No news for a month?
Holidays, and gearing up for the GR beta which is supposed to be "early 2010." I expect they're actually quite busy right now, just with things they can't tell us about.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Thats my point..Why not just tell us everything so we know what to expect and have that much more to look forward to
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
you know the power "Build up"? boosts your dmg and to hit by alot then when you attack with it you do alot more dmg. well its kinda like that. devs are building up then they will let out an attack so great everyone will be stuned
There's also the very real possibility that features that are currently planned and in development to be part of Going Rogue might not work correctly and have to be changed or even removed completely.
If they tell us we're getting X, but then two months from now they tell us, "Sorry, you're getting Y instead," then that's going to tick off a vocal group on the boards and in the game who will then sour the experience for others and it'll just become one big mess.
Since nothing is set in stone until it's been thoroughly tested by QA and beta players, they've opted to keep silent about these other features.
It's understandable that you want more information -- hell, I want it just as bad as you do -- but you're just going to have to continue to be patient. Beta should be starting up in the next few weeks, and they're sure to reveal some more info then.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I'm deeply sadened by the lack of updates/news over the past month. I know out of the last 4 weeks...something must have happened or you people must be working on something. And ... ok... take a week away from that for the holidays...that still leaves you with 3 weeks to do something and let us know whats going on.
Hows Going Rogue going..... I don't know why you feel you need to "surprise" us and not give any details whats going on with it or what will be in it. All that does is gives people high expectations brought on by gossip, rumor, and missinterpretation of interviews and if it doesn't turn out to be what we have peiced together and look forward to...thats just doing nothing but hurting the game by making other run to CO or STO leaving this game in ruin. |
Suck it up!
That is all.
But seriously, gnawing at the bit is pretty non-constructive. Threatening to leave for another game because of impatience is just tacky and non-endearing. But if you do decide to leave, I'll have to ask the obligatory "Can I have your stuff" question.
Fallacies used by the OP:
Slippery Slope
Fallacy of Novelty
There's also the very real possibility that features that are currently planned and in development to be part of Going Rogue might not work correctly and have to be changed or even removed completely.
If they tell us we're getting X, but then two months from now they tell us, "Sorry, you're getting Y instead," then that's going to tick off a vocal group on the boards and in the game who will then sour the experience for others and it'll just become one big mess. Since nothing is set in stone until it's been thoroughly tested by QA and beta players, they've opted to keep silent about these other features. |
"SSOCS" - aka Skills system. Which was chucked and replaced wholesale with Inventions... leaving the Universities sitting for quite some time with no purpose behind them.
Nictus EAT.
I'm deeply sadened by the lack of updates/news over the past month. I know out of the last 4 weeks...something must have happened or you people must be working on something. And ... ok... take a week away from that for the holidays...that still leaves you with 3 weeks to do something and let us know whats going on.
Hows Going Rogue going..... I don't know why you feel you need to "surprise" us and not give any details whats going on with it or what will be in it. All that does is gives people high expectations brought on by gossip, rumor, and missinterpretation of interviews and if it doesn't turn out to be what we have peiced together and look forward to...thats just doing nothing but hurting the game by making other run to CO or STO leaving this game in ruin. |
This could be considered the first full work week in 2-3 weeks between the vacations, kids being out of school, holiday parties, shopping, etc, etc, etc. I'll bet we'll here something as far as news within the next 2 weeks once everyone is back and settled, maybe as early as this week. Be patient and go play with the game that is out there...I hear its pretty fun.
There's also the very real possibility that features that are currently planned and in development to be part of Going Rogue might not work correctly and have to be changed or even removed completely.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
See also:
"SSOCS" - aka Skills system. Which was chucked and replaced wholesale with Inventions... leaving the Universities sitting for quite some time with no purpose behind them. Nictus EAT. Avilans. |
Hence why they're not giving us news. It's for our benefit.
I'm trying to patient as well. However, it might not be a bad idea to launch out another booster pack beforehand to keep people interested. I'd follow that up with another free account activation weekend..then BAM slam it home with GR.
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
I feel the PO. I check the forums once a week and am always disappointed to see the same post from weeks before still there. In the last 3 months we had the holiday events and the ninja booster pack....but I'm just bored as hell. I haven't even logged in for at least 3 months...or since Halloween anyways. I doubt I'm the only vet that has become bored. GR is taking forever. Another booster pack would help, but I doubt I'll log in again untill GR goes live. I just can't redo the same content anymore.
I feel the PO. I check the forums once a week and am always disappointed to see the same post from weeks before still there. In the last 3 months we had the holiday events and the ninja booster pack....but I'm just bored as hell. I haven't even logged in for at least 3 months...or since Halloween anyways. I doubt I'm the only vet that has become bored. GR is taking forever. Another booster pack would help, but I doubt I'll log in again untill GR goes live. I just can't redo the same content anymore.
Some news/updates would be nice. I thought i17 was coming out before GR. If i17 is going to be more fluff then just skip it. Honestly. The game has a ton of 'content' and adding anymore of this 'content' would be too much - make it new and exciting!
No. I mean there has been no new zones or real content added in ages. Honestly, after five years I think I'm finally done with this game. I'm just keeping my subscription going in hopes that GR is awesome and gets me excited about this game again.
real content |
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Nope. Real content is actual real content. Booster packs, changing power colors, and other quality of life changes are very nice, but they are fluff. I'm talking about new zones, events, factions, ATs, powers. Killing the same thing in the same mission for the 100,000 time with a different hat or different colored energy beam is not new content.
Like I said, I'm pretty much over this game. It's gotten old and stale. Here is to hoping GR breaths some life into it for people like me.
Since nothing is set in stone until it's been thoroughly tested by QA and beta players
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
No. I mean there has been no new zones or real content added in ages. Honestly, after five years I think I'm finally done with this game. I'm just keeping my subscription going in hopes that GR is awesome and gets me excited about this game again.
I hope GR is much more than what they have revealed. If not then I will have to find a new game. I already tried to go to CO but they aren't quite there yet.
you know the power "Build up"? boosts your dmg and to hit by alot then when you attack with it you do alot more dmg. well its kinda like that. devs are building up then they will let out an attack so great everyone will be stuned
I'm deeply sadened by the lack of updates/news over the past month. I know out of the last 4 weeks...something must have happened or you people must be working on something. And ... ok... take a week away from that for the holidays...that still leaves you with 3 weeks to do something and let us know whats going on.
Hows Going Rogue going..... I don't know why you feel you need to "surprise" us and not give any details whats going on with it or what will be in it. All that does is gives people high expectations brought on by gossip, rumor, and missinterpretation of interviews and if it doesn't turn out to be what we have peiced together and look forward to...thats just doing nothing but hurting the game by making other run to CO or STO leaving this game in ruin.