If I can get one Booster Pack, which one?




I decided to buy one of the booster packs but now deciding which one.

I think I have it down to two.

1) Super Science for the Body change


2) Ninja pack for the Skills at early levels.

Recomendations if only one is possible? I will likely get another in a couple months if I keep playing, but would like to start with just one.

I started with the GvE pack so I have Pocket D Pass, and Jet Booster.



Magic, for the best costume bits of them all. Or Science for the body modding.

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I'd say the Martial Arts pack. Getting Ninja Run removes a lot of the pressure of "must have travel power at 14".

The body type change from the Super Science pack is nice to have, but it's largely either an RP thing or a costume change gimmick.



Martial Arts pack. Since I bought it, I haven't planned on a travel power for any of my newly created melee characters.

Ninja Run is THAT good. Though it does look kinda goofy sometimes if the character in question is not at all ninja like.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Yup. Martial Arts Booster is the one to go with. Ninja Run will get you there fast. You can climb buildings with it. And you look awesome.

Take a travel power whenever you want, or not at all. Do the Atlas Park Safeguard/Mayhem as soon as you can, and suppliment Ninja Run with the Raptor Pack. When it runs out, take 10k to Firebase Zulu/Grandville, and buy a new one.

Super Booster IV: Martial Arts is pure . Kinda makes me feel bad for the upcoming Mutation booster. I mean, how are you gonna top Ninja Run?

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id go science for bod mod
ninja run is great but one problem i have with it on master runs hvae had people whith just ninja run not have a travel power , while not a big problem people still have ports etc it is annoying to people who still get travel powers..
on flip side if u want ninja wear and cool outfits go with martial arts

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Martial Arts. Ninja run is a great quality of (gaming) life enhancer. You'll get places quicker from level 4 onwards and, if you want, you can forgo getting any additional travel powers and use those couple slots for attacks, buffs, etc. I always hated the "nifty skill drought" between lvls 10-20 because I'd feel obligated to get the Fitness skills for Stamina plus two travel powers.

If you decide later that you want a different travel power you can always take it later on or during a respec.

MA pack has some good costume pieces in it as well. The new robes have multiple applications, the different padded/wrapped hand/foot options are great for all sorts of characters and the new half-helm is one of the best helmet options I've seen due to its shape and customization options. So you're getting a good all-round pack, not just a great travel power.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Martial Arts. Ninja run is a great quality of (gaming) life enhancer. You'll get places quicker from level 4 onwards and, if you want, you can forgo getting any additional travel powers and use those couple slots for attacks, buffs, etc. I always hated the "nifty skill drought" between lvls 10-20 because I'd feel obligated to get the Fitness skills for Stamina plus two travel powers.

If you decide later that you want a different travel power you can always take it later on or during a respec.

MA pack has some good costume pieces in it as well. The new robes have multiple applications, the different padded/wrapped hand/foot options are great for all sorts of characters and the new half-helm is one of the best helmet options I've seen due to its shape and customization options. So you're getting a good all-round pack, not just a great travel power.
This is pretty much what I was going to say. I love Ninja Run and have been using the magic costume parts like mad.



Yea, Im a Ninja Run fan. I have respecced out of travel powers because of it so i can have more 'useful' powers.



Originally Posted by Bellen View Post
2) Ninja pack for the Skills at early levels.
Whaddya mean skills at "early" levels?

Ninja Run kicks butt at every frackin level.

That being said, Fortune Teller is a great buff power. Self Destruct is Meh. Tho some people will disagree. Science bod mod adds versatility to the tailor.

Costume pieces are more of a personal preference. Only ones I wasn't thrilled with was the science pack, but that's only because I'm not a fan of the mad scientist style.



IMO? Natural (Ninja) Pack. I've hardly ever used the body sculpting feature myself, but have a few characters that get a lot of mileage (literally) from Ninja Sprint.



I'd say the Natural pack for Ninja Run. I have the Vet Reward allowing a travel power at level 6, and Jet Packs are available to one and all now with a minor outing to the Shadow Shard or Grandville, yet I still find Ninja Run to be one of my favorite improvements to quality of life.


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Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
I'd say the Natural pack for Ninja Run. I have the Vet Reward allowing a travel power at level 6, and Jet Packs are available to one and all now with a minor outing to the Shadow Shard or Grandville, yet I still find Ninja Run to be one of my favorite improvements to quality of life.
I've been playing since July 2004 and I also find Ninja Run to be one of my absolute favorite imprevements to the game.

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If you don't have either the Tech (Cyborg) Pack or the Magic pack (especially the magic pack), I recommend you use the NCSoft store to purchase the AE edition, and apply it/upgrade your account with it, and choose whichever you don't have (if you have neither, I would recommend the magic pack) as purchasing it this way for 20 bucks USD gets you the pack AND a month of play.

For me, currently, the "Order of Purchases" would be :

Natural/Martial Arts pack because of Ninja run and there are some very good costume bits.

Magic Pack - The fortune buffs are fairly good, and some of the best costume bits in the game, many think.

And a toss up between Tech and Science. So far, I've gotten more use out of Tech... but I SO love blowing up and destroying things 1/hour with self destruct, so I'm biased

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
For me, currently, the "Order of Purchases" would be :

Natural/Martial Arts pack because of Ninja run and there are some very good costume bits.

Magic Pack - The fortune buffs are fairly good, and some of the best costume bits in the game, many think.
I'd agree with this. Powerwise nothing comes close to Ninja Run in terms of a self-buff. The Fortune Teller buffs are pretty nice but of course only help teammates.

One thing that hasn't been talked about much are the actual costumes that come with each pack. This type of thing has different appeal to different folks but as for me, I think the cyborg and magic costumes are so cool they justify the cost of their packs by themselves. So I'd say before finalizing your purchase, hit the store website and check out the various screen shots.

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Originally Posted by Bellen View Post
I decided to buy one of the booster packs but now deciding which one.


I started with the GvE pack so I have Pocket D Pass, and Jet Booster.
If you are going to buy only one, I think you already bought the right one.

I would go for the Sci Pack next. If you want puny man turn into smashing giant - you have no other option.

It only takes a trip to the Shadow Shard or Grandville and 10k to get a Raptor pack - even at level 1, so that's a travel power before level 14 that you don't have to buy a booster pack for.
Actually, you can just go to the Shadow Shard or Grandville and park there and you will gain travel time on a Traveller's Pack (same as the Raptor pack but can only hold 30 minute charge), but I'm sure that someone would be able to fork over 10k for the raptor pack, they might even be willing to help you get to the dealer (which shouldn't be a problem if you have the GvE Jump Jet anyway...).



I love the Magic pack costume but I would never buy that pack because I would get to hear "fortune plz" between all the cries of "SB plz"... I don't want to be a fortune teller machine as well as a coffee vending machine

Ninja Run looks very impressive, I will probably go for the MA pack as my first pack



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
I love the Magic pack costume but I would never buy that pack because I would get to hear "fortune plz" between all the cries of "SB plz"... I don't want to be a fortune teller machine as well as a coffee vending machine
I've never been requested for a fortune buff.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
I've never been requested for a fortune buff.
I've never heard that from anyone either.

In my experience, a fair number of folks have this power, we all buff each other before starting the mission and then we promptly forget to use it again later until we're standing around between missions later. The one time I've seen where we did think to re-use it was because we'd wiped and wanted every extra bit of help we could find.

It's a nice power but not as really really useful as Ninja Run - a close-ish second though.



Ninja Run is the power to buy. Who cares about costumes, though MA does have some good pieces. My lev 37 [or 39?] with hurdle and sprint slotted for jump has a 63 mph jump. It is a travel power that grows. [I think I'm remembering correctly. All other toons in that range usually have SS.]

Mission Door TP and Pocket D TP are also good for getting around.

Science is my least used.

I bought them all, regret none.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I've never heard that from anyone either.

I have seen it maybe 7 times, but it still scared me. It was mostly in the final days of Boss Farms before the I16 nerf.

It will probably keep me away from the Magic pack (and any other pack that gives me a buff power that can only be used on others).



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
It will probably keep me away from the Magic pack (and any other pack that gives me a buff power that can only be used on others).
Having two accounts means you can buff yourself.

Ninja run is cool, but I honestly don't use it much. Maybe when (if) I start a new character I'll get more mileage out of it. Currently I play my lvl 50s exclusively and their travel needs were taken care of a long time ago.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
The one time I've seen where we did think to re-use it was because we'd wiped and wanted every extra bit of help we could find.
Note that the buff from the Mystic Fortune power doesn't expire upon defeat, but is persistent for the entire 20-minute in-game (won't expire during logged-out time either) duration.

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I hope this is a relevant question for this thread:

If I decide to purchase the MA Booster Pack... is there a recommended way to slot other powers (Sprint, Hurdle, Swift, etc.) to get the most benefit from Ninja Run?

Or is it great right out of the box... no other slotting needed?

Thanks for any help.

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