Impossible Customization Requests




Hopefully this is the right forum for this.

What are your "impossible" requests for customization? The things that you'd really like but don't see the Devs willing/able to implement in the game?

For me ....

1. Power point animation changes. I want to have the option of having my power come from a device instead of hands or mouth. I want a Sonic Blaster who uses a gun to blast out waves of sonic devastation. I want a Force Field Defender who uses a magic wand to cast wards of protection for her teammates, etc ...

2. Pool power customization. I want the option of using a magic wand in place of a tricorder for the medicine pool or some kind of surf board or magical carpet for flight, a motor cycle animation for SS, etc ... a pogo stick for super jump!

3. Pet customization Extreme. I want to be able to have Phantom Army and Phantasm be physical doubles of my Illusion Controllers. (Imagine how cool it'd be if a translucent version of your toon was blasting away at the bad guys alongside you!) I want to be able to make Thugs or Mercs look identical to my toons as well. My Necro MM Corpse Groom wants to be able to dress his zombies up as his "best men" ... I want the option of making Bots look different for my alien super genius as compared to the retro creations of my early 20th Century mad inventor ...

Some of these things are probably just flat out impossible for the Game Engine. Others are probably things the Devs just think there's not an audience who'd appreciate it, but that's my wish list ...

What's yours?

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



I'd like to see more evidence of our attacks on our targets, especially after we've kill- er, arrested them. Ice attacks should leave targets pale and frosted, as well as the enviroment for AoEs. Fire attacks should leave smoke and small fires, and of course, the fire and ice effects should cancel each other out. Electric attacks should leave their targets twitching on the ground. Rad attacks should leave them glowing. Anyone done in by an arrow should be pinned to the wall or nearest object. Sonic attacks should leave them vibrating. Energy attacks should blast them to atoms- um, arrest them to atoms.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I'd like to see more evidence of our attacks on our targets, especially after we've kill- er, arrested them. Ice attacks should leave targets pale and frosted, as well as the enviroment for AoEs. Fire attacks should leave smoke and small fires, and of course, the fire and ice effects should cancel each other out. Electric attacks should leave their targets twitching on the ground. Rad attacks should leave them glowing. Anyone done in by an arrow should be pinned to the wall or nearest object. Sonic attacks should leave them vibrating. Energy attacks should blast them to atoms- um, arrest them to atoms.
This. I'd love to see a little more evidence that battles with insane superpowers have just taken place. Obviously, going from a game with a non-destructible environment to one with a wholly destructible environment would be nigh impossible coding wise, but some flames, ice shards, glowing radioactive bodies, and corpses stuck like pincushions would be ideal.



More interaction of powers.... If a group of people were in a patch of ice and a fire blaster hits the area the ice should melt to water... hit it again and it boils... throw in an elec power and they are all fried.



Along those lines, how about walls getting cracked when bodies fly into them? Or glass shattering? Parts of the ceiling falling from attacks. Lights getting shattered by sonic attacks, leaving the map area dimmer. Parts of the place catch on fire. Sprinkler systems coming on. Cave-ins that require you to blast your way out if someone uses a “nuke” power near an opening. All inside the maps, of course.

How about a space combat map? A TF that takes place in space so that you need to meet at a rocket launch site. I’d love to see a set of missions that make you account for zero-G combat and then, once you click a glowie, you get gravity (or near earth gravity). Battle on Mars. Heck, battle for Mars or the Moon (or moon station). TF to destroy a Moon-Based laser that will destabilize the planet core or something. Give folks a temp power of Increase Density if they complete the TF.



weapon sheathes, pistol holsters, customizable straps and such for gear.

"Scrappers don't want the bit of dignity that Brutes left them taken away by (lol)Stalkers." -Delta_Strider, on Stalker buffs.

Current Project: Hard Goodbye, StJ/Nin
Retired: Blitzwulf, Claws/Nin (50); Perdition's Blade, Night Widow (50)



Originally Posted by Blitzwulf View Post
weapon sheathes, pistol holsters, customizable straps and such for gear.
I second this with the very essence of my being.

Also: Regular rifles for arachnos soldiers

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



All the ones I can think of have already been mentioned but I wanted to reiterate (even though this is purely wishful thinking) the original poster's idea of having more direct control over the animation. All of my blasters are magic because I can't make a natural blaster and justify fire coming out of his mouth with no bottle of high proof alcohol paired with a lighter to be seen.

Just like I can't stand the fact that my natural tank has the inexplicable ability to jump as far and high as he does... but I'm not going to go without a travel power and it still looks more "natural" than him flying lol.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



One thing I'd like to see is animations for Procs.

For example: you slot a chance for fire damage into an attack. You use the attack, the proc goes off, and the target is set ablaze akin to being hit by Scorch or Council Marksman incendiary rounds.

I think it would add a nice bit of customization to characters.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
More interaction of powers.... If a group of people were in a patch of ice and a fire blaster hits the area the ice should melt to water... hit it again and it boils... throw in an elec power and they are all fried.
This would just be awesome. I would jump up and down to see this put into effect.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I'd love to see Origin specific resists.

Robots who are resistance to PSI attacks, at the cost of possibly taking more damage from Electric based Energy attacks.

Stuff like that.

It can be purely optional too. But should also have a corresponding weakness attached.

+30 PSI resist = -30% Electrical Energy Resist (as an example). You could choose to leave the toon as is, or take this option.

I'd also love to see dual origins.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd love to see Origin specific resists.

Robots who are resistance to PSI attacks, at the cost of possibly taking more damage from Electric based Energy attacks.

Stuff like that.

It can be purely optional too. But should also have a corresponding weakness attached.

+30 PSI resist = -30% Electrical Energy Resist (as an example). You could choose to leave the toon as is, or take this option.

I'd also love to see dual origins.
Absolutely, this. 30 might be a bit strong. 5 would be more reasonable, to keep people from min/maxing their origin with whatever damage type is most common. It would be nice if Origin had some greater effect on your character than what store you shop at. Let's face it, unless you're lighting on Oil Slick, those silly Origin powers we all start with are little more than clutter.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Allow mastermind ninja pets to get ninja run so my mastermin will be complete.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I'd rather they NOT make Fire and Ice powers cancel each other out. That would lead to unnecessary griefing ("harhar, i melt ur ice u noobz!"), players being discriminated against on teams ("Sorry, you can't team with us. Your fire powers will break my ice powers."), and players building borked characters ("WTF, my Fire/Ice Blaster can't do anything!!!").

Given the short duration of our power effects, it's unlikely that extreme heat would mess with the ice powers or extreme cold with the fire powers anyway. Seriously, do you know how cold it would have to be for a human being to be flash-frozen in a block of ice?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I think we were talking about Fire and Ice canceling each other out cosmetically, not actually reversing holds or damage.

...although it could be kinds fun. Ice Storm + Hot Feet = Steamy Mist

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



I'd like to see damage based on animation time + recharge time + end cost and the customizable part would be allowing the player to choose between a selection of pre-set animations with times set from low to high and then have a slider for minimum/maximum recharge and minimum/maximum end costs that are player setable.

The animation selected + your selected recharge + selected endurance costs determines your damage per cast. Probably not a feasible but it would make the game much more customizable.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Aura for weapons!

And the ability to choose between -any- animation of the same time. the "right" aura would have to be added automatically, depending on the set. o_o

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Brawl to be turned into the I Win Button.

What? You said "Impossible." =P

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



I would love to see damage on the city and the environment. That would be insanely cool.

Perhaps combined with cleaning/repair crews of NPCs that showed up and put everything back in order after a while.

I would also love to be able to do anything that actually affected events, storyline, politics ... anything in the city. I am a little frustrated by constantly saving the world but deep within knowing that I made no difference whatsoever



Oh I wouldn't say all of those are impossible... Council troops includeoness with Sonic waepons so the tech/coding exists. Same with wands on certain magic characters. Love the body double PA and Phamtasm idea but that may take the devs some doing to code but doesn't seem impossible to do either. From what I understand cars, motorcycles, and planes are not gong to happen.. not sure why but apparently the coding would be a nightmare. LOL I like the pogo stick but no idea what it may require to code that... how about some boots with springs that pop out of the bottom.. ALA Inspector Gadget?

Overall I like the idea and woouldn't mind those as added options at all :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd love to see Origin specific resists.

Robots who are resistance to PSI attacks, at the cost of possibly taking more damage from Electric based Energy attacks.

Stuff like that.

It can be purely optional too. But should also have a corresponding weakness attached.

+30 PSI resist = -30% Electrical Energy Resist (as an example). You could choose to leave the toon as is, or take this option.

I'd also love to see dual origins.
I'd actually like this except I'd probably set it up like pre-set 'tiles' that you'd place ontop of whatever character you want to flavor. So you'd have the above example of the Robot tile which would have some +res to psi and lethal but a slight reduction to smashing and a weakness to energy.

But to lessen the opportunity of this being 'gamed', I'd actually say apply the tile 'after' powers and caps are calculated. So if you choose electric armor (which can go over the cap for energy damage resists), it would apply the -res of the tile after that so you'd always end up below the cap vs energy.

Other tiles would be Fey (maybe +energy def, +energy resist, -lethal resists?), Ghost (+smashing/lethal resist, -psy def/resist) etc.

Then I'd say perhaps extend these tiles to powers. For starters, electric attacks should automatically do additional energy damage vs robots (no idea why it doesn't right now). But then you can choose attack tiles like Impervium (your weapon is made of a material that can cut advanced armor so additional dmg vs [whatever tileset advanced armor includes]), Wolfsbane (vs werewolves and [whatever other tileset that may be included], you apply additional debuffs with your attacks), Ghost slayer (+ToHit and additional dmg vs ghosts and [insert whatever other tileset to include]), etc., sounded kinda cool in my head but rather confusing thinking it up. It'd only be interesting if there were a wide variety of tiles and they were placed on enemies too.

[EDIT] Thinking further on a hypothetical, if you take an Elec Armor character and have an Electric Blaster shoot at him, the armor character won't feel a thing, most likely. But if the Elec Armor character was a Robot (and -res to energy) and the blaster had, oh Impervium (so additional dmg vs advanced armor foes/robots) plus the additional dmg elec should do vs robots, the blaster *might* actually put up a fight.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'd actually like this except I'd probably set it up like pre-set 'tiles' that you'd place ontop of whatever character you want to flavor. So you'd have the above example of the Robot tile which would have some +res to psi and lethal but a slight reduction to smashing and a weakness to energy.

But to lessen the opportunity of this being 'gamed', I'd actually say apply the tile 'after' powers and caps are calculated. So if you choose electric armor (which can go over the cap for energy damage resists), it would apply the -res of the tile after that so you'd always end up below the cap vs energy.

Other tiles would be Fey (maybe +energy def, +energy resist, -lethal resists?), Ghost (+smashing/lethal resist, -psy def/resist) etc.

Then I'd say perhaps extend these tiles to powers. For starters, electric attacks should automatically do additional energy damage vs robots (no idea why it doesn't right now). But then you can choose attack tiles like Impervium (your weapon is made of a material that can cut advanced armor so additional dmg vs [whatever tileset advanced armor includes]), Wolfsbane (vs werewolves and [whatever other tileset that may be included], you apply additional debuffs with your attacks), Ghost slayer (+ToHit and additional dmg vs ghosts and [insert whatever other tileset to include]), etc., sounded kinda cool in my head but rather confusing thinking it up. It'd only be interesting if there were a wide variety of tiles and they were placed on enemies too.

[EDIT] Thinking further on a hypothetical, if you take an Elec Armor character and have an Electric Blaster shoot at him, the armor character won't feel a thing, most likely. But if the Elec Armor character was a Robot (and -res to energy) and the blaster had, oh Impervium (so additional dmg vs advanced armor foes/robots) plus the additional dmg elec should do vs robots, the blaster *might* actually put up a fight.
I just used an example. Not really what would be the best numbers for such a thing.

I just like the idea for concept purposes. A robot (that isn't truely sentient), just shouldn't be hurt by mental blasts (but TK style ones sure).

I'm sure the right numbers could be figured out, and I think it would add more dimension to the game.

I just used the +30 and -30 percentages, as I figure every bonus should have an equal negative, so people don't go the min/max route and we all of a sudden see (for instance) City of Robot Heroes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I just used an example. Not really what would be the best numbers for such a thing.

I just like the idea for concept purposes. A robot (that isn't truely sentient), just shouldn't be hurt by mental blasts (but TK style ones sure).

I'm sure the right numbers could be figured out, and I think it would add more dimension to the game.

I just used the +30 and -30 percentages, as I figure every bonus should have an equal negative, so people don't go the min/max route and we all of a sudden see (for instance) City of Robot Heroes.
Well, I was just thinking out loud before I got a wink of sleep so I was kinda groggy....

But as I was falling asleep, it got me thinking about some of the concepts you could use:

-Thought it'd be awesome to make a specialized Psychic Exorcist who had psy blasts amended with the [Ghost Slayer] trait. Yeah you wouldn't do much dmg to robots but you'd completely murder ghosts and undead.

-Same thing but with a Broadsword user. Now, even though your damage is resisted because they're [Ghosts], you'd still tear through them decently because your sword is a [Ghost Slayer] sword and zombies fall under the [Ghost Slayer] tags so you'd really rip them apart.

-My Katana/SR uses a 'wooden sword' but I'd put the [Impervium] tag on him so he'd be able to manage decent dmg vs robots and armored foes too because that's his concept >_>

Now thinking about it, if there were enough tags (like 15 for defenses and another 10-15 for attacks), it'd probably be too complicated to 'min/max' because you'd end up vulnerable to *something* but then...yeah, it's really, overly yeah



Patron Pool Customization....yeah not impossible, but apparently not going to happen regardless...

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Changing facial expressions. It's not noticeable when zoomed out. But in close-ups, the moving human-shaped figures with frozen faces really creeps me out.