I'm NOT a dev!!!




Why is it that there are times when I log on with characters who I know how to tweak in ways that seem like they have things not in game, but totally available to all, that I keep having to beat down folks who clamor at me calling me a dev!

There's a trick with certain costume options to make it seem like you have saddle shoes, I;ve taught folks how to make them, been called a dev over that.

HEck, there are times I've logged in as Arbiter Fabulous and been asked what's it like to work with Sexy Jay, or worse, folks have thought I *WAS* Sexy Jay.

Tonight it happened again, I was on as my petless thugs mastermind, Occult 45, who is going to be my big GR character, walking around with my dual pistols out, and folks were, once again, asking me if I was in beta, a dev, or worked somewhere else in paragon studios.

For the record, I am not a dev, I do not work for NCSoft, Paragon studios or it's affiliate companies. As for beta, I signed up for it at HeroCon, I stayed active for the loyalty program so.. yes I'm in beta, eventually.. whenever it's going to start. When that is, I dunno.

Please folks, all it takes is someone accidentally talking about how they ran into the Dev "Arbiter Fabulous" for me to lose access to this wonderful game.

I like to be social, but it's really difficult when I have to walk on eggshells typing, trying to make sure I don;t say something that could be construed as breaking the rules. Major rules at that.

Sorry for ranting, at first it was funny being thought of as a developer, goodness knows I'd be AT Paragon Studios in a heartbeat if I could, I love this game and would love working for it. But after a while, it gets a bit cumbersome.

Forgive the rant, and if you think this post seems silly or pointless, guess how *I* feel.


Arbiter "I'M NOT A DEV" Fabulous

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Seriously, there are times when I feel like the Dr. Tran of this community. XD

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Originally Posted by Equation View Post

Please folks, all it takes is someone accidentally talking about how they ran into the Dev "Arbiter Fabulous" for me to lose access to this wonderful game.

You'd lose access?
I find that hard to believe, especially with your "celebrity". I'm fairly certain all the REAL devs know who you are and would laugh off anyone spouting on about you were a dev.
If you're really worried about it be preemptive.
Send a message to a few devs and ask them their opinion on what you should do or what is happening to you.
I'm sure their responses would put you at ease.

But...if you should need anyone to shadow you and smack people around (verbally of course) if they get outa line...let me know.

Can I have an autograph?

The worst dresser on Virtue,



All it takes is claiming to be a dev, and knowing how much I joke around, I have to suddenly get very tight lipped whenever anyone drops the D word. I don't want it on record at anytime me even JOKING that I'm with NCSoft, because rules are rules, and being well-known means nothing at that point.

The sad thing is, when folks drop the D word, I get very matter of fact, to the point, tight lipped, thinking only in legalese, which have made folks think that I'm them a dev trying to "cover their tracks".

It doesn't happen all the time, but my goodness when it does, is it draining.

Honestly, part of me wishes I WAS a dev, I'm sure they have some form of scripted dialogue to say in such an occasion.

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Originally Posted by Equation View Post
There's a trick with certain costume options to make it seem like you have saddle shoes, I;ve taught folks how to make them,
Let's hear it and we'll negotiate your assorted nicknames later.



Boxing boots from the vet reward + slacks + (White)/(black)= Saddle Shoes

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Originally Posted by Equation View Post
Please folks, all it takes is someone accidentally talking about how they ran into the Dev "Arbiter Fabulous" for me to lose access to this wonderful game.
Not even in the slightest. Anyone with even a modicum of internet celebrity is called "Dev" by people they play with. I wouldn't think twice about it. I know the GM's don't.

If you're genuinely concerned than I suggest you contact Customer Support. Making a post on a forum is little more than a cry out for attention.



At 1st, I read the title as "I'm not a devil!" I clearly need more coffee.
But yeah, like others stated above, I don't think you have anything to worry about.



Originally Posted by Equation View Post
Why is it that there are times when I log on with characters who I know how to tweak in ways that seem like they have things not in game, but totally available to all, that I keep having to beat down folks who clamor at me calling me a dev!

Forgive the rant, and if you think this post seems silly or pointless, guess how *I* feel.


Arbiter "I'M NOT A DEV" Fabulous
You may not be a DEV, but you certainly have your own renown. I was amused by the reaction of some when I wandered past you in the D tonight with Delicious Jailbait and commented on Local something like.. "Oh look, is Arbiter Fabulous, he is famous guy."

I always like it when I see someone from the boards in-game.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Not even in the slightest. Anyone with even a modicum of internet celebrity is called "Dev" by people they play with. I wouldn't think twice about it. I know the GM's don't.

If you're genuinely concerned than I suggest you contact Customer Support. Making a post on a forum is little more than a cry out for attention.
It was more just me venting, honestly. It happened a few times tonight, and I was just pulling my hair in frustration.

I didn't mean for it to be a cry for attention, more like a cry to have a bit of it mitigated. XD

Frankly, I'm waiting for us to get the City Scoop back, it's getting closer to happening by the way, folks. We've just been trying to figure out how, with the new forums and all that.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Making a post on a forum is little more than a cry out for attention.

Equation cry out for attention?
Say it ain't so!
I am shocked and appalled at your accusation!
The simple fact that you even suggest such a thing only goes to show...
Well...it goes to show something I'm sure.
I'm shocked.
And appalled.
No really.



Originally Posted by D_M_G View Post
At 1st, I read the title as "I'm not a devil!"
So did I.

If the OP is really worried, then he should write a Macro Button that states a disclaimer.
/macro Dev1 "Local I'm not a Dev and have never claimed to be. I'm just so fabulous and awesome that some folks jump to the wrong conclusions."
Edit to add:
/macro Dev2 "Local I am not a Hacker, a Gold Farmer or a Moderator. Luke, I am not your father."
/macro Dev3 "Local I do not work for NCSoft, Cryptic or any other similar entity. I am just a left-handed, brownhaired man that works at a gas station in Des Moines by day, and enjoys City of Heroes by night, particularly playing with the costume editor."



I support that macro.



You can always change your name to Arbiter NotAdeV.



If you were a Dev, a certan eyesore in Pocket D would be fixed by now.

She's still ugly.

Therefore: You're not a Dev.

Seems simple to me.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



I think hes lying and he is a dev....HES SEKRIT AGENT!

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Equation View Post

Please folks, all it takes is someone accidentally talking about how they ran into the Dev "Arbiter Fabulous" for me to lose access to this wonderful game.
They're after you for bashing on that Trina girl at Hero Con!

(I kid. :P)




no worries equation we would start a protest and a rally at pocket D they cant get rid of developer fabulous

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Actually on the Merit Vendors, I've had many ideas on them, frankly I think that a nice Silver with blue trim theme would go better than the gold/maroon that they are going on.

They are a bit gaudy, but at the same time, I think that if you have something more appealing to look at, you might be more opt to use the Merit systems. *shrugs*

Arbiter NotADev.. I love it.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



It's not just that they are gaudy but they are unnecessary. Their function could be performed by the existing stores already. Or by the trainers. Or something other than a bunch of clowns with no in-game explanation for who they are. No, this is not a request for the devs to make up an explanation for the merit vendors. Just get rid of them. But enough of this. Back to your regular thread.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Making a post on a forum is little more than a cry out for attention.
He said excuse the rant several time. He was flustered, and to be honest, who could blame him. He stands at a precarious precipice. All it takes is a mod who DOESN'T know him to see it. Making light of his predicament is hardly the reaction I expected. I am honestly disappointed.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



I can understand people's suspicions.

They're walking about in their ever-stylish motif de la randome and they see someone who is dressed in a manner that, to be fair, they couldn't ever hope to duplicate.
It makes sense for them to assume that you have access to special parts that they can't get to.

Heck, I've been asked whether I was an npc while in Outbreak just because I happened to be sitting on an upturned truck when they came by and asked them if they were willing to clear out a few of the nearby Contaminated while I kept an eye on the truck full of drugs I'd just disabled.

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