For those who will try and translate the binary, as far as I know it's gibberish, it's just a quote from Red Dwarf that I wanted an excuse to use.
Here, maybe this will help in your future endeavors.