The "Loyalty" Program




Hrm... I just realized that I didn't get the 'vigilant' badge, which means that they must have counted the 2 minutes that my account lapsed while I was switching from month to month to prepaying for a year against me. Which is sort of ironic because it would strike me that prepaying for a year shows a heckuva lot more 'loyalty' than paying month to month, but whatever.

I guess I have no chance to being involved in the 'Going Rogue' Beta.

This will certainly affect whether or not I decide to ever pay another dime to NCSoft for anything.



A community rep has said you can get a help ticket going to solve the issue if you were supposed to get the loyalty program badge but were not issued one.

There probably is something you can do about this so don't get upset and give up just yet.

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Well, I knew under the criteria right they established for the program when it happened that this might be a possibility. Technically allowing the account to 'lapse' was my fault, because when I switched it over, I didn't change the payment method correctly. I stopped the first payment and then added a new payment, which meant that my account wasn't active during the period of time.

I can't really blame them for my error.

I can be annoyed that they chose such an arbitrary and pointless method for selecting people to be eligible for the Beta play, but I can't blame them for something that essentially I caused.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I can be annoyed that they chose such an arbitrary and pointless method for selecting people to be eligible for the Beta play

Bzzzt. WRONG.

The method wasn't pointless or arbitrary. The regular price of a Windows Client game these days hovers between $30 to $50. By basing Going Rogue beta access against a 3month time period, Paragon Studios garenteed that a select portion of the gaming base who might check out other games paid into this price range. That's not arbitrary, and that's far from pointless.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Well, I knew under the criteria right they established for the program when it happened that this might be a possibility. Technically allowing the account to 'lapse' was my fault, because when I switched it over, I didn't change the payment method correctly. I stopped the first payment and then added a new payment, which meant that my account wasn't active during the period of time.

I can't really blame them for my error.

I can be annoyed that they chose such an arbitrary and pointless method for selecting people to be eligible for the Beta play, but I can't blame them for something that essentially I caused.
Send a petition. One of my friends lapsed for two hours due to incorrect figuring (she was at work when she lapsed, thinking she had time to input a time card after work), and they fixed her up.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The method wasn't pointless or arbitrary. The regular price of a Windows Client game these days hovers between $30 to $50. By basing Going Rogue beta access against a 3month time period, Paragon Studios garenteed that a select portion of the gaming base who might check out other games paid into this price range. That's not arbitrary, and that's far from pointless.
Okay. If you say so.



just try the ticket and see, was it a sizeable lapse or a few minutes? they are human and understand that stuff happens, you didnt intend to drop the game. I certainly wouldn't guarantee anything, but can it really hurt?

edit, in rereading im pretty sure that wouldnt be held against you, i did a similar thing with my credit card(expiration date was coming up), and got my badge, so just call customer support and give it a shot, it sounds like you would be in the clear.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Bzzzt. WRONG.

The method wasn't pointless or arbitrary. The regular price of a Windows Client game these days hovers between $30 to $50. By basing Going Rogue beta access against a 3month time period, Paragon Studios garenteed that a select portion of the gaming base who might check out other games paid into this price range. That's not arbitrary, and that's far from pointless.
Sure, it's their call to make the program work the way they want it to, but it still sticks in my craw. I've been playing this game for years, and bought up the "pay for six months and get a month free" deal last holiday season. I even bought another month after that to keep playing through August. But then I had to let my account lapse for a few weeks because I was a little short on funds at the beginning of the school year.

At the end of those few weeks? I'm back for another "six months for seven" period. But I'm still screwed out of the loyalty program because of some arbitrary setting they chose.

It doesn't bother me that much, as I did get a deal on those "pay six for seven" things, and I get veteran rewards, etc. But it does seem silly that I was active for pretty much the whole year around and during this loyalty program, and I don't get anything out of it. And I highly doubt I'm the only one that's getting the short end with this.

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Sure, it's their call to make the program work the way they want it to, but it still sticks in my craw. I've been playing this game for years, and bought up the "pay for six months and get a month free" deal last holiday season. I even bought another month after that to keep playing through August. But then I had to let my account lapse for a few weeks because I was a little short on funds at the beginning of the school year.

At the end of those few weeks? I'm back for another "six months for seven" period. But I'm still screwed out of the loyalty program because of some arbitrary setting they chose.

It doesn't bother me that much, as I did get a deal on those "pay six for seven" things, and I get veteran rewards, etc. But it does seem silly that I was active for pretty much the whole year around and during this loyalty program, and I don't get anything out of it. And I highly doubt I'm the only one that's getting the short end with this.
well, any system is going to have some scheduling conflicts. the timing was kind of blatant, the first superhero mmo came out in competition, and they were hedgeing their bets to make sure that they retained subscribers through the usual length of time people try new mmos, around 2-3 months(not sure if this stat still stands, warhammer and conan pancaked fast, aion seems to be keeping momentum though and champs, no numbers released but the pop seems steady when i play). as you said, your funds were tight, it happens, particularly now, and is perfectly understandable, but if they picked any timeframe that could happen, and this timeframe was seemingly picked for a very specific reason. there is no reason to be ticked with them, life simply happened, and no matter when they had tried it, life could have happened with the same discourtesy, its not their fault.

besides, noting your join date, do you have 60 months yet? that was the first tier, so the whole loyalty thing is superfluous to them other than the badge, which looks cool but is purely cosmetic.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Hrm... I just realized that I didn't get the 'vigilant' badge, which means that they must have counted the 2 minutes that my account lapsed while I was switching from month to month to prepaying for a year against me.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, it sounds like your account never lapsed. Did you do the following:
1) Cancel automatic monthly billing.
2) Wait until AFTER the paid month expired, so that you could not in fact log into the game.
If you didn't do that, then it didn't lapse.

What it SOUNDS like you did is cancel monthly billing and immediately (within the hour) switch to yearly billing. Unless your monthly subscription actually EXPIRED during that time period, your account did not lapse at any time. So, if I've understood correctly, file a petition and you WILL get the badge. You're not the only person that has had an issue with the badge awarding and they can easily look up the information to verify your eligibility.

I guess I have no chance to being involved in the 'Going Rogue' Beta.

This will certainly affect whether or not I decide to ever pay another dime to NCSoft for anything.
sheesh. A little less drama queen, please.

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Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
I guess I have no chance to being involved in the 'Going Rogue' Beta.
You are mistaken.

According to the official Loyalty Program announcement, you will also have a chance to take part in the Going Rogue beta testing if you pre-order the expansion.

Also, I urge you to contact support to resolve this issue. It seems to me that it was a slight error and you should have been eligible for the Vigilant/Determined badge.

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I can vouch for "It's possible to get Vigilant/Determined by sending a support ticket". More likely than not, they have a senior CS representative check the tickets on a case by case basis, but it is definitely possible to get the situation resolved. I was banned for 5 days during the Loyatly Program period due to a mixup between the NCSoft store and my bank when I was purchasing Xunlai Storage Panes for Guild Wars. They unbanned me after realizing it was their mistake (and they refunded the money I spent on the Xunlai Storage Pane, and let me keep it, too), but I didn't get Vigilant/Determined when the Loyalty Program badges were handed out. One support ticket later, and I had the badges on my characters.



Why contact support and possibly get the "issue" resolved when you can instead witch and moan about it? What are you all thinking??

In my opinion the only thing wrong with the program was it's name. I have no problem with them wanting to lock in customers and offering goodies to do so. Specially during that time period. I have no problem with them making a set of rules to determine who gets the goodies. You have to make rules unless everyone gets them. I have no problem with the goodies given away.. 'cept that I don't really care about any of them. *shrug* I was already paid up for that time period anyway...

But the name... To me that is an issue.

It's silly to be giving a "Loyalty" badge to someone who had been away from the game for a year but returned to take advantage of that offer.

It's silly to give a "Loyalty" badge to someone who had just gotten their first 6 months in but not to someone who has 5+ years but happened to miss a week for whatever reason. 1 week out of 260???

It's silly to give the badge to someone who joined the promotion just because they were in another games beta and didn't like it so reluctantly returned here...

But to me the problem isn't giving A badge to them but not others, but in calling it a "Loyalty" badge. Call it a "Wise Investor" badge or "Patron of the City" badge or whatever... I think at least SOME of the complaints would never have happened. I think some people who didn't get it are honestly annoyed that some who questionably do/do not deserve the "Loyalty" title got it while some who probably deserved it didn't...


Just my rambling.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Well, I knew under the criteria right they established for the program when it happened that this might be a possibility. Technically allowing the account to 'lapse' was my fault, because when I switched it over, I didn't change the payment method correctly. I stopped the first payment and then added a new payment, which meant that my account wasn't active during the period of time.
Um - was there still playtime on your account?

What I mean is, was your account *down* (got a notice it was no longer active?) Because I did the exact same thing - but my billing period wasn't over yet. (Gametime expired the month after, but I'd switched to six month for the six-plus-one deal.)

If the second is the case, your account did *not* "lapse." It was active that entire time.

(Since I think that might not be completely clear, this is what I mean:

Joe is typically on the three month plan. Say it was due to expire October 15th. On October 7, Joe cancels billing, picks the new payment method - six month - and reenter billing. Yes, for two minutes, there's no billing and no way to renew... but Joe's account did not lapse, it was still active that entire time. If that's your situation, you did not lapse. Lack of billing info is not lack of active account. This, btw, is what I did, and I got the badges.

Now, if Joe tried to log in Oct. 15th, and got the message "your account has expired," then put in billing info - sure, there's (say) a two hour lapse there, but I'd call that petitionable.

If Joe didn't try 'til November 14th... yeah, lapse, no recourse, IMHO.)



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Why contact support and possibly get the "issue" resolved when you can instead witch and moan about it? What are you all thinking??

In my opinion the only thing wrong with the program was it's name. I have no problem with them wanting to lock in customers and offering goodies to do so. Specially during that time period. I have no problem with them making a set of rules to determine who gets the goodies. You have to make rules unless everyone gets them. I have no problem with the goodies given away.. 'cept that I don't really care about any of them. *shrug* I was already paid up for that time period anyway...

But the name... To me that is an issue.

It's silly to be giving a "Loyalty" badge to someone who had been away from the game for a year but returned to take advantage of that offer.

It's silly to give a "Loyalty" badge to someone who had just gotten their first 6 months in but not to someone who has 5+ years but happened to miss a week for whatever reason. 1 week out of 260???

It's silly to give the badge to someone who joined the promotion just because they were in another games beta and didn't like it so reluctantly returned here...

But to me the problem isn't giving A badge to them but not others, but in calling it a "Loyalty" badge. Call it a "Wise Investor" badge or "Patron of the City" badge or whatever... I think at least SOME of the complaints would never have happened. I think some people who didn't get it are honestly annoyed that some who questionably do/do not deserve the "Loyalty" title got it while some who probably deserved it didn't...


Just my rambling.
Loyalty can be defined in many different ways

Time is one.
Resisting temptations is another . . . . . .

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I ran afoul of this too. My account lapsed for a couple of days due to a lost wallet and a lapse in the bank sending me my new debit card. I Did file the petion, but was told no.

I don't much like it but I've learned to live with it.

I am a bit sad though. I was in CoH and CoV betas. I've been a customer for well more than half the time CoH has existed. GR will be the FIRST game in the string I won't be in the beta for (Except obviously the last tier preorder.

Again, I'm sad about it, but that's life. For one reason or another I failed to fulfill their criteria, so it is what it is.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

(Since I think that might not be completely clear, this is what I mean:

Joe is typically on the three month plan. Say it was due to expire October 15th. On October 7, Joe cancels billing, picks the new payment method - six month - and reenter billing. Yes, for two minutes, there's no billing and no way to renew... but Joe's account did not lapse, it was still active that entire time. If that's your situation, you did not lapse. Lack of billing info is not lack of active account. This, btw, is what I did, and I got the badges.

Now, if Joe tried to log in Oct. 15th, and got the message "your account has expired," then put in billing info - sure, there's (say) a two hour lapse there, but I'd call that petitionable.

If Joe didn't try 'til November 14th... yeah, lapse, no recourse, IMHO.)

Wait.... I don't get it... who's Joe?


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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Loyalty can be defined in many different ways

Time is one.
Resisting temptations is another . . . . . .
True enough.

Though CoH certainly didn't not-reward those who dipped their wick in another game yet continued playing here as well. I don't think Mrs. Woods would call that loyalty

All in all, I'm not a beta tester, I'm not a badger... I could care less about the goodies. Still, I understand some peoples frustrations over this even if I am a bit tired of the complaining.

Loyal can be someone who is always there.
Loyal can be one who does not stray.
Loyal can be one who always returns.
Loyal can also be one who doesn't overlook someone just because of a minor lapse...

Like I said, my only problem is with the name of the program/badge - I'd like to think loyalty was a two way street.



What I would like to know is that while the OP's two minute lapse seems harsh, was my access denial due to a three day lapse justified?

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City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Is it just the lack of a badge that is bothering the few of you?

Or is it the lack of beta access?

It's just a badge, nothing to get worked up over. And the beta access isn't being denied to anyone. People will just get it later than others.

There's probably some people who meet all the requirements to get into beta first thing, who never will. ANd probably prefere to wait till it's released.

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This probably won't make the OP feel better but I have two accounts that have met the loyalty requirements (That's two beta invites) and I decided to cancel the sub on one of them because I had to make financial adjustments to cover my heating oil bill this month. I'll just have to settle for playing in the beta on only one account. *sigh*



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
This probably won't make the OP feel better but I have two accounts that have met the loyalty requirements (That's two beta invites) and I decided to cancel the sub on one of them because I had to make financial adjustments to cover my heating oil bill this month. I'll just have to settle for playing in the beta on only one account. *sigh*
Being warm > beta invite



The win in the thread comes from the fact that some people seem to think the Loyalty program is the only way to get into beta, or is even going to be preferred early access. Chances are, the people allowed in will come a lot later in the cycle than the earliest waves, and there's nothing that says you people who feel you "deserve" access won't get in for one of those earlier waves.

Although if the decision were up to me, I'd say the self righteous whining here would preclude those people from beta access.

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