I'm NOT a dev!!!




Originally Posted by Equation View Post
Seriously, there are times when I feel like the Dr. Tran of this community. XD
3-2-1 Arbiter Fabulous!

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



Equasion, we're friends. I think you're a great guy. But... isn't 'Oh, gee, guys, stop fawning over me and and treating me like a dev and asking me what it's like to be famous!' sort of.. counterproductive? You're shouting 'IGNORE ME!' from the tops of the rooftops wearing pumps and a tutu here. Wouldn't it just be, y'know, more cost-effective to tell people 'look, I'm just a dude who had a character idea, I'm nobody special, stop harassing me.' in private?

I know that's probably what you've done, in fact I'm sure you've done it plenty of times, but this sort of smacks of passive-aggressive attention *******. Son, Vent Crew is dissapoint.



What Pratz Said.

Though if you run around shouting IGNORE ME you may start to earn back some kudos.

Let it be done.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!








I just noticed folks were still responding to this thread. Uhmm, I guess thanks for words of encouragement and to those that razzed me, good job on that too. Goodness knows I need a kick in the pants here and there.

But seriously, I intended this to be just a rant, one time thing, just a few responses and have it fester in the old parts of the forum to die. *chuckles*

How do I delete this thing? Or now that I made it, I'm stuck with it?

I seriously didn't think folks were still reading and responding to this gripe.

Again, to those who offered me a shoulder, thanks, and to those who set to deflate my ego, lest my head get too big, thanks too.

So, yeah, you can stop now. Points taken, received...

Or you can keep posting I guess, but I'm leaving this old thing to the wayside.

Seriously, how do I kill it, though?


PS: IGNORE ME! *chuckles*

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



simply send a pm to mod 8 asking him to lock the thread , where upon it will eventually sink away until the forum forgets



Im wondering why someone hasnt done an intervention on you for making a petless mastermind, you sick sick sick sick person you.