The January 2010 FArt Battle




PM'd asking for more info on the piece. Or a small version of the piece would do too. Not fair to judge it on limited information and all.



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
To me, super powers make gender irrelevant in physical competition. My event has men and women and non-humans all mixed in together. My Olympics are fantasy.

I would imagine the whole Olympic format would change were there supers I think comparing these to reality won't work here.

I mean, the high guy with super jump shatters that record without even trying. Plus, the whole "defense" vs your competitors...a well placed ice slick could do wonders in a foot

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Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post but my butt has to be stationary to draw if I move it I'll never get anything done.
okay you got me here im not sure how to respond , so im thinking im missing the intent here .

nice edit by the way



I (maybe) refuse to change my entry until Christopher Robin chooses to use regular, easy to read standard white type. The field of orange when I see his posts kills my eyes x.x; I honestly skip anything he types because it's giant and orange and is a pain to read. It's nothing personal, other than his choice in colors. I'm making a stand! (maybe)



Yes, pieces that set out to change the entire Olympic format to give it a super-powered spin are perfectly acceptable. Its all in your set-up.

From the description FD gave me, I'm thinking his piece will be fine.

The difference is that he very clearly intended to bring male and female contestants together for his piece. The difference is the clear intent. When I look at Shia's piece, I don't see any clear intent to abide by the Hot Chicks rule. And I'm also clearly not the only one who saw it this way... because it was pointed out before me. There was nothing showing that this was a co-ed race (as will be clearly shown in FD's piece). You could just as easily say the foot in the pool is an oddly-shaped balloon as you could that it is female, based on the CONTEXT.

Heck, if there was a high heel on it, I would have taken it. That at least would have shown acknowledgement of the rule, and maybe even a little tongue-in-cheek way of showing his feelings for it!

I feel really awful about all this going back and forth arguing about Shia's piece. I hope he takes all the suggestions everyone has come up with as a sign of how much we want him to stay in. I love that tattoo suggestion, among others. Goes to show you guys can come up with ways of using the rule to your advantage to come up with something interesting and creative.

Also, Shia can always pop in to plead his case if he feels he's been really wronged here. Or PM me. Whichever =)

EDIT: You darn people have to stop posting while I'm typing and making some of my comments irrelevant!



hahah I'm getting Déjà vu here and we havn't finished the first month yet...

In my opinion that guy on the left totally has boobs...

Great job Shia, i saw what ya did there



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
The fact that it is supposed to be an Olympic event is important since there are no men vs women co-ed swims in the Olympics.
*holds up one hand* Eh hemmmm....there are no sharks vs humans in any Olympic event either. Just thought I'd point that out.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
hahah I'm getting Déjà vu here and we havn't finished the first month yet...

In my opinion that guy on the left totally has boobs...

Great job Shia, i saw what ya did there

Could be Mako's a chick? <ducks and runs>

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Enter a contest or don't but if you do then complaining that the rules apply to you is silly.

As for the rules, if a person has a problem with them the proper time to speak against them is before the contest begins. Complaining after the fact is just... Inane.

As for the co trovery itself, well it's very darn amusing to watch... Please do continue . But personally, if I had the balls or talent to enter, I'd probably would hace had a baby chicken on fire at the very bottom of the pic... And in each month I survived I would have advanced the chich a little further across the screen and had the fire a little bigger... Screw wether it was relevant to the submission or not... I just think burning baby chickens alive to qualify would be amusing!!



Thanks, Caemgen.

I also would have taken a burning baby chicken. Anything that was a specific nod to the rule in an effort to have fun with it is excellent.

You brought up a good point... I had a thread going for a month before the January theme even went up detailing my intentions for the contest. The January theme has been up since December... there's already been more than enough time to bring up any ill feelings. So now its way past time.

People who don't like the rules don't have to play the game. It isn't like this is an officially sanctioned contest or for any prize. This is something that Juggertha started up, and I don't know if you all realize this, but I specifically was given permission by him to run it this year.

If someone wants to have a concurrent Fan Art competition going with different rules or a different set-up, go for it! There's nothing anywhere saying the boards can only handle one contest ever and that's it.

The long and the short is; I've gone over this a bunch of times, made suggestions, Shia still has time to either convince me himself or take any of the numerous suggestions, and I've made my position quite clear. So I consider the matter closed.




They're your guns Wassy, stick to them!

Deebs could have had a good argument against the rule if it was made before the start of the contest- a hawt chick may be obviously out of place in some arts, how much hawt chick must be shown, why not be fair and insist on eye candy for those who prefer the dudes, etc etc... I may have been on board with that.

However, was not one of the big complaints last year regarding changing rules after the fact? I cannot recall who made that complaint last year but I see no reason to give them call to make the same complaint so early into the contest this year...



Briefly because I need to get some sleep.

@ Shia: In a word, No.
If I were to change my text font or color to something else it would not be through coercion or your "making a stand." Click n' drag over my text and presto it's now blue on white... Super easy to read and it takes less than one second and almost no effort to do.

If that is too much "work" for you to do then just ignore me.

If you are looking for an easy way to cop out you have several avenues open to you and it's kinda strange that you would seek to pin it on me?

@deebs: F.Y.I. For those not aware the forums gives you approximately 1 minute to make any changes to a post you want without being considered an edit. Seriously as many as you want as long as you are less than 60 secs it counts as your original post... how do I know that? Simple I do it all the time.... I edit all my posts.

Every single one of them.

Take a look through my thread (button is in the sig) or anywhere I post often and see for yourself. If there is a post that does not say edited it's more than likely because I was fast enough to beat the 60 second clock. You think I am editing just on account of you???

Nope think again.

Also you have edited posts too, what's your point?

If you honestly want to have a debate about the rules, something you think I said wrong or my "maddening orange text" I'm willing to do so in PM's or through voice chat, but if you just want controversy for it's own sake or to ruin the contest thread for others I wish you well but you are on your own.


Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
but of course theres super heroes in the olympics right , gotcha CR !
Of course there are... define super hero... ummm Un-gotcha CR !?!
But define it in a PM... i'm like taking a stand and stuffz(maybe)... >. > __ < .<

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ok guys... this seems to be getting all too familiar.

In 2008 I started up the FArt contest as a way to focus, challenge, and inspire some of the artists on this board. It was never to be taken too seriously (look at the title for god's sake), and it is strictly for enjoyment purposes.

The first year went off relatively smoothly. Some people objected to the contest, and they simply didn't join. The second year, well, joined or not, many people decided to voice their strong objections to nearly everything - the main focus seemingly on the adherence to the rules.

So this year, Wassy is running the show and has decided to be a bit firmer with the rules. They dont sound outrageous to me, and they were posted well in advance.

So, if the rules are unclear, ask for clarification (as FD did) - but if you don't like the rules of the contest... WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM WHEN IT'S UNDERWAY??? Why not say something beforehand?

And seriously folks, chill out a bit. This is for fun. If you're not having fun, shake it off and don't bother with this thing.

It's not worth it.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
Ok guys... this seems to be getting all too familiar.

In 2008 I started up the FArt contest as a way to focus, challenge, and inspire some of the artists on this board. It was never to be taken too seriously (look at the title for god's sake), and it is strictly for enjoyment purposes.

The first year went off relatively smoothly. Some people objected to the contest, and they simply didn't join. The second year, well, joined or not, many people decided to voice their strong objections to nearly everything - the main focus seemingly on the adherence to the rules.

So this year, Wassy is running the show and has decided to be a bit firmer with the rules. They dont sound outrageous to me, and they were posted well in advance.

So, if the rules are unclear, ask for clarification (as FD did) - but if you don't like the rules of the contest... WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM WHEN IT'S UNDERWAY??? Why not say something beforehand?

And seriously folks, chill out a bit. This is for fun. If you're not having fun, shake it off and don't bother with this thing.

It's not worth it.

Well said bro!



.... I would now like to state for the record that I HAVE collected all 493 pokemon...


thank you..
err... umm... also I think for this contest now, that we need at LEAST a one breast minimum on all drawings



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
Juggertha's post of wisdom
double plus plus. What he said.

Only way this competition works is if all parties involved understand that it's supposed to be just for fun. And the rules are there to challenge the people participating to do things which they might not normally do, thereby improving their skillz. Life's too short to be pissed about how a friendly forum competition with no prize whatsoever is being run.

If one doesn't like how this particular competition is being handled (and did not voice their discontent when such discontent was being requested for over a month), they're free to give it a pass. Or start their own competition with rules more to their liking.



Y'all's be so crazee!



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Y'all's be so crazee!
Wassy's post of wisdom!



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
Ok guys... this seems to be getting all too familiar.

In 2008 I started up the FArt contest as a way to focus, challenge, and inspire some of the artists on this board. It was never to be taken too seriously (look at the title for god's sake), and it is strictly for enjoyment purposes.

The first year went off relatively smoothly. Some people objected to the contest, and they simply didn't join. The second year, well, joined or not, many people decided to voice their strong objections to nearly everything - the main focus seemingly on the adherence to the rules.

So this year, Wassy is running the show and has decided to be a bit firmer with the rules. They dont sound outrageous to me, and they were posted well in advance.

So, if the rules are unclear, ask for clarification (as FD did) - but if you don't like the rules of the contest... WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM WHEN IT'S UNDERWAY??? Why not say something beforehand?

And seriously folks, chill out a bit. This is for fun. If you're not having fun, shake it off and don't bother with this thing.

It's not worth it.
Applauds Juggertha. I agree with everything you said except the end. This event is totally worth it to me drama or no drama and I find myself looking forward to it each month while it's happening.

Over the course of exchanging ideas arguments and debates will happen but as long as they are civil I am ok with them.

That said this thread should be about the Art and having fun so if it starts getting out of hand I will happily start a different thread for discussion. This has many benefits but most importantly

1. People who genuinely want to debate the finer points don't feel they are being shushed or stifled.

2. Keeps the drama out of this thread. For people who could care less about the "drama" and just want moar artz nao... they can ignore that thread entirely and just come to this thread to keep up with the event.

3. If that wholly separate debate thread gets out of hand, crazy, personal or goes over the line (some people aren't really interested in a rational debate they want a fight and lots of controversy) and should get modsmacked/silenced it does NOT risk harming the contest in any way shape or form.

Even better yet send a PM and keep it off the boards all together... Wassy from everything I'm reading is flexible (man I hope so ... in her role as Fan Art Mistress that is... ahem) and willing to hear complaints and or logical reasoned arguments... or like send them to me and stuff... no really, if you want to debate in PM's I'm like all here for ya and stuffz... ummm please... I'll let you go first... I'll even use white text in PM's I promise ... pwiddy puweassse?


Darn it, they never want a real one on one debate!

Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Y'all's be so crazee!
"I am not Crazy! My mother had me tested" - Dr. Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory)
Heh, love that show.

Originally Posted by Frost View Post
double plus plus. What he said.

Only way this competition works is if all parties involved understand that it's supposed to be just for fun. And the rules are there to challenge the people participating to do things which they might not normally do, thereby improving their skillz. Life's too short to be pissed about how a friendly forum competition with no prize whatsoever is being run.

If one doesn't like how this particular competition is being handled (and did not voice their discontent when such discontent was being requested for over a month), they're free to give it a pass. Or start their own competition with rules more to their liking.
Totally agree.

Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
.... I would now like to state for the record that I HAVE collected all 493 pokemon...


thank you..
err... umm... also I think for this contest now, that we need at LEAST a one breast minimum on all drawings
Darn you IB! That's like 492 past my personal record!!!

...wuuut? niece got me a Pikachu ok? >. >

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



This contest isn't what it used to be, so I'm going to call myself the the last and therefore only reigning FArt Champion.

You might as well just call the whole thing off now.



or or or the first person that submitted a piece this year to be declared the winner.

If you want to enter... follow the guide lines set forth by the host or don't enter.



Hm, I did fail to recall the 'women' requirement as I worked on this so suddenly (As I very rarely think before I do anything), however I have made necessary adjustments to my piece (It did take me a while as I was trying to think of a way to put it in that wouldn't harsh the humor and artistic integrity of my original submission). So, after careful consideration (And quite honestly sitting back and enjoying the forum drama for quite a while, while considering how best to respond), I have come up with this girl version of my original submission!