The January 2010 FArt Battle




I definitely want to see you join in if you can, Frost. I'm quite keen on getting the graphic designers in on this, because I know there's a lot of creative types around here that can make fan art of City of Heroes, but maybe not necessarily your standard character pin-up. This is also why I'm hoping DrainBamage can get some sort of sculpture entry in. It would be totally awesome to see a bunch of different sorts of artwork entered!

Ooooh, a spanking! Now I'm being rewarded for being derelict in duty!



OK, since I've had the question posed to me privately, I just want to re-iterate that if your entry this month is disqualified for not adhering to the rules, you WILL NOT be entered into the competition.

I went back and forth over this since its a head count month, but I really don't think its fair to everyone to set any precedent where someone submits a disqualified entry, but continues. Everyone gets treated the same in this.

Again, this is why its to a competitor's advantage to submit a piece a little early, so anything that would disqualify an entry can be caught early, and has time to be fixed! I'm really hoping Shia takes the time to have a hot chick off somewhere in the distance, because I rather like his entry.

I'm going to post February's theme shortly after the voting gets going for January so you guys have plenty of time (and because February is a short month). Trying to do my part to help the contestants do their best!

Still keep throwing me any suggestions to improve the competition if you think of anything. Thanks, guys!

-Your FArt Mistress



If one of the swimmers had a tattoo of a hot chick on his body somewhere, would that be enough to meet the requirement? That would be a quick fix without adding or changing too much I think. It would be a shame to get disqualified this month.

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I say it would be, as long as she was cleary visible.

Hell, I'd let you copypasta some existing art as a "tattoo".

(That's the general you.)



Yes, I would accept a hot chick tattoo as meeting the hot chick requirement =)

This is the fun of the rule. Its an extra (albeit pretty minor with you guys!) bit of challenge, and can be done pretty creatively.

And I like boobs, of course.



If the whole tattoo on a mangled swimmer doesn't do it for ya Shia there's another alternative. You don't need a full length hot chick do you? (does he?) He could just have a head and shoulder and boobs of a hot chick below the podium gazing up at Mako in the classic "my hero" routine. Maybe with one arm wrapped around his leg ala European Vacation.That would be a quick fix as well.

Figures she would enjoy that too much... I shall simply have to try harder next time.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



personally id rather shia just walk away from this contest , Me and the shia have already discussed it at leangth via Aim as well as my disdain for this contests particular set of rules .


but I don't speak for shia and i'll be intrested in seeing which way he wants to go with this .



Sorry Shia I'm all for allowing a good explanation of the foot in the first panel being that of a woman to suffice. It might impede on the original intention of the piece a bit, but seeing as there isn't even Carl Kassell voice recording riding on the competition (sorry, Foo) and that the first round won't have an elimination, the more entries the better!

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



Well, I would be sad to see Shia drop out over that. I think we can all agree that we love to see his work! But in fairness, the rule was clearly stated (even before the theme went up), and the other entrants have kept it in mind, worked with it, and had fun with it.

If its a deal-breaker for him, its a deal-breaker.

I'm being a stickler for any rules this year because I want to avoid the grey areas we ran into last year, as it rather soured the fun. So while I'm flexible and working in suggestions (such as doing a month where eliminated entrants can win their way back in), we already know how it can turn out if the rules are overly lax.



I really do hope its a deal breaker for him , I really do .



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I really do hope its a deal breaker for him , I really do .
Is this REALLY necessary deebs? If you don't like the contest you are free to ignore it.



Amazing entries everyone! Extremely well done!

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I like you deebs but in this case I really am glad you don't speak for Shia... I really am.

You are like totally ruining my plans for a ultimate finale deathmatch to the death n' stuffz.

There were some problems last year true but we also got to see some truly inspired art as well
and that's something I wouldn't choose to give up just to spare us some board drama. Not a chance.

As far as not liking the rules of this particular contest, having a hot chick as a prerequisite (if this is what you are referring to)
may not be something that "does it" for you but it's about as benign a rule as you could ask for... it just means you gotta add one more person
(heck even a small part of them) to the scene. I know not everybody is willing to speak out if they are bothered by something but I personally have no
problem saying what I think in this regard and to me it's no different than being restricted to a theme each month... it may put some limitations on what we
can do but it also levels the playing field and forces people to be creative. I'm ok with that.

You set the rules up front and you stick to them... that, I feel, is the only way to be fair and do it right this time around and I for one applaud Wassy for sticking to her guns on this.

P.S. Shia whatever you decide I'm cool with it. I will still look forward to seeing your art and sense of humor, but I hope if you exit the contest this year it's because you went out fighting and not because you got flunked on a technicality in the very first month. It's only a small addition you need to make to have a viable submission and you have several days to do it in... think about it and I'll see you on the field of battle! Cheers.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



just goes to show your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. last year everyone got in a huff about not discounting entries that didn't fit the criteria, now people are actually making a fuss out of eliminating someone who didn't follow the pre established rules, there is time to change shia's entry and he will be the wiser for it in knowing better for the next round.



...well the russian with the crotch bandage is NOW considered female... and after that fast swim he/she must be really hot



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
...well the russian with the crotch bandage is NOW considered female... and after that fast swim he/she must be really hot
OK, this made me giggle. Quite a voice of wisdom, there =)



Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
just goes to show your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. last year everyone got in a huff about not discounting entries that didn't fit the criteria, now people are actually making a fuss out of eliminating someone who didn't follow the pre established rules, there is time to change shia's entry and he will be the wiser for it in knowing better for the next round.
Actually im complaining about the inane rule to begin with the so called "Hawt Chick " rule



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Is this REALLY necessary deebs? If you don't like the contest you are free to ignore it.
And you are free to ignore me , irregardless if your going to host a public contest on a public forum and then add in a inane "must have hawt chicks " rule solely because the host wants Hawt chicks im alowed to voice my displeasure publicly espescially when the person hosting it says inane things like "Its a male swim meet and going by olympic rules theres no way the foot could belong to a woman "



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
I know not everybody is willing to speak out if they are bothered by something but I personally have no problem saying what I think in this regard and to me it's no different than being restricted to a theme each month... it may put some limitations on what we
can do but it also levels the playing field and forces people to be creative. I'm ok with that.

Sorry for a double post, but CR edits his posts like its nobody's business!

Yes, this is truly the spirit of the rule. I didn't feel it was a gigantic limitation (far less than the themes), and could be an interesting challenge. If someone wanted to go totally Where's Waldo with it, that would be so fun! I also wanted to in some small way, put my own personal stamp on the year's activities. I couldn't think of any more fitting way to do that than to ensure a bevy of ladies every month.

Also, the feedback I've gotten so far has been overwhelmingly positive. Pretty much everyone got the joke, saw the fun in it, and is happily moving forward.

I think I've been far from an absentee FArt Mistress, and have put a lot of effort into making this year accessible, clear, visible, and FUN.

BUUUUUUUUUT, everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions. It is what it is, and its just silly to think I can please 100% of the people 100% of the time. So I'm fine with that. I mostly would like to just leave it at that now, so we can gear up for the quickly-approaching deadline and enjoy everyone's efforts!

MOVE YOUR BUTTS, ARTISTS!! I'm looking at you, Swanzy and CR ^.^



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
Actually im complaining about the inane rule to begin with the so called "Hawt Chick " rule
Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
And you are free to ignore me , irregardless if your going to host a public contest on a public forum and then add in a inane "must have hawt chicks " rule solely because the host wants Hawt chicks im alowed to voice my displeasure publicly espescially when the person hosting it says inane things like "Its a male swim meet and going by olympic rules theres no way the foot could belong to a woman "
Wow inane must be the word of the day or something... **checks his handy "word a day" calendar** nope today's word is "Ironic."

Inane means lacking sense or significance... to be devoid of meaning.

Wassy's claim that it would not (in her opinion) be a females foot in the pool by Olympic rules
makes pretty good sense. Did they let hot chicks jump in the pool before, during or after one of Michael Phelps Olympic runs?
Would anyone not there to compete jump into a bloody pool with a shark in it? Makes sense to me.
The fact that it is supposed to be an Olympic event is important since there are no men vs women co-ed swims in the Olympics... that means it's significant too.

Sounds to me like what Wassy said is the opposite of inane despite your repeated misuse of the word...

that's pretty "Ironic."

P.S. you are free to ignore me if you so choose as well.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



but of course theres super heroes in the olympics right , gotcha CR !



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin
Wow inane must be the word of the day or something... **checks his handy "word a day" calendar** nope today's word is "Ironic."
Inane means lacking sense or significance... to be devoid of meaning.
you'll have to explain the significance of Wassys "Hawt Chick " rule in regards to a fan art competition of City of Heroes other than her stated intent of putting her mark on the contest with something she enjoys

Originally Posted by ChristopherRobine
Wassy's claim that it would not (in her opinion) be a females foot in the pool by Olympic rules
makes pretty good sense. Did they let hot chicks jump in the pool before, during or after one of Michael Phelps Olympic runs?
Would anyone not there to compete jump into a bloody pool with a shark in it? Makes sense to me.
The fact that it is supposed to be an Olympic event is important since there are no men vs women co-ed swims in the Olympics... that means it's significant too.
I don't remember super heroes being allowed to compete either nor being allowed to attack each other and still win medals .

Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin

Sounds to me like what Wassy said is the opposite of inane despite your repeated misuse of the word...

that's pretty "Ironic."

P.S. you are free to ignore me if you so choose as well.
I still think its Inane by your definition



I'm not looking to fan to fan the flames of this argument, but something touched on the peice I'm working on:

The fact that it is supposed to be an Olympic event is important since there are no men vs women co-ed swims in the Olympics... that means it's significant too.
To me, super powers make gender irrelevant in physical competition. My event has men and women and non-humans all mixed in together. My Olympics are fantasy. I have no problem with someone else structuring their Olympics however they please, though I could certainly see the rationale behind it being a criterion in the judging.

If it's gotta be somehow realistic in the way that the Olympics are actually structured, tell me now so I can stop working on my piece lol.




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
I'm not looking to fan to fan the flames of this argument, but something touched on the peice I'm working on:

To me, super powers make gender irrelevant in physical competition. My event has men and women and non-humans all mixed in together. My Olympics are fantasy. I have no problem with someone else structuring their Olympics however they please, though I could certainly see the rationale behind it being a criterion in the judging.

If it's gotta be somehow realistic in the way that the Olympics are actually structured, tell me now so I can stop working on my piece lol.

I agree - I would think "normal" goes out when we're talking about people who can fly and toss fireballs around.

It's Wassy's call, however, so we'll see.

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